
Judge the Dystopia IV (The World of Fate)

"Train with Onee-sama, it'll be fun!" they said, yeah…right.

That was the solitary thought that was running through Raizo's mind as he found himself fighting against Kimiko once more. It felt like hours had passed since they first began in this blank canvas-like space within the Chaldea base. After drilling a harsh lesson pointing out the flaws of the youth's combat style through a brutal hypnotism struggle, the One-Cut Killer helped him discover the birth of a new ability through his eyesight. Explaining the neurological network of the body among other helpful concepts sounded simplistic on paper but putting it into action was an entirely different story.

Having a heart-to-heart conversation with the woman allotted him to have peace of mind so he was able to face her without any "force". As his eyes glimmered with the garnet hue indicating his enhanced eyesight, he held Vajra in his hand once more calmly observing his sparring target before him.

"Remember, you're trying to anticipate my moves before I even make them. I'm going to be coming at you at a level you should be able to handle. No special moves or anything, we're going with pure combative ability. Ready?" Kimiko asked, slowly pulling out her knife from her jacket.

"Ready, Nee-sama," Raizo nodded.

The red-eyed female hunkered down slowly setting herself up to lunge forward at the youth before her. Taking the hint, the Stormbringer took a quick breath and observed Kimiko's posture. In his vision, he could see the nervous system of the knife user thus allowing him to trace the electrical signals being sent from her brain towards the various muscles located within her body. Going by this perception, he could see that she was going to come directly towards him by a few paces. Kimiko did just that in an instant. By reading how those same brain waves were being sent to her arm, he perceived that she would swing her arm with the blade in hand in a horizontal arcing motion as if she was going to decapitate him. Once more, Kimiko followed through with what Raizo was predicting.

In a snaking motion, Raizo bent backward to let the knife swing over him then swiveled to the right in a partial-S curve to bring his blade around and counter going for the opening that Kimi gave him. She swiftly switched hands with her blade thrusting the knife out to meet the Stormbringer's blow leading to a loud clanging noise to leak out from the meeting of steel. From there, she went for an opening down below swinging her leg in an arc to try and trip the youth up. The young male was able to see this move ahead of time by a fraction of a second, jumping back away from the range of her leg swing before dashing around from the other side again.

"Good, you're getting the hang of it," Kimiko nodded approvingly, "But you have to change your tactics."

As the red-eyed child of thunder went to strike with his blade from the right side again, Kimi readjusted her posture and raised one finger rending the motion of the attack dead.

You had to channel Aniki's move didn't you?

Coming to terms with that quick block reminded Raizo of when Akaro negated his attack back in Fuyuki City when they first arrived on the dead planet. Then he vividly remembered the shutdown that was delivered after that. Shaking his head to clear his mind of that thought, he had little time to dodge Kimi's thrust with her knife that was intended to seemingly pierce his chest. With a marginally successful evasion, the boy had to quickly refocus his attention.

Kimiko walked towards him slowly as her fearsome eyesight locked with his. She marched upon him like death or a ghost from the afterlife coming to haunt him which sent a strong chill down the boy's spine. A bead of sweat trickled down his face, but Raizo had to steel himself. This sentiment was indicated by the tightening grip on the hilt of his sword. His garnet eyes locked in on her trying to read what her next move would be.

"Let's change things up a little," Kimiko uttered with a slightly menacing tone about her.

The girl took her freehand and reached inside her jacket pulling out a second knife. She flipped both blades around in her hands adjusting herself to a dual-wielding setup whilst getting herself used to the weight of both blades. Seeing this change led the Stormbringer to step back a bit surprised by the sudden move on her part. Reading her brain waves again, he saw that her next move would be involving her arms but he found himself having difficulty trying to understand how the motion would come about.

Something else changed…but…I don't understand what it is. I'm in trouble now.

Kimi swung her right hand then her left as slashes of condensed astral energy rippled out and approached the boy. Going off of instinct alone, Raizo dashed around to avoid the oncoming strikes. As the two waves passed by him and dissipated, he figured he was in the clear for a bit but when he focused on the woman's advancing position again…

What the hell?!

When the Crimson Harbinger cast his gaze over the figure of the advancing silhouette, he could not help but to notice the glaring disturbance of her visage. The anomaly caused him to be completely distracted and lower his guard momentarily because of how bizarre it was. The reason being was that Kimiko Hanate did not have her arms attached to her body anymore.

"What's the matter, Raizo? You need to keep paying attention," the girl criticized in a flat tone. She knew exactly how she looked in her opponent's eyes. She could see her own reflection in the child's irises.

The woman was using her arms to generate an optical illusion in which it would seem like more than a thousand knives were bearing down on her opponent's position. In reality, all she was doing was just fancily twirling both weapons around her body like she was an acrobatic performer at a carnival. Layered underneath that trick was the simple fact that she was sending out projectiles of astral energy with each rapid movement of her arms. As a result, her foe would see a thousand illusionary thrusts with her knives as a cover for countless attacks utilizing concentrated energy waves.

Raizo gritted his teeth as his muscles tensed from the intimidating sight that he beheld. He continued to step back away from the advancing woman before him in order to take in a bigger visual. At first glance, all he could see were the thousands of blades coming towards him. His first instinct was to dash around in order to evade but something was instructed him against that impulse. In the narrow moments before the energy waves hit him, he quickly focused his attention to gauge what was really happening.

The knives being sent his way were indeed illusionary as he could see that her arms were just being directed to move about in a crazy motion at a speed he was all but accustomed to experiencing. However, there was something more to behold because of the fact that whenever her arms arced over her chest…something else was being released. By impulse, Raizo side stepped to the left feeling a condensed wave of pressure flow past him momentarily.

Using astral energy again?

The youth then found himself having a frantic spree of evasive maneuvers as the discharged waves barreled past him in rapid succession. In his sights, it was like the ocean had poured into the room and he was just trying to surf over the rising tide that sought to sweep him away. He moved around the consuming attacks one after the other barely having the time to try and perceive his trainer's next move. At this point in time, he was condemned to a defensive position.

Without any further delay, Kimiko kicked off of the ground instantly closing the gap between her and the boy as she quickly brought one of her knives around to strike. Clumsily, the boy raised his blade to his right side above his shoulder to block her initial attack; however, his poor posture led to his blade being overturned by her strength. This gave her the edge for the next onslaught of moves utilizing her martial arts with her weapons.

The boy was essentially pushed back without further delay. Kimiko's whirlwind of attacks with her knives kept Raizo sliding back on his feet as the boy tried to brace himself behind his guard. He kept two hands on his weapon at all times while the girl just swung her knives around beating him back. Ruthlessly she unleashed her strikes causing him to feel like his sword would split at any given moment. She performed slashing combos from side to side then driving attacks from above and below at the same time. Eventually she had him pinned down so bad that the Stormbringer actually dropped down to one knee praying that his guard would not break.

The child gritted his teeth in frustration as the strength to hold on began to fade away. As his garnet eyes were gazing up towards his opponent, he could hardly maintain the concentration necessary to keep up. From his point of view, there was nothing but a barrage of movement that his enhanced sight could not afford to keep up with. It was then that his eye sockets began to burn feeling his head pound from an oncoming headache. At that point, Raizo severed the connection by closing his eyes due to fear which allowed the skilled goddess to overturn his blade using her knives. This action was swiftly followed by the girl turning on her heel delivering a swift roundhouse kick to his chest sending him flying into the barrier she created. Fortunately, he just bounced off of it before landing face first onto the ground.

Vajra slid across the floor away from the lightning user's grip. The youth raised himself off of the floor slowly but surely. In that instant, the girl rushed him and threw one of her knives down into the ground just mere inches away from his skull. This startled him causing the youth to sit up instantaneously before he saw the girl standing over him with a disapproving stare.

"That was beyond pathetic. Words cannot describe my level of disappointment in you right now, Raizo," Kimi harshly criticized while reaching down to pick up the knife and tucking them both away for the moment.

"I-I'm sorry, Nee-sama…" the former blood wolf responded meekly casting his gaze down towards the floor as his eyes returned to their normal crimson color.

"Sorry doesn't cut it. If that was a real battle, you would have died without putting up much of a fight. I was taking it easy on you at first so you could adjust but the moment I barely increased my fighting potential to what may have been equal to your combat abilities in your Heart of the Storm state, you froze."

"I…I didn't...or…I tried not to…"

"You froze like a damn danger beast caught in head lights. Don't try to downplay that with me. You let yourself get overwhelmed too easily and you read too much into using your new eyesight."

"It's not like I'm used to these eyes! I mean, how many hours has it been since you even made me aware of this ability in the first place? I can't just master it overnight when I'm not even used to fighting in that manner to begin with."

"Surely Akaro, Akame, or even Adena told you at some point in time that you have to learn how to adapt and be flexible in battle in past training sessions. You're an assassin, that much should be ingratiated in your mindset."

"If I was trying to kill someone then yes but it's not like that could help me when I'm fighting a superior opponent…especially someone like you!"

Kimiko let out a sigh while rubbing the bridge of her nose and shaking her head. Despite of his past experiences and everything she and the others have taught him thus far, the inspiration didn't fully take its roots.

He's still young…but I have to be hard on him for his sake.

"Just because your foe has overwhelming strength doesn't mean that they don't have a weakness you can exploit. Everything has flaws, Raizo. During that bit of a skirmish, there were at least 100 different moves you could have performed to take advantage of my attacks. In fact, that's what I was hoping you would do. However, I can see that there is something else that is holding you back when you fight."

"W-what do you mean?" the boy asked tilting his head curiously.

"You think too much and second guess every move you make. You also get used to one tactic then try to milk it for all its worth until it's derailed by your enemy. Then when that happens, you wind up being caught off guard because of the fact that you can't develop a contingency plan on instinct. Although it is important to have some foresight into what you should do, you are letting your instincts be suppressed by an overly tactical front. That's because you do not trust yourself in a fight nor believe or understand the full scope of your own abilities."

"But, if I'm not careful in how I fight, I could overexert myself and leave myself powerless if a situation changes. It's like back during the Pandora Conflict when all of those monsters were attacking the Capital and I overused my Heart of the Storm transformation in conjunction with the Crimson Thunder to fight."

"There's a difference between knowing when to use your strength and knowing how to use it in battle. If you place too much faith in any one particular technique, you leave yourself open to be read like a book by your foe. You have to learn how to be fluid and let your body take control. Read your opponent and adapt to how they fight using your own cleverness. Clear everything that isn't related to the fight out of your mind and trust yourself. Your instincts will take care of the rest."

"T-that's easier said than done…"

"Perhaps another demonstration is in order then. Get up Raizo, and come at me with everything you've got," Kimiko sighed before backtracking towards the center of the room.

"What again? That was a bad joke right? You're just baiting me because you're mad at me, don't insult me like that. Come on, Nee-sama!" Raizo whined as he quickly jumped to his feet.

"I'm being serious. Equip that armor, go all out with your highest transformation, pull out your fancy weapons and come at me. I'll show you just how easy it is to take advantage of one's flaws."

Raizo merely stood with a tense expression on his face looking away in annoyance and disapproval over the idea. Seeing this, Kimiko crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow.

"I'm only doing this because I want you to improve on yourself and have some better insight over how you can fight. The method may be something you aren't comfortable with but we have to take advantage of as much free time as we can get for your training."

"I know but…it's just…"

"Trust me, Raizo. This is to your benefit."

"….All right…I'll do it."

Raizo walked over and picked up Vajra and sheathed it at his side. He took a deep breath and wriggled the fingers on his left hand around. In that next moment, he balled that hand up into a fist. Responding to that action, the Janus armor awakened covering his body in the guise that he had been utilizing during his journey under the code name of 'Obsidian'. From there, the youth gathered his strength and fully transformed while adorning the armor as the red shading on the details were turned purple and the concentrated aura encircled his body. The density of his radiating aura gently shook the space inside the vector shielded area. He reached to one side and pulled out the blade that was encased in the amber scabbard.

She said not to hold anything back…so I guess I'll go with this.

"Morana…awaken," he uttered causing a miasmic glow to cover the blunt looking sword and transform it into a giant scythe ready for its role of reaping. However, he wasn't stopping there.

"Nirvana, come forth."

Stretching out his free hand, the angelic scythe that could be played as a guitar emerged with the dark crimson flames of hellfire spiraling around it. As he took it into his hand, he spun both weapons around despite of their sizes indicating they be wielded with two hands. He took a few deep breaths before directing his full attention to the woman standing before him.

The more I power up in front of you, the more insignificant I feel in your sight. Even if this is only training and you're trying to help me, I still can't help myself from being wholeheartedly terrified of you.

"Enter…Cosmic Foundry," the Stormbringer uttered abridging his chant once more to summon the alternate reality that engulfed the two within a massive multiverse of the boy's design.

Observing the bedazzled space that was composed of lightning blades, Kimiko merely nodded as she sensed the youth drawing out more and more of his innate strength; however, she still did not move from her spot nor did she remove her hands from her jacket pockets. Instead, she just continued to stand idly while waiting for the proper moment.

"This time I won't destroy this dimension in one hit. Make sure you take full advantage of this opportunity. Come at me, Crimson Harbinger."

With those challenging words uttered at him, Raizo tried to draw upon what little resolve he had left whilst gripping on the fully-awakened Morana and Nirvana before settling on his decision to attack. In a flash, he blasted off towards the woman before him with both blades in hand.

He swooped in swinging his hook-bladed weapons across like a pincer. However, Kimiko merely jumped up in the air to evade. Without delay, Raizo took off after her by hurling himself in the air after the girl swinging his two weapons around wildly in an effort to land a hit on the girl. Kimiko only danced around the onslaught of attacks with her eyes closed for a few seconds before she rushed forward at the speedster kneeing him in his abdomen. As the blow connected, Raizo's body folded over from the pain allowing the girl a chance to simply backhand him away from her sending him flying towards the ground.

The moment she dropped down to the surface, Raizo had barely managed to correct himself in the air and vanished in light before re-emerging from one of the blades that was stabbed into the ground behind the casual female. At that point, he rushed her from behind with both blades drawn taking advantage of his maximum speed potential while inside this dimensional space. As he closed in on her, Kimiko merely turned on her heel and dodged the first swing that came from Raizo's arm wielding Nirvana.

Upon realization that he missed, he disappeared once more before exiting from another lightning blade that was in Kimiko's blind spot. This time, he led his attack with Morana and tried to slash at her, but she dodged once more. The pattern of disappearing and reappearing instantaneously from the different blades carried on for a solid 30 seconds or so as the male tried to attack his opponent over and over again. During this brief time frame, the Stormbringer had taken approximately 100,000 approaches and failed each and every time. When he went for one more, Kimi merely stepped in-between the oncoming blades and grabbed onto them with a small glow from her hands halting the youth's advance.

With a single head butt, the Goddess-Above-All cracked Raizo's mask and split it in half before punching him in the chest sending him reeling back. The sheer force had the youth down on his knees once again before the girl. Tucking her hands back in her jacket, she just stood there tapping her foot.

"I'll give you one more attack then we'll be done with our session."

´´See? All of this is just completely pointless. I really am weak…but…I suppose I can pour everything I have left into one more attack.``

The armored assassin tightened his grip on his scythes and embraced a much needed breath to calm his nerves. He examined Kimiko's position carefully trying to read her body language. One more attack was all she was going to give him. That basically meant that he had to hold nothing back and just give it everything he's got.

You said you were going to show me how an enemy with overwhelming strength has a flaw…I already know I'm full of them. But if this is really to my benefit, then I guess I'll just use this. It's all I have left in me to do.

Crouching down to gather strength in his legs, Raizo leap high into the thunderous skies above soaring through the artificial cosmos of the multiverse he created. Using the instantaneous travel speed he had while being bound inside of this dimension, he traversed the space within all the way to edge of the multiverse with both blades in hand. As the Stormbringer approached the target's location, he dashed back down gathering all of the force and momentum from his speed and circulating it throughout his body before channeling the energy into his weapons. Descending at a diagonal angle, the youth swooped in which both scythes out moving to split the air in a wide arc.

"Kamui – Sundering Strike!"

Just before he approached her position, Kimiko stood by and watched the boy soar through the skies above her before feeling him coming back to strike. She took a small sigh and pulled one hand from her jacket while extending her fingers outward to generate an object. This object took the shape of a katana with mystical intrigue, a replica of an armament she was accustomed to.

``Normally I'd use Kiriichimonji to inflict wounds that would never heal on my opponent but since this is just a modified copy of it, I can achieve the purpose I need to. This might hurt a bit though.``

Kimiko's eyes changed colors to that mystical blue hue as she waited for her enemy to rapidly approach. She could feel his presence drawing nearer with each passing fractional instance of time in her head. It was then that the amethyst ghostlike youth approached with his fangs of death in hand. As the male descended towards her, the girl slid her legs apart holding her blade tightly. In her eyes, dark lines appeared like rifts torn in space over her target telling her where she could cut. Taking care not to sever anything that would lead to a fatal blow, she moved in one swift motion.

Kimiko placed on foot in front of the other. With both hands gripping her sword, she commanded her superior speed by moving her body in one fluid cut. Raizo's blades came around in a 270-degree horizontal arc. In the narrow gap before the pincer attack would close-in, the katana cut through. The motion of the crescent swing carried through slicing Raizo down his shoulder while the momentum flowed throughout his body before the steel object was lodged into the ground underneath. As she did this, the youth zipped past landing on the ground with full force. On impact, Cosmic Foundry shattered around them once again. In addition, his transformation was banished and his armor had broken for the second time instantaneously reverting to its basic glove form. Nirvana disappeared from his hands and Morana reverted back to a dull sword. The amber scabbard on the Stormbringer's waist called the blade home as a small dimensional rift sucked the blade back into its sheath. Raizo was left defenseless, unable to move, wheezing in pain and agony while coughing up blood. His crimson eyes were gazing up towards the roof of the dark corridor without feeling his body respond to anything at the moment.

"Well…I tried to go easy on you," Kimiko sighed letting the replica of her blade go as it dissipated from her grasp. Her eyes returned to normal while she walked over to check on the child that was rendered unable to move.

"But that is how you can take someone down who is boasting strength that may seem superior to your own when you look for their flaws. It takes a moment to get used to it but it is possible to do it. You had the rhythm going before but you became too complacent with your new ability too fast. I understand you're not used to them just yet but one thing you have to learn is that you have to think of everything you can do as if it is naturally a part of you. That ocular technique isn't a weapon that you just got your hands on, they are a part of your body," she lectured reaching down tapping his forehead to speed along his healing factor. One she helped him sit up, she sat down beside him and continued to speak.

"You have to learn how to work with your own body, Raizo. And you also have to let go. You've been through your fair share of battles, against beings that transcend human comprehension on more occasions than one. But you still fight like the same old assassin with a few enhanced abilities. You need to come to terms with yourself and understand that you're not just an above average human being. You're more than that. There's so much power and potential flowing through you right now that it just excites me to think what you'll be able to do with it in the future; however, you're placing human limitations on yourself and hindering your true capabilities. You have to break your chains and take the limits off. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Yes Nee-sama…" the youth replied with a meek tone.

"One more thing, you need to drop your dual-scythe style. That was a callback to your fighting style as a Blood Wolf. You buried Raizo Arashi, remember? Those scythes are nice and all but they are meant to be used with two hands so use one or the other. Never use both again. You're hindering your balance as well as leaving your blind spots open for an enemy to get close. Out of all the times you attacked me, I could have delivered a death blow for each time you missed. If you want to use them both at the same time, I suggest you try and do something about their form. I'll let you consult with them about it on your own time. I already gave you a little help to do it."


"Don't worry about it for now. We're done for the day."

"Oi you two, I thought it was taking forever ya both to come back. What the hell is going on here? Sneaking around with each other behind my back?" Akaro suddenly interrupted as he opened the door to the training hall.

Upon sensing his presence, Kimiko dissolved the vector barrier since the training was concluded between the two. As she stood up and dusted herself off, she helped Raizo get to his feet. The Stormbringer was slightly off-balance but had otherwise recovered.

"Damn Raichu, what happened to ya? Ya look like ya got a serious workout. Then again, if you're sneaking around with Kimi over here…were you two um…ya know…having a little fun? I see you're a little sweaty there kiddo," the Red-Eyed Hero teased.

"A-Aniki, d-don't be stupid. Nee-sama and I were just training okay?" Raizo stuttered with a flustered expression.

"Oh? What kind of training I wonder?" the man chuckled.

"Akaro…the boy's already been through one tough workout for one night. No need to make fun of his emotions," Kimiko responded with a deadpan expression.

"Oho…Kimi to the rescue? Damn, what kind of developments have I been missing? But seriously, you guys okay? I sensed the tsun's power level going crazy even though that barrier managed to suppress the majority of it."

"Yeah we're fine, I was just teaching Raizo some new tricks and having a nice conversation about things."

The man in the red scarf folded his arms looking at both of the faces of his two siblings with a raised eyebrow. Kimiko had a straight face while Raizo just turned away.

"I see…well Lucy left you guys something to eat in the room we gave you two but why don't you both get cleaned up? Especially you there little tsun, you're sweating buckets over here and your clothes are kinda tattered. Why don't you hand over your jacket for me to dry clean while you go hit the showers and put on some spare clothes in the locker room down the hall?"

"W…Well you don't have to be so forward about it…jeez. I went through a serious workout man. Also, as big as this place is, why put Onee-sama and I in the same room? Surely Kimi-nee wants her own space," Raizo muttered while taking off his jacket and handing it to Akaro.

"I don't mind it. That means I can show you some new meditation exercises to help with your training," Kimi suddenly added.

"And there ya have it; now hurry up before I throw your ass in the tub and send Drake to scrub you. She'd be more than willing to do it, kiddo."

"I-I can get there myself and do my business without any help thank you!" the boy whined in protest before taking his exit from the training corridor and navigating his way through the halls to find the showers.

"You must not have held anything back while training the kid, am I right?" Akaro asked as he looked down at the dark haired female beside once Raizo exited the room.

"I might have roughed him up a bit but he needed it. He has to start changing his style; otherwise this universe really will wind up being his grave. Beating around the bush wasn't going to cut it. I had to knock him down a few pegs so he could begin to see what he needs to do in order to survive," Kimi stated plainly without any remorse.

"Saying you knocked him down a few pegs and what not are complete understatements. I could tell by his facial expression that you really destroyed him…I thought what Akame did to him was bad."

"There was no other way to do it. Raizo fails to see the true extent of his abilities because he has a lack of understanding of himself. It's like he is succumbing to the limitations of being a mortal instead of realizing that he is far beyond the idea of a human being now. Until he comes to terms with this, he'll only be hiding from his true potential. I've done what I could even with the limited time that we have but…he needs more time and a guiding hand. Of course, his father would be preferred in this regard but…there's another person that I need to bring back. A person who is much closer to him than he currently realizes."

"You gonna tell me about this person?"

"Nope, you'll see for yourself soon enough."

"Heh, leaving me in suspense? I never thought I'd see the day."

"Yeah well, things happen. Raizo needs to take the next step, so I'll be overseeing that."

"Heh about time. Try not to break him too much, Kimi."

"No promises."

Meanwhile, Raizo found his way into the shower area of Chaldea. Much to his surprise, the layout plan of the room was much like the bathing quarters where he lived back home in the Team AKARA headquarters. A large pool like area served as the central bath with different washing stations for one to scrub their bodies. Feeling relieved, the youth headed over to the small changing station where there were different lockers to store materials before entering the bath. He unlatched his weapons and sat them on the shelf then placed his glove over top of it. Taking off his tattered clothes that he picked up from the last universe he visited, he tossed the torn rags in a trash can. Now fully naked, he reached for a towel to cover up before heading into the water to relax.

"Finally…I can actually relax for once…" he said to himself as he rested inside the waters letting the warm sensation massage his tense muscles in his body. He laid his head back against the edge and closed his eyes, but his thoughts began to run a little rampant.

That training was rough but…it made me realize how foolish I've been with my fighting style. For someone who's blessed with all these powers, I really do still fight like an assassin from the Blood Wolves. Maybe I truly am surviving my battles due to dumb luck…I don't even know.

"Well…got anything to say to me, Indra?" Raizo sighed turning to the annoying deity that would occasionally pop up in his mind to speak but this time, the being was completely silent, almost as if he wasn't there at all.

"Heh, so now you want to be quiet when I give you an opportunity to speak. Thanks."

The relaxing atmosphere that Raizo tried to enjoy had dissipated in that moment. After releasing a heavy sigh of disappointment, the youth just jumped up out of the water and headed over towards one of the showers to get cleaned up. He didn't want to keep everyone waiting for him for too long so he made sure to be quick and thorough to scrub away all the issues that are weighing him down; at least until he could have more time just to sift through those thoughts and tackle them one at a time. After a few minutes of scrubbing, letting the soap settle in then rinsing off, he grabbed his towel and was about to exit. But he just took a look at the bath once again.

Just a soak like I'm at a hot spring wouldn't hurt for a few, right?

Debating about it for a moment, Raizo shrugged his shoulders and walked back into the bath to sit for a little bit more time. He wasn't really the type to splurge on these comforts but anything to ease his mind would do. However, he did not realize that there was something else going on.

Kimiko had silently entered the baths of her own free will. She found herself wanting to mess with the former blood wolf to a degree as both a means of entertainment and as a reward for surviving her brutal training. She looked around the locker area wondering if Raizo could see her but he was relaxing in the water. The devious thought in her mind would soon cause the boy to more than likely lose his senses. Acting on that impulse, she closed her eyes for a moment and took a silent yet deep breath. Yielding a small smile, she shed her jacket and kimono along with her other excess accessories and attire revealing her full figure. Naked and unafraid, the woman silently sashayed into the bath.

Raizo was completely oblivious to what was happening around him. Once more he had discovered his original Zen where his mind was devoid of unnecessary thoughts and the tension in his body was currently being attended to by the warm and embracing volume of the water. His eyes were closed as he laid back against the wall inside the massive pool-like structure. He felt his ears pick up a faint noise going on behind him but he didn't bother opening his eyes just thinking it was the wind.

"I take it the water is enjoyable?" whispered the loving goddess as she leaned down to speak in Raizo's ear.

The male's eyes shot open caught by surprise from that voice in his hear. When he saw her face, he did a full 360-degree turn in the water seeing her standing there.

"Nee-sama…wh..what are you…doing…h-here…eh?" Raizo started to shout but his voice quieted down speaking a broken question when he realized the state of the woman before him.

Her short, wavy hair danced gently past, her crimson eyes were seemingly glowing with passion. However, the male did not pay attention to that since his sights were engulfed in gazing upon the naked vessel of the perfect woman. From the subtle yet endowed size of the girl's perfectly shaped breasts down to the flawless S-curve of her body. Her gentle voluptuous hips gave shape to her glorious hips along with the sheen, smoothness of her skin. Her toned figure was fully exposed from top to bottom, even with her well-shaven womanhood on display for him. Taking all of this in burned deeply inside the Stormbringer's mind erasing all of the issues that he had floating around in there before. In fact, his entire world just went silent. All he could hear was the sound of his beating heart and the somewhat shallow nature of his breaths. Then, his mind suddenly flashed with images of memories belonging to the God Killer, whom shared intimacy with this very same woman before. As a result of all of this, Raizo felt his heart twinge from the aching sensation of longing for the woman while his blood rushed downwards towards his crotch causing his manhood to swell up underneath the surface of the water harder than he ever felt before.

Examining the discombobulated nature of the youth, the Goddess-Above-All chuckled ever so lightly as she casually strolled around to the steps and began to walk down them slowly but gracefully. She never once let her eyesight lose track of the boy who was staring at her. As the heated waters openly embraced her, she trekked closer and closer to her goal.

"You don't mind if I join you, right? I was thinking we could spend some more time together in a quiet and more intimate setting," the beauty stated with words oozing in honey as the sweet nature of them floated inside Raizo's mind.

"K-Kimi…." Raizo tried to speak but Kimiko merely pressed her finger over his lips.

"Shhh, I like it when you call me Nee-sama. No need to feel so tense my dear, sweet, tsun."

The Crimson Harbinger could only blush and look to the side trying to deny himself the view that was before her. The water enveloping her body was only making his heart pound even harder in his chest. He wasn't sure why she was here right now but he couldn't escape something at the moment.

I…I can barely control myself…my body is burning up right now. It's…It's just the water right?

"Goodness, your face is so read right now. You don't have a fever do you?" Kimi inquired innocently. She slowly reached up and clutched both sides of the boy's head and pulled him down a bit before pressing her forehead against his. After a few brief seconds, she let him go.

"You are a bit warm but it can't be a fever. After all, beings like us don't get sick. So I wonder if it's something else."

"N-Nee-sama…I…I don't understand. What…What are you doing here?"

"I was so rough with training you that I figured you wouldn't mind if I came in the bath and washed your back for you. I thought I would make it up to you that way."

"I-I already washed myself, I was just….soaking for a little longer. I-If you need the bath then I'll give you privacy so…"

"No, I want you here with me. Is it so wrong for a woman to want to bathe with her beloved? You were my husband in another life."

"H-How did you….?!" Raizo gasped while looking at her face incredulously.

"I know everything. I told you that before. Besides, are you really wanting to deny being with me in this setting right now? Even with all of that desire just brimming in your chest? You're really trying to be rude to a woman who professed her love for you after so long? How rude, Raizo~" the divine woman teased with a slight chuckle.

"Nee-sama…y-you don't have to…tease me like that…dammit, why does it have to hurt so bad right now?" the child of light replied practically clawing at his chest.

"My, my, Raizo, why are you trying to deny yourself when I'm right here in front of you? Don't you want to explore our love for each other thoroughly?"

As the Stormbringer backed up unsure of what to think eventually bumping up against the wall of the giant tub on the other side, Kimiko pressed against his body practically pinning him in that location he cornered himself at. She placed one hand against his chest sliding it down over his heart. She felt the strong beating of the organ as well as the burning of his flesh against her hand. The girl tilted her head slightly as the sensual smile on her face increased while the youth's eyes locked with hers. It was then that he felt his organ throbbing with anticipation as it prodded against her lower abdomen.

"It seems like that part of you is being honest. I know you're thinking of how badly you wish to have sex with me right now," the woman uttered seductively cutting to the heart of the issue.

"I…um…" Raizo stuttered blushing heavily, "I-It's not like…those kind of thoughts don't enter my mind…er…but…I…I…um, I….I d-don't know what…I don't understand…th-these things or…gaah…dammit I feel so stupid right now…"

"Goodness, you really can't be honest about your desires. That's what makes you so adorable in the first place," Kimiko chuckled softly but then she leaned towards his ear and whispered in it.

"What if I told you that I wanted you right here and now? That I wanted to make you mine in this life all over again?"

Before the youth could open his mouth to counter that statement, his mind suddenly flashed through the memories of the God Killer again. He saw the intimacy he shared with Kimiko during that life and how happy they were. That love branded his chest causing a great fire to surge within him erasing his senses as he felt himself giving in more and more to what he truly wanted. The Stormbringer wasn't the best when it came to these encounters. The corner of his mind recalled Leone and Vesta as romantic partners, the former through rape while the latter through some weird aphrodisiac-like state. Those moments were washed away because of her very presence causing his lower extremity to seemingly stiffen even more.

"I-Is it…really okay?" he asked nervously with a blush crossing his face.

"I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't," she answered with a smirk as she began to dance her right hand down his chest and underneath the water towards his lower region.

"Well, Raizo?"

"I-I want to…"



"Say it clearly~"

"I want to have sex with you!" he said in a complete sentence with his eyes tightly shut.

"There we go, that wasn't so bad now was it?"

"Mou…d-don't make fun of me…jeez…"

Using her left hand, the female grabbed the back of Raizo's head and pulled him into a kiss. Unlike before, this kiss was a lot more interpersonal and passionate. Her tongue slipped into his mouth and began to wrestle with his leading to the young man's mind to blank out for an instant. This sign of affection continued on for several seconds yet felt even longer than that in the mind of the Stormbringer due to being absorbed into the taste of her lips. After their tongues intertwined dancing as if they were trying to merge to become one, Kimiko severed the connection by pulling away from the boy slowly. Strands of saliva broke as they had some distance between them now. Her eyes brimming with desire for more made contact with Raizo's, whose gaze appeared to have a haze already due to sheer mesmerizing experience of that kiss.

Kimiko looked around the giant bathing area for a second. She saw a small pile of towels and took note of the large area of the floor. Before going any further, they would have to change their venue just a little bit.

"Let's get out of the water, there's more that we need to do," she suggested before grabbing his hand and pulling on his arm to follow after.

Doing that, she went for those towels and scooped them up with one hand. After letting go of Raizo, she laid them out on the marble floor one on top of the other as spread out as she could. Forming a pallet that would serve as a makeshift tatami mat, the girl nodded at the deed then turned towards her partner.

"Now then," she said before reaching over and pulling Raizo towards her sliding her hand down to his lower region again but this time taking hold of something.

"Looks like the sudden chill in the air caused you to get soft. Why don't we change that? Lie down for me on these towels," she requested.

Only yielding a shy nod, the young wolf did just that. He got down on top of the towels and lay down on his back fully exposed before the girl's eyes. It was then that Kimiko crouched down beside him and hovered over his crotch using her right hand to tease his length that was currently lifeless. She took a hold of it and began to move her hand up and down. Leaning closer, she placed her lips against it giving it a tiny kiss which made him twitch.

"Ah…" Raizo gasped not expecting that feeling. It tickled his senses and made him nervous, but his body was being more honest because his erection never wavered.

Kimi continued to move her hand thus stroking the length; its size seemingly increasing swelling in both length and girth. The person it was attached to could not control the impulse as the protrusion continued its evolution. Smirking in delight over this, the girl just continued her treatment with her right hand while using her left hand to gently massage the sack that hung underneath. A few more seconds passed until the length of Raizo's manhood caused Kimiko to have a problem wrapping her hand completely around it.

"Much better," she said flicking her finger against it.

Raizo's manhood throbbed in anticipation over what would come next. Meanwhile, the face of the youth was just completely dyed red as his eyes locked onto hers. The crimson shade of his irises seemingly relinquishing a shimmer that burned with lust. Kimi pursed her lips into a devious grin before she began to stroke it up and down once more. She leaned in close this time using her tongue to travel up the pillar in her hand up to the tip before trailing back down to the base in tandem with her hand repeating this motion.

The child of thunder let out another gasp whilst trying to control his noises of pleasure by biting his bottom lip. The moist sensation complimented by the warmth of her embracing grip sent shivers rippling up his spine causing his sensitivity levels to escalate in a gradual formation. However, just when he tried to adjust to this, he felt that wet feeling dance around the most sensitive part of his manhood—the head. He looked down for a second and saw Kimiko's tongue wrap around the tip of his rod, dancing around the bulbous shape in an antagonizing fashion while her hand stroked it faster and faster. Just before his mind would drown in this feeling, Kimiko pulled away and began to move her body around.

Raizo's eyes then beheld the sight of Kimi's rear end. The curved peach shape of her ass along with the welcoming slit of her womanhood served as a brief reminder of the position when he was with Leone, only this time…he wasn't against it. The goddess shook her hips a little before she lowered her bottom half gradually.

"Since I'm attending to yours, you can do the same for me. Put that nervous tongue of yours to work," she playfully commanded then smothered his face with her slit.

Raizo's hands went up and grabbed the hips of the female gently sinking his hands into her rear before instinctively opening his mouth to let his tongue slip out and begin to lick that area for her. His body just relied on what felt was right as the muscle inside of his mouth began to lap across her lower lips tracing the outside to her clit. As her hips shook from that, the youth's tongue swiped across it multiple times before going back across the opening once again. Carefully, her juices began to flow down and trickle into his mouth giving the boy a taste of her sweet, honey-like nectar contained in her.

"Aha…there, that's a good tsun~" the divine beauty moaned with bliss. Closing her eyes and exhaling in joy, she snapped out of it to get back to pleasing him as well.

The pulsing organ before her twitched in excitement on its own as the woman's heated breath lambasted over it. She seized it in her hand once more and opened her mouth taking it in from the tip carefully seemingly devouring it in a crawling gulp. The size of the object pried her jaws open and she began to take in more of its girth but she pulled it out for a second to moisten it up more. Lubing it up in her saliva, she attacked it once more taking more of it down as it began to stab the back of her throat not even halfway down its length. The lower half of his manhood was massaged by her hand while using the free hand to toy with the male's balls. Getting a good handle on him, she pushed her head forward before completely engorging the full-size of Raizo's pillar down her throat. At that point, Kimiko had managed to completely assault the pelvic region.

Groaning from the brutal pleasure that he was receiving, Raizo felt like his senses were doing backflips over the crazy stimulation that he was getting from Kimi's hand and oral techniques. He felt like his penis was caught inside a hot vacuum in the midst of a wet vice grip as the sucking sought to drain him of the load kept stored in his sack. This euphoric feeling caused him to unconsciously use his tongue to penetrate the vagina of the goddess pressing forward into her narrow cavern. Her juices leaked out as his oral tool snaked inside her rubbing the walls of the tunnel as. Her honey trickled down his throat even more as the sweet river nurtured his growing thirst for her. Tasting her in this way only served to make his body surrender to her will, his heart pleading for this feeling to never end. With the passion consuming him, his hands squeezed the smooth curves of her ass harder as a result.

Taking the shape of the number 69, Raizo and Kimiko eventually got situated enough to where they were both using their oral skills to pleasure one another. The Stormbringer's tongue snaked through Kimi's insides making her vagina a playground for his tongue. With each violent twist and turn of the muscle, he scratched a different spot eventually discovering one that made her yield a higher pitched moan as a consequence. Communicating this point, she actually pulled Raizo's meat out of her mouth for a second to catch her breath from the sudden feeling shaking her hips even more.

"There, right there Raizo! Keep attack that spot!" she cried out in delight feeling more of her juices flowing out of her. That sensation combined with the warmth of the youth's hands on her ass made her feel her excitement building up more and more.

The girl dived back down attending to her lover's cock. She engorged on it once again but this time added her breasts into the mix. She engulfed what she could of his length in between the valley of her chest moving up and down while simultaneously sucking on the tsundere's organ. With as much as she could muster, she poured her effort into making this young man approach his climax just as she was about to approach hers.

The seconds ticked away between the two. As they relentlessly attacked each other's genitalia, they spontaneously climaxed together. Clear, hot liquid shot out from Kimiko's vagina spraying all over Raizo's face and drowning his mouth while viscous, thick, white liquid spurted like a geyser from the male's penis. The goddess's mouth filled his seed as the excess substance oozed down the sides of his shaft and onto her breasts. Both of them had to swallow each other's fluids before licking each other once more to clean up a bit. Kimiko flipped over onto her back to let Raizo breath, with the latter party being covered in sweat.

"Goodness Raizo, you really did let out a lot…and you made me cum with your mouth. It seems you have skill with that mouth of yours," the girl complimented.

"E..Er…thanks….and…I-I got to make you feel good too…right, Nee-sama?" Raizo blushed nervously discussing this subject.

"Fufu, of course. However, we're not done yet," she added.

"W-we're not?" he inquired with a confused face.

"Nope, that was just foreplay."

In that next moment, Kimiko sprang to life by mounting the boy once again. This time, she was facing him and she had been sitting on top of his dick rubbing her pussy against it. With a smirk, she reached down and began to caress his member invoking it to solidify once more though it didn't really shrink even after climax.

"I see that Mercer blood flows through you strongly. Now then, I'm going to be your true first time. No force needed, no hypnotism tricks, consider me to be the one who truly took your virginity," she declared as she took his cock and began to prod the tip against her opening.


"Don't talk my love, just leave everything to me."

From there she braced herself then slid the male's cock inside her all the way down to the base. Like a blade being returned to its scabbard, she felt him strike all the way to her core. It was as if the Stormbringer's member at reached the pit of her stomach or something but she didn't care. Her crimson eyes gazed down at the crimson eyes of the tanner skinned individual as both of their sights captured the blissful visage of the other. Raizo's hands held onto Kimiko's waist while the girl just placed one hand on her lover's forearm while the other gently pressed on the lower part of his abdomen.


Raizo thought as his eyes winced shut for a moment. As the vice of her vagina sucked his cock inside of her, the boy felt her womanhood latch onto him tightly as if her body was claiming him as her territory. His breath were short and choppy as he felt like his nervous system was being struck by lightning reminding him of the time he first went Fury of the Storm only more exotic in nature. He felt as if a part of him became imprisoned by his desire wanting to savor every growing moment of pleasure.

"Raizo, I'm yours and you're mine," she uttered.

Holding her position, there was a holy aura that seemingly engulfed her being causing her hair to grow nearly five times as long while her body had the shape of a flawless hourglass frame. In his very sight, Raizo watched Kimiko assume her true form to a certain degree. The only notable difference was that her eyes did not shift in color but that auspicious divinity and embodiment of true beauty only magnified her illustrious allure. That peerless entity that personified perfection was currently straddling him right now threatening to conquer his everything.

"O-Onee-sama, I…um…" the youth hesitated to say anything but what could he say? He was blessed to be making love with the Goddess-Above-All.

No…such titles are meaningless…This is the woman…the woman whom the God Killer loved and shared a life with. And she is the woman I'm sharing a moment with right now.

"No matter what life this is…as long as we find each other, we will be together. My love, say nothing more, just enjoy us being together," she pleaded sweetly leaning forward grabbing both sides of the young man's face.

"I…I truly am yours," Raizo blushed again in kind before yielding a small smile as well.

At that point, Kimiko began to maneuver her hips. She used the warm yet tight embrace of her vagina to churn Raizo's manhood like butter, her insides molding to the young wolf's shape. In a growing rhythm, the woman worked herself on top of the male gently raising her hips and lowering them rocking back and forth as well. With a satisfying expression taking hold, the girl reached down and locked her two hands with her partner while she increased her pace more and more. Their gazes were locked as the atmosphere around them grew even more heated.

"N-Nee-sama…I…can't…h…haaa," Raizo tried to speak but couldn't due to the excruciating bliss he was receiving just from her slow, basic movements. He lost it in that moment and felt his cock swell up inside her before releasing his seed again.

"Ahaa…" he gasped as the air escaped his lungs. His flow burrowed deep inside of her before oozing down his shaft outside of her. Despite of how fast he came, the girl could only smile.

"I figured that next shot would come quick. It's okay, you're just inexperienced," she chuckled softly with an understanding tone.

"N-Nee-sama…please keep going…" he blushed feeling himself not calming down even though he just released his second load.

"I know; we're nowhere near finished yet."

Kimiko leaned forward a bit to relax her muscles in her hips and thighs, and then she went back to work. This time around she went straight into a moderate pace with her movements as the sound of her hips slapping against his pelvis began to echo out in the bathing area. Her mouth opened a bit as her breath was released in short puffs filled with gentle moans of delight. She felt her lover's shaft plunge inside her scraping against her insides rubbing her pleasure spots with each movement she yielded. Her excitement continued to grow not wanting to let the male out of her clutches any time soon.

Raizo felt his nerves being struck like the strings on a guitar with each stroke being a note that resonated strongly with his senses. He didn't realize just how good he could feel from this; however, the pleasure could only intensify since it was with the woman he loved. His muscles tingled with excitement even though he could hardly think straight from the vibes that were sent riveting up and down his spine. As he felt her vagina grab onto and continue to stroke him, he felt the need to do something else for her besides laying there as she did all of the work. His hands then crept up her body feeling her smooth skin and depth of her curvature before arriving at her supple breasts. He gently took hold of them in his hands and began to squeeze onto them gently running his thumb and index fingers over her nipples. Hearing a hike in her moans, his lustful instinct was signaling him to continue.

Kimiko's riding skill only intensified after she felt her breasts being toyed with. She eventually found herself practically slamming her body up and down against him in rapid succession as the claps with each impact echoed louder and louder. Leaning over his body even more, her face was directly over his as she continued to move her hips. However, Raizo found himself thrusting on his own to ease the burden of movement on her.

"Onee-sama," Raizo murmured with a heated breath, his hands caressing her soft, silky skin.

"My love," Kimiko responded rubbing the boy's left cheek with her hand before she leaned down and kissed his neck.

She began to work her hips as fast as she could. The motions of her waist worked her pelvis akin to the waves of the ocean as she rode his cock with all of her might. The Stormbringer's mind went blank as his body responded to her by attempting to thrust in tandem with her. The suction-like echoing of their bodies colliding with each other echoed out along with Raizo's broken breathes and quiet groans of delight. As this series of passionate movements continued, the boy's rod swelled up inside of her chamber. Narrow-mindedly, his voice leaked out.

"I'm…gonna…cum, Nee-sama!"

"Let it all out inside me," the goddess responded not intending to stop until that moment was reached. After a few more intense paces, both of them climaxed together once again creating their first cream pie together.

The Crimson Harbinger felt his body convulse as if he just went through a different kind of transformation. It was like he felt something take hold of him and give him an indescribable solace that he never even knew he craved for. In that moment, the very essence of air seemingly escaped from his lungs and his heart skipped several beats. His lips were taken advantage of by Kimiko as her deep kiss gave life back to him.

"Onee-sama…haa, I…" Raizo began to speak but Kimiko shook her head.

"Don't talk, let's just keep going. I need more of you," she recommended as she lifted herself up and rolled off of him for a moment.

As his dick was removed from her insides, the mingled juices seeped out of her and dripped onto the towel when she raised herself up to stretch a bit. As she felt the mess pouring out of her, she touched the base of her belly yielding a small yet amused expression upon her face. Then she examined the state of her partner, her eyes glancing over his body that was covered in more sweat. Examining her partner's tool, she could see it had hardly gone limp despite oozing cum at the tip and being coated in love juices. She snapped her fingers the moment it tried to sway causing the blood in his body to spring it to life once more.

"Come on, I still haven't drained you enough yet," she suggested.

"Y-you mean you want more of it inside you?" Raizo gulped nervously.

"But of course," Kimiko nodded with a smirk before she turned around.

Getting on her hands and knees, the girl leaned the upper half of her body against the towels reaching back and spreading her ass cheeks carefully. Her hair draped down to her sides giving her partner a better view. Looking back, she only yielded a devious grin with a wink.

"You haven't filled this hole yet, Raizo."

The Stormbringer became speechless at this point. He blushed at first when he saw her turn around and showed him her well-shaped rear. However, the act that followed caught him off-guard. His lack of experience in sexual situations caused him to freeze. This was unexpected. His eyes examined the size of his pulsing manhood then stole a glimpse at the tight, puckered hole that looked difficult for even a finger to enter. Then he glanced over at her expression. Regardless of the desire held within that passionate gaze, he could see the seriousness she had about this. Protesting her was just a foolish notion at this point.

"I-If that's what Nee-sama desires then…I-I'll do it," he replied meekly covering his mouth with his hand and looking away.

"Well? What are you waiting for? I already gave you an invitation. Give it to me."

Raizo nodded silently and got on his knees behind the woman. He grabbed hold of his stick and slid it against her dripping slit for a moment to provide himself some lubricant—a motion that he figured would work since Kimiko did that with her mouth before the first penetration. As the girl in question kept her ass cheeks spread apart, Raizo took the top of his cock and pressed it against the tight entrance. He felt a lot of resistance since he couldn't even get the tip to break into the enclosed threshold.

"Onee-sama…it's…not going in here," he stated shyly.

"Use your finger to warm me up then try it~" she chuckled.


Doing just that he slipped his index into her tight entrance gently thrusting it in, this caused the goddess to relinquish a lewd gasp. As he moved his finger around inside for a moment, he felt his curiosity increase his bravery leading him to slip his middle finger inside as well. After digging in with them for a few seconds to let her hole flex and convulse before loosening up, he retracted them carefully. Even with her moans, Kimi kept her ass cheeks spread. It was at this point that Raizo took his cock and aimed it inside that area again and began to push. At last, the head of his cock penetrated her.

"Hyahh!" she moaned aloud feeling the thicker object beginning to open her up. Her hands let go of her cheeks as she braced herself against the floor. She tightened her grip around the fabric of the towels underneath as she felt the thick rod persistently push further and further into her impervious hole. The opening began to gap open slowly as it sucked down more and more of Raizo's cock until the youth felt like he could push any more of himself into her.

"It's okay, I got it," she uttered as she felt that the boy was having a little trouble. From there in one fluid movement, she backed her ass up sucking down the entirety of the boy's rod inside.

"Now move," she commanded in a playful tone.

The Stormbringer grabbed onto both sides of her ass and began to move his hips and pelvis gently withdrawing his rod from her entrance then thrusting it forward again in a relaxed pace. He was trying to adjust to the feeling of this entrance around him but being uncertain was no longer in the cards. Pulling back carefully, Raizo began to work his pelvis easing into a gradual increase of thrusts as his cock was being stroked by her ass. Like her pussy, the woman's hole began to mold itself around the shape of the object that was penetrating her. Her insides gripped gently around the cylindrical object stroking it as the juices around the surface of his meat lubed up her inner canal allowing for comfort and ease of penetration.

"Just like that Raizo, keep it up," Kimiko encouraged in between moans of delight moving her hips slightly to provide assistance.

"Onee-sama…aha…this feels…so…" Raizo grunted while trying to steady himself given the unfamiliarity of the action being performed.

"Follow my lead, you're doing fine," the woman responded.

Doing just that, Raizo moved in a rhythm that supported how the woman was backing her hips up moving in a tandem motion with him. From there, the pace escalated getting to the point where he felt his pelvis slapping against Kimiko's ass. As they connected in this sexual act, she looked back at him with ecstasy in her eyes while he felt himself expressing his excitement as well. The speed of their movements continued to climb as the Stormbringer's sack began slapping against her vaginal area from the force they were exerting. Each thrust sent shockwaves of pleasure up Raizo's spine and a burning sensation to engulf Kimiko's core.

"Aha…Nee-sama!" the boy cried out as the ecstasy reached up his body to drag him down in bliss once more.

"Give to me more, Raizo!" Kimi shouted out with excitement sensing the youth's member about to climax.

The paces intensified to the point where the entire bathing area was filled with the sound of their bodies slapping against one another. The friction of the girl's ass stroking his pillar was bringing Raizo to the edge. Without warning, it happened as the youth came inside filling Kimiko's ass up to the brim; the excess excretions oozed out despite them being connected. The girl's treasured flower sprayed another bout of nectar cumming from the burning sensation of her lover's juice pouring into her. Angling herself upright, she pulled Raizo into yet another passionate kiss before lightly pushing him away.

"Haa…N-Nee-sama…that was…" Raizo exhaled struggling to keep sense of his breathing lying on his back again. His cock deflated slowly as his cum dripped from the tip.

"I know…you really do have so much saved up for me," Kimiko chuckled feeling his seed poor like flowing magma from her ass.

"W…We should get cleaned up now right?" Raizo figured thinking that after four consecutive loads she drained from him, she would be satisfied.

The Goddess-Above-All merely stared at Raizo once again examining his full figure. She looked at his body from top to bottom then back up to the mark she placed on him so long again. Focusing on it, she had a slight glare of disappointment yet mischievousness about her since she had an underlying purpose for this intimacy that was aside from her own innate desire and need for him.

"We're not done yet. Just one more thing left to do."


The Crimson Harbinger tilted his head over the words of his Onee-sama in that moment. It was then that she stood up on her feet casting her glistening crimson eyes over him before an aura formed around her. He wasn't sure what she was doing but he felt rather nervous about it. It was then that a flash of light occurred leading Raizo to close his eyes for a second. When he opened them, he saw something he was completely taken aback at. Kimiko duplicated and she spawned three other clones of herself. Each and every one of them was as perfect and as beautiful as the other. Laying there on the ground before them made him tremble a bit as the four girls stared down at him with smirks of delight on their faces.

"Are you ready for the grand finale, Raizo?" Kimiko and her clones asked in unison.

"I…um…I'm n-not sure…what to do here…" he muttered with an extreme look of dismay and anxiety mixed upon his face.

It was then that each of the Kimiko clones attacked. One of them grabbed his left arm while the other one grabbed his right. Another sat on top of his pelvic area while the last one loomed over his face. The devious chuckling of each of the goddesses harmonized together filling the Stormbringer's ears. His heart raced inside of his chest as he was uncertain of what was about to happen. The Kimiko on his pelvis snapped her fingers using vector manipulation making him the hardest he's been so far since they began to have sex. Then she straddled it before taking it inside the familiar embracing chambers of her divine womanhood.

"Home sweet home, but there's still more to come," she said looking to her doppelgangers and nodding with approval.

The ones by his arms folded his hands to where his fingers would serve as their pleasuring devices as they mounted them. Raizo felt the sensation of wet tunnels sucking in his fingers not knowing which holes he just plugged up for either clone. The last one then blocked off his visage by sitting on his face muffling his mouth with spots to attend to once again using his mouth. His tongue, fingers and penis were all being used as different means of penetration for the pleasure of the different Kimikos. It was then that they all began to move at once using their incomparable hip techniques and motions to break the boy once and for all.

The enveloping sensation of Kimiko's pussy churning and milking his cock, the other two delivering that ticklish sensation to his fingers, and her sweet taste being communicated through his tongue, every part of Raizo was used to stimulate the Goddess-Above-All right now. He felt all of his senses being tossed around into chaos by her touch causing his mind to short-circuit as a result. It was like she was hacking into him and thoroughly imprinting herself on his very being making sure he would never forget this night for the rest of his life. All he could perceive in this cornucopia of Kimiko right now was her moans of delight and the sound of his own moans leaking out of his mouth as he was being brought to climax once more.

At some point in time, he just lost his awareness. He didn't know how many times he climaxed after the four got into their rhythms or how many times each of them climaxed as well. All he knew was that he was being given a taste of heaven that only she could deliver him. After what felt like the most euphoric eternity imaginable passed, the experience came to an end.

"Oh my, looks like I broke him…just a tad," Kimiko said to herself now standing alone over him.

Her crimson eyes examined the subject as he laid there with a disheveled look about him. His eyes seemed like they were in a haze and his tongue hung out of his mouth a bit. He was doused in a mix of sweat and love juices as what seemed like steam just rolled off of his body. Smiling at this, she saw the mark on his chest begin to change. It evolved from its shape that was placed there originally at the Second Primordial War and took the shape of a wolf. Reaching down, she gently placed her finger against it.

"Now you are truly mine, like you were always meant to be my love. You will never live a day without me now and always," she spoke softly touching her heart as the memories of her life with the God Killer passed through her mind feeling grateful for the chance to potentially live those days once again.

"Come now, Raizo. We should get cleaned up," she said snapping out of her daydream.

"Ah…N-Nee-sama, d-did I pass out? I'm sorry about that," Raizo responded while sitting up and rubbing his head. He looked down and saw the mark on his chest and became surprised but the girl just tapped his shoulder.

"Don't worry about it for now; I just gave you a suitable mark to show that you are mine. Let's get cleaned up."


The two then proceeded to enjoy a bath together and got themselves cleaned up after the vigorous post-workout they had. It was rather silent during that time. Raizo's face was partially dyed with a blush while Kimiko only held a smile of satisfaction. Eventually the two made their exit. The girl put her clothes back on her while he grabbed hold of the spare clothes laid out for him since the others were just torn to ribbons. He now had on a pair of blue jogging pants and a white t-shirt that had a blush splash design with the word "Arts" written on it.

"What the hell is this supposed to mean?" he sighed feeling embarrassed by this while grabbing his weapons and slipping on his shoes before exiting the baths into the great hallway.

"It does seem accurate hehe, but I'll explain it to you another time. Let's head to the room and get some…r…rest," Kimiko chuckled before she suddenly collapsed.

Raizo immediately reacted thus catching the girl in his arms. He didn't understand what was going on and that sight immediately caused him to panic. He saw that her hair shrunk back to its normal length.

"Onee-sama…Onee-sama what's wrong? Talk to me! H…Hey, can you hear me? Kimi-nee!" the boy freaked out as tears began to well up in his eyes but the girl didn't respond.

"Don't leave me, not like this!" he cried out, "Somebody help! Please! I need some help! Aniki! Mom! Anybody!" he shouted aloud but the place was so massive, he felt like no one heard him. The boy tried to use his electric energy to try and stimulate her nerves and ease whatever symptoms she had going on but it didn't appear to be helping.

"Goodness, whenever there's a patient in need, I'll come running mowing down legions of annoying obstructions that dare to get in my way," a female voice called out from the shadows as the sound of her footsteps drew closer and closer.

When Raizo turned to identify the source of the voice, he saw the figure of a woman. She had on a red military suit with gold buttons and black cuffs around her wrist and on her collar. A white belt was tied around her waist on the outside in which the same colored strap cut across her chest between her breasts along with white gloves over her hands. A black combat skirt draped from underneath the red coat about midway down her thighs, from there was the color of white leggings complete with black boots. She had blood red eyes and lavender hair with pale skin. On her rather emotionless yet stern face, she held a brimming intensity that conveyed a fierce desire to help those in need.

"Who are you?" the Stormbringer asked with a perplexed tone.

"I'm a Berserker class servant. My name is Florence Nightingale and I'm also a top-of-the-class Nurse. Move aside, let me examine your friend," she spoke plainly before crouching down beside him.

She gently grabbed Kimiko's hand and squeezed three fingers around her wrist to get an idea for her pulse. Then she began to observe her body's condition by pressing the muscles in her neck and applying pressure down her body. Her expression never changed once while she was doing this nor did her focus break. At that point, she cast a glance to the youth beside her.

"Her vitals are normal, only slightly out of the ordinary due to exhaustion. In addition, her muscles seem to be quite tense probably due to overworking herself during some vigorous activities. Do you know what could have caused this?" the nurse asked.

Raizo went silent as the moment of intimacy they had just finished sharing not too long ago replayed through his mind. His face filled with embarrassment as he found himself flustered before the woman. He couldn't answer her question outright so he just blamed it on something else they did together.

"W-well we were training for quite some time not too long ago…so maybe that? Or…she was in the bath past a certain period of time. E-either of those could contribute to that…right?" Raizo inquired innocently.

"I see," Nightingale responded plainly, "Regardless of what that training was, she just needs to be in a decently cooled environment and allotted proper rest."

"R-right," the Stormbringer nodded. It was then when he looked up that he found her staring at him leaning close.


"Young man, you seem to have a rather flushed look about you. Perhaps you too are feeling unwell? You appear to have a healthy body. Are you getting enough sleep at night? Are you also experiencing proper release via sexual activity? It isn't healthy to be backed up."

"E-Eh?!!! W-What are you saying? What kind of nurse asks that? D-don't be stupid...hey, don't get any closer!"

During this time, Kimiko was stirring a bit in her brief slumber unnoticed. The woman only passed out due to the fact of forcing herself into a pseudo-transformed state in which she accessed her powers as Akasha. Because of the duration of time she spent in that form, there was a backlash effect. Despite of her not showing it outside, she was suffering from internal pain that no ordinary individual could possibly survive from. However, during this time of unconsciousness, her mind actually dived into the Akashic Records researching something to aide her at this point in time. After a few minutes, her eyes began to open and her body radiated a subtle glow. It was in that moment that her clothes changed color from the blue kimono she had on to a pitch black. Her dark hair gained crimson highlights too as a faint red aura blinked around her body before fading away; she rose up and shook her head.

"Goodness, looks like I overdid a thing or two," she sighed turning her head to see that the Nurse appeared like she was trying to pounce on the youth.

"Oi Berserker, hands off my tsun."

"I was merely trying to check this boy's health condition. It seems you've recovered well," Nightingale replied.

Taking the initiative as the nurse turned her attention from the boy, Raizo moved in a flash taking Kimi's hand and retreating down the hall. Leaving only tiny sparks of light in his wake, the Berserker was then left alone in the quiet hallway.

"Ah…I didn't finish my sentence. No matter…as long as they get some rest, the two will be fine," the woman spoke to herself before going on about her business.

After the smooth vanishing arc, the Stormbringer stopped in front of a door that had a sign on it that read: "Cuddle Chambers."

"….Aniki…." Raizo sighed thinking of his older brother being the primary culprit.

"Oh let him have his jokes. But that was quite the clean getaway back there," Kimiko chuckled.

"Eh well…it was a situation I did not want to find myself…er…Nee-sama?" Raizo tilted his head when his senses became overwhelmed by an increasingly dense aura flowing from the girl. He looked at her and took a closer look at her changed appearance being reminded of Adena with those crimson highlights in her hair.

"Oh yeah, I decided to give myself a little upgrade. I decided to take on the role of Grand Ruler while we're here. It's nothing serious, trust me. Come on; let's check out our room together."

"Right," the boy nodded as the door slid open welcoming them to walk inside.

It was a decent size chamber that was plainly decorated. It had a small table in the middle where two plates sat with covers overtop as well as two full-sized beds on opposite sides of the room. A small shelf was in there as well along with a bathroom.

"This arrangement won't do," Kimiko said before snapping her fingers. In that instant, the two beds were next to each other while the shelf was against one wall and the table slid closer to it. Seeing this fix, Raizo gushed with shyness.

"N-Nee-sama…is that really okay?" he mused shyly.

"Of course it is; I prefer being warm so as my pillow, you will serve that purpose for me."

With a curt nod, the youth walked inside as the door slid shut behind him. He slipped out of his boots and took off his weapons sitting them against a wall on the opposite side of the room. Kimiko took off her jacket and hung it up before sitting down with the boy at the table. They took the lids off the plates and saw that they had curry and rice sitting before them. They enjoyed the meal that Lucy prepared for them in silence. After a few moments passed, Kimiko got up and went into the bathroom. Raizo on the other hand just went around to the other side to lie on top of the bed and stare at the ceiling.

Looks like those thoughts I was having earlier seemed to have faded away…but…part of me still feels…

Before he could finish his sentence in his head, Kimiko emerged from the bathroom wearing only a white button-up shirt that was only partially done correctly exposing her cleavage and mid-region of her body. She then walked over and jumped on the other bed before scooting close to the boy.

"N-Nee-sama?" he blushed as he caught a full view of that sight that carried a subtle sex appeal. He felt his body begin to tingle and his chest burn up inside just from looking at her.

What the hell? It's not that serious for me to get like this…right?

"By the expression you're giving me right now, I suppose that side-effect is kicking in," Kimiko began with a chuckle.

"What are you talking about? What side-effect?" he questioned with a slight tilt of his head.

"You upgraded from being a candidate to becoming my familiar, courtesy of what happens when you completely surrender yourself to me," she smiled gently.

"N-Nee-sama enslaved me?!" he gasped.

"No silly, it's a lot more complex than that. Do you recall the moment during the Second Great Primordial War wherein I kissed the members of team AKARA? The mark you gained back then was an acknowledgement of your potential, a symbol that represents the fact that you are worthy enough to be a candidate for the rank of becoming one of my Aspects like Assana and Marayah before you. You've now taken the second step in your journey and received the mark of a familiar after giving yourself to me wholeheartedly. Understand? Our bond is now deeper than what mortals call marriage. We're bound to each other." she said while grasping his hand and pulling herself closer giving him a kiss on the cheek.


"I love you, Raizo. Now and forever."

"Y-Yeah, I love you too, Kimiko."

"Oh and by the way, don't feel ashamed if you feel an uncontrollable desire to have sex with me. That is another side-effect of being a familiar of mine."

"E..Eh? Wait…Nee-sama…y…you can't just casually say that to me like that. I mean…yeah we did it but, I-I'm still…n-new to it and such…"

"If only you were as honest as your body, but that attitude gives you that cuteness I adore," she smirked reaching down and grabbing at the bulge in his pants.

"Oh look at what's getting hard again. Maybe we should go for another round before bed."

"Onee-sama…d-don't tease me like…that…h..hey!"

It was at this moment, Kimiko elected to mount the youth once again setting up another bout of "bonding" between the two.


"We need to start thinking about thinning the herd. We have a powerful team but taking on Gilgamesh and whatever allies he can muster along with the likes of those under Jeanne's banner simultaneously will be difficult. As much as I abhor the idea of cheap tactics, preemptive strikes are our best chance right now," Scathach explained briefing everyone aboard the Hanging Gardens within the control room.

"Despite being part of the Assassin class, I cannot use my abilities to assist in this regard. Otherwise the gardens will collapse and we'll lose our main foothold," Semiramis responded in a disinterested tone.

"I wouldn't expect you to. Besides, you're our best bet in dealing with El Draque and her armada of Galleons," the Celtic entity responded.

"I could go," Arjuna recommended.

"No, I cannot have you running loose because I know that you would just go straight for Raizo due to personal vendettas. You would essentially be running into a trap as well," Scathach countered.

"Allow me to go and deal with infiltrating Jeanne's camp. I'm the fastest amongst all of you present as well as one who excels in using the shadows to his advantage. Besides, there is a vengeful soul in her camp just begging to be tormented within my Chateau d'If," the Count of Monte Cristo proposed.

"Mikon! Avenger-san over here really makes a good point. He could easily attack the enemy and disappear virtually undetected!" Tamamo commented.

"Very well, I approve of your strategy. But watch your back; we still do not know the full extent of the abilities of some of the forces present. Especially that one they call 'X'. She's a complete enigma."

"Haha, overwhelming odds are my specialty. It draws out all of my power at its max! I shall take my leave at once. Wait and hope…no…look forward to my return," Dantes regarded with ease disappearing into darkness without a moment's hesitation.

"As for me, I shall ride out to face the King of Heroes. After all, it is only fitting that the King of Kings confronts him firsthand. The Pride of Babylonia vs. the Great Pharaoh of Egypt, a poetic battle for the new Golden Age if I do say so myself," Ozymandias preached in his grandiose tone.

"Are you sure it's wise to challenge Gilgamesh at his base?" asked Tesla.

"I would not have it any other way; surely this showdown cannot be delayed!"

"I can respect your enthusiasm but I feel it would be best to wait. At least until we can understand the field of battle we shall have to deal with. Dantes will likely delay Jeanne's forces from coming into battle so we can devote our full strength to dealing with the King of Heroes. It's only a matter of time now, I can feel the battle about to begin," Scathach stated.