
Crimson murderds

Being able to see things no one has ever, is not great. Izuku is cursed to see things he doesn't want to have anything to do with. He never asked to be Champion of Death, but he's stuck with the title. So he's cursed, quirkless, the main target of a murderer, and going to become a hero no matter what. Wait, a target? Well that's nice to know. Let's just add villains into the fray.

Mr_copy_your_story · Anime und Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 27

Aizawa listens to the class saying that they'll be going shopping as he walks out. He has heard from Tsukauchi about Midoriya's predicament and could not help but sigh in exasperation and in concern. This child is too problematic. He'll sue him if he gets white hairs before fifty. He can hear Midoriya inviting Todoroki and lida who both turn it down. Todoroki is going to see his mother and lida has things to do with his brother-Tensei, the guy is so cheerful and care free that sometimes he cannot picture the to being brothers. Midoriya is understanding and turns to Uraraka. They make a list together and decide to go with the group. "Oh," he says, walking back into the room and surprising everyone. "Midoriya, Nedzu needs to speak with you before you leave to your shopping trip."

Midoriya blinks before nodding. "Alright. Thank you, Aizawa-sensei." He smiles at him and looks at his friends. He speaks with them for a little longer before having to go and have a conversation with the principal.

Aizawa is in the lounge, enjoying a steamy fresh cup of coffee. He's breathing evenly, relaxing and trying to not care about his class of problems.

After the talk with Bakugou two days ago, he was just done and not wanting to interact with anyone.

Of course, he cannot do that since he has to teach them. He cannot, for the life of him, remember the reason he agreed on taking up teaching. Bakugou is one of the types of people that he worries about becoming heroes. So much potential but with a temper like that can put a hinder on one's career as a hero. Endeavour, he's one who will fit the profile. Bakugou can grow but if he does not, he will end up just like Endeavour. He will throw tantrums, blame others, and get others killed with his actions alone. He doesn't need that happening.

He doesn't need anyone failing Katsuki like they had failed Enji. This kid held so much potential, it hurts to see him waste it away.

"I want to retake that exam!" He was letting off explosions, glowering at the exasperated teacher.

He didn't want this exam to count. Bakugou could not accept this, for he had not been able to prove to them that he is amazing. It was all ruined by that shrimp!


He backtracked, not having expected that answer to come out of his mouth. Has this kid ever been told no? Just how could their old teachers call themselves teachers if they could not discipline such an arrogant child? "No? What do you mean no? That didn't count! That little runt-!"

"Bakugou-from what I can see--where you stand, you hold no authority over me. I am your teacher, not your servant. If you do not like that I'm not favoring you, then leave. " He watches the display of emotions cross his face when he said that.

Seriously, has anyone even spoken to the kid about this? Has anyone even tried to get through to him or did they just fuel the fire of his ego? This cannot go on. Midoriya is right, people need to teach the boy a lesson, but it does not seem like it'll happen any time soon. "This is a school to train heroes, not brats who throw tantrums over not getting what they want. I do not know how it was at your old school, but everyone here has potential regardless of quirk and if you cannot see that, then it means Midoriya's lesson wasn't ingrained into your skull. If you continue down this path, no one will see you as a hero. They'll see you as the villain and fear you. Is that what you want? To be seen as a villain?"

"Tch. Whatever, " he muttered glaring at his teacher. He pushed past him, his quirk activating as he stomped off. His voice echoing throughout the building with a string of curses, yelling and spitting and wanting to hurt the boy who he has tormented throughout their years since the two met at age five.

Aizawa sighs at the memory. No one had ever bothered to tell the boy off and it snowballed to this. He needs to know about the school they went to, he needs to see Katsuki's and Midoriya's old records. He'll have to see how the two had gotten along. See what the teachers say about the two and maybe get a few things from both of their parents. He has to see just how who they protected the most and from what Izuku had told him about, the lack of trust, he already knows the answer to it and it does not sit well with him. "I'll have to talk to Nedzu about it," he mutters to himself. This is just exhausting. If he cannot get the truth, he will probably smite someone.

"Shouta! What do you want to talk to Nedzu about?" Ugh, he has to come at the worse times.

"Nothing important, Hizashi. Let me rest." Aizawa sighs and leans further into his sleeping bag and enjoying the coffee. Or at least he would be if it isn't for Yamada. The man is rambling about something, and not like Midoriya's who is a quiet, creepy mutter, his is a loud, annoying shout. It grounds his eardrums into dust and he cannot take it any longer. He sighs again, lifting his head to look up at the loud blond. "You're not going to give this up, are you? Not until I tell you?"

"You know me so well, Shouta! So what do you need to ask Nedzu?"

He lets out an elongated groan, really not wanting to deal with it. Aizawa looks at him with a dead stare, not getting why he wants to even know about his problems. Although, this may be helpful.

If he can get Mic in on this, some things may become so much easier. "I need to see the files on Midoriya and Bakugou to know where they went to school at and everything how they were there."

"Oh. Aldera Junior High," he answers simply, grinning at him. "What? You didn't know that?" That idiotic grin widens considerably where he wishes to punch him and possibly break off a few teeth. "I've read their files before Shouta? That's


"Shut it. Just give me the files if you have them."

"I don't so I believe you'll have to ask Nedzu or you can hack into the school."

Aizawa blinks glancing between the pro hero and the half finished coffee. "Do it for me and being me what you find. I'm tired and I want to sleep." He chugs the coffee and hands the mug to the loud hero before curling up in his sleeping bag, falling asleep. Nothing bad is going to happen if he sleeps. He trusts Present Mic to not mess anything up.

Bonds that exist can get gnarled and corrupted throughout time. The people that one believes are good will one day turn dark and try to harm you, manipulate you, wanting you to do what they want you to. They do not care if it harms you or anyone else, as long as they can reach to the top. People like this, they're hungry-starving for a purpose in life-and, if they have to, they will become animals that destroy others. They will massacre and hide it, chaotically overturn-destroy the paths that lead to one's fated destination. Friends, family, strangers, it does not matter whom. As long as someone is in the way, they'll rip them apart and leave them to be hollow shells that'll think twice before getting in the way again. They're snakes the wrap around their victim, tightening their hold on them until the cracking of bones echoes throughout the place and then they're able to


Aizawa has seen this happen so many times. He can see that it's the same bond that Izuku and Katsuki have. That is why he cannot fathom why Midoriya had insisted never cutting ties with to begin with. For goodness sake, the boy knows a toxic relationship when he sees one yet he never bothered to even try to cut it. Unless he did but the blond would not let him, which goes to show how much of an ego Bakugou has. He cannot stand the kid, but if he tries to ignore him or leave him, he will rage and try hurting him. He hates being ignored and hates it when people turn their back on him-he's trying to convey a message and Midoriya has wound up being the target. An interesting case the two have become. Although, the question remains. Why hasn't Midoriya tried to speak up to anyone? Like Tsukauchi. He can see how the two are, their bond is different. He cannot see that bond ever corrupting any time soon. He needs to speak with Tsukauchi. Maybe he can answer a few questions then lead an investigation on the school itself. "just-I know you can help me with any problems but I can't bring myself to reach out. "The sudden memory on their conversation before the festival rises up. He remembers how the child would avoid the questions on trusting them as teachers instead of pro-heroes, choosing the latter. That may be an effect from the teachers from Aldera. If so, then he really needs to get answers, whether Midoriya and Bakugou give them or not. He is not playing around with this.

Midoriya is not having a good day. The plan to go to Kiyashi and shop for the training camp was supposed to be fun not end up like this. The group had gotten there only to split up in smaller groups.

He and Uraraka had decided to walk together and shop for whatever they need for the camp.

As he's speaking, he notices his friend's face turning red. Dark eyebrows draw close together in concern while he places a hand on her shoulder.

"Uraraka? Are you alright? Do you feel sick?"

"What? No! I'm fine! I-I'm going to find a bathroom. I'm sorry, excuse me!" Uraraka rushes off without another second to give him time to answer, leaving him alone in the middle of the shopping center. Her face is a brighter red than before once she realizes what she's just done. Now he must think I'm some weirdo! I cannot believe I just ran away from him! He looked so concerned for me too! Gosh, I'm such a terrible friend. I just can't get Aiyana's statement out of my head. I do not like Deku that way. We're friends! I can't have feelings for him like that! What if he doesn't even like me like that? I could just ruin our friendship!

No! I don't like him in that way. I promise. Aoyama was just messing with me.

Back with Izuku, who is looking like a confused puppy. He sighs for a few seconds, looking around to see where he can go. His friend has been acting strange lately that sometimes he can't figure out why. He can always see her shooting questioning glances at him then a few seconds later glares at Aoyama. Weren't they partners? If he did something to her, I'm-

"Hey!" That breaks his train of thought, surprising him a bit. Midoriya sighs, thinking it may be a call for someone else. You're the kid from the sports festival!"

Okay, that's for him. He's left in a stuttering mess since it's quite difficult for him to get used to people recognizing him. "I-I-yes?"

"Wow, you're so cool!" A sudden weight falls onto his shoulders and he looks up in confusion. The feeling of bone chilling fingers wrapping around his throat puts him on high alert as he's trying to place the oh so familiar voice. "Hello, Midoriya Izuku."

"We're here to kill All Might!"

No. It can't be.

That sickening smile that stretches across his face behind the mask. While it's obscured, Midoriya can see the wrinkles around those red eyes. The ruby irises that hold such rage, he stands in trepidation for a few moments before steeling himself.

This must be a misunderstanding. This cannot be who he thinks he is.

"I don't think you're in any position to ask such things from me."

Of course, his luck is terrible. He cannot believe it.

What is he doing here? How stupid is this guy that he 'Naillingly walk up to him? "Shigaraki Tomura," he growls as he glares daggers at the villain in pure rage and hatred. This is just not his day whatsoever.

"Oh, come now, Izuku. We're friends here! Don't give me that look. You don't want to struggle," he threatens lowly, ghosting his finger over his flesh.

He forces himself to relax and maybe he relaxes a little too much, but hey, what's some careless banter between "friends"? "Wow, aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" His mouth opens as if he realizes something. A mocking worried expression appears on his face. He drops it to a cheeky smile. "Oh, wait, no you aren't. You look sick, maybe you should get a check up. After all, you look ready drop dead in a second and poor me, I'll have to deal with your pitiful soul."

"Haha! You think you're so funny, don't you, you cheeky little brat!" Shigaraki narrows his eyes, tightening his hand around his neck and forcing himself to keep one finger up from turning him to ash. His red eyes meet those toxic, green eyes that he hides behind those stupid sunglasses. He's going to get answers. He will never let this son of a bitch get the upper hand again. "Let's have some tea, I have a few things to ask you."