
Chapter 93 - What is a King?

Oh boy, surprised? Well, funny thing it was adjusted and I'll be going to school tomorrow instead. Hopefully, I can post another chapter later. For now enjoy this.


Chat group Arena


While the commotion of the fight between Unohana and Erix was raging on. The other girls excluding Sona were busy getting to know each other. Raven shared some insight on magic with Gwen who was surprised how knowledgeable she was.

"I came from a dimension that is well aligned in magic. The key thing that they taught us about magic is the person's willpower and emotion."

Raven explained showing the difference between having a clear and chaotic mind. It helps stabilize the spells and makes it even stronger than before. Though, this is the system they use since DC Cosmology of magic is vastly different from what people are used to.

Dr. Manhattan described it as the scraps of creation. Like the random errors in computer code, discarded and forgotten... left to be picked up and used by those who also find themselves discarded and forgotten.

A power in which allows for manipulation over creation, in order to practice magic, a person must become aware of magic and understand that magic itself and understand that magic can be shaped at will. A person's ability to do so is considered magic sensitivity, a topic considered subjective and difficult to grasp even with other sorcerers.

Spells used for magic possess two competents; a external and internal component. The external component refers to an incantation, rune, or a combination of the two similar to a mathematical formula in which binds two previously attempted spells to achieve a desired result.

The external component is considered the easier aspect to understand, requiring a certain level of research.

The internal aspect refers to the component in which represents the desire to rewrite reality and is considered the most difficult component to achieve when performing magic

Regardless, Gwen benefited from giving some spells to use in battle. She might not be able to use them immediately but would still consider them in her pursuit of magic.

Erina began teaching Jean how to cook while she was also preparing for their dinner. She was awkward around people because of her background and didn't have many friends but for some reason she got along with Jean who had ways to make friends.

Jean is someone who studies psychology and understands people's behavior along with the reason behind it. She didn't even need to use her powers to know Erina may be haughty at times but is still a kind person only burdened by her responsibilities.

It was at that moment the kitchen shook a bit and those who have keen senses were able to discern what's going on.

"It seems Miss Retsu is currently sparring with Erix and he seems rather excited." Jean paused for a moment delving into their connection and found that he was having a blast.

"I wonder why he likes to fight. Is it a men thing?"

She pondered because she's never enjoyed fighting and prefers to resort in a peaceful manner but knows when not to pull her punches. Who would in their right mind not kill and sacrifice even more lives for the sake of their self righteousness.

"Probably. His demon and they are prone to do what they desire because it's simply their nature. Though, they can control themselves to some degree but in the end their core nature they can't escape." Raven answered seeing she was a demon and had impulses but trained herself to control it.

"A Demon. He's certainly different from what I know about demons." Gwen said seeing he was carefree and free spirited yet had the sense of an imposing monarch.

"Oh believe me, when it comes to fighting and his enemies, he can be a demon." Raven said to her remember how he beat up Darkseid who was as strong if not stronger than her father.

"Ah right, you haven't told me how your mission went?" Erina asked since she couldn't join upon seeing the difficulty and she's not one who likes to fight. If there was a more reasonable mission then she would love to join.

"It was a one sided fight. Darkseid couldn't even land a fatal blow against Erix." The goth girl answered while Gwen's jaw slack opened.

"Wait, Darkseid!? Don't tell me he fought his true form!?" Gwen said, making everyone look at her in confusion.

"What do you mean by true form?" Erina was curious since she guessed that this Darkseid was a powerful base from the difficulty but True form?

"Well, Darkseid is a New God and all of them have true forms that transcend Raven's reality. Their true form is like putting a three dimensional being in a plain sheet of paper where it would shatter and rip because of the difference in dimension. This means Darkseid typically use avatars that weaker versions to fight."

Gwen shared her knowledge in comic books since she does enjoy them but not so much like her cousins. Everyone was dumbfounded in disbelief upon Hearing her explanation.

'Uhmm are you the same, Phoenix?' Jean asked her own cosmic entity whose power transcends her own perception of reality.

[ "Yes, I am the ultimate expression of all light and life within the cosmos as the sum and origination of all living things. It is a force of nature whose birth signals the Big Bang that originates the universe, being both the first spark of life that creates all things and the consuming fire that brings them to an end. Thus, I am a spirit of destruction and rebirth, allowing the new to emerge from the ashes of the old, equal parts good and evil." ]

Jean was surprised to hear more about phoenix since she often remained quiet and rarely communicated but reacted every time she saw professor Xavier.

[ " Though there is an instance of the Phoenix Force like myself in every reality of the multiverse, all of them are emanations of a single, complete Phoenix, which resides in the Mystery above and outside of the multiverse entirely, presiding over the multiversal afterlife known as the White-Hot Room. This means I am nothing but a mere fraction of the true might of my other self. If my true self descended into the physical reality then it would burn into complete nothingness and the reason why I need a host to do my work." ]

Phoenix shared her duty as the phoenix to destroy and bring up anew from the ashes. She is a nature and force therefore she's nearly malevolent nor benevolent.

[ "You are my true vessel across all alternative version and all host, you are one who is most compatible with me therefore it's matter of time for you to reach that place and acquire the crown and become the white phoenix of the crown." ]

Phoenix still felt bitter since Erix descended into the deepest part of all things seeing things from below than above giving him a different perspective than those above. He hasn't accessed the throne at the moment making rather weak but eventually he will sit upon it and acquire even more power.

'That's….a lot to take in but thank you for telling.'

Jean said as felt overwhelmed by the piece of information. It feels like she's the chosen one. While she was busy talking with the phoenix, the other girls continued chatting.

"I see, well, that didn't happen and Erix most likely fought an avatar." Raven didn't see any point of worrying since they can't do anything at the moment and best to remain calm.

"Guess I'm lucky my world doesn't have that." Erina muttered imagining how scary it is to fight something like that on a daily basis.

They continued chatting, sharing a few more things about themselves while at the Arena where Erix and Unohana had joined Sona unfazed at the possibility of the danger that might happen.

"I am curious what this Djinn is. It sounded similar to a Zanpakuto spirit." Unohana shared her thoughts having recovered and tied her hair back to normal.

Sona took a deep breath preparing herself for what's to come and took out her reward. In an instant, seemingly clouds appeared above them and crackling of lightning along with water surrounding them.

They watched with a mixture of emotion from Erix remaining unfazed and Unohana who was interested in the power while Sona could feel her heart racing in anticipation.

"It's been a long time since someone has come and called upon me." A mysterious voice resonated through the air, causing a ripple in the water as an otherworldly scale materialized.

The once calm surface now transformed, elongating into an ethereal display. As the onlookers stared in awe, a majestic serpentine creature emerged, towering over them with an undeniable presence, captivating their senses and leaving them spellbound by the surreal encounter.

"I am the Sitri, the Djinn of storm. Which one of you is going to be king?" It spoke looking at them and was surprised at the sudden information flooding into its mind.

"Hmmm, I see, well, normally there should be a magi to choose the king but you appear to be someone connected to me." The creature looks down at Sona who flinches seeing it up close.

"Tell me, what is your name, child?" Their voice was calm and soothing like the sea itself.

"I am Sona Sitri from the Sitri household and a devil." Sona answered and this surprised the creature but due to a piece of information understood what's happening.

"Someone who bears my name from another world. Well, this is truly interesting, however I must do my duty. Normally you would have to capture a dungeon but seeing this is vastly different, I shall try to test you in a different way." Sitri said where Sona was nervous at what trial that she would be doing.

"Tell me, to you, what makes a king, a king?" Sitri asked Sona, taken aback by the question but stopped to consider everything. Erix watched this and had his own answer but decided to let Sona decide.

"What makes a king, a king….."

Sona muttered thinking what she had been doing since she is the next head of the Sitri and a king of her peerage.

"...A king is one who leads and serves their people in turn they serve their king and follow them. They are ambitious but not blind. It's not just the crown and title; a true king earns respect through wisdom, leadership, and genuine care for their people."

Sona answered and Sitri took a moment to reevaluate her answer before laughing hysterically confusing everyone.

"Good answer. Then I accept you as a king and bless you with my power." Sitri said when Sona sighs in relief that she got it right.

"Well, then do you have an item I can possess?" It asked while Sona shook her head.

"Hmmm, I can't possess those glasses or hairpin." Sitri said while Erix got close and took out something.

"Here this might help." Erix took out a black gloves that should be enough to let Sitri possess it.

"Don't worry, this is just plain old leather gloves though the hide that was used is rather strong." He nonchalantly said surprising Sona.

"Are you sure?" Sona asked.

"It's fine and if you want to repay me then maybe next time when you get points but in the end I have no use for it anyway and simply thought you might need it." Erix answered and Sona looked at the gloves and reluctantly accepted.

"Thank you, I promise to repay you." Sona said as she took the gloves into her right hand that adjusted to her sight and Sitri nodded.

"Well then, this might be the last time we will meet. Farewell, my descendants from another world."

Sitri roared as the cloud above crackled and the creature turned back into water immediately went into the black glove that Sona wore that instantly formed the 8 pointed star surrounded by a circle appearing on the back of her hand.

Erix sensed that power was certainly going to make Sona into a monster along with her peerage once she mastered it.