
Crimson Instinct

[COMPLETED] It's a race against time. But the challenge gets even harder as there is a certain difficulty that they both have to overcome. With Bai Li facing his own inner demons, will their quest for truth spiral out of control? Will he get his honour back? Who is the enemy hiding in the shadows that Xin Lei and Bai Li would have to fight? Along this journey to find their answers, will it also spark the flames of love between them? *** Amidst the booming crack of ear-piercing gunshots, Xin Lei bumped into the ex-army officer, Major Bai Li, who recently got a dishonorable discharge. He was the only hope for her who could help her in digging the truth behind not only that syndicate chasing after her life but also to find about her father and brother who have mysteriously disappeared. Together, they set out to search for the truth, but it shapes into something much darker and sinister as they learn about the case Xin Lei's father was working on - to prove a father innocent of his little daughter's disappearance, plunging them into one of the dangerous worlds, hidden from everybody. --- Scene Excerpt --- My foot was stuck in the pit and I pushed Bai Li away from me who was trying to get me out. There was no time. The sounds of sirens were growing closer and closer. How can I let the police catch him? But my strength wasn't enough. I tugged his shirt. I begged him. 'Please go.' Bai Li grabbed my arms. "Don't push me away, Xin Lei. Soldiers never leave anyone behind. It's either we are caught together or we escape together." Before I knew it, his lips were on mine. "Whatever it is, sticking together is the only option I give you." #WSA2020. Theme - Sweets love. --- Discord - https://discord.gg/CbhNys444r Follow me on Insta - enthu_reader7 --- My other novels : 1. Because I simply love you 2. Because I cannot hurt you 3. The Mafia King's First Love **Novel cover is commissioned. Credit goes to Chainslock**

enthu_reader · Urban
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273 Chs

One of them


Tian Song was in the other car, giving orders to the officers. "Search over there. You go straight and check."

"Yes, sir!"

He was now alone in the car. He dialed a number. "They have escaped. We are on their trail."

There was silence for a beat. "How?"

"I was planning to take them with me on the pretext of interrogation, but in just a fraction of a second, they were already running towards me. Bai Li pushed me aside. I think they were just waiting for the moment for the door to open, and they grabbed the chance."

"It was such a small time frame, yet they managed to take advantage of it. Interesting."


"Use all your resources, but get them as soon as you can. I don't want them to interfere in all this."

*Xin Lei*, ---

We entered the small room in the alley, which I was assuming to be the living room, kitchen, and the bedroom altogether at once. There was a single bed at the side and a bulb hanging above from the ceiling. At the other end was a small kitchen sink and a two-story cabinet having some bottles of spices and sauces.

Needless to say, the condition wasn't quite good. And it smelled terrible.


Bai Li said, "Ah, Cocoa doesn't like the smell. I am of the same opinion."

I sighed. I couldn't believe we were fugitives from the police.

I typed. "I don't understand. How did the evidence get in my pocket?"

"It's one of those two officers, Tian Song and Duan Deming. One of them must have quietly slipped inside without you noticing it. And those two are the only ones we met on our way and were close enough to do that, plus, both were standing at your side."

Now that I thought about it, yes...both were beside me when they were talking to us.

He went quiet.

"What are you thinking?"

"I am thinking about Tian Song. He sounded to me as a quiet but sharp guy. But he didn't ask questions like how Duan Deming did. He wasn't suspicious...or he already knew who we were but didn't pry into it because he had already planned to trap us."

I nodded. Duan Deming behaved and asked questions about our identity, like how any police officer did. Tian Song did too, but it seemed very shallow, like just one answer from us, and he was satisfied.

"We cannot get caught." I typed it again.

Bai Li nodded. "No doubt about it. He framed us to stop us from meddling in the case. There is no use trying to prove ourselves innocent since the police itself is in it. That is just a waste of effort."

Then someone knocked on the door. "Wu here. I brought our clothes."

Bai Li put the finger on his lips. 'Don't move.'

There was silence for a few seconds.

Then Guard Wu said, "Thunder."

"Thunder." Bai Li said. He then signaled to open it. "Cocoa would have growled if there was anyone else with him."

I looked down at Cocoa and patted his head.

Guard Wu came inside, holding two bags. He was already wearing a new set of clothes. He handed me one.

"This is yours." He said to Bai Li.

"I will stand outside."

"I will come, as well." Bai Li said. "Let Xin Lei change first. Cocoa, stay."


I couldn't help but smile.

A brave soldier with a sharp tongue, but also a gentleman.

Five minutes later, we all three were inside the room.

I typed. "Guard Wu, you shouldn't stay with us anymore. We already brought you so much trouble. Now, you cannot work there."

I felt guilty for dragging him into this. Now, he had definitely lost his job because of us.

Guard Wu looked unaffected. "It's alright. I was going to retire anyway."

Well...You cannot exactly live a peaceful retired life with cops running behind you.

Bai Li asked, "Do you have a place to hide?"

He nodded. "I have one acquaintance. I will crash at her place for the time being. What will you two do?"



I typed. "We should go with Bai Li's plan to lose the cops in Ditan Park."

"And about Fu Ting's case?"

Bai Li said, "I know what to do. Gen Gen. He sent his minions three times already. It's high time to visit him now. He must also know about where Fu Meili is kept."

I typed. "We can also get a clue about Dad."

"Sounds good. Be careful. I have heard about him. He has his own gang and does a lot of illegal stuff."

"Thanks for the warning."

"You are going to need a gun and lots of ammunition. The gun you have is no good."

"I know. What can we expect from a minion's gun? Do you have any kind connections to lend us some?"

"The same acquaintance of mine. She knows this stuff."

"Under the table?"


"Great. Guess we are tagging with you a little longer, and then you can enjoy your retired life."

Guard Wu shrugged.

I typed. "Where does she work?"

"In a tea house."

Bai Li asked, "Do they serve only tea?"


"But, I like coffee."

I facepalmed.

"There is a first time for everything."

"I am a coffee person ever since I was able to understand this world; any type of coffee. I am thirty-two. I cannot change my habit at this point."

"Drink water."

It was hard holding my laughter in, not that he could hear it but still.

"Yes, you can laugh, Xin Lei. I will not get offended."

'Sometimes, I really wonder if he cannot see.'

Guard Wu asked, "When will we leave?"

"Right now, before they start circulating our sketches everywhere, showing our beautiful faces in black and white."

Oh God...my *cough* our pictures as wanted criminals. Fugitives. What more turns will this case take?

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