
Crimson Breeze

Even Vulcane, the one dubbed as the Great Crimson God, couldn't avoid the passage of time. Every one of his wives died due to old age, leaving him with only two undying Vampires. Having enough with his life, he decided to meet with the Universe Administrator to talk about the reincarnation program they had been doing. Where dead youth from whatever planets could live a second life, fulfilling their unfulfilled life. Without a system, he was reincarnated to the new Universe. --| Hehe |-- Discord: https://discord.gg/zmxBZmdqrH --| Hehe |--

Chrillion · Anime und Comics
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101 Chs

Chapter 1 - Reincarnation

Chappy 1 - Reincarnation


These early chaps are under maintenance and need some revising due to the sheer amount of people wanting some context on some things.

Probably take months to actually happens tho.

--[--] A Lonely Garden [--]--

A neatly kept garden came into sight, shrouded in darkness due to the sun's laziness. But that didn't diminish the garden's beauty that was only lit thanks to the few lamps around.

In one of the gazebos, the only place in the garden to be lit the brightest. A being was enjoying a cup of tea brewed using one of the rarest tea leaves.

"Who is it this time?" With a cup of tea in hand, a woman with an indescribable beauty glanced at the man in front of her.

A beauty that even the highest god to exist in the universe would find hard to describe. One could only gaze upon the surface of her beauty and describe her most common features. Her flowing dark blue hair fluttered with her every move. Her greenish-blue eyes invoke a sense of calm gazed at the world. Her nipples pointed forward towards the future.

Whereas, the man in front of her could be described as the opposite of her. Whitish red hair that was neatly kept. Bluish red eyes that would burn the world if it ever wished to.

"No one. All I have left are those two undying vampires. The rest are holing up themselves on their domains." He picked up the cup of tea and halted his movement the moment it was near enough for his nose to smell the tea. "What is it this time?"

"The tea? Just some leaves from your tree." The woman just shrugged when faced with that question.

The man laughed when he heard her answer. Knowing what would happen if a certain would to know what she did to procure the tea leaves, maybe a few galaxies would be filled with void beings.

"I'll just ignore what you said just now." The man ignored this whole debacle, as he rather not focus his thoughts on something like tea leaves when his arrival here was for something more important. "I'm here to ask about something. Is the reincarnation pack still available?"

Surprised filled the woman's face, as she didn't expect him to inquire about her. Unsure whether she heard it wrong or not, she asked him again. Which was replied with a nod.

"Ohh?? What causes the great Vulcane to change his mind?" A smile crept up on her beautiful face; ready to tease him.

Vulcane sighed, knowing well that this was inevitable. The years of preparation he had gone through to prepare himself from her teasing instantly crumbled the moment he saw that smile; a smile of a predator getting ready to toy with their prey.

"Life has been quite boring lately. I've had enough of these repetitious games." Vulcan braces himself as he speaks the sentence he had been rehearsing back home.

Even then, he looked empty the moment he finished uttering those words.

The woman looked at his state and stopped herself from enacting her plan. Then she raised one of her slender fingers and did a slow finger-slashing motion near her mouth.

The space near her mouth was cut open, showing an entirely different scene compared to their surroundings. Inside the slashed space was a plain room of a teenager filled with useless stuff, where a man slouched back on his chair.

"What is it, Cyrene?" The man spoke, sending a breeze of energy through the small cut in the air.

"It's code V-A." The woman; Cyrene, simply said those words as the man changed his expression to that of an elated one.

In the instant those words left her mouth. The space trembled and shook for a fraction of a second, where a piece of an arm suddenly appeared on top of the table while the cut disappeared as the space mended itself shut.

The arm seemed to be the right hand of whoever the man was supposed to be. Other than the numerous tri-colored bracelets on the wrist and the long nails, there's nothing noteworthy about it.

"When?" A voice came out of nowhere as the arm tapped the table.

"Anytime soon."

"What about a system? Fancy one?" The arm moved in an agitated manner as the voice continued to question Vulcane.


"Wait… really?" The voice paused, a bit surprised by the response.

"Yeah, all of the system users I've met so far... Is.. shackled, to put it simply. So no." Vulcane spoke as memories of the past surged into his mind. "Unless you're talking about Koku's System."

The arm froze in place when Vulcane mentioned a name, causing the arm to stop tapping the table and instead move in a way as if it was brushing an imaginary chin

"That's a name that I haven't heard for a bit. Actually, what's he doing right now?" The arm went silent for a moment. "Those two maniacs actually met and made that kind of game…"

While the arm didn't have any other feature other than being an arm. Somehow it could express the owner's emotion who was shocked about whatever it was looking at.

Vulcane instantly realized what he was talking about and couldn't help but be surprised. Because that God hadn't been seen anywhere for quite some time.

"What are you talking about? Did he release a new game again?" Vulcane's question was responded to with a simple 'Yes'.

Cyrene on the other hand, who was a bit behind on the topic that didn't involve managing her universe, couldn't understand the reason for their surprise.

But when she remembered the previous name that Vulcane brought up. A title of a certain God suddenly appeared in her head, a being that could almost rival the owner of the arm.

[Unreality Manipulator]

Someone who made games for the Gods while always going beyond what was actually possible.

"Let's finish our current business, those are tw-three different stories altogether." The arm lightly tapped the table. "Well then, is there anything that you might want?"

Vulcane and Cyrene listened to the arm and put away the topic of games for God, as they were here for something entirely different.

"How about a body to host every power imaginable? I've heard that this Universe I'm going to reincarnate into has a limitless number of powers." Vulcane remembered the statement of those guys who claimed they were reincarnated into a show they've watched.

From the eye that was dubbed as the Eye of Creation, A fruit that granted any kind of ability imaginable, Soul blast, and literal mutation to one's body.

"That's manageable. But pipe it down." The arm did a half-shrug.

While giving such power to him was beyond easy, the arm couldn't have him going around destroying everything just to obtain those said powers.

--| U.A. High |--

 "Momo, have you heard of the rumor?" Sitting in the cafeteria munching her meal, a dark-purple-haired girl spoke to her friend. "The one about a new student who recently got admitted into U.A.."

"Rumor?" The girl she called Momo spoke with confusion before then remembered something. "That rumor about a special admittance student who was given a class of his own?

"Yeah, that one!" The girl spoke with quite excitement seeing her friend knew what she meant. "Why do you think he was admitted into our school with that privilege?"

Hearing the girl's words, Momo, who was peacefully munching on her lunch, stopped her spoon mid-air. 

At first, she was skeptical about such a student ever existing, because such treatment was bound to cause jealousy from the other students.

But for her, it was just a rumor that arose because a small building was built near their class without any of their teachers even telling them anything about it.

"So, what do you think about confirming the rumor ourselves?" The girl spoke once again, snapping Momo back from her trance. "It doesn't hurt to be a little curious right?"

"Kyoka, don't you think it's a little bit reckless? I mean even our teacher doesn't want to tell us anything about it." Momo's voice was filled with uncertainty.

"Just don't be caught, easy right?" Kyoka said as the last spoonful of the meal was stuffed into her mouth.

Two of them talked past that, although it was just Kyoka convincing Momo to go with her suggestion and was finally accepted after quite some time.

Kyoka looked like any ordinary girl with her short dark-purple hair and her pair of black eyes, if not for one peculiar feature of hers; a pair of long earlobes that resembled an earphone jack hanging down from her ears.

Surprisingly, within the cafeteria, the two of them were having their lunch, and a huge number of students couldn't be said to look ordinary either.

From a male student with hair covering his whole body, to a girl who has long green vines that reached her waist for hair.

Sitting across Kyoka, Momo couldn't look more ordinary with her long black hair that was tied to a spiky ponytail, although with an exception that was her breasts which were definitely above-above average.

"How about we go now? There's still quite a lot of time till the next period." Kyoka, who was drinking, looked at her once again.

"Sounds good.." Momo answered her after a moment of hesitation.

They tidied their seats before leaving the cafeteria, and on the way out they met their friends who came to eat. But, after hearing what they were going to do, they abandoned eating and went together with the two of them.

"Aren't we going there with too many people?" Kyoka looked back at the five girls who were also curious about the rumor.

"Well, we too are also curious about it." A pink girl answered. "A mysterious student that the teachers avoid talking about; that's some manga plot right there."

"You're not wrong." Kyoka just shrugged and continued their stroll until a familiar figure came out from their destination. "It's Aizawa!"

With that, everyone scrambled and hid on a wall hoping for something that's futile, because their teacher, Aizawa, suddenly appeared in front of them.

"What are you guys doing?" Aizawa, a man with a tired appearance, spoke.

The man in front of them was their teacher, a man who most people would mistake as a homeless man because of his shoulder-length messy black hair, coupled with his constant fatigued appearance that was usually hidden behind layers of cloth that were loosely wrapped around his neck.

"Uhh, we just want to see what the rumor was about." Momo, the one who was sure this would happen, answered her teacher's question.

"Rumor?" Aizawa was puzzled about what this was about before then the pink girl told him. "You mean Kenjiki Shinketsu? We avoid talking about him because it's just too complicated, well, mostly annoying to explain."

Everyone was taken aback at how easily Aizawa told them about it, expecting the usual silence.

"How about you meet him? You guys might know the person he was looking for." Aizawa broke the silence and walked back into the classroom.

"That was a bit lackluster." Kyoka looked at her disappearing teacher's back.

The girls around her just shrugged, knowing full well that's how their teacher acted all of the time, besides being sleepy.

So, without wasting any more time, the pink-haired and pink-skinned girl with a pair of yellow horns was the first one to sprint following Aizawa, leaving the girls behind.

Seeing her, Kyoka, Momo, and the others looked at each other and walked into the class.

While the girls were wasting time outside, Aizawa stood against the board with his eyes closed waiting for them to get inside.

"You guys are finally here, don't know what took you so long there even though it's just 5 meters of walk." Still with his eyes closed, Aizawa spoke as he pointed to a lone student. "That's the guy, speak with him or something."

On the other side, a student sat beside the window listening to something from the walkman he was holding on his left hand. He was still unaware of the group of people that entered the class just now as both of his ears were stuffed with earphones.

Glancing to the window, his short white hair swayed around following the breeze of wind that entered the class, the pair of red eyes were fully opened ignoring the light that would blind most people, and his ears were pointier than most. Surprisingly, he wasn't wearing the school uniform and instead was wearing a white shirt layered with a black coat that was hanging on his shoulders.

With the sight of the male student entering the girls' sight, they instantly got their mouth agape in surprise because even their high expectations were too low.

Kyoka on the other hand was confused seeing the boy feeling that he looked familiar, coupled with the walkman that he was holding onto was the one she had as a child. 

"Hello! Nice to meet you, I'm Mina Ashido!" The pink girl suddenly spoke, reaching out her hand for a handshake. 

Kenjiki who was chilling on his seat was alarmed by something that entered his sight causing him to unconsciously raise his hand to block anything that might come.

"A pink hand?" Kenjiki was confused about what's this even about, but once he saw it was just someone asking for a handshake, he responded. "Hello... I'm Kenjiki Shinketsu…?"

"What's your quirk?" Wasting no time, Mina instantly threw that question as she was already curious due to how he looked.

Quirk was something humanity gained by chance and still was covered in mystery as to how they even obtained them in the first place. A mysterious phenomenon where Humans evolved into having inhumane strength and ability. Usually, most quirk would change people's appearance according to their ability causing the previous cafeteria scene to be quite the spectacle.

Take Kyoka as an example, her quirk was the earphone jacks that grew from her ears that enabled her to connect it with everything and blast loud noises.

Hearing the straightforward question, Kenjiki was taken aback as this was the first time he was faced with such a scenario, putting him in deep thought.

"Vampire in the simplest term." Kenjiki answered after thinking about it for a moment.

"Vampire? Then can you suck blood like in those films?" Aside from energetic Mina Ashido, a curious voice came from a flying uniform.

"I can." Although taken aback by the floating uniform, Kenjiki shortly answered while trying his best not to smirk when facing the flying uniform's direction.

They continued to chat about the quirk and were surprised that he could also manipulate blood like the 1-B class Homeroom Teacher.

On the other hand, only Kyoka was silent the whole conversation as she was trying to find the reason why she might find him familiar.

But then, a shocking sentence was said by a short auburn-haired girl, Ochacho Uraraka.

"Don't you think those horns look like Jiro's?" Ochacho spoke, snapping Kyoka from her thoughts.

"Wait, that's true!" Mina suddenly remembered something. "Are you guys related or something? Both of your quirks look the same aside from your wings."

The said girl, Kyoka was finally back on her eyes and saw something that finally confirmed her thought.

"Ken-chan?" Kyoka blurted that name, causing everyone to be confused.

On the side, Aizawa who was observing them with his eyes closed muttered something.

"Yeah, it's probably her, the surname Jiro, and an earphone jack quirk." Aizawa who was too lazy to think finally pieced something together

Kenjiki who was in the process of retracting his wings was halted by the name that was uttered by Kyoka.

"Kyo?" Kenjiki finally realized that they were another girl who stood at the door.

"What's this? You guys know each other?" Momo, who was not expecting them to know each other, was shocked when something just blitzed past all of them.

"Ken!! Where were you all this time?! My parents told me that you moved to another country?!" Just now, Kyoka who was just at the door suddenly grew a pair of red wings and flew to Kenjiki at a high speed.

Kyoka's sudden burst of flight launched the two of them clashing against the wall making him groan. But then, she started to cry before getting louder and louder causing Kenjiki's shirt to be soaked.

Everyone who watched the scene was dumbfounded, as it was quite the development they weren't expecting to happen.

But no one did anything about it, and just watched Kenjiki brushing Kyoka's hair, trying to calm her down, and yet it was unsuccessful as she didn't even feel it.

"No need to cry, I'm here." Kenjiki suddenly spread the wings he had been trying to retract and flew outside of the classroom and to the sky. "Does being a Vampire burden you?"
