
Cosmic Metamorphosis: A Symphony of Evolution (Racial Conflict)

Competition between civilizations Evolution of civilization Evolution in pursuit of the infinity

Novel_Star · Fantasie
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3 Chs

1. World test

Alpha Star

Astral City

[ 18:30 ]

[ 31-12-3031 ]

A magnificent purple sky adorns the world.

Magnificent tall buildings full of technology are lined up neatly.

The Alpha star civilization has entered the interstellar age, they have occupied their star system.

At this time the civilization is going through a new year.

People were busy with their own affairs, including preparing for the New Year's Eve celebration.

Various types of vehicles floated on the streets neatly.

At this time

The hill north of the city was built with a luxury villa.

On the terrace of the 2nd floor

A man with a height of 1.9 meters is holding a little girl of 6 or 7 years old.

"Uncle, chocolate!"

A man of about 30 years old looking at the city in the distance was awakened by the girl's adorable voice.

"This is the 10th time; if there are too many, you'll look like a fat bear."

He complained as he handed her a chocolate from his shirt pocket.

"I won't get fat! Huh! Alpha won't let it, so no way!"

Took the chocolate, opened it, and savored it.

Looking at the girl's chocolate-filled mouth, he looked at her with a gentle, affectionate smile.

Zein Avalon, currently 499 years old which is quite shocking even in an interstellar civilization.

He was the number 1 person in Alpha civilization, a person who was able to advance civilization in the past few centuries.

From spaceships to genetic breeding came from him.

Because of this, people can now live to be hundreds of years old, there are even people with half a century of age, they are called pioneers, a title for people who lived since the beginning of the golden age.

And Zein Avalon the one who led the golden age looked at the cute girl making her recall the past.

Lily Avalon was currently 6 years old, black hair and violet eyes characteristic of the Alpha race.

Her parents died in an accident, and she started taking care of her back then.

Both of her parents were her comrades in arms, having been friends from middle school.

They had a very close relationship like brothers, so he was very sad when they passed away.

It was 5 years ago that the event that started the age of disaster happened.

A space crack occurred in one of the space bases, coincidentally one of the research labs was built and the two friends were researching in the lab.

So they and the base were sucked into the space crack and there was no further information.

What happens to the people no one knows, entering the space rift is very slim chances of surviving, even if surviving they might be thrown into the unknown.

The distance might be millions of light years or even further, so he could only pray for the best for them.

Since that event, other disasters had also begun to occur throughout Alpha civilization.

And it was multiplying every year.

Looking at this cute girl, he felt sorry, people who consumed genetic drugs had difficulty producing offspring.

This girl was born with little parental love especially now that events like the time of the disaster occurred.

So from the moment she came to live with him, he took care of her wholeheartedly, treating her like his own child.

He had even prepared a technology as a gift and it was his best invention to date.

"Uncle, don't be absent-minded anymore!" Lily patted Zein's face with her small hand.


"Hey, I didn't know that little Lily was so cruel to uncle." Zein rubbed his face pretending to be in pain.

"Uncle, aren't we lighting fireworks, I'll take them inside". Lily said, breaking away from Zein and running inside.

Seeing her running fast Zein didn't know what to say, isn't it still a few hours away?, he just smiled and caught up with Lily.


[ 23:55 ]

Five minutes to go before the turn of the year.

The sky is currently full of fireworks that are very extraordinary, it's like stars exploding in space.

At the villa, Zein was currently setting off the fireworks with Lily.

He pressed the button and at that instant the fireworks launched and then exploded in the air.

The explosion filled the sky, like billions of stars scattering, then the star exploded, scattered like meteor debris and fell down.

It was still going on and the 10-minute countdown on the fireworks box seemed quite sophisticated.

A few minutes passed, as the clock struck 00.00.01 a startling change occurred throughout Alpha civilization.

Currently on both the Alpha star and the colony star, there were cracks in space in every city and place that was quite densely populated.

Coincidentally, a genderless voice sounded in everyone's minds.

It was accompanied by the sudden appearance of screens above each city.

[Alpha Star's growth period has ended]

[Start evolution assessment]

[Assessing civilization...]

[Civilization: Alpha Star

Current civilization level: Type II

Approximate system: Type 0 (80%)

Evaluation: SSS (X Stars)]

[Adjusting the assessment level...]

[Since Alpha Star succeeded far beyond the forecast, hereby design a special assessment level]

[ Successfully designed, special assessment level... ]

[ Annihilation Rate (X Stars) ]

(Note the assessment level: Easy, Normal, Difficult, Very Difficult, Nightmare, Hell, Annihilation)

At this moment, the people who were originally happy and were watching the fireworks changed their expressions from confused to anxious.

Hearing the difficulty level sent chills down their bodies.

People started to panic and didn't know what to do next.

Zein, who was currently in the villa, also heard and saw what happened.

He had a bad feeling, and hurriedly ordered.

Nova take out Mecha Titan no. 3, and let Lily wear Aurora's suit armor.

[Yes sir] A soft female voice came out from Zein's watch.

After that, the tens of meters of land next to the villa opened up and a super mecha with a height of 25 meters came out from underground.

With its pitch black color, it looked like a black gundam.

At the same time an ice blue armor suit flew towards Lily, it then wrapped around Lily who was confused not understanding what was happening.

"Grandpa is this the gift you said"

"Nova are you there?"

[Yes little master]

The image of a small loli with purple hair suddenly appeared in Lily's view.

"Can you tell me what this is?"

[Yes, little master]

Many images suddenly appeared in front of Lily.

"Ooh this is so pretty, can I fly with this?"

Seeing Lily excited by the aurora, Zein felt happy that his efforts were not in vain, it made Lily happy and could protect her from danger.

At this time Zein flew straight to the Mecha, with genetic medicine he awakened the power of telekinesis and it was easy to fly.

He entered the cockpit and immediately used a helmet that connected himself to Mecha Titan no. 3.

Author's Notes:

1.The name Avalon is not a family name, in the Alpha civilization they have a rather free name, so there is no family name here.

2. X = 10 (from Roman numerals)

3. The assessment of each civilization at each level has the same opponent in each civilization, so even if it is the highest level, it does not mean that it is very difficult, it is based on the strength of the civilization, if it is strong, it will be easy to face the assessment.

Novel_Starcreators' thoughts