
part - 3

"sigh~, ahh man, my morning is so bad this time around as well. Well, it might not that bad when it is compared to my school."

I am on my walk to the school while thinking about today's ruckus in the morning. My family sure is a lively one. They even made fun of me even while eating breakfast. I may complain that I am having a bad time but I enjoy my time together with my family. They love me so much that even I can feel that but my school is different when it is compared to that. I always face criticism and trouble due to so many rumors that have passed which of them I have not even done.

Nobody speaks to me friendly other than two people. They are the only two best friends that I have had in my whole life.

"hey, katsu. Let's walk together"

"me too wait you guys"

As I was thinking that I heard two familiar voices from my back.

"Miyamoto, tsubasa"

Miyamoto mizuhara, one of my only two best friends. his family runs a dojo.

Tsubasa tsukumi is another one of my best friends. He is a great kickboxer.

These two are the only people who extended their hand to me refusing to believe the rumors on me. These two stood by my side in every possible way.

"yeah let's walk together."

I answered Miyamoto as we three walked side by side.

As we walked like that while casually talking with each other we ended up at the school.

Bell highschool. The school where the rate of females is higher when compared to males. This school is a new-made co-educational school, the people here have the power according to the position they hold. The highest in the power for the students which are almost considered as the equal on the chairperson is student council president. The next one in the position is the student council vice-president and then the members.


As soon as I entered the school premises the students that are going in looked towards me with clicking their tongue and started looking at me with a disgusted look. I am used to this anyway. Since I am facing this from my childhood I have never seen peaceful days.

the reason that they are like that to me is because so many rumors have been spread about me without me doing anything and those are way worse. one of them is like this, I have sexually harassed many girls and even sold their inners to delinquents for making money. like hell, I would do that, damn it !!!. as I was thinking that I heard a very familiar voice

"well, well, if it isn't the disgusting katsu legami, oops sorry for my rudeness where are my manners."

"kyaaaa, it is monoma"

"why is he talking to that disgusting piece of shit"

"in the first place why are the schools two of the most handsome four boys of the school are hanging out with that piece of shit"


the one who appeared in front of me with a disgusting grin on his face is monoma. this is the guy who is the reason that I am facing all this criticism and hatred. this is the guy that had spread so many rumors on me. I know him since my childhood. we used to be in a normal relationship. but I don't know when he started to harbor hatred towards me. and from the time of middle school, he started to say all those rumors about me. since he is one of the most handsome 4 of the school he has so many followers and fans that made the rumors spread fast and become solid proof.

he is a cool and handsome guy on the outside but he is rotten and ugly inside. and that rotten and ugly guy is right in front of me and started talking again as all the students who were going to the classes stopped and started looking at me and the students in the classes were peaking out of the windows as well. he started talking with an act of disgusting face and covering his body

"what is a piece of shit like you was about to do something to me"

"ah did you hear he was about to do something"


this bastard is trying to provoke others. generally, the student council president or vice president stays at the entrance but today neither were there, and seems like he used this chance to make me hated even more. Miyamoto and Tsubasa could not bear this and were about to walk front towards monoma. right then, she came to us.

"what is going on here, what is this all about?"


all three of us along with monoma have all exclaimed in unison to her response. yes, this person is the student council president. the person with cool-headed and spectacles that make her look smart and she is even smart enough that she was even praised by the chairmen himself for the absolute guiding the students and also the keeping them within the rules. and beside her was a person with long hair and short eyes which makes her look like a serious person. and behind them is the student council.

even though a group known as the student council is present why am I treated like this you ask?. just as I said monoma is one of the 4 handsome boys in the school which makes his popularity so great among the students that even the student council could not stop the rumors from being spread. that and also the student council members treat me the same way by believing those rumors as well.

"monoma, I see that you have started yet another ruckus with katsu as center early in the morning."

"i-i did not do anything, it is katsu who did it, not me"

"the hell !!!"

being afraid by the president he suddenly started blaming me. this bastard.

"y-yes it is that guy who started it."

"yes monoma was just a victim"

all the others who were watching also supported monoma in his false plea. even the student council members were grinning while looking at me.

(damn it, why do I have to face this kind of treatment what have I ever done. this time even the president might be deceived. I am will surely get some serious punishment for nothing I have done.)

while I grinding my teeth in frustration and thinking that. president spoke. with a serious expression


as soon as they heard that everybody fell silent then looking towards monoma she said with a serious expression

"monoma, do you think I don't know you used your popularity to spread false rumors on katsu. all I need is evidence to prove that and the evidence for this incident is "this"."

then she took a smartphone and showed the recording to monoma and as soon as he saw it his face became pale. that was the recording of what happened right before. then the president spoke.

"The reason why I did not stand in front of the gate is to take this. I thought you were avoiding the front gate but you were doing what you did over in the class to him since you both are the same class."

yes, what she said was true. then she speaks with a huge tone so it could be heard by everybody

"are there anybody to say that monoma is the victim. if there are please step forward. whoever supported shall be punished. do you still think that katsu was the one who started it "

after hearing that loud and intimidating voice everybody fell silent. no wonder she is capable. she continues

"monoma, this your last warning"

then he answers with a pale expression


then she says again loud voice.

"Everybody move to your classes now."

"umm, thank you very much, the president"

"thank you"

"thank you"

I turned to the president and bowed to her and said my thanks and Miyamoto and Tsubasa did the same and she replied with a serious expression.

"no problem, all I did was my duty."

after she said that I have left the class. before moving inside I have seen monoma for once. he was glaring at me with angry eyes as if they were thirsty for blood

"katsu, I will make you pay for this humiliation"

he even murmured something to himself with I did not hear clearly. well, it might be just him cursing me. so I just ignored it and went into the building. and walked to the classroom and as I was walking in the hallway everybody was looking at me just like they did at the entrance. and as i stepped into the classroom every looked the same.


I was hesitating to enter the classroom due to all those glares. it was way too disturbing to be hated this much.

as i was thinking like that Miyamoto places his hand on me and says

"never mind those glares."

"mhm, those are just empty heads believing fake rumors that is all"

Miyamoto and Tsubasa noticed that I was conscious of those glares and encouraged me to let go of those. so I replied to them to assure them.

"Yeah you guys are right I need to let it go right?"

at least that was what I thought but I had my words are eaten back right away by me later. the incident that happened later that day had changed my entire life.