
part - 2


"big brother~, wake up~"

My name is katsu legami. A normal 17-year-old highschool virgin I mean student.

"big brother~"

The one that is knocking my door is my little brother sora legami 5 years old child. Our entire house, no our entire area's energy ball who always resupplies energy to a tired and exhausted face. He is loved by everyone in our area and even in our school. Well he is cute after all. You guys might be thinking that he is an adopted son to our family but no it is just kind of a thing that happened to me that he was born so cute while I was born just …. average?

"sora, I am awake you can go I will come out"

"no, mama said not to leave until you come out of your room"


While he was saying that I walked to the door of my room and as soon as he completed his sentence I opened the door.


His face is somehow dazziling as if it is in front of a flower background. How cute~. No matter how much difference we both have it does not come to surprise to me since he is that cute.

"see, I am awake and came out. You can go now"


As I said that while patting his head he responded to me in a cute dazziling smile.

I always do this. He does not stop waking me up until I show him my awaken face. Whenever he goes back I will go back to sleep since I am always waking up because of a weird dream.

A red dragon showing up and saying some kind of nonsense like you are my host and suddenly disappears and big fight between two different coloured hair guys happening in a black universe.

At first my dream always start with me having a date with 2 pretty ladies from my school and as soon as we were about to have a good part the line this red dragon bastard shows up and ruins everything damnit.

"hm?, oh my, crying so early in the morning. What for?"

"big brother, why crying?"

"mom, sora why are you both here I thought you guys were down stairs "

As I was bring out the tears of a man who is in frustration while gripping my fist. My mother comes to upstairs while holding sora in her hands.

My little brother is showing a concerned face for me. Awww, so cuteeeee

But on the otherhand my mom is looking at me with a teasing look on her face. This old hag. She knows that I always dream of pretty girls everytime but luckily she does not know the dream of the red dragon.

As for the dream of pretty girls I had been murmuring about them in my sleep apparently and she and my old man over heard that in the middle of the night when they came to check on me. Dammmnnnnn, so embarrassing

"poor thing, don't worry about it. You will definitely meet some girl who would love you."

"shut up you old hag, what kind of a mother wishes her son like that and feel pity for him."

"come on. Is it wrong of me to wish to have a daughter as well? May be I will have to wait until sora grows up and brings me a daughter by marrying."

"hey, it maybe true that I don't have a girlfriend but don't say as if I am never going to get married, and sora is still too green for that kind of thing damn it."

"big brother, no shouting on mama. If you do I will not talk to you."

"guh-, s-sora, I am sorry. So don't make a crying face and please talk to me."

Aaaaahh he is so cute. The only problem is that this child loves mom a little too much. Like for example, is we have an earthquake in a certain range the first one he checks on is mom even though she is way too out of the range of the earthquake.

"what is this ruckus about."

"great, not you too"

This time my father came to upstairs after hearing all the ruckus that was going on.

"dear, well the thing is that katsu is crying fot missing his dream again."

"oh man, maybe I really have to wait until sora becomes bigger for him to bring me a daughter."

"not you too. Old man, damnit."

"alright. All of you lets eat breakfast. You are going to be late."

My morning mess was over after my mom declared that. Man, what a messed up family I have. But this much is good when compared to my school it is a pure hell for me. No one likes me in the school and see me as if they watch a trash bin in the road. As I was thinking that I went to eat my breakfast with my family.