
Conquest of Magic

Prologue She leads a simple life and is unaware of her great abilities or the existence of the supernatural world. She finds herself drawn to two charming princes. One is a vampire who loves her more than his mate and the other is a Witch who haunts her dream and claims her to be his mate. What will happen when her life is plunged into danger as ancient prophecies, vampires, werewolves and witches invade her life, and the choice she makes will change her fate? She must choose! Have you ever read a book where a vampire and a witch, both from different Realms, are brothers and fall in love with a girl whose powers are superior to both their races? If not then this book is for you. This is a story about two princes who fight hard for her love but it seems like neither of them will win her heart or will they?

shruthi_ashok · Fantasie
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60 Chs

Part 1

Kristen P.O.V

I was awakened by the sound of thunder. Water dripped from the open window's corner as the clock struck 7:00 a.m. It's difficult to get up early in the morning during the rainy season. I'm too lazy to get out of bed, but I need to get ready for the big day...

My vacation is over, and I'm about to start my final year of college. With that excitement, I sprang out of bed, yanked off the covers, and ran to take a shower. During the cold rainy season, nothing beats a hot shower.

I dashed to the dresser, where I had placed my dress for the day—simple black jeans with waist-length tees—and looked deeply into the mirror at the girl staring back at me. The thing I love best about myself is my brownish hair, slim body, and slightly tanned skin. I prefer to look good on my skin and not rely on makeup. I wore my hair in a bun and kept my outfit simple and neat.

Kristen! Breakfast is almost ready. My aunt called from downstairs. Anna is my mother's younger sister; her husband died in a car accident a year ago, and she nearly committed suicide, so my parents agreed to let me live with her until I finished college. She always treated me as if I were her daughter.

Pancakes were scattered across the table on a plate. "Good you are up on time for college" Anne spoke out humorously. My aunt is very health-conscious, and she makes the most delicious pancakes, which I love.

Outside my house, I heard Jacob's car screeching down the slick road. I guess your eccentric friend, has arrived. Anna uttered, smiling... I dashed outside my house and gave a quick goodbye hug before leaving.

Hey! Princess. Hop in; he greets me with that adorable smile.

"Where have you been this summer?" I asked him curiously.

"Hmm, well, I had to travel to a few places to complete my research work." He said.

"Oh, yes! your project about ancient mythology and stuff... Right?"

"Yea! My trip was extremely beneficial." He said smiling not going into details.

"So, how are you feeling today ?" He asked looking at me.

"I'm feeling good, just a little nervous about the final year," I said with a smile with a bit of excitement. Yeah, that can be tough. But, I'm sure you'll do great. You're always well prepared. I smiled. We talked more about random stuff the entire way... He is one of the hot-looking nerds who began this research when we were in high school. We had no idea about his research, and he kept it mostly to himself. We are childhood friends since grade 1. We met Emma and Lucy on the first day of our college. Since then we were inseparable, we make a good team and we do everything together.

We arrived at college exactly 20 minutes later. Being late on the first day is the worst thing you can do, but we arrived half an hour early. Thanks to his driving skills.

"It doesn't appear that much has changed, does it?" He asked looking at the campus. Before the holidays some reconstruction was going on but it pretty much looked the same."I guess not." I said and got out of the car." Jacob wrapped his hand around my shoulder as we walked towards our meeting spot, where Emma and Lucy would be waiting for us. This is our routine: after every long holiday, we gather in the same spot where we were introduced on our first day of college.

Jacob is the most attractive guy at our college. He is well-known for his good feature, whereas Emma and Lucy are very good singers. They were adored by almost every single guy here, and as for me... well, I'm just an average girl with pale skin and golden-brown eyes that turn red when I wake up from a haunting dream or when I'm really angry. I don't know why but I kept it a secret all my life. I have never heard of a person whose eye color changes into a different shade when they are upset but I guess I am an exceptional one. It doesn't happen when I am around my friends so nobody ever noticed it before. For some reason, I knew when my eye color would change because I always feel a warmth spread over my body before it happens, so I can pretty much detect it and hide from people before they notice.

Anne took me to almost every top specialized doctor, but none of them could figure out what was wrong with me. So I took the help of a contact lens the shade of brown to hide this deformity. Apart from that, I am a normal person with a normal life.

Emma and Lucy were waiting for us in the same spot where we always meet.

"Hey", They both waved at us and when we neared them we were crushed in a tight hug.

"Ouch... tell me how you've been before you crush me to death." I asked them."

"Huh? Oops... Sorry." I was a bit overwhelmed, it was such a long vacation and my parents planned to transfer me to the Royal College of Music in London, but the plan failed because I was too stubborn to leave this place and I thought I will never see u all again." Lucy said it all in one breath.

"Lucy breathe!' I said giggling at her childishness. She relaxed. "Hello, Jacob." She gave him a bear hug, which always made him smile. "I missed you guys." He said with a beaming smile. I cannot stop admiring him as he is the most handsome and the cutest one in our group.

"Let's get going before it's late," he said as he jogged towards the hall, with us on his heels. We rushed to the library to get our new semester's books where we got welcomed by Ms Christi.

''Hello, Ms Christi. How are things going for you?" Lucy asked with a smile. "Hello there, rock stars. I'm doing fine; how about you? How did you spend your vacation?" She asked smiling, collecting our schedules from the draw.

Ms Christi has ocean-blue eyes and light blond hair that complements her porcelain skin tone. She is young for a boring librarian, but she is fun and calm, and she loves her job a little too much.

"It was a lot of fun, and we all missed your smile," Jacob responded winking at her and she blushed. She handed us our schedules. "Thank you, will see you around," I said and walked along with my friends for my first class, checking the charts.

"Goodbye, sweets!" She said and returned to her work.

"I'm pretty sure our schedules are nearly the same". Lucy stated... Jacob only attends art class with us. He sighed as he looked at his schedule, and we all shared a sad expression. His major is Science, so his classes are not the same as ours.

"Girls don't give me that look. It has to be me to throw that look because Mr Philip will be teaching biology and psychology for you," he stuck out his tongue.

"Arghhhh... Please, not him, god." We all sighed. He is a strict professor, and Emma will always be found out of his class due to her chattering mouth...

We hurried to our classes, and Mr Philip was sitting behind his desk, going over his lecture notes. Within a few minutes, the entire class had arrived, and we snagged the last seats to avoid his wrath. Mr Philip began with an introduction and gave a brief overview of the syllabus. We all slumped in our seats getting along with the first lecture. He is in his fifties, and he was dressed in a light beige shirt and black baggy pants, as usual, with glasses hanging from his neck. We had three classes followed by biology, and psychology before the break. When the final bell rang ending our last class before lunch break we three hastily packed our belongings and dashed to the dining hall. This room can seat over 200 students at once, and the council changes the theme every year; this year's theme was a cowboy house full of wooden furniture.

"It's quite good. Isn't that right?" Emma questioned. "Yes, at least this year we have something that does not resemble Halloween," Lucy said sarcastically and we all laughed before grabbing our seats.

I and Lucy sat next to the window where we could see the rain pouring outside. I stuffed my mouth with fries and a burger. Emma arrived with a plate of Mac and Cheese and took a seat.

I moaned in the pleasure of taste. Emma left out a soft chuckle. I took another big bite and a loud slurp from the coke. Anne is very health conscious and never allows me to eat fast food but when I get a chance I fill my tummy with as many junkies as I can.

"Take it, easy girl, if you keep eating like this, you'll get into a burger coma," Lucy said and they both laughed at my half-open mouth.

"I guess we got a bunch of newbies on final year," Emma said looking behind me.

They both focused their attention on our newcomers, who were seated halfway across our table.

Lucy froze in her seat and gasped. "Oh my goodness, look at the Greek god."

We turned our heads in unison and saw a tall, broad-shouldered guy. He wore dark blue pants and a plain white shirt, the thin material emphasized his muscles perfectly and the outline of his abs could be seen through his shirt. He was tall, his hair was gelled in place. He had a powerful aura surrounding him. His facial features were perfect with a sharp jawline, and full lips and his eyes were green and they were looking straight at my brown eyes.

