
Conquest of Magic

Prologue She leads a simple life and is unaware of her great abilities or the existence of the supernatural world. She finds herself drawn to two charming princes. One is a vampire who loves her more than his mate and the other is a Witch who haunts her dream and claims her to be his mate. What will happen when her life is plunged into danger as ancient prophecies, vampires, werewolves and witches invade her life, and the choice she makes will change her fate? She must choose! Have you ever read a book where a vampire and a witch, both from different Realms, are brothers and fall in love with a girl whose powers are superior to both their races? If not then this book is for you. This is a story about two princes who fight hard for her love but it seems like neither of them will win her heart or will they?

shruthi_ashok · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Part 2

My eyes froze for a second when he caught us gawking and started walking towards us. Wait, did he catch me drooling over him? I blushed just thinking about it.

"Shit, he's coming this way!" Emma exclaimed when he pulled on the chair and squatted down next to me, I froze on the spot. The unexpected intrusion made me feel uneasy. He had brownish hair similar to mine, breathtakingly stunning green eyes, and plump lips.

"I'm William, Jacob's friend, and your newbie." He greeted us with a smile that would melt any girl's heart; his voice was silky and manly, and his dark green eyes twinkled when I lowered my eyes to my plate. My heart began to thump so violently that I thought it might burst.

I've never felt so self-conscious around guys, but for some reason, I got attracted to this stranger way too fast. I couldn't bring myself to look at him. Everything around me seemed like a blur except for him.

My friends looked at him with wide eyes. He chuckled, bringing us out of our trance.

Hi! I'm Emma, and this is Lucy and Kristen. Emma introduced us to the green-eyed hottie.

"Pleasure to meet you." He said this while staring at us.

"I'm sorry. "Jacob never mentioned you," Lucy said in a flirting tone.

"Oh! Perhaps you could ask him," he suggested, looking behind us at Jacob, who was walking with a tray of food. William waved at him. Wait how did he know Jacob was behind him without looking back? I wondered.

"I see you met my friends," Jacob said and sat opposite me.

"Well," he continued with a sneaky wink and an easy grin looking at me, "I just wanted to check out these gorgeous girls you admire a lot." He said so, which made us blush even more.

"Jacob, you've never bothered to mention William to us!" Lucy said this in her flirtatious tone. "Sorry." He said looking at Lucy in a way I know what you're thinking. She rolled her eyes and focused on William.

"We met while I was on my research study." "He recently moved here." He said, in a way, that was all he knew about him.

"William! Professor Arthur wants us to meet in his study to discuss the project. Jacob said after finishing his juice.

"Let's go." He said and left with William.

"Wait, that was weird," I said.

"Certainly," Emma said, her tone tinged with wonder. I just looked at his back; he turned and winked at me. I gasped and turned my head.

Lucy exchanged a look with me and murmured quietly, "Well." She raised her eyebrow.

"What?" I asked innocently. "He winked at you. "I guess you have an admirer," she said, winking. My face turned bright red.

"It appears that the handsome hunk needs your attention more than we do," Emma said, winking. Teasing me.

"Shut up." I blushed pink. They both chuckled.

When the bell rang, we split into our classes for the next hour. I peeked back over my shoulder, scanning the swarm of students for him.

Why am I looking for him? He's simply a stranger, yet why did my heart skip a beat? I never felt this kind of attraction to any guy before, yet this guy got my attention. Something about him felt mysterious.

I cannot afford any distractions. With that thought, I began heading toward my class. Unfortunately, Emma and I have different classrooms for two elective subjects.

When I arrived at the music class, I felt like I was entering an alien spaceship, and it was still the same. I squeezed through the mass of students and took a seat next to the window, which is my favourite spot. I looked out the window, admiring the rain when a familiar voice spoke.

"Can I take this seat?" William asked. I stumbled and stood up from my feet, which caused me to fall backwards before I could catch hold of anything. I felt his hands wrap around my hips and save me from an embarrassing fall. I gathered myself and attempted to stand on my own. I was looking forward to meet him but now I regret it. I just made a fool out of myself.

Those sparkling green eyes made me feel as if I was yearning for them when our eyes locked. He chuckled.

I spun around and sat on my seat in an attempt to avoid his stare.

"Are you always clumsy, or is it just while I'm around?" He asked in my ear. His lips lightly brushed against my ear which made my heart fast a million times faster. I gasped and pulled myself away from him.

"I'm sorry. I was just startled." I said, looking at my hand. I avoided looking into his eyes. "I guess I am making you nervous." He chuckled. I blushed beet red. I didn't notice when the class fell silent upon Mr Will's arrival.

"Welcome to the second year of the class. "We have a new member here." He said it while looking at William. "Please introduce yourself." He said so while smiling at him.

"Huh…Hmm..Hi. I'm William Mikaelson from Canada. My major is history. I recently got transferred here to continue my research." He said, glancing around at the students and looking a bit nervous being in a spotlight. He looked cute and handsome. All the girls in our class were looking at him dreamily and few murmured how hot, so handsome and stuff which made me a bit jealous but I didn't dare show it on my face.

"A history major with an interest in music?" the professor said and chuckled, which made the other students smile, looking at William.

"Welcome to the music club. You can pair with Ms Kristen," he said, pointing toward me.

William smiled brightly at me with a hint of excitement in his eyes. "I think you are stuck with me." He said nudging my shoulder.

Not once did I turn my head to his side; if I did, I would end up staring at him again. The thought alone diverted my attention from the class. I felt his gaze on me the whole time, making it hard for me to concentrate on the class.

When the bell rang, I gathered my stuff and noticed the room was empty except for him. When did the others leave, I wondered?

He sat quietly in his seat, looking at me. "You're staring at me," I muttered and rose from my seat, where my phone fell to the floor with a bang.

I grumbled incoherently under my breath.

"Clumsy." He said picking up the phone. My cheeks were blazing red.

His smile was so lovely that it melted my heart. "You're staring." He said chuckling. "Let's go." He said as he picked up the notes.

We walked out in silence. "You're one of the first girls I've met who speaks less." He said this while staring at me.

My heart raced a little faster.

"I guess I am," I replied, avoiding his eyes.

"Why do you not look at me, Kristen?" He asked in a deep accent and ran his hand through his hair, disheveling it but still looking hot.

Nobody has ever pronounced my name in such a deep way before. I picked up my courage and looked into his eyes. I noticed a glint of admiration, but it passed before I could get a good look at him.

Our gaze locked, and we just kept looking at each other before a bunch of girls ran past us and bumped into him, making him fall over me. My back made contact with the locker; his hands were on either side of me. His lips almost touched mine. His gaze fell to my lips and lingered there for a moment before it moved to my eyes. The intimacy we shared made my heart flutter and my stomach churn with desire.

"You are gorgeous." He said tracing a strand of hair away from my eyes and tucking it behind my ear. The simple touch sent sparks throughout my body. I gulped and looked away.

His lips were inches away from mine. He arched his beautiful eyebrows. The admiration was still evident in his expression.

"Emma must be waiting for me; I must go." I stuttered nervously. He noticed my discomfort and took a step back. His smile was glued to his face.

"I will see you around." He said smiling. I smiled lightly and walked in the opposite direction.

"Exhausted?" Emma asked and sat beside me on the bench. It had been our rendezvous point.

"Extremely". I replied.

"I guess the hotness likes you," Emma said, looking at me with expectant eyes, eager to know what happened.

"Who?" I asked unsurely.

"Of course, William." I never saw you looking at guys or crushing one." She giggled.

"I saw you both in the corridor, almost kissing." She leaned over me and pouted her lips like she was kissing the air.

"Shut up." I blushed and pushed her away. She laughed.

"He is nice," I said hesitantly.

"Awww. That's cute." You two will make a nice pair. I can tell he has eyes only for you. "I heard the girls from the music class fall head over heels for him and try their best to get noticed, but he wouldn't take a glance."


"Because of you idiots." She said nudging me.

"Don't tell me you didn't notice that." She asked with a fake shocked expression.

I rolled my eyes. "Ahh, you are hopeless. "Get a grip and make a move, girl."

I hummed in response and played with my hair. A few girls passed by, giving me a nasty stare. They must have noticed us together in the hallway. I sighed and looked away.

The rest of the day flew by in a flash. Jacob and Lucy were busy in the library and couldn't drop me off at home, so Emma and I left by taxi.

"By the way, have you heard about the new coffee shop that opened near campus?" Emma asked.

"No, I haven't." "What's so special about it?" I asked her, looking out of the window.

I heard they serve the best lattes in town, and they have a cozy outdoor seating area. She said excitedly. There is a thing with her and lattes. She goes crazy for coffee and has visited almost every shop in the town.

"That sounds cool. We should definitely check it out after our classes tomorrow." I said chuckling. She looked at me in a are you serious way which made us laugh. She knew very well that I wouldn't miss a coffee either.

"It'll be a nice break from the usual routine. And who knows, maybe we'll even make it our new hangout spot." She said cheerfully.

"Yeah, I guess that's a great idea. It would be nice to change things up and have a new environment to hang out, it's been boring for a while now." I said.

Emma lives a few blocks from my house. Her mom and my aunt are friends too. They've known each other since college, that is how Emma and I met.

I found a note on the dinner table once I reach home which stated Anne will be late tonight. She loves to leave notes instead of simple text. She finds it fun. I crushed the note and threw it in the bin smiling.

Finally home after a long day at college! It feels so good to step into my cozy room, kick off my shoes, and sink into the comfort of my bed. The warm ambience and familiar surroundings instantly lift my spirits and make me feel at peace. This is my sanctuary, my haven, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

As I got into a comfortable position and closed my eyes with a deep sigh my mind replayed the events that happen today. He was charming, witty, and had a smile that could capture hearts. I can still feel the butterflies in my stomach just thinking about him. He was so different from anyone I'd ever met before and I can't shake the feeling that I need to see him again. I grab my phone and start scrolling through my contacts, wondering if I should reach out to him. But then I stop myself, knowing that I don't want to seem too eager and I don't have his number. How stupid. I'll just have to play it cool and see where fate takes me. For now, I'll just lay here, dreaming about our next encounter. I thought and smiled like a teenager.

"Why can't I get myself to stop thinking about him?" I sighed and gathered my clothes to shower. "As I step into the shower, the warm water cascades down my body, washing away the stress of the day. But my mind keeps wandering back to William. I close my eyes and let my imagination run wild, picturing us laughing and talking, our bodies entwined in the steam of the shower. It feels so real, and I can't help but smile at the thought. I allow myself to bask in these feelings for a moment before coming back to reality and finishing my shower. I must have gone crazy, I thought to myself, and I stepped out of the shower feeling refreshed. I wrapped a towel around my body and stepped out of the bathroom.

A low scream left my mouth when I saw the person in front of me.