
Conquering Time and Space

“My life on earth was just a Pre-Birth Simulation?!” "Conquering Time and Space" follows the journey of a savant young prince who finds himself trapped in a futuristic sci-fi world full of cultivators. Facing higher powers unbeknownst to most, he is forced onto a path of accelerated human evolution stemming from extraterrestrial technology of ancient civilizations. Besides his photographic memory, his only hopes are the talents from his intriguing lineage and his maniacal obsession for power. Prince Chronos Astral must supersede his astounding potential and rise to power to protect the warmth of a family that he had never experienced and prevent the extinction of his planet. Join and support Chronos in his Journey up WebNovel rankings ! Follow Me & Share: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mrbthenovelist/ ( Images of Chronos and His Family! Come check out to have some ideas of their character designs while you read! )

MrBtheNovelist · sci-fi
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301 Chs

Breakfast For The Soul

[ Astral Royal Castle - Royal Garden ]

Chronos was led to the Royal Garden, where the sunshine drenched the space and the sweet scent of blooming flowers mingled with the aroma of freshly cooked food.

The massive table in the middle of the palace courtyard groaned under the weight of an incredible feast, with platters of succulent roasted meats garnished with fragrant herbs.

As Chronos arrived, his Grandmama and two sisters welcomed him warmly, their bright and loving smiles shining in the sunshine.

Despite being in a foreign world, Chronos felt at ease, soaking in the picturesque view.

"Come join us, baby brother!"

Sophia called out excitedly, beckoning him to the table.

As Chronos climbed onto a free chair, he couldn't resist the mouthwatering dishes laid out before him.

However, his line of sight fell beneath the table, and he remembered…

He was but a toddler.

Just as he was about to stand up, he felt the chair levitating upward, and three bright and loving smiles greeted him.

"I see our baby Chronos has recovered from the side effects from the PBS and Basic Update already,"

Sister Sophia nodded in approval.

Curiosity piqued, Chronos asked,

"What's the Basic Update?"

Athena chimed in,

" The Basic Update is the transfer of basic data regarding the family a child is born into, Sister Sophia and her army of nerds came up with it, rather unnecessary if you ask me."

Sophia frowned, contradictory to her angelic calm appearance, she slammed the table and retorted passionately,

"The technology is still at its infancy but give me a few more years and we'll be able to upload entire books, even martial techniques... It will change the whole of Tertius!"

Rolling her eyes, Athena smirked,

"Pfft ... you're already one of the richest people in Tertius, why are you trying so hard to hoard more Aeons?"

Chronos interjected,


"Aeons are our currency. They are what makes the world turn, the most beautiful thing across all of the lands!"

Sophia stood up, slowly but dramatically waving an arm, eyes beaming before falling straight back into her seat.

"Enough!" Grandmama exclaimed,

"I didn't spend hours preparing this meal to hear all this jibber-jabber!"

Grandmama chided before looking lovingly down at her grandson.

Chronos surveyed the array of food laid out before him, the table was almost groaning under the weight of the spread.

His mouth watered in anticipation, but he couldn't help feeling a little hesitant.

"Can I eat all this? I mean, I am just a few days old..."

Grandmama chuckled and patted his hand.

"Silly boy, you're a Tai Kong and an Astral! Don't compare yourself with the lower life-forms in the PBS. You were born with unprecedented talent and an astonishingly refined form! Come come eat, this meat is of a Divine Beast from Telluria... and this is Zephyr Fish from the Rivers of Time.... And this... "

As he took his first bite, he could feel the flavors exploding on his tongue, a symphony of tastes and textures that were both familiar and exotic.

The warm sun cast a golden light over the scene, while the rustling of leaves and clinking of silverware provided a soothing background.

For Chronos, this was a perfect morning of tranquility and indulgence that he had never experienced on Earth.

Overwhelmed, he felt a tear roll down his face, quickly wiping it away.

He could not remember the last time he had cried but he felt a lump form in his throat.

Looking around the table, he felt a sense of gratitude and hope that he would never be alone again.

The value of the dishes was irrelevant; each one was a testament to the love of a caring family he had never had before.

It was a bittersweet moment, a reminder of all the time Chronos had spent alone, but also a promise of a brighter future, one where he would always be surrounded by the people he loved.

Their hearty meal continued amidst laughter and jubilance, as Chronos savored every bite and enjoyed the company of his newfound family.

As he ate, he felt a warmth spreading through his body, and he couldn't help but notice a change in his physical form.

Halfway through the meal, he noticed that his skin started to glow with a faint, otherworldly light.

Chronos looked up at the sky, he could feel the world around him come alive.

Every sound was amplified, every color more vibrant, every scent more intense.

He could feel a force coursing through his veins, filling him with an indescribable sense of energy and strength.

Chronos stared at his tiny glowing palms and blurted out absentmindedly,

"What's happening to me?"

Athena giggled and replied,

"The breakfast Grandmama prepared today is made from the rarest of ingredients, specifically chosen to strengthen your physical form and boost your potential in the Form Stage. It's not every day that we get to indulge in such delicacies."

"Form Stage?"

Chronos asked curiously, wiping his mouth and sitting up at full attention.

Sophia then began to explain the stages of cultivation in this world.

The first of which is the 'Form Stage' -

It encompasses the development of the physical form of a being and its mental acuity.

It is also one's introduction to Dimensional Energy.

They are the energy particles that fuel the foundations of our world.

By learning to control it, a cultivator can channel it internally to augment their body or manipulate it to form attacks.

The second stage is known as 'Core Stage' -

After a being is satisfied with the development of their physical and mental forms, cultivators - as we are called - can choose to break through to the Core Stage.

The quality and potential of their cores are heavily impacted by the level of work put into during their 'Form Stage'.

Their augmented bodies form a metaphorical womb and with their mastery of dimensional energy, a cultivator bridges a connection from their metaphysical existence to materialize an existence core in the physical world.

This is also when cultivators awaken dimensional sigils.

These sigils are a mark that signifies a being's natural affinity to specific types of dimensional energy. This opens a path of specialization for a cultivator.

Next, is the 'Principle Stage' -

This is where the majority of cultivators' progress comes to a halt.

Principles are the profound laws that govern the workings of our world and the universe.

Fully comprehending and gaining control over Principles allow cultivators to use and manipulate the Principles they control.

This essentially gives them the ability to manipulate the very fabric of nature. It is because of this stage that Dimensional Sigils are such an important indicator of the path a cultivator should delve into.

There are a multitude of different principles ranging from simpler ones like the Principle of the elements (Fire, Water, Earth and Wind) to more complex and unique ones like the Principles of Life, Death, Space, Time, Fate, Causality etc etc.

You can think of our physical world and the metaphysical world as two sides of a mirror, with our core being the gate that bridges the two worlds.

It isn't that a cultivator is limited to the Dimensional Sigil they are born with.

However, while it is relatively easy to gain affinity with certain types of dimensional energies in our physical world, gaining access to their metaphysical counterpart is another matter entirely.

The mastery of a certain principle requires full control, understanding and synergy of both the physical and metaphysical aspects of the specific type of dimensional energy.

Chronos sat there listening intently, every single detail of her short lecture imprinted into his mind.

"Both Sophia and I are at the Pinnacle of the Principle Stage, this happens to also be the ceiling of cultivation imposed upon the laws of Tertius! "

Athena boasted.

Chronos looked at Athena, gleaming with pride, before turning to Grandmama and looking back at Athena.

He asked innocently,

"But if you are at the peak, how did Grandmama freeze you so easily … and … Is that it??"

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