Hello everyone,
Yes, I think that Brawly not taking advantage of his dad's resources is dumb. I also know that when I was a sixteen year old kid, I had a chip the size of a mountain on my shoulder and was tired of everyone telling me how blessed I was. I wanted to do everything on my own, so I chose a college far away, and moved off. Then after I graduated college, I moved in the opposite direction of my parents because I was tired of the small town lifestyle and I still couldn't get away from them. So I took a job, and while I have a very healthy relationship with my family, I haven't looked back and I'm going to try to make my own way in this world.
So if I was transmigrated into a sixteen year old boy with the same situation, do you think I would do anything different? HELL NO! I would try to get my independence as soon as possible no matter what, I value it so much.
My point is that I'm trying to portray that in this story. I am fully aware how hard-headed Brawly (and by extension, Me) is being with his decisions. Idk if y'all have figured this out or not, but I HATE perfect characters. (Meaning no flaws.)
I want real people, who make real mistakes but learn from them.
Follow me on instagram at wtmcdonaldauthor! If you are feeling generous, and wish to donate to my writing career, you can find me at Patreon under the same name for early access to chapters of The Ladder, Defiant, and Tsunami of the South!
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
I grunted as I pushed against the ground beneath me.
I didn't fall to the ground, but it was obvious that I was struggling with the push-ups. Hashi didn't make any sound to show discomfort. In fact, he kept going in the workout.
"Fifty-one." I continued to count for him. I smiled in contempt as I looked around the clearing to my other two pokemon.
Minato sat with one arm extended out in front of him. Directly where he was pointing, six fist sized stones levitated in the air. When we had first begun training, there was only one rock in the air and a dull glow surrounding the rocks, signifying the use of psychic powers.
'But Minato has grown a lot during our little hiatus under the care of the local nurse.' I thought as I looked at the little pokemon.
His control and concentration would allow him to add up to eight fist sized rocks that he could manipulate. Training up his 'confusion', which was apparently just an introduction into psychic moves and basically meant telekinesis, had done wonders for him.
For psychics, increasing their mind was directly proportional to their growth. At least that was what Professor Oak theorized over the many years he had with his Alakazam. He theorizes that it can be accomplished many ways, but there was an easy place to start. Feed them properly and often and you give their body the nutrients it needs to stay awake longer during the day. That's when it all starts.
When they are awake, psychics pretty much grow constantly, especially if they accompany trainers. They will be reaching out their minds to their trainers and accompanying pokemon the whole time. This causes them to see the world through different perspectives and increase their intelligence quickly, thereby increasing their mental powers and leading them to grow stronger.
I was following Oak's advice of leaving Minato out of his ball more often and I was feeding him a very very healthy diet similar to Junior's, my father's Gallade who just so happened to be a fighting and psychic type. That combined with an intense workout regime had caused him to grow by leaps and bounds.
"One-hundred." I heard myself say. Hashi grunted in exertion as he finished the final push-up in his set.
My eyes were drawn to the rocks that were floating in the air again. A powerful jet of water shot from the pool we were sitting beside and smashed the rock out of Minato's control. Another jet of water shot just to the right of another one of the rocks, missing it.
I smiled as I watched the last member of my team show off her control over her new move. Tsunade inhaled a bit of the water of the pool surrounding her and shot it towards the other rocks. After missing the second water gun, she hit every one of the next shots.
I clapped in her direction. "Water gun is looking nice Tsunade." I said to cheer her on a little more.
I turned to my starter pokemon. "Let's switch it up, go train with Minato for a little." I told Hashi as I stood up. I reached down and unclipped the weight harness that was on Hashi after turning the weight down a little. I grabbed it and moved towards Tsunade just as Hashi went to work on Minato's fighting technique.
My shirt came off quickly and I dove into the pool that Tsunade had been training in. She swam around me excitedly as I adjusted the harness to be able to fit her. Once I finished the task I turned the knob to the desired weight and let it float.
She positioned herself perfectly to slide right into the harness and I clipped the end of it to make sure it wouldn't slip out while she swam. I didn't even have to tell her what to do. She immediately started swimming laps around the pool with the weight on her. I was about to hop out of the pool and leave her to it when I got an idea.
"Tackle." I said and pointed to my sternum. "Right here." I heard a shuffling behind me and I knew it was Hashi reacting to what I said, but I didn't look in his direction to see what he thought of the idea.
I braced myself as Tsunade went to obey me, and soon she was torpedoing towards me. She hit me like an eighteen-wheeler right in the middle of my chest. Even with me swimming backwards to lessen the blow, the air left my lungs because of the hit. I didn't hear a snap or feel any pain besides the initial impact so I focused on getting the air back into my lungs.
I sat there and wheezed for a moment as I recovered from the blow. How fucking dumb was that idea? I thought to myself as I looked around.
My feebas was hovering around me in the water, very concerned over my well being. Minato and Hashi had both come over to the pool of water and were staring at me intensely.
"I'm fine." I barely got out as I smiled at them so they wouldn't worry. "Continue training."
They turned around to do as I said but glared at the feebas in the water, as if it was her fault. "It's ok girl, I'm fine." I told Tsunade as she circled me in the water. "Keep doing laps, you've gotten so strong!"
I moved to get out of the pool, thinking about what just happened. I had two reasons for why I had done that. The first was to see if the weights and training was doing anything for Tsunade. Before I doubt I would have even felt an impact from her. It was obvious that her body and scales had grown very very tough with the weights and new diet.
'It's mind boggling how fast they can get strong.' I thought as I rubbed my chest and threw my shirt over my damp torso.
My thoughts were interrupted by a ringing coming from my pokegear. I picked it up quickly and read the message inside.
'Arrival: Approximately one-hour.'
"Finally." I said, smiling. I turned to my team.
"Finish up!"
I stood on the roof of the pokemon center with all of my possessions in my backpack, looking towards the sky. Minato and Hashi stood with me searching the skies with me. We had been standing there for the last five minutes, after I had taken a shower and packed everything.
A piercing cry rang out and two shapes dove beneath one of the three clouds in the sky over the island I was currently at. It didn't take too long for the pokemon to descend to where I could recognize them. They were both pidgeot's and the first one had a figure on the back of it.
The pidgeot with the person riding it pulled up quicker than the one without so as to ease the forces on it's rider. It circled it's way down to the pokemon center and our eyes tracked it the whole time. The pidgeot finally approached the roof and with a couple of flaps of its wings it halted it's momentum and touched down on the roof. I tried not to gape at the magnificent beast in front of me. Pidgeot's may be the most common fully evolved pokemon, but that didn't make them any less majestic.
The rider pushed a button on the saddle he rode and mechanical clips unlatched from his legs. He swung a leg over and jumped off of the huge bird. His legs met the roof and held him, showing experience with the form of travel.
"Brawly?" The man asked as he took a pair of goggles off of his face.
I nodded towards the man. "Yep. Headed to Cinnabar island." I told him.
"That's right." The man said and with a swift movement of his lips, a whistle rang out. The second pidgeot, who had been circling the building responded and landed on the roof also. The bird's eyes met mine immediately. It was a piercing glare, but I held the gaze of the pokemon. Eventually it looked away, unconcerned with me.
"Name's Joey." The man said. He was currently stretching his legs as he introduced himself.
"Nice to meet you." I said cordially.
"Ever flown before?" Joey asked as he stood up and jumped around a few times.
"Nope, I spent most of my life teleporting everywhere." I told him honestly.
The man winced in sympathy. "Hard form of travel." He commented. "But I guess it's good you're used to it, I never could adjust."
I nodded in agreement. Teleportation took a lot of time to get used to. I was first introduced to it when I was around nine or ten, and Brody made sure that I perfected the form of travel. It was much more discorientating than flying.
"My dad has a gallade." I offered a sort of explanation.
That drew a look, as if he was trying to see if he knew me or not. I didn't elaborate on who my father was. Gym leaders were a sort of celebrity in this world. And a gallade is one of the hardest pokemon to train and control, because it's so powerful.
'He could figure out who my father is if he tried hard enough.' I thought.
"Well it's simple." Joey said, ignoring the topic of my father. "Keep your back straight, the saddle does the rest."
"Seems easy enough." I commented.
"We'll see about that." Joey said with a bark of a laugh. "Pokemon need to be in their balls." Joey continued, pointing at Minato and Hashi.
I turned to them. "I'll take you out when we get there." I told them as I returned them both.
"Good, if you're ready I am." Joey said.
'He doesn't want to rest?' I wondered. 'Must have been two hours on the way here…'
I shrugged. "Let's do it."
He walked over to the second pidgeot and ran a hand down the bird's plume. The bird preened under his hand and he waved me over. I approached and realized how much bigger the bird was than myself.
The bird's gaze snapped to me again. "Just for a little bit, girl." Joey told the bird.
The pidgeot bowed its head towards him and then lowered itself so that I could hop on the saddle on it's back. I didn't waste any time putting my foot in the harness and swinging my other around. The movement reminded me of my childhood riding horses in my last life.
Joey wasted no time in adjusting my feet and legs before pushing a button. Mechanical straps came out and clamped on my legs, locking them in place. It was surprisingly comfortable.
The pidgeot didn't give any warning and with two flaps of its wings, we were in the air and climbing towards the clouds. I grunted and almost headbutted the pidgeot in front of me but I caught myself.
I managed to look over the side of the wings, towards the fading city below me. I was glad for the opportunity. I loved to fly in my previous life, mainly because of the view. Being in the sky and looking down was breathtaking. Teleportation might be faster and more convenient but I couldn't deny the view.
'When the destination is determined, all that is left is the journey.'
The initial excitement of flying on the back of a pokemon wore off pretty quickly. The island faded from view and was replaced with the ocean all around me. Luckily my initial judgement of two hours was a bit overexaggerated.
A quick look at my watch before the pidgeot beneath me told me that it had only taken about an hour and a half, which was amazing. Apparently the wind had been at our backs.
"See ya kid, got places to be." Joey said goodbye almost as soon as we landed. I didn't blame him, it was only noon and he had just made an easy five-hundred bucks.
"Thanks." I told him as I looked towards my destination.
We landed at the pokemon center, which was never very far from the local gym of a city. Some people would think it's because of the ease for trainers who get done with the gym battle, it's not. It's solely out of convenience for the Gym Leaders. Or in this case Blaine.
Apparently, the volcano that Cinnabar was so famous for, had yet to erupt and destroy the town and gym. My guess was because Blaine had yet to create Mewtwo. That was a wild theory, that a lot of pokemon fans had inferred from some game information back in the day.
'I hope that theory is wrong.' I thought as I walked through the town.
First thing you notice about Cinnabar is the overwhelmingly oppressive tropical climate. Luckily I had prepared for the journey and only wore shorts shoes and a very loose tank top, the kind with the slits that run all the way down to the waist and are super loose. It might have been a little douchey… but I didn't care, I was comfortable.
The city's layout was much less organized than Island Three, the place I just came from. Which made sense, the city was older, very old. Similar to my home town of Dewford Town. Now that I thought about it, my skin color really reminds me of American Samoa now that I think about it. Only hick-up was the blue hair. I wonder how many generations my family goes back on the island.
For all the similarities, there was a major difference between Cinnabar and Dewford. The single skyscraper that rose into the clouds on Cinnabar. The Cinnabar Lab, birthplace of Porygon and where Blain and his scientist learned to bring fossil pokemon to life.
'Blain and Dr. Fuji brought peace and prosperity to this island.' I thought as I looked at the Cinnabar Lab.
I turned to my real destination, the Cinnabar Gym. Which should be closing in the next few hours, but I figured that I might as well try and get an appointment. It honestly reminded me of a football/baseball/basketball stadium from my previous american life. It was huge. Not any bigger than my dad's gym, but still, it left an impression.
I walked in and sighed as the cool air hit me. The front office gave off the same feel as my father's gym. There was a single desk directly in front of the door, making it obvious where you needed to go. Behind it were massive double doors that would lead to the actual stadium. Around the walls were little lounge areas for people to sit and wait for battles. There weren't any trainers in those seats.
'Must be a slow day.' I thought as I walked up to the receptionist.
He was around twenty years of age, and he was furiously typing away at something on the screen in front of him. He didn't notice my approach, and even my hand on the desk didn't interrupt him.
"Busy?" I asked, trying to get his attention.
He glanced up for a moment. "Sorry, I need to finish this thought." He said and concentrated on the screen in front of him.
I just rose an eyebrow as he typed away for another paragraph or two on his ...research paper? I leaned back from where I was looking at the screen and looked around. A door opened off to the side and a small growlithe ran out with a bark. My eyes locked onto it and I immediately made the decision that I wanted one.
'Arcanine was my favorite pokemon of all time.' I thought as I noticed the pokemon. 'At least, before the 'transmigration' it was.'
The receptionist sighed as he heard the bark, almost like he knew what was about to happen. He slid back from his computer just as the growlithe found his way into the circular receptionist desk. The growlithe jumped immediately and landed in the man's lap excitedly.
"Hey little guy." The man said a little reserved, almost annoyed.
I frowned. 'Must not be his, or he doesn't want it to be.'
"So." I said after a moment of watching them interact.
"Oh right, you here to schedule a battle?" The receptionist said.
"That's right." I confirmed.
"Here for your seventh badge?" The man asked as he scratched behind the growlithe's ears. The growlithe responded by gnawing on his hand a little playfully.
"You've got your hands full there." I commented, seeing the interaction. "Actually, I was wondering if Blaine took on zero badge trainers?"
The receptionist actually had the nerve to snort and let out a laugh. I frowned just as his growlithe barked in response, mimicking him. I made it a point to not be embarrassed and stared the man down, a little angry.
"No, Blaine does not…"
"Blaine does not what? Jerry?"
I turned to the newcomer's voice, and found the legend himself standing there. Blaine was almost as big of a celebrity as Oak. People regarded him like they did Elon Musk in my old world. Or like a Tony Stark.
The receptionist paled and looked at Blaine like he was a ghost. "Care… sir. I was going to say that Blaine does not care the amount of badges a trainer has."
I stepped towards the Gym Leader and offered my hand to him. I intentionally interrupted the ass-chewing that the receptionist was about to receive, they could do that later. The growlithe in the receptionists lap leapt down and scrambled over to the gym leader. The growlithe stopped right behind Blaine's left foot and sat down for a moment waiting on a command.
'So this is Blaine's growlithe.' I thought right as I introduced myself.
"Brawly, sir. Nice to meet you." I said. Blaine instinctively reached out and grasped my hand in the perfect handshake. Not too firm, not too soft, perfect.
"Blaine, leader of this humble gym." Blaine introduced himself. We let go of each other's hands and he took control of the conversation.
"I recognize that name, son." Blaine said. I groaned, knowing where the conversation was about to go.
"Your father is very upset at you." Blaine said, a little amused at my reaction.
"Let me guess." I started. "He asked you to send me back home?"
Blaine let out a controlled but loud laugh. "No, no! The opposite, he wanted me to beat you so bad you wanted to come home, in a battle of course."
I actually smiled, finding the humor in that, and let out a chuckle. My father was stuck in his ways, and was a funny man without even trying sometimes.
I shrugged. "Well, I'm game if you are." I tried to say it nonchalantly, because I knew the gym leader had a duty to do. He wouldn't hurt my pokemon, but he wouldn't take it easy on me either.
"I was about to head over to the lab a little early, but I think we can handle this real quick." Blaine said with a wicked grin. His white mustache rose with the smirk and spelled doom for me.
He looked down to the fiery dog at his leg. "Want to whip some respect into the younger generation?" Blaine asked the growlithe.
I took the opportunity to look back at the receptionist and show him what I thought about him almost denying me for no reason. He frowned at the middle finger I shot his way but wisely didn't comment or do anything about it. His pokemon were most likely stronger than mine, but that wouldn't stop me from breaking his nose the old fashioned way. I got excited just thinking about making the rude motherfucker bleed.
'Maybe Hashi's love for battle is rubbing off on me.' I thought as I looked back towards Blaine before he could notice more of my 'disrespect'.
"Let's go."
"Two versus two." Blaine announced from his position opposite of me. "Standard league rules."
I nodded towards him and grabbed Minato's ball. We stood on raised platforms about twenty feet off of the field in front of us. His growlithe was already on the dirt field, sitting and waiting patiently.
I released Minato on the field. "Gym battle bud, just like we discussed." I said.
Minato looked around for a moment and processed the information. Then I felt a presence in my head and I knew we were connected. I didn't have to verbally give commands this way, a huge boon in any pokemon fight.
'Grab some dirt and be ready to intercept any fire attacks. Don't let them see what you're doing.' I said trying to get an advantage before the fight started.
"No type effectiveness?" Blaine said, almost appreciatively. "Interesting."
"Can't properly show you how good of a trainer I am if I have my feebas fire off water guns all day. That would prove nothing to my father." I answered the man as I nodded towards the cameras at the corners of the stadium. There was no doubt in my mind my father would see this.
Blaine smiled, and slowly nodded his head in response. "Normally I would quiz you before we begin, but if that little guy shows me anything, it's competence." Blaine said and pointed towards my drowzee. "Let's see if it translates."
The receptionist from earlier took his position in the referee box, and looked at both of us questioningly. He got two nods that signaled our preparedness.
'Let's react for now.' I told Minato.
"Quick attack." Blaine said simply.
The real good thing about psychic pokemon, is the near instantaneous commands you can send via the psychic link. I didn't actually command Minato to do anything, but I thought about the weak point in the growlithe and Minato picked up on it.
The growlithe launched forward with a white glow, and didn't make it halfway before a wave of psychic force hit its front paw right before it was supposed to step. The momentum of the small dog did all the work for us.
The one misstep caused the growlithe to roll a good fifteen feet, ass over tit. You know when puppies are still figuring out the world, and they fall down stairs or something? Yea, imagine that but enhanced with a supernatural power like quick attack.
The growlithe rolled to a stop right in front of Minato with a whimper. I apologized in my head as I gave another command.
Minato raised a hand, and with another wave of psychic force, he sent the dog flying through the air, on route to impact the opposite wall. It would have been very injured, had a red light not connected with the dog in mid-air and recalled the pokemon.
I looked up to see Blaine with a pokeball in his outstretched hand and a frown on his face.
"That was a very advanced tactic." Blaine said with a little grit in his voice.
'Great, I've pissed him off.' I thought to myself and my pokemon. Amusement bled through our link in response, along with a bit of worry.
"I hope you don't mind if I respond appropriately." Blaine said as he reached in his lab coat and pulled out a second pokemon. There was already a second pokemon laying on the stand in front of him, but he apparently didn't deem it worthy.
In a flash of red, he released his pokemon. It coalesced into the world with a roar and a bout of flame leaving its mouth.
'Fucking magmar?!' I thought in response. 'And this is zero badge level!?'
Minato steeled himself just as the temperature in the room increased. I mentally sent him a few battle plans that consisted of one thing, attack and keep the monster away from him.
"Flamethrower." Blaine commanded immediately.
'Hit it in the neck.' I commanded as the magmar took a deep breath.
Minato's hand rose once again and did as I said. It had almost no effect on the hard scales of the magmar, even at such a vulnerable location. I doubted anything but psychic or psybeam would have.
Minato didn't need me to tell him to get out of the way of the wall of flame heading his direction. He moved to his right way before the flamethrower hit. The problem was that magmar's aim was on point, and he adjusted. The flamethrower was about to hit my poor pokemon but I clicked a button on his pokeball and returned him before it could.
"Good." Blaine called out. "You know when to protect your pokemon."
I palmed the only chance I had at the magmar, and even then it was a long shot. I released Hashi onto the field anyway.
"I need you to be extremely careful, Hashi. He's strong." I told him. "Fire type, you know what to do." With that short list of commands, I was done talking for a while.
Hashi looked around at his surroundings, and processed my words. Then he smiled a smile that got my blood pumping. I smiled at his enthusiasm.
"Let him, magmar. Close range only." Blaine said. "Don't kill him."
'That doesn't bode well.' I thought to myself and pondered recalling Hashi immediately. A memory of him being mad at me for not letting him continue the fight against Brendan held me back.
I gritted my teeth and held his pokeball just in case, but I didn't hit the button.
Hashi moved immediately, and a wall of sand appeared in front of him and shot towards the magmar. Hashi followed it and closed the distance. The magmar shook off the sand and stared down my starter with disinterest. It was if he didn't even care.
Hashi took the opening that was provided and jumped. Hashi's foot, powered by the momentum of his full sprint and fighting energy plowed into the magmar's cheek. The magmar's head snapped to the side and his body followed his head to the ground. It didn't knock him out, however.
The magmar rose before Hashi could press his advantage and sent a fist covered in flames towards Hashi's head. I frowned with worry.
Hashi ducked the fist and responded with a mean hook to the body, also enhanced with fighting energy. The flame on the fist of the magmar disappeared as he roared in response to his now aching ribs.
Hashi didn't waste anymore time and stopped the roar with another fist to the same cheek of the magmar. Then the magmar got really pissed off, and with another roar flames exploded from his mouth and hit Hashi.
Luckily it was just a short burst only meant to get Hashi off of him. And it worked. Hashi flew back about ten feet and landed on his knees. I gripped the pokeball a little tighter, and prepared to recall him at any moment.
"Close range, Magmar!" Blaine commanded with a stern voice.
Hashi leapt up quickly, as if he had never been hit with literal fire, and charged again. Another sand attack interrupted the next flamethrower from magmar.
'Thick fat.' I remembered Hashi's ability. 'Cuts down the damage taken from fire or ice in half.'
Magmar was ready for Hashi this time and sent a leg kick towards Hashi's head. Hashi executed a perfect block, but it didn't matter. The power from the kick sent Hashi back another ten feet, where he landed on his stomach this time.
A couple of things happened at the same time. Magmar prepared to send another flamethrower at Hashi, against his trainer's will. Blaine had apparently already anticipated this and had released another of his pokemon down beside magmar.
I didn't get to see what pokemon it was because a bright light filled the stadium, and my heart soared.
'Hashi's evolving.' I thought as I noticed the source.
It was hard to put into words, watching an evolution. Mainly because it was hard to watch. The white light made me squint and put a hand up to my face, but I did get to see Hashi's shape change.
When the light died down, and I dropped my hand, my jaw followed it. From my position I could see that he had gotten ridiculously taller. If I had to guess I would say around six foot six to six foot eight maybe. The tan hair on his arms and torso curved around chiseled muscles. The same hair went to his head also but it had two blue patches of hair that ran around his head and converged at the back before falling down to his waist. Huge legs hair was the same blue as his head and he had a yellow skirt-like extension that fell to his knees. His hands and feet were the same color orange and were oversized for his frame. These were the focus points that hariyamas found sending their energy to easiest.
I couldn't admire him long because an unfamiliar roar sounded out and my attention was brought to the magmar again. It was on its back as a huge kangaskhan held one foot on its chest, making it submit.
"Enough, magmar!" Blaine said.
"Hashi, back off. Fight's over." I told my starter. It was obvious that he wanted to continue to fight, but I wasn't sure he could beat the magmar even off of a fresh evolution. That thing was a gym leader's pokemon for a reason.
Eventually he looked in my direction and nodded. He stumbled a bit as he got used to his new form and walked back over to me.
Blaine recalled both of his pokemon now that he had gotten control of the magmar.
"Meet me at the front desk." He said as he disappeared in a door behind his podium.
I nodded to him before turning to Hashi. "I'll bring you out soon, I promise." I told him as I recalled him.
"Here's the volcano badge." Blaine said and held out a small case that I knew would hold the badge.
I grabbed the badge case and put it into my backpack. "Thanks, it was a fun match. Your magmar is a monster." I told him.
"He is fairly new. I caught him about a month ago and am just now getting him trained up." Blaine said sheepishly. "I'm afraid I owe you a debt."
I frowned, confused. "Why?" I asked him.
"It would not look well for me to lose control of a pokemon. Some would accuse my old age, I could lose my position." Blaine explained.
It was true, Gym leaders were heavily micromanaged. They were meant to improve the trainers of that region, and they couldn't do that if they didn't have a good hold on their pokemon. Not to mention the line of competent people that could take his spot. There were plenty of high ranking trainers who could fill the role. I knew that Blaine had much more political weight than the average Gym Leader though, he wasn't going anywhere for a long time.
"Nobody got hurt, and Hashi even evolved. I'd say we're even." I said, trying to get him to forget about it.
Blaine shook his head in the negative. "I mean to pay that debt right now." He revealed. He reached into his pocket and retrieved a pokeball before offering it to me.
"The growlithe you defeated earlier."
A/N: Boom! And we're back.
A little bit longer chapter. I've been sitting on this for a while, and decided to add the gym battle in there to show off our progress.
Minato won a battle! Hashi evolved! We have a growlithe! And our first gym badge! What do we think? A good edition to the team? What about the gym battle? Did we like it?
Let's talk in the reviews!
Don't forget! If you want early access to the Ladder, Defiant, and Tsunami of the South you can find me on Patreon under the same username!
Any little bit helps!