
Act I: Chapter 8

Hello everyone,

Follow me on instagram at wtmcdonaldauthor! If you are feeling generous, and wish to donate to my writing career, you can find me at Patreon under the same name for early access to chapters of The Ladder, Defiant, and Tsunami of the South!

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


"The growlithe you defeated earlier." Blaine said. "Just had him healed up in the back. And he already agreed to go with you, so you won't have to win him over."

I looked at the pokeball like it was the holiest thing on the earth. Since I had seen the little monster earlier, I had already planned on hunting around the island for one. But one who had been trained by a gym leader, even if it was obviously a puppy, was invaluable.

"I don't know what to say." I said as I grabbed the ball from him. "You don't have a fire stone do you?" I joked.

Blaine tensed up. "What did you say…" He whispered.

I frowned at his reaction and belted the pokeball. Blaine's entire body had tensed up, and his eyes hardened behind his glasses. We both stood there for a moment, and dread pooled in my stomach.

Growing up around such a powerful psychic, such as my father's Gallade, gives you a sort of sixth sense when a pokemon is about to teleport in. I wasn't caught unawares by that itself, but rather the object pressed threateningly.

Blaine moved forward and grabbed my arm, and the world changed. I flew through space, helpless against the Gym Leader and whatever pokemon was the cause of all of this.

I landed on my feet, because of my years of practice with teleportation. I didn't feel the object against my neck anymore so I looked around me. Blaine stood about ten feet away, right next to a pokemon I didn't expect him to have. A delphox stood with her want pointed at me, a wicked smile on her face. Just like the games, she stood on two legs like a humanoid. She was excited, but bored at the same time.

"What is going on?" I asked the man in front of me, and looked around at my surroundings.

We were in a white room that looked too clean, like a hospital. There was a table that wrapped around the entire room, with cabinets above it. Each labeled with some scientific term.

'Blaine's lab?' I wondered.

"How do you know?" Blaine asked simply.

"Know what?" I asked, as my fear turned into anger. My hand twitched to the balls on my waist. I didn't have a great counter for the delphox across from me. Not only was Hashi at a type disadvantage, but he had just evolved. The delphox wasn't a young pokemon. In fact, I bet it earned its place on Blaine's team. Hashi didn't stand a chance.

'Worst case scenario, we fight our way out.' I thought as I looked at the walls around me. 'I bet these walls are reinforced too.'

"Arcanine! How do you know the evolution method?! It's heavily guarded!" Blaine demanded.

'What? Why would it be?' I thought, confused.

"What are you talking about?! It's common knowledge!" I said, stating what was obvious to me.

Blaine looked at me like I was a fucking idiot. "Boy, there are only two known Arcanine alive right now. Owned by Professor Oak and I. One, a former champion, and another a Gym Leader since before your father was even born. I have three porygon scouring the web at any given moment to hide that information from the public. How does a rebellious kid, with only one gym badge know something that some trainers have spent their whole life searching for."

'What?' I thought to myself. 'There are only two alive?! And they're hiding the information.'

"What…?" I sputtered out, shocked at the information. "Why would it be hidden…? Arcanine isn't that strong!"

Blaine, once again, looked at me like I was a fucking idiot. "People call it the Legendary Pokemon for a reason, foolish boy! Capable of traveling over sixty-two hundred miles in twenty-four hours! The only pokemon of the man who conquered all of Kanto and Johto, millenia ago!"

That itched in my memory. 'If I recall correctly, the pokedex actually confirmed all of that information in the games. But didn't it also say that just because it was labeled 'Legendary Pokemon', that there were more around than people realized? Why would that be wrong and the other entries be correct? '

I didn't know how to respond, so I didn't. Instead, I furiously thought of an excuse that I could use to explain my knowledge. Nothing. I got zero good ideas. Couldn't blame it on my father, it just didn't work since he had no pokemon to explain it. I could say that I thought it obvious because of how other pokemon evolve with other stones, and I put two and two together, but that was too far out there. And I didn't know how protected the other evolution stones were either.

'Fuck, how do I get out of this.' I wondered. I knew I was trapped, and the look the delphox was giving me didn't look promising.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed, pissed off.

"I need an answer soon." Blaine said as he sat down in one of his rolling chairs. He put his head in his hand, as if he was about to do something he didn't want to.

I continued to race through ideas to explain my knowledge, but I just couldn't. In the end, I decided I had only one choice, the truth.

"It's hard to explain." I started.

"Try." Blaine said quickly and simply.

"We live close to Granite Cave, you know that right?" I asked. I got a nod from Blaine, and I continued. "That's where I caught my makuhita. I snuck out that night, intent on capturing my first pokemon the old way, the hard way. I didn't want anything handed to me from my father, I wanted to prove myself."

Blaine listened raptly, but I could tell he didn't know where I was going with the story.

"I stumbled on a wild hariyama, going to town on a family of geodude. I noticed that one of the hariyama's children was on the ground, in critical condition so I snuck around to it and captured him. Next thing I know there is a rumbling of rocks, and I get knocked out by something." I explained, but paused, unsure if I should continue.

"Get to the point." Blaine demanded.

I hesitated for a second before conceding. "When I woke up, I had memories from another life." I finished.

Blaine frowned, but continued to stare at me through his glasses. Delphox gave me more of a reaction. The pokemon turned to her trainer, and I got the feeling they were talking via their minds. Delphox is fire/psychic, an enormously useful pokemon to have.

"How does that explain your knowledge?" Blaine asked, more intrigued than angry now.

"There was a set of video games and tv shows that revolved around this world and pokemon. Arcanine was not as powerful as you describe, and not as uncommon." I explained.

I stopped there, I didn't want to reveal anything else or give anything else away. I learned my lesson. Never would I joke about evolutionary lines, until I know it's common knowledge.

'And I'll never bring up Mega Evolutions. If Arcanine's evolution method is guarded, there is no telling how locked up Mega's are.' I thought as I threw my dreams of mega-evolving someone on my team out the window.

Blaine turned to his pokemon, as if she had just brought up something he didn't consider.

"How long ago was this?" Blaine asked me. "Do you know the exact date?"

"A couple of weeks." I answered truthfully.

"Two?" Blaine asked.

"And a day or so." I guessed, I didn't bother doing the math on the exact date. I was too occupied in getting out of this place alive.

"Fuck!" Blaine swore and jumped out of the chair. He ran his hands over his bald head, as if he had fucked something up royally. "It's too much of a coincidence." He whispered.

"When did you blackout? Close to midnight?" Blaine asked.

'He thinks my blackout and something else line up?' I thought, trying to decipher why he was acting this way.

"Very." I confirmed.

'Dude I swear, if my Mewtwo thought from earlier turns out to be true, I'm going to lose my shit.' I thought, connecting a few dots about fan theories about Blaine and his reaction.

Blaine sat back in his chair, and let out a deep breath. It wasn't one of relief, more like a 'what the fuck have I done' type of sigh.

A part of me wanted to push him for answers as to why I gained these memories, mainly to confirm the theory that I had worked up over the last few minutes. It was simple, somehow, during Mewtwo's creation, I was given memories of another life. How? I don't know. Why? I have zero clue.

The other part of me that wanted out of this situation won. Staring down the wand of a Delphox wasn't what I called my favorite pastime. So I didn't press the man, instead I waited to see what he would do now that he knew of my origins.

"What now?" I asked the man after a couple of minutes of anxiety-inducing silence.

Blaine looked up at me. "I see two options, but one is out of the question."

"I hope that killing me and being rid of the problem, is the one out of the question." I said, extremely serious. This time my hand did drop to my pokeballs, although I didn't release anyone.

Blaine didn't smile, but he did nod and I took that as a good sign. "The fact that you know about how to evolve your growlithe, isn't very useful to you because of the rarity of fire stones. Even if you do, miraculously, manage to find one, I will leave you with this threat." Blaine pointed at his delphox then.

'So if I evolve my growlithe, you'll kill me, basically.'

The thought sparked my anger. I wanted to rage about how unfair that was, and not right. But I learned a long time ago that life is unfair. Switching universes wouldn't change that.

"Seven badges." Blaine interrupted my thoughts. "Come back here after that, if you can even achieve it. We'll battle again, and I'll determine if you're capable enough to handle 'The Legendary Pokemon'."

Blaine didn't let me respond, instead he snapped his fingers. A bright light shot out of the delphox's wand and hit me. I closed my eyes, ready for the impact, but felt nothing. When I opened my eyes again, I noticed I was standing back in the gym.

I ignored the confused look of the same receptionist from earlier, and sprinted past him.

'I'm getting the fuck off of this island.'


I wasn't lying either.

The gym battle hadn't harmed my pokemon that much. Hashi sustained the most damage and even then, he would be fine after a day or so of rest. For that reason, the only reason I stopped at the pokemon center was to stock up on supplies for my journey up Route 21 and Pallet Town.

I hit the road almost immediately after. As soon as I left the city-limits, I released Hashi and Minato to give me some sense of security. I held off on my other two pokemon. As soon as we hit Route 21, I would release Tsunade in the water and we could introduce ourselves to the new member of our team.

Already, I knew the name of our new member. If he really was going to be 'Legendary' and a monster when he evolves, then I really had only one option if I kept the theme for Naruto names. I briefly pondered on keeping the Hokage theme, but threw it out the window. I didn't find anyone who met the fire theme like I wanted. Sarutobi had mastered fire chakra, but it didn't feel right compared to the name I had ready to go.

We reached the end of the island around the same time the sun set. Hashi and I set up camp right on the beach, a place that I was very familiar with. I could have done it deeper in the forest that comes right up to the beach, but this beach was so heavily used, I didn't think too much about the danger. There was a little more light reflecting off of the clouds in the air, so I decided to walk down to the water and release Tsunade.

She materialized with a cry of happiness and swam around my legs excitedly.

"Hey beautiful!" I said, lying to her.

Feebas were notoriously ugly. But in the games, they evolved once they felt beautiful enough, or traded with a prism scale. With my new knowledge of this world, I didn't see how a pokemon could evolve via trade, it just didn't make sense to me. That had to be a game mechanic only. That left me with only one option to evolve Tsunade, lying and making her feel beautiful.

She rubbed against me because of the compliment, before swimming around the water around the beach, exploring our new home for the next few weeks.

A snort behind me made me turn to see Minato had sat down on the beach and was feeling the sand with his fingers. It must have been the first time seeing one, even though he lived on an island when I found him.


Hashi dove into the water after his exclamation. That tickled a memory. 'Can't Hariyama learn Surf?' I thought as I watched him swim around in the water. His huge hands propelled him wherever he wanted to go.

I released my fourth pokemon on the beach now that everyone was ready and relaxing. Growlithe looked around curiously at his new surroundings. Once he noticed Minato, he barked at the drowzee. No doubt, he was still upset over his loss to the psychic.

I smiled as Minato gave him a smug look.

"Hello!" I greeted the pokemon as I walked out of the water onto the beach.

Growlithe responded by running up to me and sitting right behind my left leg. I bent down and gave him some love by petting him all over his body. He loved every second of it and licked the salt water off of my hands and legs. He also spent a fair amount of time smelling me and memorizing my scent.

I pointed my pokegear at the small dog, and waited for its information to pop up. I was rewarded with a ding fairly quickly, and his information popped up.

I skimmed through to confirm what I already knew. It was male.

'I need some more girls on the team.' I thought for a moment.

"Alright, well if you're going to be on this team, you're going to need a name." I said to the dog. He sat down patiently, and waited for me to continue.


The newly named Madara barked at me and licked my leg once again. I took it as a sign that he liked the name. I really didn't care if he liked it or not to be honest. The name just fit him too well.

"Now, this is Minato, Hashirama, and Tsunade!" I told Madara. "Your teammates and my good friends."

"We're going to conquer the Indigo League." I finished confidently.

Madara got a fierce look in his eyes, and I knew he understood me. Another bark of confirmation was all I needed to hear from him.

Hashi took that moment to approach me, and put a hand on my shoulder. I looked over to him, wondering what he wanted. He was looking at the direction we had just come from, worriedly.

I followed his gaze. Then I saw it.

A fucking absol stood on the beach looking in the same direction.

'Where Absol shows itself, disaster follows. My father's voice rang in my head.'

"What's wron…"

I stopped when I saw it. There appeared to be a wave of force heading through the air. Debris and random things rose up into the sky. The force rolled through the trees, almost like a nuclear bomb, yet there was no mushroom shaped cloud in the sky. The concussive force was heading straight towards us, and with it came destruction.

I acted immediately without thinking and recalled Madara before belting him, because his ball was already in my hand. My other three pokemon's balls were over near our camp and I started to move that direction.

Hashi didn't let me. One powerful hand grabbed my shoulder and he picked me up. He started moving in the opposite direction, towards the water. No doubt, he considered that safety for me. It was honestly smart.

He threw me on his shoulder and began running towards Minato, to grab him also. Hashi was about two feet away from the psychic when the wave of force hit us.

The world tumbled over and over again for a few moments before I was swallowed up by a body of water. I barely had enough time to take a deep breath before the waves drug me under. No longer did Hashi have a hold on me, so I tumbled around in the water for a moment before I looked around to my surroundings.

My gaze was drawn to a familiar white light in the water, and I didn't even have enough time to get excited at the prospect of one of my pokemon evolving before something hit the top of the water above me.

A fucking tree descended on top of me, and I barely got out of the way before it passed me and sank lower into the depths of the ocean.

'How far am I away from the shore?' I wondered as I tried to find the ocean floor, unsuccessfully.

My arms started moving and so did my feet. My oxygen was running out just as I hit the top of the water. I took in a deep breath as I breached and looked around.

It looked like a hurricane had just run through the island. The beach was trashed. I realized I was about a hundred yards out from the beach and began to swim that direction.

I didn't see any of my pokemon.

Panic invaded my senses and I swam more sporadically to the beach. Then Hashi breached the surface of the water, holding a yellow humanoid form. Hashi dropped him off on the beach, he was obviously unconscious.

'Minato evolved? I thought it would have been Tsunade.' I thought confused.

"Tsunade?" I yelled out to the water around me.

Hashi immediately ran back into the water, and dove straight down.

'Where is he going?' I wondered at his actions.

I fought against the tide, and finally reached the beach. Immediately I ran over to Minato and felt his breathing. He wasn't. Panic once again invaded my mind.

I rolled him over and my hands went to his chest. Two pumps of cpr, and he sputtered and coughed water out of his lungs. He rolled around on the ground and coughed the rest of the water out of his lungs.

I patted his back, helping him.

A mournful cry from the beach behind me made me turn.

Hashi walked up the beach, with exhaustive movements. Both of his hands were cradling something as if any movement would break it. That's when I noticed what it was he was holding.


I didn't notice it at first, because her scales were no longer murky brown but scarlet red because of the long wooden shard impaling her.

"No, no, no, nononononononon." I mumbled to myself as I immediately bolted it towards where her pokeball was. My backpack had been blown closer to the water, so I didn't need to go much further before I dug into it and grabbed it.

I pushed the recall button almost immediately.

Nothing happened.

"No!" I yelled as I knew what that meant.

'She's dead.' I realized.

I refused to believe it, and ran towards Hashi, who still held her in his hands. When I reached him, my denial went away and I knew there was no way of saving her. She must have been dead long before Hashi even reached her.

I wasn't thinking rationally and reached out to grab her from his hands. I grabbed on, and immediately regretted it as her blood spread all over me. I froze in shock.

'Not acting rationally, I'm in shock.' I realized, but was helpless to stop it.

And then Minato was beside me in a flash of yellow. Even deeper sadness emanated through my mind, originating from the link he established with our minds. And then he was gone again.

He reappeared on my backpack and grabbed it. Then he was beside me again with a hand on my shoulder.

He handed my Hashi's pokeball, and I looked at my starter. Hashi was looking towards the sky at a single point in the air, with so much hate on his face, I couldn't describe it. I followed his gaze again.

There it was, the cause of all the destruction. A figure bathed in a white light hovered over the island, and outstretched a hand towards the looming volcano.

"HAAAAARRRRRRIIII!!!" Hashi yelled out towards the figure. Both of his fists were balled up and ready to go, prepared to destroy Tsunade's killer.

A rumbling came from the volcano, and I realized that I was about to be a part of the destruction of Cinnabar Island. On top of that, Hashi had successfully gotten the attention of the figure in the sky.

Suddenly, the white light wasn't so far away and was instead blindingly close.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed, I felt the tears on my face for the first time. I looked towards Tsunade's killer to see who I owed my revenge. At the same time, I reached my hand down to the bowie knife I kept on my lower back at all times. My worst nightmare floated in front of us.


Things escalated rapidly at that point. Hashi jumped towards Mewtwo, with a roar on his lips. Mewtwo raised a single hand his direction, and I felt the buildup of psychic energy.

Luckily, I didn't lose two pokemon, because Minato lived up to his name. He teleported right behind Hashi and grabbed his shoulder before immediately flashing back to my side. He touched my shoulder.

And then we were gone.


"What the fuck?!"

My father's familiar voice hit my ears and I instantly knew where Minato had teleported us.

'How the fuck did he even take us here? He's never been here before.' I thought as I turned to my father.

Junior had a single fist resting in the air in front of Minato covering in a dark aura. No doubt, he meant to protect his trainer from an attack.

"Brawly?" My father said, and his eyes dropped to the object I was carrying.

"Oh fuck."


A/N: I truly am the most evil person on the planet.

I didn't want to do it, I promise, the story made me!! RIP Tsunade.

So much shit went down in this chapter and I wanna hear about all of it.

Arcanine's evolution is a well kept secret because of its power. This is me giving a shout out to when it was supposed to be legendary originally. I literally don't know why it isn't. It's design is legendary quality and everything. So, even if it isn't technically a legendary pokemon in this story either, it is thought of as pseudo-legendary/legendary deeds.

Blaine's threat on Brawly.

Growlithe being named Madara.

Mewtwo escaping the pokemon mansion and causing the destruction of cinnabar.

Tsunade's death.

Let's talk about it in the reviews!

Don't forget! If you want early access to the Ladder, Defiant, and Tsunami of the South you can find me on Patreon under the same username!

Any little bit helps!

Twubscreators' thoughts