

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantasie
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134 Chs

Short Story

This is a world where zombies have overtaken the world. I know what your response to my journal is going to be "There's no way that zombies could take over the world we have guns and just have to shoot them in the head." That kind of thinking is so fucking wrong because if you get touched by the undead you WILL be infected there is a 100% fatality rate when you have been touched by a Transformed infected never mind the mutated ones. There is a saving grace called the level system because well all it shows is your level and experience which will increase the longer you survive or through killing the undead.

To kill one zombie, it needs to be burned to ash with no remains left because if there is a hand left it will continue to move towards you no matter what me and my partner who never told me their name have always been together since the start, they were kind of strange but we have been together for 3 months so there is no way would betray me. Yes, there are zombie animals, but they are much rarer due to the fact that animals can somehow sense the undead and specifically move away from them at all times. The military managed to regroup after 3 months in annihilating all the zombies 150 Kilometers from me and my friend we heard it over the radio.

In half a year we could get there quite easily but avoiding the mutants will be hard even though they don't have the invulnerability of the regular undead. The mutated ones will die if their brain is destroyed but the Brain is never in the right place it is infuriating its almost always moved behind the ribcage of humans or their torso making it so difficult to crush it without getting touched at all.


It's been a few days since me and my partner encountered The Devil it is the fastest know mutant it can run at speeds of 40 Kilometers an hour making it deadlier than the fastest man alive luckily it has horrible sense like the military says. I think I'm only gonna write down important things anymore also someone is burning bodies my partner told me that, so we got to get going and get closer to the base. I can walk 1 km an hour, but this is getting very tiresome when we also have to secure food and shelter throughout each day. Securing shelter is very important for at nightfall the undead become much more active at least the mutants do unlike the regulars who are always active.

Today was the most difficult it has ever been to collect food and my partner eats quite a lot due to them being a nice 6 foot 3 which is quite a detriment. I always wish that this country had survived like all the other countries in the world who dealt with the apocalypse easily but this place has a lot of people cramped into one place so I just must get to safety.


We finally are just 10 meters from the border its strange though I don't see anyone there wait there is no way it can't be they have fallen to the mutants. I run up to the intact basic border wall that's door is open and slaughter the few regular zombies in a frenzy almost getting a drop of blood to touch my skin. I look through the files on a table and see a date on the map saying that this place had basically fallen 2 months ago but the broadcast is going still so I go to the radio room to see desiccated corpses at their stations seeming to long have been dead.

My partner comes up to me and places his hand on my shoulder comforting me and telling me that "It's not your fault you can't save everyone, it's not your job either your only level 10... not anywhere near the ability needed to destroy every undead in the world." The stronger the undead the more experience you gain from destroying it completely and levels only slightly increase your physical level but why does this place seem familiar. It's strange I guess i will have to continue to the next place where the human forts should be.


I have been all around the world in this last year. It was all false there is no one left I am the last one I always have been I remember now it's been 40 years since the last human stronghold fell and I was the last human I just have been tricking myself into having hope. If you see this journal burn it after reading the cure to the virus, I came up with it will provide your humankind a chance versus these zombies, please remember that I always alone that partner I had he was nothing but a dream a memory of my friend who got splattered with zombie blood.

Im going to die now.


The whole book is soaked in the blood of the person who wrote this turning it into a artifact that carries resentment against the undead.