
Chapter 41


Two days have passed and it’s been a blur with ongoings in the club. Alexia’s ceremony has come and gone and Shikari wears a ring with one of her beads in the setting where a stone would go. She has stayed by my side ever since she woke up. I can hear her thoughts and she worries more now than she ever did before. This has changed her and I worry about how long it will take for her to fully adjust back to who she was before. I look over to Shikari who is now sitting on the couch in my study with her legs propped up as she looks over blueprints of the location we will be entering in just a few days.

I watch her flinch the moment a knock comes from the door of my study and I notice how tense she gets. I call out for whoever it is to enter and send a sense of calm towards her in hopes to soothe her a bit. It seemed to help because a second later she looked up at me with sad eyes before taking her place back on the couch.