
Coming round to love

Arie was set to make changes to her once desolate and tragic life. Her second time around would be filled with what she wants to accomplish and no one was going to stand in her way! Crazy psycho females who were jealous of her stand back! This girl ain’t playing. Men with no balls stand to the side cause she won’t deal with them no more!

EmmB · Fantasie
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10 Chs


Arie sat before her family and friends in sheer bewilderment of how things could get this bad so fast. Before her stood everyone she once considered family. Her parents had died in a freak accident when she was 20 years old. She was just finishing up her college degree when she heard the terrible news.

Shock and devastation shook her foundation to the core. As an only child, her parents always stressed the value of family. It didn't matter blood sometimes people not related to you had a higher loyalty then blood relations. Henry, their most trusted servant, who was more like and uncle to her was a prime example. So how could she have been accused of causing her own parents death?

Where did this evidence come from that proved she was the mastermind of their death? How could her mothers sister stand before her as judge and jury accusing her of this heinous crime?

"Aunt Judy, where did this evidence come from? Who are these people you've brought in my home? I've never even met them let alone been to this house since mom and dad died!

How did you even know this was our vacation home?"

"Shut up, you vile creature! How could you kill your own parents?! My wonderful sister who raised a viper in our midst to steal all the wealth and fortune A mast by them! What , you think that know one would figure out that you planned their demise? I have the proof right here! Don't even think about getting away with this! My own daughter found the evidence in your room with all the bank slips and emails sent to the killers! How could you?!" With that a loud smack could be heard in the main hall of my home.

My grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles all looked on with disappointment and anger.

"I didn't do it! How could I?! I was in class during that time! I didn't kill my own parents! I even planned to meet them that weekend in the Bahamas to celebrate the end of my term! How could Carrie find this if she came into my room? I haven't even been inside this house since mom and dad died! This was just a vacation house. I spent all my time in our main home 6 hours away! How could Carrie find this evidence? "

"Carrie, where did you find this? How did you find this? You don't even give the keys or passcode to this home to you! Mom and dad just bought this home a couple months before their death. How did you know about this house? How did all of get inside this house, without my approval? Where is Henry? Henry, come here! Who let them in? When did you let them in?!"

"Miss, I was told you allowed them to come over a month ago. Your aunt and cousin have been living here for over a month! I have surveillance videos depicting their movements in the past month!"

"Why, was I not notified? Am I not the owner of this home? Since when have others been allowed to come and go on my property?!"

Carrie dropped all pretext and rushed to me as I was talking to Henry. "You crazy, self righteous…. " I was hit across the back of my head with a miniature statue and dropped to the floor. As the blood oozed out of me and my mind was losing consciousness, my so called family all laughed. No one came to help! All were in on it.

"Finally, the last of this family is dead! Good riddance! I've been looking at their wealth for so long and wondering when I could get my hands on it. Carrie, send the "evidence" to the police and say that due to her being caught she ran and hit her head on the statue when we tried to get her. Henry, honey, good job planting all this. We will finally be able to live a pampered life with our daughter.", aunt Judy cackled!

" They deserved to die. How could they not give me more money? I am her sister, who did she think she was? Huh, I'm glad I had this foolish girl sign a transfer of all her assets to me when Henry gave her the death certificate of her parents death."

Listening to her voice before my last breath, I realized one thing, I needed to come back and make them pay!