
Coming round to love

Arie was set to make changes to her once desolate and tragic life. Her second time around would be filled with what she wants to accomplish and no one was going to stand in her way! Crazy psycho females who were jealous of her stand back! This girl ain’t playing. Men with no balls stand to the side cause she won’t deal with them no more!

EmmB · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 1: Reborn

A dull beeping sound was heard in a quiet room. The smell of lemony disinfectant was strongly smelt. A brief flutter of the eyes created a stinging sensation that was not too pleasant. Fingers twitching and legs slightly jerking, were seen by no one as the patient lay in the hospital bed.

All of a sudden a sharp shrill noise could be heard as the patient rapidly opened her eyes and her breathing was erratic. What was going on? Nurses rushed in and quickly assessed the situation. "Doctor, quickly come in! The patience in bed 6 is waking up!"

"Nurse, move out of the way and let me see!" Doctor Tyler was quickly checking vitals of the patient in bed 6. She had been in a coma for a 1 month now. She was brought in after a massive pile up on the freeway in which no one thought she would make it out alive. Her body had sustained terrible trauma. A truck carrying long steel rods had lost control and her vehicle, passenger side mostly, ended in being crushed by a rod that had gotten loose. Her face took the most damage by having lacerations on it but thankfully the rod didn't land directly on her. Bizarre as it sounds, she is a miracle just being alive!

"Young lady, can you tell me who you are? How are you feeling?"

I looked into the eyes of a man who looked exactly like my dad! How? Dad died. Oh wait! I'm dead too… right?

"Daddy? Is that you? "

Dr Tyler looked deeply in the sea blue eyes of this heavy bandaged girl and instantly felt a connection with her.

" How? Who is she to me?" He thought.

"Sorry young lady. Although I am old enough to be your dad, I have never been married nor have I ever had a child. My name is Dr Tyler, and I am your attending physician. Can you tell me who you are? Do you remember what happened to you? And how you got here? "

" sorry doctor. I don't know why for a minute there I thought you were my dad. Your eyes just seem very familiar to me… no matter how odd it may sound. My name? I can't really seem to remember who I am."

Dr. Taylor looked at her calm yet steady words, and also couldn't understand how it felt like he also knew her…. But from where? "young lady that is the big question. I don't know who you are, date of birth… I do know that right now you are in need of healing and physical therapy. You sustained damage to your body… although it doesn't look like there's any paralysis of any form, you had a ruptured spleen, and your face took actually the brunt of all of it. You have a broken arm which should be healed within the next two weeks. We will have to talk to a reconstructive surgeon to see what we can do about your face because right now it is under gauze with antibiotics on it."

" Do you know when I may get my memory back?"

" could be soon or could be a long time, but no worries! We will figure it out together."