
New hiding place

The plane landed during the early hours The morning and it was summer so there was a gentle breeze blowing through. Lily was tired, not from the flight, but from running, she's been running from Eric since she was nineteen, she's now 24 and still on the run, she can never have her roots planted anywhere in the world permanently. In order to be safe and stay out of that tyrant's claws she had to keep doing this, but for how much longer? She missed her younger brother Lance, she took care of him since he was born as if he was her own. She worried about his safety the most because he is an autistic genius but had lousy social skills so couldn't read situations correctly at all times. He wouldn't eat or bath until she had said something, Lance is normally shy and likes to keep to himself ... their mother was so embarrassed of Lance that they had him locked up and home-schooled away from the public eye. If someone in the business world found out that the Dukes had a son, an autistic son at that, they would be humiliated. So their parents shut him off and made the servants at the house swear to secrecy about his existence. What they didn't know however was that he was actually a genius and he convinced his tutors not to mention that part about him to his parents, not that they cared anyway the Tutors saw how he was treated and took a pity on him and decided to help him in the only way they could. They smuggled laptops and technology related devices and magazines and books for him because he was really interested in that. She really missed Lance, if she could go get him from that place she would, but he is safer there than he is with her, as long as their parents don't know his secret he'll be safe. Mo had organized a one bedroom apartment in one of the semi-quiet neighborhoods and a small car to help them get around, but they had to stay hidden in the apartment for at least a week just so they could clear their tracks. Eric is not someone who gives up easily and once he gets a lead no matter how small it was, when it comes to lily he would go all out and even hire serial killers to sniff her out. In truth, He enjoyed the sick game of chasing her all over the globe, the more she escaped the more he wanted her, he wanted her all to himself, he even built a cage that was big as a two bedroom apartment in his mansion complete with a bathroom and a kitchen to ensure that once he caught her she'd never find a way out again. Chris took Mo's instructions very seriously as this was his first time doing this and there was no room for mistakes. Compared to Eric he was just fly that was good for nothing, so he needed to be on his A game. The new place was pretty cute, it had a plasma tv no land line or internet, one danish style couch grey couch that looked new as well as the coffee table, the kitchen was so small that only person could be allowed in at a time. The bedroom was decorated in turquoise,white and light brown colors to give it a beachy feel. Aunt Lucy had personality asked for her room to look like that because lily loved turquoise. They slowly settled in without any clothes to pack they could only take a shower and head to bed, " babe I'm gonna have to assist you with bathing since we don't want to soak your wounds, do you mind if I give you a dry bath?" He said as he hugged her from behind, it had been a long 24hours and needed to rest and calm her mind. She wondered if her last kidnappers were dead or alive, the people Eric hired were the types that didn't mind losing their lives, they would do anything to get results. That meant that death on job was not a problem for them. " okay man bear as long as your hands behave themselves" she smiled. Shower time was soon over and they headed to bed they weren't hungry or sleepy they had a lot on their minds. Chris agreed to leaving with Lily without giving it a second thought, he knew that he made the right decision but he hoped that he wouldn't slow her down. "I knew Mo long before you met him" ....as he stroked her hair to the back of her ear. "W-what?" She raised her head to look him in the eye. "Yeah, I actually met him about a week into our relationship" he said. He did in fact know who Mo was, Mo had approached him with the aim of telling to back off from lily, but he changed his mind once they had a conversation. Mo then decided that if this guy was going to be in lily life then he needs to learn how to protect himself and lily in case he's not around to do so himself. So his "second job" was actually 8 hours of training with Mo, he was learning martial arts and how to use a gun, he was surprisingly good and Mo worked him to the bone because he needed him to get good at these techniques quickly, Eric's puppets could appear any time. Impressed with Chris, Mo decided to let his boss Dan know about him, of course Dan wasn't happy, how the hell was he going to explain a man living with their precious niece? But Mo managed to convince him by telling him about his efforts to protect her in the future which in turn eased Dan's mind. " you're saying that all this while been training behind my and you said nothing" she exclaimed.