
Eric won’t stop here!

After escaping, they ditched their car and walked inside a forest to find another car that Mo had stashed away for this type of situation. They then drove for three hours before they reached the airport in another city, Mo had their passports and money ready to travel to country S, he wasn't going along with them yet, but uncle dan hired extra security for his niece for safe passage to the new country. Things went smoothly until the boarded and Mo promised lily that he'd follow her soon as he dealt with a few issues with her uncle. Mo didn't want to tell lily that Eric probably knows where she is and where she's headed, he was quite a persistent and obsessive man, he won't give up until he finds her and locks her up in his castle forever. It was now time to deal with him directly, that meant certain death for him and his team, but he would do anything for Dan. "Lily, no matter what you hear or see in the news do not return to your home country because Eric will be waiting for you, wait for a signal, okay?" He said with so much worry in his voice. He protected this girl for almost a year in the shadows and he knew how sweet and fragile she was but strong willed and brave. She was unlucky to have to be born to Leona and Richard Duke, her parents were two pieces of disgusting work. They'd sell their own flesh and blood to a killer for the sake of money and fame, as to why God gave them kids is a mystery to most people. "Uncle Mo I haven't known you for long, but thank you for everything" lily said as she gave him a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek. She knew that he was a good man, he was strict but he quickly gave into her request to see Chris, all her previous protectors refused to let her say goodbye to her friends whenever she had to leave for another place. She will always be thankful to Mo because of him, she's not alone anymore, she has Chris by her side. The Jet took off and the flight was about 7hours. This was an opportunity for the nurse on board to check Lily's wrist and bruises on her body. For someone who is said to be fragile, Lily was strong, she did not flinch as they applied the burning meds on the wounds, she sat there like a corpse, Chris watched and his heart felt like it was being squeezed and then cut up into pieces. She has been through so much physical pain during her previous escapes and her parents abuse that she no longer felt it. He went over to where she was sitting with the nurse and held the hand that was free, then he brought her hand to his face and kissed it cradling it into his face "I wish I had met you earlier, I wish I had been there early enough to save you all these troubles you had to endure" he said with tears in his eyes. It was actually unbelievable to see her in that state, she's always bubbly and liked cute plushy toys and stickers that she had on their fridge like she was a 12 year old girl. The girl didn't possess a single bad bone in body but experiences had hardened her mind and body and maybe her heart in a way. " it's ok man bear, it's just a few scratches anyway, I've had bigger injuries than this before" she chuckled. She remembered one of the most gruesome escapes she made before she went into hiding for a year. Eric had come looking for her personally. He found her living in a small house in a secluded forest during the snowy winter. He broke into the house and killed the two bodyguards that were sleeping downstairs, she only woke up to his hand that was holding her jaw tightly as he was kissing her "I found you" He said with an evil smirk on his face. "I'm going to have you right here and now, then take you back to my place where you'll always be safe" then he pressed his body onto hers and forced his tongue into her mouth and spread her legs. Fear enveloped her body and she went stiff and she was suffocating under him, then everything went blank. The details are blurry but she managed to run away leaving Eric with a gunshot wound in his thigh and managed to evade the goons that were waiting outside. She looked at Chris with sorrow painted on her face "Eric won't stop here"