
Code Geass FF chapter 2

Code geass FF - Chapter 2

Alister - 1st POV

I bought the trumpet, and it was abit expensive because apparently, music is luxury right now in this time period.

I think i was being impulsive when i bought this trumpet? Now that I think about it, I don't know many songs that used the trumpet as the main instrument.

Forget it! I already bought it anyway and the seller said there's no refund! Or rather, no take backs, is what the seller said specifically because i think the word refund isn't being used here yet or maybe just not known here.

Let's practice at home! I'm gonna be, the very best, like no one ever was! hehe...

- Alister's home -

trumpet noises*

trumpet noises*

trumpet noises*

"Hey! Can you please stop! Your just making unpleasant noises! Fucking stop already!" My neighbor said angrily.

"Alright! Sorry!" I said abit flustered.

Damn! Even if I can remember the music from my past life, it seems I just can't put a good performance suddenly! It's really hard to make my body coordinate with my thoughts.

I should practice on some hill or river side to not disturb anyone and also look for a job to do for a few days while looking for the caravan to travel with.

- a few hours later - in some hill just outside the town -

This town is still the same. I don't have to worry about the body of the previous code holder because it's been handled really well. I won't go into details though.

Trumpet noises*

Although it's abit hard at the start, my fingers and my mouth is already adapting very fast due to always correcting myself in practice while using my geass. It might be hard to put this practice to my muscle memory but it is easy to make my subconscious habit to follow the correct way to play the trumpet.

trumpet noises*

If people are wondering why I know how to practice the trumpet then I would just say I remembered watching some tutorial before in my past life because of curiosity.

trumpet sounds*

I should be able to at least do a decent performance tomorrow if I continue this practice, I guess. Just the amateur or beginner kind of performance. The music I make isn't so unpleasant now. Hehe...

trumpet sounds*

I should be able to do some paid performance in some pubs in a few days after this continuous practice.

Although, I think I should be using my geass now in a library, the thing is, there is no public library in this town. That's why I'm concentrating on my bread and butter right now.

I have a long time before the canon events anyways. I will probably avoid anything political and all things that can direct me to the geass order if it was made already.

Oh right, my code mark is in my chest just abit below my neck in the middle. It looks cool, to be honest, And I quite like it.

- at Alister's home again -


That's rough buddy.

Get it? hehe...

That practice is exhausting and it became boring after I just repeatedly practiced one song to perfectly perform it. And I'm still a ways away from perfection, at least from my own perspective and judgement.

And I am quite hard on my self because of my geass. Apparently, it makes me see that I can still improve, that I can still do better. It also helps me really improve fast. I can't help but continue when I can see myself visibly improving every round of practice.

- a few days later -

I already asked around the town and some people said that a caravan is going to be coming in a few days. Luckily, the said caravan is going to london!

It's morninig right now. I can already do a complete and good performance for a few songs with my trumpet! And I am going to do my first performance debut in an some decent pub later tonight.

I think I should do a few rehearsals right now and then rest until my performance tonight?

Let's do that then.

-night time, same day-

I am currently in the bartender's counter, near the stage. The baretnder is the Boss, my Boss now apparently.

This bar or pub is said to be only for those with money that passes through this town and for the few wealthy people that lives here, and it really is.

Just looking at the interior and you'll know it's for the wealthy. It even has a nice and expensive looking chandelier in the middle.

In fact, this wasn't much of a pub. It was more like a ballroom hall. The middle is a spacious area that is think, is for dancing.

There are always customers here at night, the Boss told me, and there's a time slotted for a dance. It is only semi formal so that the customers can really relax from their normal day to day stiff and tense life.

I am feeling nervous but it's okay. I will just use my geass later to curb stomp anything that I might unintentionally do to blunder myself later.

I will be the third performer because I'm new. I can't be the opening or closing. I only have three songs to play so that's also why.

The ones that were going to perform later are bands or mini orchestra, I don't know what they call those right now and i didn't ask anyone anyway, and some solos with piano and violin.

The Boss said it was the first time that there will be someone who will solo play a trumpet. He already heard me play before when he was passing by the place I was practicing. That's also how I got here.

The Boss said I was quite good and playing solo with a trumpet is also a good gig or so what he meant to say cause the british style of speaking right at this time period is too formal, there were many nuances and etiquete to follow that I apparently don't know cause I also didn't bother to at least search abit of it before in my past life. That's the gis of things.

Alright, I am about to perform. The songs that i will play are...

- Chapter ends at 1065 word count -

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Do not worry I won't hold any chapter hostage and I will surely complete this book here on webnovel.

I want to make an original after this book after all.

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