
Cocktails and Cauldrons: A Magical Mayhem

The novel commences with the tragic demise of Adèle Rousseau, a 35-year-old bartender whose life takes a shocking turn on one fateful night. Adèle, burdened by unfulfilled dreams and aspirations, finds solace in her nightly routines at Le Nuit Mystique, a dimly lit bar where she works tirelessly. The story unfolds in a bustling city filled with dreams, regrets, and the elusive promise of redemption. Adèle's life takes an unexpected twist after the unforeseen accident, propelling her into a mystical world of enchanting wonders. In a moment of fate-altering events, Adèle awakens as the 10-year-old daughter of a wealthy French pure-blood family, now known as Victoire Lefèvre. She must navigate the intricate and enchanting world of magic, while simultaneously weaving together the memories and experiences of Adèle and Victoire. This unique perspective offers insights into destiny, rebirth, and the indomitable resilience of the human spirit. As Victoire, she grapples with her newfound magical abilities and adjusts to the opulent yet demanding life of a pure-blood family. The tale unfolds as she embraces this unexpected second chance and strives to shape her destiny, determined to make the most of the magical world she now inhabits. ****************************************

EchoingDusk · Filme
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44 Chs

Chapter:31 Start Of The Term(3) - D.A.D.A.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Victoire recollected that she ought to be approximately two corridors distant from her desired destination, Room 31. Each corridor consisted of fourteen rooms arranged opposite each other, culminating with one at the farthest end.

Just as she was on the verge of heading towards the corridor on the right, an unexpected sensation overcame her. It was as if her instincts were signaling that something was amiss within her own body.

She came to a halt just shy of the corridor's bend, her senses alert. All she encountered was silence, quite contrary to the usual hubbub that accompanied the arrival of first-year students. A sudden recollection prompted her to access her system and bring up the Ailment feature once more:

[Ailment: Mana Surge, Minor Confundus Charm (Mana Surge induced by apparition complications, temporarily mitigated by Cerulean mints {78hrs.50mins until temporary medication's effect wanes}. Minor Confundus charm detected on the stairwell and in the corridor.)]

"A 'Confundus' charm?" she pondered.

It struck her as quite coincidental, considering that she was half a magical creature herself and thus about three times as resistant to compulsion as an average wizard. Her intuition sharpened as she discerned the charm's concealed intentions, prompting her to stride straight through the affected area, much to the dismay of her protesting friends.

"Oi, that's a wall,"

Fred shouted after her. But it was too late.

She ignored his warning and reached out to pat the assumed 'wall,' only to have her hand unexpectedly encounter something soft. In response, a sudden jolt of electricity coursed through her hand, eliciting a sharp "Ouch!" from Victoire.

Angelina and Alicia rushed up to her, simultaneously tapping the wall at different spots until it vanished, unveiling a classroom teeming with Gryffindor and Hufflepuff students.

"First years?"

inquired Professor Thistlewood, adopting an almost casual tone.

"Yes, Professor,"

Alicia replied nervously, anticipating the impending reprimand.

"I suppose one of you saw through my little trick?"

the professor asked again, her tone now tinged with amusement.

Victoire raised her hand and met the professor's gaze, her dark, gleaming eye momentarily locking with hers before she turned away.

"Ah, yes, Miss LeFevre,"

Professor Thistlewood exclaimed with a hint of amusement.

"Please come in. We were only waiting for your group to join us before starting the class."

They quickly entered the classroom, eager to secure their spots before Professor Thistlewood could change her mind. Victoire opted to sit next to Alicia and Angelina, as these benches were spacious enough to comfortably accommodate at least five first-year students.

Elowen Thistlewood, the unorthodox professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, stood before the eager students in the dimly lit classroom. Her lone eye held a hint of mystery as she began to speak, her low yet commanding voice filling the room.

"As I was about to say,"

she began, her gaze sweeping across the class with an amused glint before returning to a neutral expression,

"Greetings, young... witches and wizards."

The words rolled off her tongue with some difficulty.

"I am Elowen Thistlewood, your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for this year. But you may call me Professor Thistlewood, or simply Professor if you prefer. How you address me holds little weight in my work or my life."

Thistlewood's presence, like that of Snape and McGonagall, commanded obedience as she assessed the faces of the students, taking in their wide-eyed anticipation and curiosity.

"I'll get straight to the point,"

she continued, a faint half-smile playing on her lips,

"I'm not your average, run-of-the-mill professor, and therefore, I won't be conducting this class in the traditional manner. That is if you even know what the traditional way is in the first place."

She let out a chuckle.

"You see, I spent years as a curse breaker and, well, let's say I've dabbled in some hit wizard sort of things. I've witnessed and experienced things that aren't found in any textbook."

Thistlewood could sense the curiosity in the room growing as students exchanged intrigued glances, even managing to pique Victoire's interest.

Leaning forward, she rested her hands on the weathered desk before her.

"In this classroom, you won't find just theory. You'll encounter practicality. You won't merely hear about dark creatures; you'll learn to face them. You won't simply discuss curses; you'll break them."

The room fell silent as the students hung on her every word.

"Today, we'll begin with the very basics of the wizarding world's darkness. The topic we will be exploring is 'What are the Dark Arts?'"

Thistlewood's eyes gleamed with a blend of wisdom and a hint of madness.

She continued without waiting for a response from the students,

"Now, when we talk about the Dark Arts, it's crucial to understand that they aren't some mysterious, separate branch of magic. There's no such thing as 'dark magic' in the way many perceive it. The Dark Arts are merely a label, a judgment cast upon certain magical practices that society deems too dangerous in the wrong hands."

She looked around the room, her eye-locking onto the attentive faces of her students.

"You see, wizards Dumbledore may preach about the necessity of avoiding the Dark Arts, but that's a perspective colored by ideology. The line between light and dark magic is often blurred, and what one person deems 'dark,' another may consider a useful tool for self-preservation or protection."

Thistlewood's tone was matter-of-fact, challenging the conventional wisdom taught at most wizarding households.

"In this class, we're not going to shy away from exploring the so-called 'dark' aspects of magic. We'll analyze, discuss, and even practice some of these spells and techniques. Our goal is to understand, not to judge."

She leaned forward, her gaze intense.

"Remember, young witches and wizards, knowledge is power, and power can be harnessed for both good and ill. It's up to you to decide how you'll wield it. So, let's begin our journey into the heart of the Dark Arts, and we'll uncover the truth that lies beneath the labels society has placed upon magic."

With that, Professor Thistlewood launched into her lecture,

"Now, let's take a closer look at some spells that are often considered the most basic and harmless,"

she said, her voice holding a hint of intrigue.

"The wand lighting spell, the repairing spell, the counter curse for wand lighting spell, and the cleaning spell. I assumed most of you are familiar with these some of the more basic spells, if not, then you may inquire with your charms professor."

Victoire leaned in, interested in what the professor had to say,

"Lumos, for instance, is a simple spell used to produce light. But in the right circumstances, it can be used as a deadly weapon, temporarily disorienting an opponent, creating an explosion of light, permanently blinding them, and giving you the upper hand in a duel."

"Reparo, the spell for repairing objects,"

she continued,

"might seem innocuous, but it's all about how you wield it. Don't believe me? Then imagine a scenario where your opponent is standing on a spot that once had a mirror on it. A simple repairing spell and you would witness just how gory these simple household spells can be."

"Nox, the counter-charm to Lumos, can be used to plunge your surroundings into darkness, but in the wrong hands, it can also be used to blindside an adversary."

"And the Scouring Charm, meant for cleaning and tidying, can be employed to strip away protective enchantments or deface objects,"

Thistlewood elaborated, her eye gleaming with a certain enthusiasm.

"In essence, it's a spell for sabotage if you know how to use it. Also one of my better-mastered ones, I have had to rely on it many a time to save my life."

Thistlewood's approach challenged their preconceived notions and demonstrated how even the most basic magic could be harnessed as a potent weapon.

"Remember, it's not the spell itself that's inherently dark or light,"

Thistlewood concluded.

"It's the intention and the context in which it's used that define its nature. That's what I want you to grasp in this class: the power of choice and the complexity of magic. Because in the real world, there are no 'forbidden' curses or 'restricted' dark arts. There's just magic. And it's up to you to know how to use it and defend against it."

With those words, Thistlewood had introduced herself and set the tone for a year of DADA instruction like no other. Well... at least better than what Professor Sprout had in store for them.

Half an hour later, the bell rang, marking the end of the class. Professor Thistlewood wrapped up her lesson with a stern warning.

"As this was your first session, I won't burden you with any homework for today,"

she declared.

"But let me make one thing clear: I have zero tolerance for tardiness."

Her words, however, were drowned out by the hustle and bustle of the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff students as they filed out of the classroom, heading toward their next lessons.

The Hufflepuffs ascended a flight of stairs to reach the third-floor Magical History classroom, while the Gryffindors hurriedly descended the stairs to make their way to the ground-floor Transfiguration classroom.