
Cocktails and Cauldrons: A Magical Mayhem

The novel commences with the tragic demise of Adèle Rousseau, a 35-year-old bartender whose life takes a shocking turn on one fateful night. Adèle, burdened by unfulfilled dreams and aspirations, finds solace in her nightly routines at Le Nuit Mystique, a dimly lit bar where she works tirelessly. The story unfolds in a bustling city filled with dreams, regrets, and the elusive promise of redemption. Adèle's life takes an unexpected twist after the unforeseen accident, propelling her into a mystical world of enchanting wonders. In a moment of fate-altering events, Adèle awakens as the 10-year-old daughter of a wealthy French pure-blood family, now known as Victoire Lefèvre. She must navigate the intricate and enchanting world of magic, while simultaneously weaving together the memories and experiences of Adèle and Victoire. This unique perspective offers insights into destiny, rebirth, and the indomitable resilience of the human spirit. As Victoire, she grapples with her newfound magical abilities and adjusts to the opulent yet demanding life of a pure-blood family. The tale unfolds as she embraces this unexpected second chance and strives to shape her destiny, determined to make the most of the magical world she now inhabits. ****************************************

EchoingDusk · Filme
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Chapter:2 Lefevre Manor/System (1)

The morning sun's soft rays bathed the Lefevre estate in a gentle glow, awakening Victoire to a new day in her transformed life. She stirred in her grand canopy bed, feeling the soft embrace of the sheets and the warmth of the morning light filtering through her window.

She rubbed her eyes and let out a soft yawn. Looking around the room, she realized that it was much larger than her own, and its decor seemed much more childlike. The lavender scent in the air seemed to fog her memories.

"Oh yeah, the truck," she muttered, recalling the accident that had led to her current situation.

The memories and experiences of two distinct lives had converged within her young body, creating a tapestry of emotions that was both bewildering and intriguing. She could vividly recall her life as Adèle Rousseau, a bartender with a mundane existence.

Cracking her neck and shoulders, Victoire swung her legs over the edge of the bed, stood up, and felt the cool marble floor beneath her feet. A sense of curiosity pulsed through her as she ventured out into the vast corridors of the mansion, the epitome of elegance and grandeur.

The mansion felt more like a labyrinth, with each corridor leading to a new discovery. The creaking floorboards echoed with every step, as if they were whispering secrets of the past. The walls were adorned with portraits of witches and wizards who waved and smiled at her from within the paintings, their gazes following the young explorer.

The grand staircase beckoned like a sentinel, inviting her to ascend into the unknown. As she climbed, she noticed the intricate details of the banister, carved with delicate precision. The mansion seemed frozen in time, a relic from another era, yet meticulously clean and well-preserved.

At the top of the stairs, a hallway branched off into various rooms, each with its unique charm. One room held an old library with shelves stacked high with strange books, their pages waiting to be turned and their stories waiting to be told. Another room was a grand ballroom, its chandeliers dimly shining, frozen in a dance that had ceased for the time being.

Victoire's exploration continued from room to room, corridor to corridor, uncovering the layers of dust that had settled on her memories. She felt a strange sense of connection to this mansion, as if it held a part of her, waiting to be rediscovered.

Despite its grandeur, the house was eerily quiet, the echo of her footsteps reverberating through the halls. As she wandered, she caught a glimpse of movement—a small creature with large ears and kind eyes, darting down the hallway.

"Hello," Victoire called out, curious to learn more about the magical beings in the house. It was odd to see a single house elf managing the entire household instead of a full staff. 

The creature paused and turned to face her. It was a house elf, clad in neatly pressed butler's formal clothing and an intricate bowler hat.

"Good morning, young miss. I is Tiffy, the Lefevre family house elf," the creature said, bowing low and showing all the signs of submission that a house elf was bound to show to its master.

"Hello, Tiffy. It's a pleasure to meet you," Victoire replied, returning the greeting with a respectful nod. She had always been aware of the tragic history of house elves, enslaved and bound to serve wizards, and she had never treated them with disrespect.

Tiffy's eyes sparkled with warmth as he began to share the Lefevre family manor's history—a legacy steeped in centuries of magic, tradition, and battles. He spoke of generations of accomplished witches and wizards, of numerous wars that had held the mansion as a stronghold. Some battles had even taken place within the very walls of this mansion.

The contributions of the Lefèvres to the magical society were immense, ranging from new potions to helpful spells. They had even created the anti-burning potion during the witch-hunting era. There were numerous portraits and pictures showcasing the family's impressive array of awards, including Orders of Merlin. Her own father's portrait, with a silver badge denoting his Order of Merlin Second Class, caught her attention in a remote corner of the wall.

The Lefèvres were a family that valued honor and unity above all else. Their stories of valor and contributions to the magical world were part of their prestigious lineage. These stories were etched over the pages of magical history, spanning two millennia.

Intrigued, Victoire listened intently, absorbing every word, and cherishing the rich history that had now become a part of her being. This magical connection to her family's heritage was a revelation, a bridge between her past and present.

After several hours of conversation, Tiffy presented her with a wand—a practice wand that bore the essence of her magical potential and signs of extensive use. As she held the wand, she felt a familiar sensation, a connection to her magical core that pulsed within her.

"This wand be yours, young miss. This was entrusted to Tiffy by Master and Mistress, and they be wanting you to have it back. But do not over-exert your magical abilities. You'll find it just like you left it with me," Tiffy explained, his eyes twinkling with excitement.

Victoire nodded in gratitude, feeling a sense of anticipation. She promptly thanked Tiffy, who bowed even lower and left to attend to his duties. She took a moment to study the wand in her hands.

The wand felt like an extension of herself, a part of her own biological body, and a key to unlocking the mysteries of her magic. As she swished and flicked it, she noticed a sudden transformation—a luminous interface materialized before her, hovering in the air like an ethereal hologram.

The interface resembled a blend of ancient runes and intricate patterns, pulsing with a soft glow. It was a game-like interface, displaying her magical abilities, skills, and potential upgrades. Victoire realized that this was the system that was often described in various novels and stories.

Tapping on the 'Name Panel,' a new interface opened up in front of her, revealing some information about her identity.

[Name: Victoire Lefevre

Race: Half-human & Half-Veela

Blood Status: Pure-blood/Aristocrat Veela

Class: Witch

Level: 001/100 (Novice Witch)

Experience: 0/100

Health: (100%)

Mana: (100%) (Nebulous Stage)


- Lumos (Level 3) (175/400)

- Periculum (Level 4) (340/800)

- Verdimillious (Level 4) (520/800)

- Alohamora (Level 3) (110/400)

Sub-Classes: Potioneer

Level: 01/50 (Novice Potion-Brewer)

Experience: 0/100


- Potion Brewing Techniques (Level 1) (0/10)

- Ingredient Identification (Level 1) (0/10)

- Potion Ingredients Knowledge (Level 1) (0/10)

- Potion Testing and Analysis (Level 1) (0/10)

- Potion Storage and Preservation (Level 1) (0/10)


- Healing Potion x3 (Grade 3)

- Pepperup Potionx2 (Grade 3)

- Dittany x2 (Grade 3)

- Invisibility Cloak x1 (Grade 2 Artifact)

- Practice Wand x1 (Grade 2 Artifact) (Beech Wood)

- World Watch x1 (Grade 2 Artifact)


- Wizard World x150(G), 11(S), & 20(K)

- Muggle World x250(Frances)

Affiliation: NONE


- The Explorer: Explore The System's Functions.

- Budding Witch: Learn A Spell (0/1)

- Budding Potioneer: Learn How To Brew A Potion (0/1)]

"Interesting," Victoire mumbled to herself, her eyebrows furrowing as she examined the information displayed on the interface. She hadn't expected her new life to come with what seemed like a system. While it provided her with useful information, it also raised a multitude of questions.

With a tap on the 'Introduction' panel, she sought to understand more about her identity.

[Introduction: Victoire Lefevre, is the hybrid of a pure-blooded wizard and aristocrat Veela lineage, holds a distinct position within the magical hierarchy. Her bloodline is a fusion of magical potential and Veela charm, presenting a unique blend of abilities. Victoire Lefever's position in the magical world is characterized by her dual heritage, proficiency in magic, and active involvement in pursuits that align with her values and aspirations.]

"Bloodline, Veela charm? I need more information," she muttered, hoping to find more details about her new identity. However, the system seemed to provide only a brief overview.

She moved on to explore the details of the system's leveling mechanism.

[ Wizard Ranks:

1) Novice Witch(001-010):

Children who have experienced a magical event but have not yet received formal magical training. This stage is characterized by accidental magic and the first glimpses of a young wizard or witch's abilities.

2) Apprentice Wizard/Apprentice Witch(010-020):

Freshly admitted students in their first and second years at a magical school, such as Hogwarts. During this stage, students learn the basics of magic, including wand usage, potions, and introductory spells. They are in the early stages of their magical education.

3) Student Wizard/Student Witch(020-030):

Students in their third, fourth, and fifth years at a magical school, typically prepare for their Ordinary Wizarding Level (OWL) examinations. They broaden their magical knowledge and specialize in chosen subjects, setting the foundation for their magical careers.

4) Graduate Wizard/Graduate Witch(030-040):

Students in their sixth and seventh years at a magical school, preparing for their Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests (NEWTs). These individuals have completed their primary magical education and are refining their skills for their chosen career paths.

5) Wizard/Witch(040-050):

Recent graduates who have completed their magical education, entering the wizarding world and seeking employment. They possess a solid understanding of magic and are prepared to begin their careers in various fields, whether as professionals, Ministry workers, or other roles.

6) Expert Wizard/Expert Witch(050-065):

Exceptionally trained wizards and witches with advanced magical skills, often specializing in specific areas such as dueling, healing, or magical law enforcement. This stage includes roles like Aurors, Death Eaters, and Hit Wizards, who are highly skilled and experienced in combat and specialized magical tasks.

7) Grand Wizard/Grand Witch(065-080):

Experts in multiple magical fields or grandmasters in a specific area of magic. This category encompasses highly experienced professionals and influential figures, such as Hogwarts professors, experienced Aurors, and elite Death Eaters, who have made significant contributions to the wizarding world.

8) Legendary Wizard/Legendary Witch(080-100):

Grandmasters in several magical fields and widely recognized for their exceptional magical abilities and influence. They have left an indelible mark on magical history. Notable figures like Albus Dumbledore, Lord Voldemort, Gellert Grindelwald, and Nicolas Flamel fall into this prestigious category due to their significant impact and extraordinary mastery of magic.]

"Levels of a wizard," she mused. "Interesting."

Next, she examined the information about her Veela heritage.

[Species: Veela

Physical Form: Humanoid with ethereal beauty, often resembling a young woman.


1) Allure: Ability to captivate and enchant with their beauty.

2) Flight: Limited flight capabilities.

3) Elemental Magic: Control over elements (wind, fire)

4) Vocal Powers: Hypnotic singing with magical influence.


1) Alluring Aura: Exudes an irresistible charm and allure.

2) Temperament: Prone to bouts of fierce and uncontrollable emotions.


1) Vulnerability to negative emotions, affecting their allure.

2) Sensitivity to criticism, triggering aggressive reactions.

Behavior: Elegant, graceful, and often graceful demeanor.

Habitat: Woodlands near water bodies, often close to magical communities.

Conservation: Not endangered, but protected due to potential exploitation.]

She racked her brain and searched for memories regarding a 'Veela'. One particular strand of memory came into notice, one of her talks with her grandmother. She had been visiting her grandmother at a Veela reservoir nearby, one that had been the cause of conflict between them and the Lefever family. 

Not a very heated conflict but a relatively mild one over the ownership of the reservoir. This conflict ended with Hector, the head of the Lefever family, giving away the land ownership to them as a bride price. However, he had to put his name on the ownership document because the Ministry would not accept Veela's ownership of the property.

 The reservoir was then occupied by multiple Veela tribes, being led by her Grandmother who became the Matriarch of the tribes. Grandmother had explained to her that a mixed-blood Veela would awaken her bloodline when she reached the age of 11, but it appears that something must have stimulated her bloodline, and her charm activated in advance. 

Tapping on the 'Mana Levels' panel, she discovered information about the stages of magical potential within a wizard:

[Mana Levels:

-Embryonic Stage:

At this early stage, the magical essence within a wizard is in its most basic and undeveloped form. It is like a faint flicker, barely discernible, akin to a vague promise of magical potential. Novice wizards often possess only the embryonic stage of innate magic.

-Nebulous Stage:

During the apprentice phase, the magical essence begins to take a more defined form. It's like a nebulous cloud, a little more noticeable but still lacking a clear shape or structure. Apprentice wizards have a somewhat visible but nebulous innate source of magic.

-Veiled Stage:

As students advance in their magical education, the innate magic becomes more defined and takes on a foggy form, like a veiled mist within their bodies. It's beginning to coalesce and become more cohesive, representing a deeper understanding and control over magic.

-Gossamer Stage:

As wizards progress through their education and approach graduation, the innate magic becomes like a gossamer mist, denser and more noticeable, indicating a substantial increase in magical strength and proficiency. Graduates possess this denser, foggy innate source.

-Ethereal Stage:

Wizards who have entered the professional magical world have a source of innate magic that's akin to an ethereal liquid but with a majority of it being fog. It's more fluid and responsive, symbolizing a deeper connection and mastery of magic.

-Luminescent Stage:

In this stage, the magical essence within a wizard becomes more radiant and vibrant, akin to a luminescent liquid. It represents a heightened mastery and an ability to manipulate magic with grace and precision.

-Resplendent Stage:

Wizards who have attained a level of expertise and mastery reach this stage. The innate magic is akin to a resplendent blend of liquid and solid state, shimmering with intense magical power and brilliance. It signifies a profound understanding and control over magic.

-Pinnacle Stage:

At the pinnacle stage, the innate magical source within a wizard is at its peak. It's like a stone, a vibrant core of pure magic, exuding immense power and brilliance. Wizards at this stage are legendary, embodying the epitome of magical mastery and expertise.]

Core stages? 


She always thought that the wizards in the Harry Potter world had unlimited magic energy or maybe they used the energy in the air. Who would have known that the wizards had a core in them, perhaps that's what separates a muggle from a wizard.

According to her studies, she concluded that the difference between a wizard and a muggle must be that the former could tap into the core's energy while the latter couldn't even feel its presence. Squibs must be those who could feel its presence but couldn't utilize it for spell casting though they were aware enough to brew potions and see through the veil. 

Next were the Sub-classes,




1)Wandmakers: Craftsmen who create and repair magical wands. Notable examples include Ollivander and Gregorovitch.

2)Potion-Masters (or Potioneers): Wizards skilled in the art of brewing potions and elixirs with magical properties. Severus Snape is a well-known potion master.

3)Alchemists: Practitioners of alchemy, a magical discipline involving the transformation of substances. Nicolas Flamel is a notable alchemist in the series.

4)Herbalists: Experts in magical and mundane plants and their uses. Professor Pomona Sprout, the Head of Hufflepuff House and Professor of Herbology at Hogwarts, is an example.

5)Magizoologists: Individuals who study magical creatures and their behaviors. Newt Scamander, the author of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them," is a prominent magizoologist.

6)Curse-Breakers: Wizards specialized in breaking curses, particularly in dangerous and cursed places like ancient tombs. The prominent employer of this sub-class is the Gringotts Bank.

7)Aurors: Highly trained wizards who work for the Ministry of Magic to combat dark magic and enforce magical law.

8)Healers: Magical healthcare professionals who work at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, providing treatment for magical ailments and injuries.

9)Quidditch Players and Teams: Wizards who play the popular magical sport of Quidditch professionally.

10)Unspeakables: Members of the Department of Mysteries who conduct secretive magical research and experiments on mysteries of the wizarding world.

11)Magical Historians: Wizards who study and document the magical history and heritage of the wizarding world.

12)Obliviators: Wizards from the Ministry of Magic who are responsible for erasing or modifying memories to maintain the secrecy of the magical world.

13)Dragon Keepers: Wizards or witches responsible for the care and management of dragons.

14)Seers: Individuals with the ability to foresee the future. Sybill Trelawney is a known seer and the Divination professor at Hogwarts.

15)Magical Creatures Experts: Wizards with expertise in various magical creatures, a sub-class of the sub-class Magizoologists.

16)Arithmancers: Individuals who study magical properties of numbers and their relation to magic.

17)Elementalists: Wizards who specialize in controlling and utilizing the elemental forces of nature, like fire, water, air, and earth.

18)Caretakers of Magical Places: Wizards responsible for the maintenance and protection of magical locations like the Forbidden Forest, the Black Lake, and the Lefevre Veela Reservoir. Another sub-class of the sub-class is Magizoologist.

19)Inventors: Wizards who create magical objects and devices.

20)Dark Arts Specialists/Hit-Wizards: Wizards who study and combat dark magic, curses, and hexes. They may also specialize in counter-curses and protective spells.

21)Beast Tamers: Wizards skilled in taming and training magical beasts for various purposes. Another Sub-Class of the Sub-Class Magizoologist.

22)Enchanters: Wizards who specialize in enchanting objects with magical properties, such as creating Portkeys or cursed objects. A sub-class of the sub-class Inventor.

23)Heraldic Artists: Wizards who design and create magical coats of arms and crests. A combined sub-class of the sub-classes Inventors and Healers.

24)Legal Experts in Magical Law: Wizards specializing in magical law and its applications in society, including roles as lawyers or judges in the magical courts.

25)Magical Artisans: Craftsmen skilled in creating intricate magical art, sculptures, and artifacts.





Quite a lot of sub-classes no wonder the magical society is quite sophisticated.

There were a lot more than twenty-five jobs it was twenty-five per page and there were five more pages besides the first one. 

And it seems that she only learned Potioneering so far in her life, quite an understandable fact. She was only ten years old and a young aristocrat who was nurtured by her magically noble family too.

She was dubbed a genius, two souls did that to you. Despite being a genius, unlike those written in fanfictions, she wasn't a grand master of mind arts or a hidden dark lord/lady or some shit. 

For one, a witch/wizard needs a somewhat strong mind to practice mind arts, and not even the worst kind of dark mages practiced dark arts before the age of ten or their souls would mangle into a pile of horse crap.

Potioneering required herbal knowledge and the basic human intellect to be able to remember simple steps. Lumos! That's right, fukin' LUMOS' is what's called a genius kid's magic at the age of six, and not some AVADA BAVDA bullshit. 

Also, there were a couple of skills that came under the Potioneer Sub-Skill.


[A Potioneer, as a subclass of magical practitioners specializing in potion-making, possesses a unique set of skills related to crafting potions and elixirs:

1)Potion Brewing Techniques (Level 1/6) (EXP 0/10): -Mastery of brewing potions using precise measurements, timing, and techniques to ensure the desired effects and potency. Along with proficiency in various brewing methods, temperature control, stirring techniques, and brewing durations to optimize potion quality and efficacy.

2)Ingredient Identification (Level 1/6) (EXP 0/10): -The ability to identify and categorize magical and non-magical ingredients, understanding their properties, potential effects, and appropriate usage.

3)Potion Ingredients Knowledge (Level 1/6) (EXP 0/10): -In-depth knowledge of various magical and mundane ingredients, their interactions, and potential synergies to create effective potions. Along with understanding the growth, care, and properties of magical plants and herbs essential for potion-making, including knowledge of where and how to cultivate them.

4)Potion Testing and Analysis (Level 1/6) (EXP 0/10): -Proficiency in testing potions to determine their effectiveness, side effects, and optimal dosages, as well as the ability to analyze and improve potion formulations. 

5)Potion Storage and Preservation (Level 1/6) (EXP 0/10): -Expertise in properly storing, labeling, and preserving potions to maintain their potency and prevent contamination or degradation over time. Along with the knowledge of magical safety protocols and compliance with potion-making regulations to ensure the safe handling and usage of magical ingredients and potions.]


Her eyes wandered over to the spell section, wondering what the leveling for a spell was, she tapped on the 'spell' panel.

