
Chapter 4 : "Always be aware of your surroundings."

*Hibiki's POV*

That's the reason why I'm dodging attacks and running through the forest. I first jumped on the tree, dodgong claw attacks, then quickly rolled into the ground, dodging another attack, kicked into the ground with [Air Palm], and kicked one of them with [Enchant Physical Ability] still activated right in it's muzzle, breaking it's nose.

- "Can't we stop ?" I asked, while being out of breath. He simply answered :

- "If you want to stop, please do, but I don't know if they will." I then looked at their sharp teeth and budging, bloodshotted yellow eyes. And when I heard their growling, that sold the deal for me.

- (Yeah, no.) To my surprise, I ran even faster. But they ran faster to. And I think that, although they aren't very intelligent, they can at least form a plan.

Why did I say that ? Well, I noticed their attacks were a bit too coordinated. Like they are trying to corner me or something.

As I thought about that, one of the Deepforest Wolfs pierced throughout a tree and pounced at me. I dodged at the very last second, but it still managed to put a cut on my cheek. When I felt the pain, and heard Akira screaming : "Stay focused. Focus could save your life !" in a cherry tone, I felt adrenaline rushing in. I ran even faster.

And that's why I didn't notice the ravin in front of me. I noticed when my legs where flying in the air. I also remembered that Gravity didn't have any chill for anyone, including me.

I fell like a rock, as I could hear Akira's panicked voice : "HIBIKI !" He's gonna get bodied by Yuri and Rowdy. I just felt my head bumping into something before blacking out.


*Akira's POV*

The kid actually fell...Oh god, am I tous bad with children. And he even fell in the worst place possible.

I felt my earphone ringing and I knew what was coming, so I started sweating bullets as I slowly but surely guided my hand on it's way to my earphone.

"Hey..." I said, unsure of who was on the call. "Yes, it's me, Yuri." The very moment he said that, I was sure that I would die. He continued and said : "So I took a look at the earphone data of Hibiki," Shit. "and it seems like the kid is in a pretty bad condition. So I wanna ask, what did you do ?" He said in a calm voice, but I could the animosity from all the way here.

"He's not with me right now." "Then were is he ?" My bad is now covered in sweat. "Huhhh..." "WHERE IS HE ?" His russian accent is starting to slip. "He fell down a ravin...'' "....." The silence following this sentence was making me stress like hamster in a cage. "Get the boy back at the base and maybe I will spare you of any punishment." He said menacingly, still with the russian accent, which got way stronger than before. I only answered "OK..." in the smallest voice I could ever make. "Good." He then hung up the call.

"At least he didn't start speaking russian, then I would have to fight back." I reassured myself before standing at the edge of the ravin. "Okay, here we goooooooo..." My voice only got more faint the deeper I fell in it.


*Hibiki's POV*

As I slowly woke up from being knocked out, I noticed something was wrong.

"Yo, why in the ceiling moving ?" I said as I was feeling sleepy.

Then a booming voice said : "The ceiling isn't moving, you are." I paused for 3 seconds then screamed :  "IT'S YOU !". The voice made a disappointed sigh and said : "I can't believe my destined master is such a impolite, bratty child."

I am now fully awake and what he just said made a vein budge on my forehead. He continued : "Whatever, but for now you should listen to me. The ones teaching you aren't here, I am now your only chance of surviving, especially considering the zone where you all decided to train in."

"So you know our current location ?" I asked. He simply answered : "I know more than that. From the story of this world to the fact you are an anomaly." I couldn't help but ask : "Why am I an anomaly ?"

He paused for a few seconds before saying : "...This question is one I am trying to answer to since your appearence a few days ago." This answer only made me puzzled even further but I paid no mind to it since even I don't where I'm from or what I came in this world for.

"But for now,'' he continued his train of thought, ''jump off the monster corspe you are lying on'' I blasted off the body as soon as I heard it was a dead one. I had to jump on a couple rock quite far away from each other. But with [Enchance Physical Ability], it was fairly easier.

I looked back at the corspe after landing on a more or less safe spot. The corspe was eated by nearby Cave Centipedes. Blood and insides were flying of. It made me want to puke but the booming voice said : ''Don't puke. Monsters with a good sense of smell could catch you, and they are far from weak.'' I held back from vomiting.

''So now what ?'' I asked, still disgusted by the scene in front of me. ''You get the fuck out of there.'' Unnecessarly brutal, but I like it. ''Don't need to tell me that twice.''

A translucent blue arrow appeared in front of me and pointed at somewhere. ''This way.'' The booming voice said calmly.

I jogged in this direction, while at the same time asking him : ''Should I call you by your name ?''. He paused, again, and then said : ''Call me Fenrir for now, and don't about anyone of me or Gleipnir, or even I wouldn't be able to save you.'' I gluped at the thought and ran a tad faster. "While I'm at it, you can use Sound Magic to make your step silent. It would be a extraordinary help in a place where literally everything wants your neck, boy.'' I tried and it actually worked. '' Told you. Now keep it up at a constent pace.'' I nodded and ran to where he guided me.


*Akira's POV*

I ran through the cave at high speeds, killing every monster in my way. As I was desperatly trying to even feel his Qi, it was nowhere to be felt.

Until I felt it, faintly, at the other side of a large, thick, wall of rocks. I wouldn't say I am weak, but breaking a wall, like this, would take a lot of time. However, I don't even know if looking for another path is worth it as it's existence is not even guaranted.

''Welp, time to go ham.'' I made my blade form tendril on both of my arm and did rapid succecions of slashes on the wall, slowly but surely breaking it. Oh, and a monster tried to bite my head off, but I killed it instantly...And by accident.


*Hibiki's POV*

I continued to run for at least 5 to 10 minutes. The arrows were still giving me directiion so I assumed I went the right way. But...

''Hibiki, stop running this instant.'' I took 3 meters to stop myself from running.

''What is it ?'' I asked, troubled by his sudden demand.

''Please, stare at the ground, stay silent and head right.'' His voice seemed calm but filled with worry. I was confused, but eventually did exactly did what he asked for.

That's when I felt it. Overwhelming bloodlust coming right from the ceiling. I knew it was a insect because of the multiple disgusting crawling sound it made.

I quietly but quickly made my way to the right entrance. BUT OF COURSE, I walked into a rock, it got off the ground and bounced on it.


It finally stopped. I would have been relived if the crawling sounds didn't stop exactly at the same time.

''Hibiki.'' I already knew what the next order would be, and I took a fearful peek at whatever was staring at my back. And not even seeing it's complete form...''Run.'' As soon as I saw countless pairs of eyes, I ran away. I ran way faster than before, hearing a screech coming from behind me. The crawling sounds intensified and slowly got closed.

A multitude of giant mantis was out for my ass.

''Dodge on the left !'' I did exactly that and heard a wind slash coming from behind, one shooting a beast hiding.

''WHAAAAAAA !'' I ran way faster, dodging wind attacks from the GMs. I first jumped over one aimed at my legs while front flipping and rolling on the ground, then pushed myself off it with my hand, twisting my body, mostly my leg, to avoid the numerous wind blades.

I landed on a stalagtite, and used it to jump on another, and another, travelling like this for a few minutes. I looked back and saw the GMs climbing on the ceiling, and then following me. But distance slowly got bigger, ever more when I used the [Wind Magic] to go even faster.

''Prepare yourself, it's gonna hurt.'' Fenrir said. I was perplexed, but then I felt that there was no more surface for me to jump on. 10 meters below me, and approximatively 20 meters in front of me, theve was a big part of the cave, and also perfectly flat. ''Use the [Wind Magic] to propel yourself forward a bit more and avoid getting to much damage.''

I used the [Wind Magic] under my foots, getting a but more distance, and then used it on my arms, so went I fell on the ground, I pulsed myself in the air, allowing me to do the half of a frontflip, that I twisted so I would face the incoming GMs.

And they sure came. Trampling over one and another.

A cold sweat fell on my cheek as I readied the dagger Akira gave me before coming to this hel- FOREST, yes forest.

They finally stopped bickering. They all turned their heads to stare at me, which fucking terrified me and sent chills to my spine.

I got myself in a fighting position and prepared myself, while also trying to remind myself of the differents spell.

They ran at me and I ran at them at the same time. Looking back at them, they are weaker that the Deepforest Wolves, so I do have a chance aganist them. Then again, I can't allow myself to underestimate them. I activated my [Thunder Magic] in anticipation, smiling as the adrenaline pumped into my veins.

As we were getting dangerously close to each other "Hibiki.'' Fenrir tried to warn me of the presence of someone but I already heard the sound coming from the wall of the cave. When I finally could tell the direction the sound came from, I immediately moved away, witnessing the sudden apparition of a unknown force.

"I finally found you, you little brat !''

Akira said, as the fog disappeared and revealed him, choking a GM with his right hand and cutting the throats of the others with the other.


Just one thing to say...


Plus I decided to modify the Stats system.

So the stats written in letter, ranging from

(F,E,D,C,B,A,S,SS,SSS,X,EX.), F being the lowest value (1) and EX being the biggest (11). It matches with a multiplying factor.

And when you take a level, you have bonus points if you are blessed (keep that in mind), and each stat gets multiplied depending on the multiplying factor.

For exemple :

You got 80 points pourred into Agility and 90 into Strength.

Strength : S 90× 7 = <630>

Agility : B 80 × 5 = <400>

There you go, hope it makes things simpler.