
Chapter 3 : Training...Start !


Right now, I am running away from monsters, with Akira riding one of them.

- "Why are you running ? WHY ARE YOU RUNNING !?" He really had the audacity to ask that.

Hello there. Y'all are probably wondering how I got into this situation.

For that, you need to know what happened a few hours ago.


*Flashback, at 6.00 AM*

I was sleeping peacefully, resting a before my first training. While I was sleeping, someone came into my room.

Next thing you know, icy water was poured down on my face by Yuri and a horrible sound made by Akira banging his katanas aganist each other. I jumped out of my bed, but since I was in a bunk bed, I fell flat out on the floor, my face being the first part of my body slaming on the ground.

-"Ouuuuh, that gotta hurt" Rowdy, who was filming said, while laughing.

-"...Ngghh..." That's the sound I first made at their antics.

-"Soooo, who's the first one to train him ?"

-"You and Yuri, he'll need his entire brain if he wants to study." Akira admitted "Even if I want him to suffer." Okay, now I'm afraid.

-"There are some clothes you can change after your shower. Oh, and good morning." Yuri said.

-"Good morning." I said, getting off the ground, picking up the clothes and going to shower.


During my shower, I took a glance of the clothes they gave me.

They is a white t-shirt, a black hoodie with a crow symbol on it, black sport pants and sport shoes.

When I was done, I dried my body and hair, put the clothes on and brushed my teeth.

That's when I finally noticed, by looking at the mirror. My blue hair became white, my green eyes became blue, and my usually lightly tanned skin went...clearer ?

How the fuck did I notice ? I almost don't remember what happened before the crystal.

Oh well, not really a problem right...Right ?

-"I don't know why, but I feel like I somehow jinxed myself."


Narrator-Kun : He doesn't know yet how right he is.

Spoiler-Kun : Nah, not yet.


For now, I better take my breakfast and go to Yuri's class.


*At 6:55.AM*

After I ate my breakfast, I went to Yuri's research lab.

-"Ah, there you are" Yuri greeted.

-"Yeah, I'm here, sooooooo...WHEN DO WE START !?" I said with stars in my eyes.

-"Patience, little one. Before the practice, the theory".

I already got out my notebook and pencil out of knowhere.

-"Alright then..." He gave up thinking when he saw me being confused at my own action. I shrugged it off and sat down at the desk next to me.

He started writing on the board while teaching me.

-"Introduction to Magic. Magic is...". Has he started, I furiosly wrote everything I could. From the transformation of mana to magic or Magic affinities. Speaking of which :

-"Alright, I believe that's it for the introduction. Let's get serious." 'Wait, he wasn't ?'. That's when I noticed, his eyes...Were full of stars !

-'I'll die before even practicing magic...' I thought while writing.


[Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Yuri teaching with sparkles in his eyes while Chibi Hibiki comically cries his soul out while writing]

*At 10.00 AM*

*Rowdy's POV*

As I walked into Yuri's part of the lab, I remebered something.

- 'Maybe I should hurry. Knowing his passion torward magic and history, he won't spare the kid'. I thought, buying a muffin for the kid to eat before going into my class.

And, of course, I was right.

When I entered the lab, the first thing I saw was the kid being unconsious, his whole body being loose on his chair and foam escaping his mouth as Yuri was still talking, his eyes having sparkles in them.

- "Ahem..."

- "AH- Oh, it's only you..." Yuri sighed out of relief.

- "I came to get the kid for maths and science...But I think I might need to practice magic. I mean, look at the boy. He's everything but okay".

- "What do you mean, he's perfectly fine..." He finally saw the passed out but still writing body of Hibiki. He sighed and said :

- "My bad, I was being careless."

- "It's fine." I said as I got closer to the kid, going to carry him in my arms. As I got him in my arms, I said : "Just tone it down a bit till he gets used to it." Then I got out of the lab with Hibiki while he was munching on the muffin.

'...What to do, now...' Yuri wondered as he looked through his phone. Then, he saw an

Ad for the Library.

'I know !' Yuri suddenly thought, before putting on sunglasses, and heading to the entrance of the HQ.


[Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Rowdy repeatedly, but lightly, slapping Chibi Hibiki to wake him up]

*10:30 AM*

*Hibiki's POV*

As I felt pulled out of my slumber, I could feel the gale caressing my cheek, like the soft hand of a mother would. I don't know why, but I felt nostalgic...I both love and hate this feeling.

- "This is nice..." I mumbled, still drownsy from all the sleeping.

- "So you finally woke up, princess ?" Rowdy was the one who said that with smirk and I felt offended. "Get the fuck up, we have mana to burn."

A few minutes later, after explaining me the basics for magic, he left me with a magic book for water magic, the only one I was aboe to use so far.

- "I know only water bullet, it's time to widen a bit my personnal magic library. But first..." I then took and stared at the other book he gave me. "Basics Explainations of Stats, Skills and Ranks" I opened it and started reading.

{ Stats }

Strength : Physical force that can be exerced. To much Strength compared to Defense can eventually make attacks hurtful or straight up destroy the body.

Vitality : Corresponds to the vital force max capacity. Having a high amount of it does not affect the body in a negative way.

Constitution : Resistance to unusual effects and increases the healthyness of the concerned body. Having a high amount of it makes it harder to dies from illiness of poisons.

Stamina : Self explained. The amount of stamina you have. Having high stamina is a good thing.

Magic Aptitude and Mana Pool : Respectively the magic power/output you can draw and the mana capacity your body possess. Having high Magic Aptitude isn't a problem, as long as you don't use your mana too much, or you could pass out/vomit/nosebleed/eyebleed. Having a large amount of mana in the body makes it destroy itself out, inside out, until you eventually die.

Defense : The resistance of the body to physical and magical damage. Having a higher amount of it makes you harder to kill.

Agility : The speed at with your body can move. Goes well with Sense as it helps with reaction speed. Having high speed without a bit of defense can lead to uncomfortable circonstances (Like not handling the Gs).

Dexterity : How well you can move your body, especially your hands. No negatives effects whatshowever.

Sense : Your five senses. Makes them more sensitive the more you rank it up. You could develop a instinct sense but that's up to you.

Luck : Your luck. That's it.

??? : So far, no one knows what this corresponds to. The Empire of Fire and The Kingdom of Thunder might know, but it was never comfirmed.

'Okay, so far, this book is interesting.' I continued reading, waiting for Rowdy to come back.

*An hour later*

*Rowdy's POV*

When I came back, I noticed Hibiki was sitting with his legs crossed and eyes closed, practicing [Mana Manipulation] with easiness. Better than those children from mage famillies. I had to wake him up, so I just flinged my finger on his forehead. But he flew a few meters away.

*POV switch !*

-"Ouch, that hurts."

-"Rule N°1: Always be aware of your surrondings. One of the most, if not the most important quality to have : Awareness. Now get up, brat." He said as he walked in my direction, and hanged his hand at me.

When I grabbed his hand, he quickly got me up, which made me a bit dizzy.

-"Now then...I think I need to explain a few thing to you." He said as he slowly got away from me. "Why do you think mages use a catalyst to their magic, often a magic wand or orb ?" He finally got a magic wand out his bag.

As I was still dizzy, I answered : -"To make their spells stronger ?"

He chuckled and corrected me as he started pointing his wand at a nearby, small tree: "There that but..." He started smiling as he said "That's not all !".

The wand in his hand started glowing in a lime green color. The tree quickly grew at a alarming rate. I was honestly surprised, because the tree was one of the most beautiful I ever witnessed the growth of. It's trunk is now thick and healthy. It's green leaves parfumed the forest. Flowers I never saw in during the travel to the forest

- "Wow..." That's all I could say in front of the scene happening in front of me.

- "HOW DO YOU DO THA-" I immediatly shut my mouth when I noticed something wrong with Rowdy.

Some of his red hair strands shined brightly.

When I stopped staring at him, and actually looked at him, I noticed he walked to another three to make it grow too. I was getting excited,but as Rowdy continued pouring plant magic in the tree, it inflated and eventually died.

-"W-what happened ?"

-"This is what happens when a living being can't handle magic propertly." Then he continued saying : "This time it was fine since it was just a tree, but on a human ?...It won't be pretty." He said menacingly.

"You got that ?" I nodded my head up and down, hoping for him to stop speaking about negative things. "Great, now let's start practice."

He dropped a few spell books in front of and told me to practice them.

The spell were [Water Gun], [Air Palm] and [Taser].

[Water Gun] allows me to shoot pressured water out of my finger.

[Air Palm] allows me to shoot air out of my palm. With enough practice, I could keep it around my hand has a weapon.

[Taser] makes electricity come out of my palm, shocking anyone coming in contact.

Took the books of the ground, set them up on a boulder nearby, and opened the first book, [Water Gun].

As I was reading, I peeked at Rowdy, who was setting up targets, by kicking the ground, making earth and plant training dummies rise up from the ground.

- "You can practice with those, I'm going to watch you, don't worry, but I won't help you." As I was getting worried, no matter what he said, he simply responded with : "Akira should come around in...one to two hour...Good luck." Then he straight up disappeared from my sight while smiling.

I sighed in disbelief, then went back to my training. But I first got my hoodie of. From what I heard, we are in the middle of the summer.

With the book in one hand, I started reading the spell.

- "Water, please bestow me the power to...It takes too damn long."

Let's be honest. Imagine for second a guy going for your throat, and you are here, telling your spell like a bum. The only reason why you would live longer is because you made him laugh.

So anyway, I aimed at a dummy and before shooting it, imagined water in my mind.

[Water Gun]

...But the water came out with no pressure.

- "Huh ? Why didn't it-" That's when I got it. In the end, imagination is really the most important, huh. I now imagined water coming out at gradually getting higher pressure.

[Water Gun] !

Now not only the water came out at high pressure, it pierced the earth dummy and made me fall back.

- "Well that was something." As I cheered at my success, I failed to notice Rowdy, who was smiling sweetly at my childish innocence.


*Timeskip to 5.00 PM*

*Akira's POV*

I walked to the place we agreed to meet at, I was surprised to see that he mastered the three spells I chose for him.

I decided to sit on the boulder he layer his books on and watch him.

He first shoot three time with [Water Gun] on the first dummy, then he used [Air Palm] on the next one, but in the form of air blades. The third got pierced by his electified palm. The fourth got kicked its head off, as he somehow managed to use [Physical Ability Increase] quick enough. Then made water bullets to pierce the last in what would be the rib cage.

Honesty surprised by his performance, I clapped my hands, getting him out of his concentration.

- "That was good, kid. No honestly."

- "Nah, it's not that good." Guess he doesn't know exactly how talented he is.

- "So, what have you prepared for me ?"

- "You mean we, right ?" I said as I pointed behind me. When he looked behind me, his face became pale and started sweating comically. Yep, there's a bunch of Deepforest wolfs, I tamed of course, waiting to run after him.

- "It's a joke right ?....Right ?" He said, smiling awkwardly.

I just smiled innocently back at him, and said : "Better run, young boy."

He didn't waste time. He ran away, enchanced by magic again, while leaving smoke behind him.

Feeling happy bullyin- I mean teaching a child, I screamed, while jumping on one of the Deepforest wolf :



Hello, or goodnight.

I'm going to keep it real with you. Don't expect me to drop chapter on a regular basis. I have studies and homework to do.

But I'll do my best. And if someone could help me with the world map.

See y'all next time !
