

Todoroki, Bakugou and Kirishima (after defeating the villains that attacked them) were at the entrance of the zones they were warped to.

With Bakugou and Kirishima

"Those bastards managed to get Eraserhead" Bakugou said with rage.

"Wait, where are they going now?" Kirishima asked when he saw handman and birdhead go towards the shipwreck zone. Both of them saw who they were going for.

"That's Kaminari. Mineta and Tsuyu are there too... Oh no..." Kirishima said with fear. While Bakugou looked at the villains with anger.

With Todoroki

'The villains managed to get Aizawa... they're serious about killing All Might' Todoroki thought. He then saw the ring leaders going towards the pool and caught sight of blonde hair.

'I need to get there quick' He thought

"I'm gonna kill them" Bakugou said in a dark tone.

Both Todoroki and Bakugou were about to charge the villains when


"What was that?" Kirishima said. And although they were in different parts of the facility, they turned their attention to the stairs.

"Good thing that the stupid ceremony ended early and I met Iida on the way.

And now you'll pay for invading MY SCHOOL"

Bakugou, Kirishima, Todoroki and the students on top of the stairs blinked and he was gone. All of them looked where Aizawa was, and saw that he was no longer there on the ground. Even the students in the pool were not there anymore. 13 and the students on top of the stairs were startled when they felt a gust of air and Izuku appeared out of no wherewith Aizawa, Mineta, Kaminari and Tsuyu over his shoulder.

"Take care of Aizawa sensei..."

"You saved us!" Mineta said crying

"Wheey!" Kaminari gave two thumbs up

"Thanks Yagi" Tsuyu said

"Where are the others?"

"One of the villains warped them to different parts of the facility. At first I thought they were gone for good, but I used my quirk and figured out that they have been teleported to different parts." Shoji answered.

"Where is Yaoyorozu?" Izuku asked. He was worried for her the most.

"She's in the landslide zone, with Jirou."

"And who might you be?" The handman called out from below

"My name doesn't matter... but I WILL MAKE YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE" Izuku was pissed when Iida told him that villains attacked the USJ, but after seeing the condition of the teachers, he was angry.

"Haaaa! He's just another kid" one of the villains announced

'30% to legs, 20% to arms, 20% to head'

"Let's just kill hi-oooof" The villain didn't get to finish his sentence when Izuku turned into a blur, reached the villain's position, uppercut him and his broke jaw. The villain was launched a few feet back.

"Trust me... I'm not just another kid" Izuku said standing in front of the villains.

"What the hel-"

Before they could react, Izuku began punching the shit out of them out, some villains panicked and wanted to run but were unable to, as the gold blur managed to catch them and beat them to a pulp. Others tried to fight back, but it was useless,

"YOUR GONNA GET IT BOY" A villain with four arms shouted, he tried to hit Izuku, but missed again and again until Izuku punched him into next week.

"All of you with ranged attacks, get him!" A villain said as she was activating her hair quirk. She managed to get one hit in before Izuku grabbed her hair, spun her around and threw her at group of villains.

"I got him!". A villain with a gun quirk shouted. Izuku immediately activated his shield and managed to block every shot and also arrows from someone else.

The villains used every type of quirk they had, but all of them were useless against him as he countered all of them using his superior speed, strength and reflexes. They were getting desperate to stop the boy.

And within 40 seconds, all the villains in the central plaza with the exception of Nomu, Tomura and Kurogiri, were lying on the ground, unable to move because of the beat down.

From the top of the stairs, the students were amazed at how fast Izuku moved and faught , he was just golden blur and they could feel light shock waves when he attacked someone.

"Holy Shit! Just how strong is he!?" Sero asked astonished

"YOU GO GET THEM YAGI" Mineta, Uraraka and Mina shouted in unison.

Shoji was grinning with all of his hands/mouths.

They were filled with Hope

Even Todoroki and Bakugou were wide eyed and awed at how fast Izuku took out the villains.



Momo only got a glimpse of him, but after hearing what he said/shouted from the top of the stairs, she knew that everything will be fine. Even though she didn't see the fight, she felt the shock waves

then she smiled.

'I guess I fell for a true hero'

With Izuku, Central Plaza

'Situation: all the villains are down leaving out those three. It seems like the others were all untrained.

The bird thing seems to be the the strongest, So that thing's my top priority, I must take it out in one hit. Then heal myself if necessary' Izuku observed.

Izuku leapt towards the bird villain.


The air pressure and recoil shockwave generated was felt by everyone in the building. He prepared for the pain, but there was none. And the villain was still standing, unfazed by the attack.

'The hell!? It survived a Jupiter Impact!?'

Izuku readied his fist to punch the villain, but this time he channeled everything he had to his right arm.


The shockwave and force of air was even more powerful then the last and the villains who were trying to get up faced its full force and were thrown in the other direction.

Again there was no pain, but the villain was just standing there.

"What the heck is this thing!?" Izuku shouted

"Meet Nomu, the genetically engineered anti-symbol of peace. Shock absorbing is just one of his specialities. He wouldn't die even if you fed him a grenade. As for me, I'm Tomura SHIGARAKI, All Might's No. 1 HATER" The grey-blue haired guy with hands introduced himself and the monster.

'One of his specialities?'

"Nomu, kill him"

The Nomu's eyeballs moved in humanely and focused on Izuku. He didn't get time to react as he was backhanded across the chest and thrown at the fountain.

Izuku got up while looking at his left gauntlet and realised that 3 of his ribs were broken and his right lung was damaged . Then heard earth shaking footsteps coming towards him. Izuku didn't bother to look up, instead he immediately activated his shield and and directed 50% energy and RSE to his right arm, nanoseconds later it was hit by the Nomu and although it managed block the attack, a few more hits like that will destroy the shield...and it did. Izuku directed 25% to both of his legs and somehow managed to stand up through the barrage of hits from Nomu. He finally looked up, and saw that the shield had cracks. Two hits later, the outer part of shield shattered into a thousand pieces, leaving out only a small, plate sized part in the centre . Izuku immediately launched himself away from the path of another one of Nomu's attacks.

Nomu was about to charge him but out of nowhere, the ground turned to ice and along with it, Nomu's legs, arms and lower torso. Izuku turned to see Todoroki.

"One of your poorly trained thugs told me you're here because you think you can defeat All Might...

The symbol of peace will not be defeated by delinquents like you" Todoroki said in a monotone but angered tone.

All of a sudden, the purple mist was surrounding them. It was about to in gulf Izuku and Todoroki when


Bakugou and Kirishima attacked from the rear. Bakugou grabbed a hold of the mist villain's collar and pinned him to the ground , and Kirishima managed to hit Tomura on the head making the hand on his face detach, which Tomura quickly picked up and put it back on, while muttering something about 'sensei'.

"CAN'T LET YOU HAVE ALL THE GLORY YOU USELESS TRASH."Bakugou said with both anger and glee in his voice.


The Entrance

"Todoroki, Bakugou, Kirishima... their all helping" Uraraka said with teary eyes.

"D-Don't w-worry... All Might w-will take care of this as soon as he reaches. When the o-other teachers g-get here, it'll be d-dangerous... So f-find some p-place to hide" 13 said biting through pain. Even though she was well bandaged up, she was far from good, so was Aizawa.

"Okay" Mina replied.

Central Plaza

"Kurogiri, how can you let this brat get the best of you?" Tomura asked calmly.

"You've gotten us into a real jam here"

"Hehe, you got careless you dumb fuck." Bakugou said with an evil grin

"It wasn't hard to figure you out. Only certain parts of you turn into that smokey warp gate. You use that mist to hide your actual body as a kind of distraction, thinking that makes you safe... that's why we missed. But if you didn't have a body, you wouldn't have to wear this neck armour right?

You're not immune to physical attacks if well aimed."

Kurogiri tried to move, but stopped when Bakugou made small explosions on the neck armour.

"Don't move... you try anything funny and I'll blow your ass up so bad that they'll be piecing you back together for weeks" Bakugou said with sinister glee.

"Whoa there, that doesn't sound very heroic" Kirishima added

"They escaped uninjured and captured two of my strongest men and that boy took down 100 of my men in under a minute and even saved his teacher and friends in seconds ... kids these days really are amazing" Tomura half-whispered.

"They make the League of Villains look like amateurs...can't have that.


The moment Tomura said the name, the monster's eyeballs turned in an abnormal way before focusing on the four students. Then, much to the shock of everyone, it started moving.

"How is this thing still moving?He's all messed up" Izuku said

The Nomu then fell and shattered the ice along with most of his body. And even though it was just a torso and a head, it kept on moving. Then the unexpected happened... It grew its limbs back... all four of them.

"What is this?" Izuku questioned

"I thought you said its specialty was shock absorption ?"

"Didn't I say specialities? He also has super regeneration, along with super speed and strength. " Tomura answered.

"He's basically a highly efficient punching bag that hits first we need to free our method of escape. Get him Nom- "

Izuku knew what Tomura meant even before he finished commanding Nomu. Since SS was already active, he directed 50% to both of his legs, and 20% to his head. Izuku got a head start and reached Bakugo's position. He pushed Bakugou out of the way, but before he himself was able to move away, Nomu had already reached his position and had readied its fist. So Izuku used whatever was left of his shield, and positioned it so as to block the hit, and although it did block the hit... he was thrown into a divider wall. The air generated by the force of punch threw the other boys a few feet away.

"BAKUGOU!" Kirishima shouted, then noticed that Bakugou was next to him and Todoroki.

"Whoaa, you dodged that?!" Kirishima asked

"Shut up"

"Where's Yagi?" Todoroki asked with a hint of concern.

"He was here a second ago" Kirishima answered.

Then they looked towards wall and saw Izuku, sitting against the wall.

"Yagi took the hit for you" Todoroki said with wide eyes.

"He kept his word... like a real MAN"


With the students in the entrance.

"D-Did Yagi just put himself in danger to save Bakugou?" Sato asked

"Yes... he did" Uraraka answered

"Of course... D-Did all of you forget what he said on the first day of school"


"There were rescue points being awarded for well... rescuing people, that's why you got 80 extra points. Recovery girl told us after you left" Iida informed

"Whaaa, I seriously had no idea. I did everything out of impulse"

"That means you risked yourself to save someone"

"Yes and I would do it again, no matter what"

With Izuku.

Izuku checked his gauntlet and saw his back was also a little broken along with 2 more ribs. His left lung was damaged too, but not as much as his right which was basically ruptured.

Izuku wanted to heal himself because of the pain, but chose instead to conserve his stamina to fight for his friends. Izuku wanted to scream and cry because of how much his body hurt. He wasn't even able to breathe properly. And after a long time, he felt fear... not the fear of his death, but the fear of what will happen to his classmates if he is not able to hold the villains off until the teachers arrives. But he wouldn't show it... his pain or his fear because if he did, his classmates will lose Hope and that's the last thing he wanted. No, he wouldn't allow them to see it, Especially Momo, even if it kills him.

And right now, Izuku needed time and a plan... so he did the only thing he could and activated Supertime.

'Think, Izuku, think... regeneration quirks, Advanced Biology, weaknesses...THAT'S IT, All I need to do is keep it occupied until Kirishima comes back, also, deception 101,

'make your enemies think that you're more powerful that you actually are'...

I hope to God that it works'

"Are you really going to go that far to save you friend?" Tomura asked Izuku, but he got no reply.

Izuku tapped on the "Use Solar Charge" option and saw that the timer said 3 minutes of extra endurance. Immediately Izuku felt a boost of power. He then typed a note on his gauntlet and removed the gauntlet. Izuku got up, but was looking down.

"Kirishima, catch" Izuku said as he threw his gauntlet at Kirishima.

"Run and give the gauntlet to Yaoyorozu... she's at the mountain zone..." Izuku said in an unsettling calmness.

Kirishima was about to protest,

"You chose me as your class rep, Kirishima, Please just trust me.

And don't worry about anything happening to me." Izuku said in a cold tone as he glared at Tomura so hard that it made the hair at the back of his neck stand up.

"I'm done holding back". This sentence alone made the three students as well as Tomura and Kurogiri stare at him. 'He was holding back this entire time?'

"Now go"

"Roger that" With that Kirishima began to run towards the Mountain zone.

"If you want to get to any of my classmates, you'll have to go through me first. " Izuku said.

'20% to head, 100% to arm. I have to oscillate the 100% between my arms to make it look like both of my arms has 100%, the mental block should keep my arms safe'

"Come at me"

"Nomu, kill him"

The Nomu came charging in, readying its left fist to hit Izuku. Izuku directed 100% to his right arm. As soon as thier fists clashed, massive winds were generated. Izuku didn't waste time as he immediately directed the 100% to his left arm and uppercut the Nomu. Nomu raised his right arm to punch Izuku and he immediately countered it by directing the 100% to his right arm again. After which he immediately directed the power to his left arm and delivered another uppercut. This kept on going for a while when their speed increased and because of Izuku's planned uppercuts and the Nomu's inability to counter them because of the lack intelligence, Izuku was able to overpower Nomu and made him fall backwards.

'Shit I can't keep doing this much longer... where are you Kirishima'

Nomu quickly got up from the ground and they traded another 7 or so blows after which the Nomu was once again on the ground, but not defeated or weakened. By now everyone was holding onto something to not be blown away by the wind.

'I can't go on for much longer, my vision is becoming darker, I need to stall the villains'

"Is this the thing that was supposed to kill All Might...Its so... Disappointing. Pathetic... It can't even kill a 15 year old" Izuku taunted.

By this point, Tomura was beyond mad and scratching the hell out of his neck.


"Then maybe I'm more powerful than All Might at his 100%" This sentence was a lie, but it shocked Todoroki and Bakugou, his rivals, who were holding on to the broken fountain.

"You should probably give up and surrender, loser. The pros are about to reach the place" Izuku said.

"I DON'T CARE, I'LL KILL YOU, I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO!" Tomura was throwing a full blown tantrum at this point.

"NOMU KILL HIM" With that, Nomu began charging towards him.

"What a waste of time" Izuku said with disinterest. But the reality was something else entirely.

'Fuck... ok, I need to use its own momentum against it...' Izuku directed 40% to both of his arms and 40% to his head.

As Nomu was about punch him, Izuku sidestepped, grabbed Nomu's arm, spun him and sent him flying.

"NOMU GET UP AND KILL HIM" Tomura shouted with rage.

The monster was getting up about to charge Izuku again.

'I can't hold on for much longer... I'm sorry I failed all of you... I'm sorry Momo. ' Then he saw Kirishima running towards him... and he had exactly what Izuku needed.

"Here take these... Yaoyorozu made them as fast as she could" Kirishima handed Izuku the 7 grenades, one of which was a smoke grenade.

Izuku threw the smoke grenade where Nomu was. He then took the remaining grenades used all the strength he had to run into the smoke. Using his eagle vision, he was able to see where Nomu was. Izuku then jumped onto its shoulder and began pulling the pins off of the grenades and began force feeding them to Nomu. Then he jumped off of Nomu and out of the smoke.


"I just fed it a couple of grenades"

"Didn't you listen what I said earlier, he will be totally unaffected even if you feed him a grenade?" Tomura questioned with glee and wickedness.

"Yes you did, but these aren't normal grenades. I've read about Regeneration quirks. There may be different types of them... but they all have one weakness. When the cells are burned using very high temperature, they get carbonised, and carbonised cells cannot regenerate no matter how strong the regeneration quirk is. So I fed it thermite grenades... they burn with a max temperature of 4000 degree Fahrenheit, easily enough to carbonise cells." Izuku replied.

A few seconds later, the Nomu began to scream in agony with smoke coming out of its mouth. And moments later, it fell on the ground...unmoving... dead.

Izuku quickly healed himself and now reached his limit... only a few seconds before he would lose consciousness.

"You... I'LL MURDER YOU!" Tomura shouted. He was about to charge at Izuku, but was warped out by Kurogiri.

"No Tomura, our All Might killer is dead. And we'll be too if All Might arrives now." Kurogiri said and they disappeared.

"I'd like to see you try" Izuku said to no one and passed out, the last he heard was Momo shouting his name.