

Next Morning, Izuku's House

"So, I've been having this new development recently" Izuku was recording a voice log as he punched a punching bag.

"It first started yesterday, after talking to the individual named Momo Yaoyorozu during our hero training, where I told her that she looks good in anything she wears, not that it was a lie. No, far from it, but I didn't want her to hear it since I didn't want to make it sound like her body is the only thing good about her. After which, throughout the entire day, nearly every time I saw her smile, my heart does something weird and for some reason, I really like the sensation. Moreover I began to feel lonely after I dropped her off to her parent's hotel."

Izuku pondered for a while

"Or it could just be my quirk and everything was a coincidence (because dense Izuku is dense). Whatever it is, I'm gonna get to the bottom of it." He stopped the recording.

Izuku then took a shower, prepared and ate his breakfast and changed into his school uniform. A few moments before he left for school, he got a call from one of the RD tech developers, requesting him to come to the Knight's Watch office because they wanted to demonstrate the upgrades made to the hero suit (i call it suit because its not just for looks), much to Izuku's confusion since he thought that the suite was already perfect.

Knight's Watch Office

As soon as Izuku entered the office, he was requested to come to the demonstration room. There he saw his suit along with 2 people wearing lab coats.

'I think they are the RD people'

"Ahh, Mr. Yagi... nice to meet you, I'm Adam Weller, and this is my brother, Tom Weller. We're both from the American branch of Schmidt's RD department. We're actually the ones that built the suit" Adam greeted.

"Nice to meet you too, both of you. And first things first, I must thank you for making such an amazing suit, it gives me enough protection as well as being thin enough for me to move quickly and quietly."

"Thank you for the compliment Mr. Yagi, but there was much more we can do to your suit" Tom spoke

"After we sent the suit to Japan, we realised that we could have incorporated many of our existing technologies into it." He said

"For instance, we can use our artificial chlorophyll nano machine technology to absorb, convert and store energy in your cape; which you can use directly to increase your endurance during long fights by a couple of hours or minutes, depending on how much energy is stored in the cape. It does so by sending the energy through your entire body with the help of nano tubes that run throughout the entire suit. You can access it by tapping the 'Use Solar Charge', which will be displayed on your left gauntlet, although, you'll have to let the cape be in sun for about 70 minutes every day, at any time of the day. Remember that the cape can hold the energy for 7 hours only before it gets released" Adam explained.

"On the topic of your left gauntlet, it will have a user interface with a thin, bendable display. The gauntlet can be used to check which part of your body or what organ you have damaged. The nano machines present in the suit will also monitor your heart rate, blood pressure and stamina level. The gauntlet can also connect to Internet, call for backup from the nearest Knight's Watch headquarters and also be used to tell the time. The left gauntlet will draw the power from the battery located in the gauntlet itself, which you will be able to charge by using the raw solar energy you can give out." Tom said.

'At least that ability is not completely useless' Izuku thought.'

"The left gauntlet however, is a completely different story. If you press the 'Activate shield' option on your left gauntlet and then direct the raw solar energy to your right arm, the gauntlet will unfold into a shield mad up of a super strong compound that consists of silicone, carbon fibres and different types of plastics. The compound by itself is brittle and weak, but pass an electric current and the thing becomes super strong. Able to take take hits from .50 cal bullets and not be damaged. However, it does have its limitations, as multiple consecutive hits can break the shield." Adam commented.

"Also, one thing we forgot to mention when we wrote the abilities of the suit is that the suit is also electric shock proof." Tom added.

"So when will the suit be ready?" Izuku asked.

"We'll be working on it now itself. It will be done by this time tomorrow"

Izuku then thanked the two developers and left the building. Then he noticed someone familiar standing across the road, and seeing that person made him happy, God knows why.

"Yaoyorozu!" Izuku called out as he rushed across the road.

Momo heard someone call out her name and looked around to see Izuku coming towards her.

"Hey, Yagi!" She replied giving one of her million watt smiles. The smile almost made Izuku stop in his tracks and clutch his heart, almost.

'Yup, its because of her. What is this feeling?' Izuku questioned himself in his thoughts

'And why do I like this feeling ?'

"Good morning" Izuku greeted

"Morning" Momo greeted back, still smiling.

After a few moments of staring at each other, Momo decided to ask what Izuku was doing here.

"Didn't expect to meet you here"

"Yeah, the people from the office called me to show the new upgrades made to my hero suit"

"Hmmm, as for me, the party lasted a little bit longer than it should have and we ended up staying at the hotel. Funny how me and my parents were the first customers in our own hotel" Momo said said with a small laugh.

Izuku only smiled back.

Then she saw something that genuinely sent shivers down her spine.

Her parents were standing behind Izuku... Her father trying to make the 'stern and strict dad' expression but failing spectacularly and her mother giving a sly smile.

'Damn it, I knew I shouldn't have discussed 'it' with them' She mentally cursed herself.

Last Night

The inauguration party was over a little late and Mr. Yaoyorozu decided to stay at the hotel as it was too late. They took two VIP rooms, one for himself and his wife, the other for Momo.

As they were about to go to sleep, the parents heard a knock on the door. They opened the door to see their daughter standing outside, fidgeting with her finger.

"Ummm... mother, father...I want to talk to you about something"

"Well, come on in" Mr. Yaoyorozu said from the couch.

She entered the room and they noticed that Momo looked nervous, which was extremely odd as she is usually very confident and cool headed. She then sat on the bed with her mother.

After 10 seconds of silence, Momo spoke up.

"Mother, father...

a friend of mine is having this trouble. She is having these feelings in her a heart when she talks to or sees a certain person"

Both the parents realised what she was talking about, and because Momo is very bad at lying, they figured out who her 'friend' was.

"She's very confused about what those feelings are and came to me for help... but I never experienced those feelings ... so I came to ask you about them...Sooooooo, can you please help m-I MEAN MY FRIEND" She half screamed the last part.

"Well... " Her mother spoke up after thinking a little.

"From my experience, I can say that your friend has developed a crush on someone"

Momo scooted closer to her mother and listened to her intently.

"Did she describe that whenever she is close to that person, she becomes happy and calm?"


"Did she tell you that she cannot stop thinking about the person?"

"She did, yes"

"Does she feel lonely when the person is away her?"


"Then, its definitely a crush" her mother concluded

"How could you be so sure?"

"Well, because that's what I felt when I first met you father"

"That's how I felt too" Her father commented from the couch.

"T-Then what should she do now?"

"Well, just encourage her to talk with that person. And if things work out, they may even end up falling in love with each other" Her mother said with sparkly eyes.


"Yup... love, and if it is true love, they may even get married and start a family" Her father explained with a smile

"F-F-F-FAMILY!?" Momo half shouted.

"Well that's how our lives went" Her mother continued

After another 10 seconds of silence, Momo got up and thanked her parents.

"Mother, Father, thank you very much for the information. I will immediately send a message to my friend" She opened that door but as she was about to leave, her mother said something that made her stop in her tracks.

"By any chance, is your friend's name Momo Yaoyorozu?" Her mother asked. She froze in the doorway and turned around, revealing a very red and flustered face.

"WHAT! NO, NO WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, OF COURSE NOT, ANYWAY I HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW SO GOODNIGHT" With that a very red Momo Yaoyorozu unintentionally slammed the door and went to her own room, covering her face with her hands.

But her parents were happy.

From her birth, Momo had everything and every quality a good human being should have. Honesty, humbleness, and many others. The only thing that she didn't have was something most of the children of the entire world did have... A normal childhood, and her parents blamed themselves for it. She never got to go to parks to play with her friends, she never went to summer camps with her friends and the list goes on, all of this because of the constant threats of kidnapping and other threats that they received when Momo was a small child. But seeing that their daughter was experiencing things that a normal teenager should, made their hearts swell with joy. Although, first they had to approve the person their daughter developed a crush on.

Present Time

"Momo!" Her mother called out to get the boy's attention.

Izuku turned around and saw two people standing behind them and seeing how they look, he concluded that they are her parents.

"Momo, did you tell your friend about what we discussed yesterday night?" Her mother asked and Momo became instantly red.

"Ummm, Yaoyorozu are you alright? You're very red" Izuku instinctively put his hand on her forehead, which made Momo even more flustered, thereby confirming that the boy in front was their daughter's crush.

"I'm f-fine" Momo stuttered

"But you're body temperature tells otherwise... are you sure that you're fine?"

"Yup n-never better" She gave a smile.

This made Izuku blush a little, much to the surprise of the older Yaoyorozu's.

"W-Whatever you say"

"And who are you, young man?" Her father asked

"Oh, I'm Izuku Yagi. I'm her classmate, Sir" Izuku offered his hand for handshake and Mr. Yaoyorozu gladly accepted it.

'He has manners, that's good'

"Are you here to pick up Momo?"

"No, Ma'am I was here to check up on my hero costume since it is being modified, there" Izuku pointed towards the office building, adjacent to the hotel.

"The Knight's Watch office?"

"He was Schmidt's student" Momo told her parents.

"You were?"

"Yes... Schmidt was a very good mentor and the source of my inspiration of becoming a hero" Izuku said proudly

'That means he is well educated and if Schmidt taught the boy himself, he must be a good kid'

"Izuku also jumped in front of danger during the entrance exam to save another candidate from being crushed by a robot" Momo told her parents

'And selfless too... wait, Izuku?'

Izuku became red.

Momo just realised that she called Izuku by his first name. She noticed the shit eating grins on her parents faces.

"Umm honey, do you approve?" Mr Yaoyorozu asked.

"Yes, I do" Mrs Yaoyorozu answered.

"Umm, I don't want to be rude, but what are you appro-"


Izuku didn't get to finish his sentence as Momo took his hand and dragged him into one of two limousine that had just arrived.

"Didn't you say that you would walk to school?" Her father asked.

"NOPE, WE'RE GETTING LATE" She said as she began walking to the limo, still holding Izuku's hand.

"SHE LIKES BLACKBERRY ICE CREAM VERY MUCH" Her mother shouted from outside as the limo was leaving. Izuku was confused as they still had time to walk to school, also, as to why would her mother tell him Momo's favourite ice-cream flavor. He looked at Momo to see that she was red.

"Are you sure you're Ok?"

"N-Never better"

"Whatever you say... but if you show any signs of illness in the school, I wont let you get out of the infirmary till the school gets over"

'Why is he caring for me?'

'Why am I caring for her?'

They stared each other for a few seconds before Momo gave Izuku another Million watt smile.


This nearly made Izuku's heart explode and he unconsciously activated raw solar energy throughout his entire body. His body to glowed for a few seconds before the glow disappeared completely.

"Umm Yagi, why were you glowing just then?"

"I'm very sorry, your smile was too bright and it made me activate my quirk"

'Shouldn't have said that out loud'

Izuku said and thought.

"I didn't mean to say that out loud"

He looked at Momo to see she was looking at her hands... with a small smile and light blush. This sight made his heart pound.

'She's so beautiful' Izuku blushed

"Thank you"

"Y-Your welcome"

The rest of the journey went without a single word uttered by either of them.

UA Gate

The Limousine stopped a few streets away from the gate. Momo was first to step out of the limo followed by Izuku. As they were walking, Izuku noticed that his body felt unusually light. Then he tripped on a curb. Again like the last time, he just accepted his fate and prepared for the pain. But it never came. Izuku's brain went into panic mode as he thought that he landed on Momo again.

'Great, now she'll think that I did it intentionally.'


Izuku heard he voice very close to him.

'I'm so fucking dead!'

"You're floating"

'SEE! , now she thinks I'm floating... wait what?'

Izuku opened his eyes to see that he was actually floating, with his body was facing the ground.

"I'm floating


"Are you alright?"Momo asked with concern.

"I think so, but how did this happen" Izuku was entering a mutter session when Momo interrupted him

"Wait, in the limo, you were glowing for a few seconds"

Then he realised that he was using raw solar energy through out his entire body.

"AAHAA, all I have to do is stop the flow and I should come dow-"


Izuku belly flopped onto the pavement. Good thing he was facing infront. He then quickly got up. He then hit another realization, the reason why he would lose his balance when he used RSE (Raw solar energy) to do something was because it made his body lighter...But how it made his body lighter, he would figure it out later.

They were walking towards the school when they noticed a bunch of people out side the gate. He used Predator sense and saw that it was the media. They slowly went near them and listened that the media was asking about All Might. Izuku didn't want to deal with that.

"Hey Yaoyorozu, want to get in to the school without dealing with the media?"

"How? "

"Give me your school bag"

He took his and her bag and was holding them with his right hand, then he squatted down.

"Ok, now get on my back"

"Are you sure it's safe?"

"Yup, all you have to do is hold on to me and everything will fine, even if you fall, I'll catch you." Assured Izuku, the awkwardness between them nearly disappeared by just 2 days of talking.

"By the way, were going directly to the entrance"

She nodded. As soon as she got on to his back, Izuku realised that it was a bad idea. He was becoming more and more flustered as he felt the 'pillows' on his back as well as her breathing near his neck.

On the other hand, Momo also became very red when she felt just how rugged and hard Izuku's muscles were.

'Good thing he/she cannot see my face'



Izuku direct 60% to both of his legs and launched into the sky.

Outside the gate, the reporters were being bored by Iida when they felt a shock wave, which was followed by a gust of wind. And although the shock wave and air was not so powerful, it got the attention of all the reporters.

"What was that?"

"Hey! , look up in sky"

"What's that? some type of a drone?"

"Looks like a person to me."

"Is that All Might?"

The reporters being distracted, gave Iida and the other students a chance to escape into the campus. A few minutes later Aizawa reached the gate and tried to shoo the reporters away. A reporter was about to follow him but was stopped by UA's defence system.

Nezu, All Might, 13 and Eraserhead were discussing about taking the students to the USJ while sitting in the school garden when they felt a small shock wave and light winds and saw something launch into the sky from the other side of the school wall.

"What is that?" 13 pointed at the figure in the sky

"It must be some type of a weapon, I must stop it before it lands on UA soil" All Might said while transforming.

"If it was a weapon or anything without a permit, it would have already been destroyed" Eraserhead said blandly

"Did you feel the shockwave?" Nezu asked the other teachers and they all nodded.

"Then I know who he is"

They put 2 and 2 together realised who it was. The figure then slowly descended then a gust wind formed between the figure and the ground right before it made landfall.

The dust cleared to reveal Izuku Yagi with Momo Yaoyorozu on his back. Momo got off his back and was a little dizzy because of the acceleration.

"How the hell do you deal with the acceleration ?" Momo asked, a little dizzy.

"Practice, although your pretty strong. The first time I used 120% to jump, I threw up In the sky"

"Hahaha" Momo laughed.

'Be still my heart' Izuku begged

"Yagi, mind explaining the grand entrance ?"

Izuku turned around to see Eraserhead, Nezu, 13 and All Might

"Good morning, teachers. Sorry about that, but the front gate is crowded with reporters"

"Reporters ?" Nezu asked

"Yup, they were asking about All Might" Momo continued

"Well then, head back to your classroom" Eraserhead said and the students nodded.

"Aizawa, go and tell the reporters to leave" Nezu said.


Class 1-A, 17 minutes later

"Decent work on yesterday's combat training you guys. I saw the video feeds and went through each of your teams results." Aizawa turned to Bakugou

"Bakugou, you're talented so don't sulk like a child when you lose, ok?"

"Yeah whatever"

"Yaoyorozu, Yagi, I'm impressed by you two the most. Both of you formed plans and used brains rather than brawn to capture the villains and the weapon, with no damage done to the building. You two may be unstoppable if teamed up together." He said in a bland tone of voice.

"Todoroki's result was also impressive, but one complaint that I have with his tactic is what if the villains had moved the bomb into a hospital with patients in it. Or if the building was structurally unstable."

Izuku and Momo just looked at each other.

"Thank you, sensei" Momo thank Aizawa.

"Now... lets get to business. Our first task will decide your future."

Almost everyone tensed up.

'DECIDE OUR FUTURE?!' Was their collective thought.

"You all need to pick a class representative"

'Oh good, just normal school stuff' Nearly everyone thought as they let go of an audible sigh.

"Pick me guys, I wanna be class representative!" The redhead boy said raising both of his hands

"I'll take it" The electric blonde in the class raised his hand, followed by

"Yeah, you're gonna need me" The girl with purple hair said in an almost Aizawa like tone.

"Someone with style is going to be better" Yuga said.

"I'm the right pick! I'm the right pick!" The hyperactive Mina exclaimed.


'This class is a butt-fumbled mess' Momo sweat dropped.

'This is such a cluster-fuck' Izuku thought

"So noisy" Tokoyami said to no one in particular.

"SILENCE EVERYONE! PLEASE!" Iida shouted out loud, getting the attention of the class.

"The class representative's duty is to lead others, its not something that anyone can just do... you must first have the trust of every student in the classroom. Therefore the most logical way to fill this position is to do it democratically. We will hold an election to choose our leader" Iida said lifting his hand.

'Its pretty obvious you want us to vote for you' Most of the students thought.

"Is that really the best idea?" Kaminari asked

"We've only known each other a few days, how do we know who we can trust" Tsuyu commented

"Besides, everyone will vote for themselves" Kirishima stated

"Most people will, but that means whoever receives multiple votes will be the most suitable for the job.

Its the best way right, sir" Iida explained as he did the robot arm thing.

Eraserhead was already inside his sleeping bag

"Do what you want, just decide before my nap is over" With that, he dropped on the ground.

After the voting was done and the results was shown on the board, Momo and Izuku got the most votes. With Izuku getting 4 votes and Momo getting 3 votes.


Bakugou shouted looking like he was going to massacre an animal farm.

"What, did you honestly think that anyone was going to vote for you?"


"kkkkkk...Z-Zero votes... I feared that this might happen, but I can't argue with the system that I chose"

"So you voted for someone else huh?" Momo Enquired

"But what we do is vote for ourselves right? What were you trying to prove Iida?" Sato asked

"Welp Iida, you should know that the world is not always sunshine and rainbows, and there are selfish people out there" Izuku said with a slight chuckle. But in truth, Izuku and Momo also voted for someone else.

"Alright, your class rep is Yagi, and the deputy is Yaoyorozu, I don't why, but I had a feeling that it would be you two"

"This might not be so bad after all" Tsuyu commented, followed by Kirishima and Kaminari

"Yeah, I can get by Yagi, he's inspirational and also manly"

"Yaoyorozu was in the top 3 during the assessment test, moreover they work really well together as partners"

This made both of them flustered but they managed to somehow managed to keep their composure.

Lunch Break

After taking his lunch from the eatery, Izuku searched for his classmates.

"Yagi, over here" Iida signaled him. Izuku went to the bench, to find many 1-A students sitting there and sat down next to Iida, opposite to Momo.

"Its always so crowded in here" Izuku said while looking around.

"That's because students from the Hero, Support and Management courses all share the same cafeteria."

"Mmmmmhmmm,this rice is delicious" Mina and Uraraka said in unison.

"To be honest, I'm a little nervous about being class rep. I voted for someone else" Izuku admitted.

"I voted for someone else too" Momo said with a sigh

This surprised everyone else.

"You'll do alright. Both of you are cool headed and can make plans in the heat of battle, not to mention the strength both of you demonstrate. Moreover, as Aizawa sensei said earlier, both of you working together could be unstoppable." Iida explained.

"That's why myself and Kirishima agreed on voting for you, and Mina and Jirou voted for Yaoyorozu. Then we discovered that Uraraka also voted for you. At first we thought that the final 2 votes were your own, but after you admitted that both of you voted for someone else and seeing that everyone else had 1 vote,I speculate that both of you voted for each other." After a few moments of silence, Momo was the first one to admit.

"Yup, you caught me"

"Me too" Izuku raised his hands up.

"But Iida, didn't you want to be the rep?" Momo asked

"Wanting a job and being suited to it are quite different things. Serving the Iida family's hero agency has taught me that much"

'So much for trying to keep your family a secret, Iida' Izuku face palmed.

"Agency? Hold on, what does your family do?" Kirishima asked

"Uh...Oh... its nothing"

'You should have said travel agency' Momo also face-palmed.

"You know, I've been wondering something about you... admit it Iida, you're filthy rich!" Uraraka exclaimed.

"I was afraid that people would treat me differently if they know about my family"


"Huhhh, you see, the Iida family has been pro heroes for generations, it runs in our blood"

"What! That's awesome " all the students sitting in the bench exclaimed, leaving out Izuku and Momo as they knew about his family.

"Are you all familiar with the turbo hero Ingenium?"

"Who the heck doesn't! he's one of the most popular heroes in all of Japan, with multiple side kicks working along side him! " Mina exclaimed

"Don't tell me-"

"He's my elder brother" Tenya declared proudly standing up

"And as the second oldest Iida son, I strive to be just like him.

However, I think its to soon for me to take any leadership , you on the other han-"


"What is that?" Everyone was startled.

Level 3 security breach, level 3 security breach. Please evacuate the building in an orderly fashion

"What's a level 3 security breach!?" Iida asked a senior student.

"It means someone's managed to get pass the school's barriers. It hasn't happened in my three years in here, we should get going!"

Then there was absolute chaos, the hallway of the cafeteria crowded. It was a total mob. Izuku had been separated from his friends. He was pushed into the glass window from where could see many people had entered the campus. He activated eagle vision and saw that it were the same reporters from before and also saw Eraserhead and Present Mic dealing with the problem. Everyone was panicking, and if someone didn't do anything to calm the students fast fast, many of them could get hurt.

'I need to get higher' He then remembered the incident that took place in the morning

'That's it! ' Izuku activated RSE throughout his entire body. He lighted up for a few seconds before the glow died down completely, and immediately Izuku felt lighter. He grabbed hold of a nearby fire extinguisher and propelled himself upwards.

"ALL RIGHT EVERYONE, THE SCHOOL IS NOT BEING ATTACKED, ITS JUST THE MEDIA" Izuku shouted, but because of the ringing bell and the noisy students, he was not heard.

'I need a megaphone or somethi-Wait Yaoyorozu' Izuku used predator sense and began looking for Momo. After a few seconds he noticed her trademark spiked ponytail. Izuku pushed himself along the wall to reach her.

"MOMO, TAKE MY HAND" Both of them didn't notice that Izuku called her by her first name.

Momo looked up to see Izuku floating above her. She quickly took his hand and Izuku pulled up and was holding her bridal style.

"Who's attacking the campus?"

"Nobody... the media somehow managed to break through the barriers. Mic and Eraserhead are taking care of them, but right now we need to stop this stampede or someone will get hurt, I tried shouting but they weren't able to hear me..."

Momo knew what he was about to say next, so she unbuttoned the lower buttons of her shirt and pink glow emitted from her stomach. Seconds later, she had a megaphone in her hand.

"Carry me to the front" Izuku nodded and propelled himself in front with the help of the wall.


Everyone looked up to see a floating student carrying another student with a megaphone.


Kirishima and Iida looked each other before sighing

"We made the right choice"

Final Period

"During the lunch break, the media somehow got in to UA grounds. There was mass panic in the lunch room and the students were moving like a mob." Principal Nezu announced using the speaker system.

"If it weren't for the cool headedness of class 1-A's newly appointed rep and vice rep's actions, many students would have been hurt."

"Its my request that all the students take cues from them on how to act during disasters"

Class 1-A

Izuku and Momo were standing in front of the class as it cheered for their actions.

Eraserhead then arose from the dead. Midnight and Mic also entered the room

"Well, I guess your class made the right choice when they chose you two to lead them. Its your first day as the representatives of 1-A and you are already famous. Keep up the good work"

"Did Aizawa just complement his students? "

Mic asked in astonishment.

"I guess he did" Midnight replied.

"We took the responsibility, we won't fail them, no matter what" Momo declared.

Aizawa smiled at that, yes smiled. This shocked Mic and Midnight even more.

"Anyway I should remind you that you must bring your hero costumes tomorrow.

Now go home and let me sleep".

"So, Yagi where will you be going today?"

"I think, first I'll go to check on my suit, then I'll buy some groceries and go home"

"You live alone?"


"And your parents?"

"I... left them" Izuku's face became sad

Momo knew she shouldn't pry in a person's family problems, so she said something that touched Izuku's heart

"Well, I won't pry... but all I'm going to say is I'm here for you"

This sentence alone made Izuku the happiest person in the world.

This time it was Izuku's turn give a Million watt smile, this made Momo's heart pound out of her chest, and she unconsciously began making gold and green colored Russian dolls.

"Umm, Yaoyorozu..."

"Huh" she then noticed what she was making and immediately stopped.

They were walking towards the city centre when Izuku saw an ice cream store. He told Momo to wait and he went and bought 2 ice-creams, one cooky creme flavor, the other... blackberry falvour.

"Take this, your favourite flavour" Izuku then offered the blackberry flavoured one to Momo, she grabbed it and began eating it while blushing a little. And both of them felt happy.

They soon reached their respective destinations and went their separate ways. And were feeling lonely.

Next day (A/n I altered the days a little)

Izuku went to office to get his suit back and was excited to try out these new upgrades. To his disappointment, Momo was not there today.

Class 1-A

"Every one get suited up and meet me at the car park , we're going on a field trip for training, and you'll be training with me and two other pros"

"Sir, what kind of training?" Sero asked

Aizawa then took out a card from this pocket with Rescue written on it.

Everyone was excited.

"You'll be dealing with natural disasters, shipwrecks, wild fires and things of those nature"

"You heard the man. Everyone, let's go" Momo called out.

They got changed to their hero costume, and went to the car park and were waiting for the bus.

"Yagi!" Momo called out to him.

"Hey Yaoyorozu!"

"So what upgrades did you get for your suit?"

"Most of them are just information on heart rate and things like that, but there is however, one major upgrade.

I'll show you."

Izuku then tapped the 'Activate Shield' on his left gauntlet. He then directed RSE to his right arm and within milliseconds, a shield unfolded from his gauntlet.

"Whoaa, that's amazing man!" Kaminari exclaimed.

"Was that magic?" Mineta asked

"Its a foldable shield" Izuku replied

Momo was about to say something, but was interrupted by the bus arriving.

"All right everyone, get into the bus"

Everyone else went in and just when Izuku was about to enter, he was stopped by Aizawa.

"Not you, Yagi. You'll first have to attend the rep orientation ceremony. Where you'll get to know all the senior reps. Yaoyorozu will have her own deputy rep meeting on Monday . The ceremony should take about 30 to 45 minutes, after which the principal will tell you where to go"


At the USJ

"Hello everyone I've been waiting for you"

Almost all the students looked at awe.

"Its 13, the space hero!" Uraraka exclaimed


"She's saved a lot of people around the entire world and also in space" Momo said, "She's one of my favourite heroes."

"Mine too!" Uraraka said excitedly.

"I can't wait to show you what's inside"

"This is gonna be awesome!" They said in unison.

"Holy crap this looks like some type of an amusement park!"

"A shipwreck, A landslide, A fire, A windstorm, etcetera. I created this training facility to prepare you for dealing with every types of disaster. I call it the unforseen simulation joint or the USJ!"

'Just like universal studios Japan'

The students thought in unison.

"Hey, isn't All Might supposed to be here already, let me guess, he booked an interview" Aizawa asked 13

"Actually, the principal made a small change to the schedule. He asked him to take the Heroics class for 1-B in the morning, so that could spend the rest of the day here. Its 10:30 right now, he should be here by 11:30."

13 was about to say something when the lights began to flicker. Then a purplish mist began to appear near the fountain.

Both Aizawa and 13 felt something was about to go very wrong.

Out of the mist, a man covered with hands walked out, followed by a hulking creature with a bird like face. Then more and more villains began to appear.

"Stick together and don't move. 13, protect the students"

Yaoyorozu immediately understood what the situation was.

"Did the training start already?"

What is that thing?... are those the people we have to save?" Kirishima was walking in front but was stopped by a steel staff.

"You heard Aizawa sensei, everyone stick together" Momo commanded sternly.

"And those aren't people we have to save... they're villains" She said.

Most of the students were scared after hearing those words. They looked at those villains, and pure evil looked back. That would be day they realised what the pros face to keep them safe.

The class then saw Aizawa wearing his eye protection.

"Where is he? I've brought so many friends to play with him" The handman spoke.

"All Might, the great symbol of peace, I can't believe he's not here... Maybe if I kill a few kids he will come out to play"

"Kaminari, use your quirk and call for backup from the school."

"I can't, someone is using a jammer, or a jammer quirk."

"Shit" Aizawa cursed under his breath.

"13, get everyone out and warn the main campus, I'll deal with the villains"

And he jumped into the horde of villains in the central plaza.

"Alright students, lets go." As they were about leave, the purple mist blocked the doorway.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that, not until the symbol of peace arrives"

13 then began using her quirk, but that quickly backfired when the mist villain created a warp gate behind her, using her quirk to damage her own body.

Momo quickly made bandages and gave them to Mina to help 13. She was desperately trying to figure out a plan to send help outside. Then Kirishima and Bakugou attacked the mist villain, and it teleported everyone to different parts of the map. She was also being teleported and the last thing she said was for the remaining students help get Iida out of the USJ.

Momo dropped with a thud when she fell out of the warp gate. She then saw Jirou being surrounded by villains.

"GET AWAY FROM HER" Momo with a battle cry charged towards the villains, she made steel rods and began fighting the villains along side Jirou, 'I hope Iida made it out'.

Students were fighting for their lives in different areas of the USJ.

In the central plaza, Aizawa was fighting the bulk of the villains and taking them out with ease.

"You know what really sucks,

Its when the pros live up to their hype.

Nomu, take him out"

In an instant, the Nomu reached Aizawa. It grabbed him and began to break his body, bone by bone. Aizawa tried to erase its quirk, but in vain.

The villains then saw that the water of the shipwreck zone was electrified.

Aizawa by now had lost his consciousness due to the pain.

Then the mist villain appeared next to the handman and told that one of the students managed to get out.

"If you weren't our way out of this place, I would have destroyed you, atom by atom. Let's go back. Its game over .

But before we leave"

He turned towards the 3 students that were hiding in the water.

"let's make sure that the symbol of peace is broken"

In an instant Nomu had reached the water side, followed by Tomura. They reached towards the students' heads when,


The doors of the facility opened with so much force that they were knocked out of their hinges and were dented, even though they were titanium.

The students knew he was powerful. But they didn't know what his full strength was nor did they know what he was capable of, but once they saw the glowing A , the students present near the entrance and the ones that could see him, were filled with something they lost for what seemed like an eternity... Hope.

Momo after seeing who it was chuckled. Only she knew how strong Izuku was as he told her.


"Good thing that the stupid ceremony ended early and I met Iida on the way...

And now you'll regret invading MY SCHOOL" He said with so much coldness, that it made chills run down the villain's spine.

Within 7 seconds, the person retrieved Aizawa, Kaminari, Mineta and Tsuyu and brought them back on top of the stairs.

"Huh" was the only thing Mineta was able to say.

"And who might you be?" Tomura asked, clearly in a little shock.

"My name doesn't matter... BUT I WILL MAKE YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE"