

Is it I who wanders?.. or I who lost? In the jungle where my companions die, there he stands.. glaring at me. "Those innocent fierce eyes... I want it so bad." A fifteen year old girl went to a forest with her schoolmates where they met their unexpected end on the fangs of gigantic fox. Sofia, the one who survived on the said incident took the fox with her after knowing that it can turn itself into a human. Trying to understand what's really happening, she was hoping to know what is behind the mystery of his father's loss and to recover her lost memories.

Ralen_Ociraba · Fantasie
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5 Chs

He Who Lurks Behind

"K-Yahhhhh!!!!" I screamed, seeing all of my companions bleeding to death.

I don't know what just happened but all I heard was a strange howling.


I hear a swift movement and what's worst? It's behind me!

The green eyes as big as my face and the reddish fur, its dark tail was wagging. I was so scared.. I even pissed on my pants.

"W-w-what the hell??" I uttered, "I'm a goner now."


At the Cafeteria..

"Hey 'sup! You're so cold to us!" said Dylan as he approach. 

"Hey Sof, you wanna join us? We're going to a campsite on Brooklyn Forest this weekend." Melody invites.

"Leave me alone please!" I replied, "I have many things to do."

"Like what? Like shutting yourself in your room like a complete neet?? The f*ck's wrong with you girl?" Lina exclaimed.

"Haysst! Forget about me."

"What's wrong with you Sofia? We're friends right? Tell us.. please!!??" asked Melody.

Actually they proclaimed themselves as friends of mine, and I don't recognize them as one. They are just annoying schoolmates who are meddling with my daily life.

*Bells Ringing

"Okay I'm leaving.. class will start soon." then I bid farewell to those sh!tties.

The literature class started and my old teacher started to discuss about some stupid fantasies again, he kept babbling and babbling that irritates my ears.

"Stupid.." I whispered

A few minutes passed by and something from his discussion caught my attention,

"-- Enormous green eyes, red fur and a dark tail, a giant fox inhabits the forests that's why many of its secrets are left untouched. The mountain folks called it Bwakululu, while the Shamans called it Etøile."

"Etøile?" I murmured

A memory of mine suddenly flashed, I remember that day when I was a child, an enormous creature saved me from drowning on Brooklyn Lake way back then. But when I told others about what I saw.. they just laugh and tell me that it was a hallucination, and that I just saw it because I'm desperate for someone's help during that time. They keep insisting that I saved myself and passed out.

*Tok Tok Tok

"Ms. Sofia? Ms. Sofia!" the teacher calls, "Are you sick?"

"N-no I'm not!"

"Go to infirmary if you are."

"Im fine, I'm fine!"

"Nah! Here it goes again.. Present in the outside, but absent in the inside." said Lina, making annoying sounds at my back.

After School..

"Mum I'm home."

"Oh there you are! My goodness. Lina told me that you're out of your mind again at the school." mom uttered.

"Oh sheesh I'm old enough. Don't worry about me!"

"I'm just worried.. I don't want to lose you like your dad." she said.

"Mom, he was spirited away!"

"No! How many times did I told you that such things only happen in fictions. Grow up Sofia! You're a modern teenager! you're not a child anymore!"

With mom being a tough mother to me, we never-ever had a fun time since my dad left us--- this world rather.

Without hearing my side, mom always speak her conclusions to me, like she was telling me that all of my opinions are invalid.

No one believes me that's why the distance between people and me becomes farther and farther.

"Hmmph! What a selfish mother!" I exclaimed.

I decided to lock up myself again on my room. Our residence stood on a developed hill and from my window I can see the beautiful view of mountains on Brooklyn reserves. I was staring at the night sky, its countless stars are glowing and the silver moon was shining. I grasped the fresh air and looked at the sparkling City lights, the gust embraced my weak body and lifted the burdens that I was carrying alone.

"Wh-Wha..?" I was shocked at what I saw.

A silhouette of a giant fox jumps across the mountain.

That time I decided that I will join my schoolmates.. err I mean comrades on their camping trip.

"I need to prove that I'm not babbling some fiction things."


Saturday comes...

"Hey Sof! Did you tell your mom that you will go to a camping trip?" asked Melody.

"Sheesh! I thought you'll be grateful if I join you." I replied, "Then I'll go home now."

"Ugh, don't take it seriously Sofia. But the next time you join us, tell your mom before you leave." said Dylan.

"Who cares if she knew or she didn't?"

"As usual. You're just a selfish girl who wanted to isolate herself and b*tching others." Lina blabbed in.

The trekking continues as well as Lina's blabbings. She's still spitting nonsense and it really irritates my ears, I wanted to block all of her words from entering my ears but she's so annoying!

"Sh*t the f*ck up you slut!" I exclaimed, "Spitting nonsense! I know that deep inside you don't want me. You're just here to seduce Dylan!"


"Shut your f*cking mouth!" she said.

I really despised her, I really wanted to kill her right now. But the other two sided her either, she started to fake her cry again?..

"You really aren't my friends, you're just my companions!" I shouted, "If you all are just like her, then you better all die!"

I turned back against them, with those hard feelings.. I just wanted to go home and lock myself again in my room. I walked far away from them when I heard a strange howling followed by a loud scream, I ran back to them and saw bloodied bodies with a huge hole on their chests.

"K-Yahhhhh!!!!" I screamed, seeing all of my companions bleeding to death.

I don't know what just happened but all I heard was a strange howling.


I hear a swift movement and what's worst? It's behind me!

The green eyes as big as my face and the reddish fur, its dark tail was wagging. I was so scared.. I even pissed on my pants.

"W-w-what the hell??" I uttered, "I'm a goner now."

The beast sniffed me and my wet pants and sat in front of me.

"H-hey! You pervert beast!!!!" I exclaimed, "Kill me if you want but don't sniff me you big idiot fox!!!"

Such a shame to die with a pissed pants, but whatever, if it wanted to kill me, then do it fast! You know I don't want to suffer before I die, I hate to imagine my self dying in painful way.. I'll break my neck instead.

"Wait! Won't you kill me?"

The fox glared at me like a puppy waiting for its owner to pat it on head. I closed my eyes and slapped myself over and over again to check if I'm awake or just dreaming. Then the fox licked my body,

"Shit!!" I'm shocked

The fox glared at me and leaned its head..


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