

Is it I who wanders?.. or I who lost? In the jungle where my companions die, there he stands.. glaring at me. "Those innocent fierce eyes... I want it so bad." A fifteen year old girl went to a forest with her schoolmates where they met their unexpected end on the fangs of gigantic fox. Sofia, the one who survived on the said incident took the fox with her after knowing that it can turn itself into a human. Trying to understand what's really happening, she was hoping to know what is behind the mystery of his father's loss and to recover her lost memories.

Ralen_Ociraba · Fantasy
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5 Chs


The fox decreases its size and started to shed its fur, morphing itself into human. I was awestruck seeing a rare event like this but more importantly.. the heaven revealed itself for me.


"Shit! Six pac---  Yah!!!!!" I screamed, "Y-you're naked!!!!"

I get the blanket out of my camping backpack immediately and covered his body with it.

He stared at me. Those innocent fierce eyes.. I want them so bad.


"Shhh. Calm down self.. Remember this guy, err fox I mean, killed them." I thought.

I was so confused. I think this creature is deceiving me with such a handsome appearance. I sat on the ground with my body trembling, didn't know what will happen soon. Is this creature toying with me? If he is, then I'll prepare myself to die at any moment. That time I didn't realize that my tears started to fell, but the guy came towards me and licked the tears on my cheeks. He lay himself at the ground and rested his head on my lap. Out of nowhere.. I started to fingercomb his silky red hair and fell asleep while leaning on a tree in front of my dead companions.

Three hours later...

"Huh? It's not a dream?"

I was worried that time, I don't know what I'm going to do. Am I going to be detained? But I'm still a minor, a fifteen year old girl who went to a camping trip with her schoolmates.

"No! No! Stop thinking. Stop thinking!" Such thinking flooded my mind, it was so sudden.. why do my wish came true?

No, there's something important that I forget. I nabbed the thing inside my pocket..

"Good grief it was safe!" I uttered.

The necklace was safe, it was given to me by my father as a present before I turn to my 6th year of existence. It was a pretty jewelry with a green crystal orb at the center.

"OH NO.. The guy woke up!"

He was glaring fiercely at my necklace, he even tried to nab it but it stings him as he touch it.

I made up my mind and decided to go home and report the incident on the police station at Greenhum, I stood up and so the guy also. He was tailing me as I go home, like a wet puppy, he wanted to be pampered, that's why I have no choice but to bring him to our residence.

"Sheeshh..  I guess things will go weird from now on."

You know it's kinda weird.. I don't feel guilty on the incident. It was their fault at all! And being with this strange guy, I feel unusual easiness, like the fear that I felt before suddenly vanished, like nothing happened.


As we take the path where people passed by, he started hissing and gekkering and those sounds caught the people's attention.

"Shh! Quiet. We need to go home quietly." I covered his mouth.

He isn't responding, I guess he can't understand me anyway, but the gestures itself are our only langguage. The fact that he was only covered with blanket.. people always stare at us.

"Finally! We're home!" I exclaimed.

I started to prepare myself to make up a fake expression and so I enter on my house and approached my mother with fake tears and hugged her.

"Mumma! I'm scared!" I cried, "I barely survived with that boy. He was traumatized by the incident that he can't even speak! Huhuhu!!"

She started to pamper me and asked, "What? I don't understand. Where did you came from? Wh-what happened Sofia? "

"My schoolmates and his family.. We go camping.. And, and, we were attacked by a beast. We barely survived!"

My mom immediately prepared some food and contacted the police to report about the incident. I know that my acting really sucks but I guess it works. I pulled him into the table for us to eat.

*Sssp Ssssp

He was eating on his plate like a dog. I forgot that he used to live as a wild animal and my mom was staring at him.

"Mum could you adopt him?"

"W-wait. It seems like you're not Sofia today. Hmm.. Suspicious." she said.

"But he was all alone now and his parents died."

"Sofia? Are you sure you aren't sick? Look at how selfless you are."

"M-mum I'm growing up."

She embraced me and pinched my cheeks, "Im just so happy that you are safe," she cried, "Your dad left us.. I don't want to lose you too. So please be more careful and act like a matured lady from now on."

"Th-thanks mum."

"Don't worry dear. I'll try to legally adopt him." she replied, "But tommorow we will go to the Station of Greenhum Police District."

I know that things will happen that way, so I need to prepare myself. I suppose things won't go smoothly but I know that I'm not guilty.

"We will take legal actions." Mum said.