
Chronicles of Ryan [Marvel / DC]

In a world full of superheros and villains, a child became a victim to their everyday's struggle. But the fate played a trick, and he received powers strong enough to help him in his path of revenge. Ryan will neither be a hero or villain, but will become an Avenger. His path of revenge will be unique without the principles of morality and responsibility stopping him. Let's see what happens when Batman's own son breaks his most important principles. It's a story of a Wayne's revenge without the shackles of morality and love in his way. An epic clash between a father and a son. >> Note: I am writing it as an experimental novel. I will continue based on the response recieved.

new_toons · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs

He's back

"Demon", the code name for the new lunatic in the city. No one has ever seen his face or know anything about him. Everyone who has ever come in contact with him was dead. He doesn't attack innocent citizen and has been hunting and killing the gangsters and criminals in the city. But despite that, no one calls him a hero or a vigilante. Its due to the Demon's brutality and torture of all those whom he has killed. He not only murders the criminals, but also torture them in inhuman ways.

Demon breaks almost all the bones of his target, with eyeballs gouged out, hand and feet cut and small cuts all over the body. His all targets have died because of blood loss due to the numerous cuts on the body.

Comparing that terrifying demon with a kid is the most ridiculous thing they have ever done. But the facts are in front of their eyes, and they don't have a way to deny it.

"Run, save your life and run."

On Bran's voice, all the men started running including Tom. The moment they were about to step out of the alley, their bodies flew in the air and returned to the original place. They were hung in the air.

Everyone was confused, but they understood soon. Demon seems to be a mutant.

Tom started shouting hysterically: "Do you think you are hero, then you are wrong. You are also just a lunatic like those in Arkham. I am not scared of you."

Everyone thought that Tom would not get a reply, but a laugh sounded.

Everyone turned and looked at the smiling face which had expressions for the first time, and felt chill down their spines.

Ryan said with a smile: "Don't worry. No matter how much you shout, no one's going to come. By the way, I never said I was a hero."

The words drove everyone to the despair.

Ryan raised his hand. Several wind blades appeared. They rushed toward the people hanging in the air, and soon miserable screams sounded in the alley, but no one outside seemed to be able to hear it.

"Remember in your next life, I am vengeance."

Twenty minutes, Ryan cleaned his hand and was about to go away. Suddenly, his eyes fell on the women who seemed to be a victim of these gangsters.

Anne saw the boy looking at her, and she immediately moved back. She can't believe this boy just killed several people few minutes ago so brutally. He seems to be a kid, but the word demon was true.

Ryan who was about to help the injured woman, saw the vigilance and fear on her face and her avoiding him. He smiled and moved back toward the entrance of the alley, leaving the woman alone.

Anne saw the boy move back and breathed a sigh of relief. But then she suddenly felt guilty, and boy's smiling but sad and slef-mocking eyes appeared in her mind.

She looked at the leaving back of the boy, and said loudly: "Why are you doing this. You are just a kid. If you want to be a hero, then it's better to leave such things to the cops and batman."

But the boy's reply was completely different: "Tell Gotham I am back. It's time for the payback."

The boy disappeared from the sight after leaving the sentence.


The rain was pouring down...

"This time it was a small team lead by Tom and his henchmen. They are not considered strong among the gangsters and they do the crimes mostly during the day. This time, they were trying to rape a woman and then that's how it go, they met the killer code-named demon. The results are the same as past five cases, all dead and brutally tortured, hands and feet cut off, and countless small wounds on the skin. The weapon doesn't seem to match any of the weapons in records." under the illumination of the white screen, the young man with dark circles pushed the table aside and looked at the Gotham Knight on the big screen.

The Dark Knight nodded hearing the information and said: "What's more?"

Tim was not surprised that Bruce could find clues easily, he continued: "This time, one thing is different. We found the presence of another person at the murder site, presumably a woman and still believed to be alive. Although police has not disclosed of any such existence, but I believe you can find about it through your police friend."

Dark Knight nodded and cut off the communication.

Tim who was cut off after his use, pouted in dissatisfaction. He looked at the house butler Afu to complain.

Alfred Penywarth smiled. He said: "Young Master Tim, I think you should have a rest now. Your dark circles are visible even after so much concealing."

Tim nodded helplessly. Anyway, Bruce and Damian would be able handle the things next.

He left for his bedroom, leaving Batcave's control and communicator to Afu to handle.