
Christmas eve (meeting the masked men)

Finally given an opportunity to pick where the family would spend Christmas, Cherry picks an Island that was owned by a person whose identity was hidden from the public. The family agree to this as it was also a good vacation place for business owners. Upon getting there, her father introduces her to some business owners, just so he could do business with them. Most of them ended asking for intimacy with his daughter, which he agreed to but she disagrees with. The father's business is at risk because of his unfulfilled promises to some business giants, Cherry's mother does all she can to protect Cherry, even if it means putting her in the hands of strangers. Cherry's younger brother 'Tom' also tries all means to save her from a particular business man, feared both in the business world and under world. In all of these, will she find someone who will protect her or will she end up in these men's bed.

Cathycode · Teenager
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23 Chs

Chapter 9: Who Is She

"Who is she?"

Just as Cherry stepped out of the car with the support of her brother Tom, all those who saw her were marveled. The moment she smiled, a lot of people's heart melted and they couldn't wait to interact with her.

Cherry hooked hands with her brother and walked down the carpet. She didn't stop to be interviewed, she just showed her card and went in.

Stepping in, the first thing on her mind was sweet food. She approached a table full of dessert, filled a plate then ate. She was much more interested in savouring the sweetness of the dessert that she didn't notice how some men watched her with lust.

Tom left her in search of their table. The moment Tom left, a man in his forties approached her.

"Hello miss..."

"Mekaly." she replied with a smile.

"Oh!" now that he was closer, he could see she was much more beautiful than when he was far from her.

"Ahem" he cleared his throat before proceeding "I am Torando by name, CEO of the RATO Industries, I'm sure you've heard about me before." He stretched his right hand for a shake, but the moment she stretched hers', he placed a kiss on the back of her palm.

Cherry felt disgusted but she was good at hiding her feelings.

" Oh, I've heard a lot about Mr Torando. "

Did he think she was only born yesterday, she was no fool, his presence alone was annoying.

"Really?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, a lot."

Her voice was so innocent that he couldn't pick the mockery in it. Was news about him not every where, how he ended his twenty one years marriage just to be with secretary who he knew for just two years.

"Good or bad news?"

He had his reason for asking, cause he makes sure to always cover up any dirt concerning him.

"Oh," she picks a glass of wine from a passing waiter "I've heard all sorts of news concerning you My Torando."

The smile on her face was screaming 'evil, dangerous', but he was much more interested in bedding her. He decided ignore what she just said and play dumb, but was in for a shock.

He put a smile on his face before asking in she would like to join his table.

"Unfortunately, I don't dine with married men who would divorce their wives just to be with a mistress."

He was left dumbfounded, had his mouth opened, but no word could come out.

"Now, if you would excuse me, I have a table to find."

Saying this, she walked away, leaving the man to get angry all he wanted.

He was beyond pissed off and felt like teaching her a lesson. Back then when some dirt were found about him by a reporter,along with the real truth of the cause of his divorce, he tried bribing the man, but he refused and ended up reporting it. He had to pay the higher ups and the news got deleted on all platforms the very minute it was released. The man escaped and as long as his secrets were save, he had nothing to worry of.

Didn't the Mekaly's business crumbling, had not sixty percent of their investors withdrew their investment. Finally, a way to get back at that little bitch was given to him on a platter of gold.


"Cherry." Jiang called out after pulling a chair for her.

Cherry blushed before sitting.

"Dad" her voice was too excited to say she was annoyed


"You didn't tell me Young Master Jiang would be joking our table" she buried her bead down as she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of Jiang.

"You don't seem happy to see me." he said in a sad tone.

"Uh! What! No," she was quick in wanting to convince him, she placed her left palm around her neck bone and chuckled, then unknowingly, she used a seductive tone "I'm more than happy you are here Young Master Jiang."

Jiang got heated up, he cleared his throat before speaking "Why don't you drop the formalities." he picked up his cutleries, ready to eat.

"If you say so JIANG."

This soothing voice sent shivers down his body. He took a big gulp down his throat and watched her part her small lips to put in a spoon of soup, he wished he was that spoon going in and off of those precious lips.

Tom took everything to detail and he knew straight away it was lust, but just how could he help his sister from the powerful Jiang Yi, unless he could find someone stronger, but since his arrival, he was yet to meet someone more powerful than Jiang in the business world.