
Cheat Codes #Again

Oh YEAH!! This reincarnation thing is lit man. Oh hey I was so busy Admiring the situation that I forgot to Introduce myself. . I am Rishabh . 16 year old highschooler . An average student . But good with girls (Remember this one) So that is all about me. Now I am going to tell you how I got everything the world has to offer. (HAHA.. I AM THE PIRATE KING GOLD.D.ROGER . . . IF YOU DIDN'T UNDERSTAND THE JOKE THEN BETTER COME BACK AFTER U FINALLY DESERVE TO BE SPARED ALIVE!!) Oh by the way- This story is about when video games are booming and a new game called CHEAT CODES announced with an reward of $700000 for the winner. So every year gamers participate in masses to try their luck. And our hero is one of them

Crater_119 · Spiele
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2 Chs

Chapter 2


I am Rishab a normal guy with not so normal story.

I'll say it as bluntly as possible I've been reincarnated to my past self.

Yes you read it correct.

So I don't know how this happened and what caused it, but what I know is that it is for a reason.....

Yes so this is me Rishab a normal guy and this my story.


My hands were still shaking with my phone in my hands. I ran downstairs to the fridge where I always update my to-do list and it was true I am back to my past self .

I turned around and started walking slowly to my room with some thoughts.

'Mom I am not going to school. ' I shouted out of my room.

'Now if this is all true and if everything is back to yhe place as it was now Oh.. I mean for me, then this gives me a great opportunity to make somethings right. ' I said to myself.

So I don't remember what were my situations at this time so what I can do is I should first analyse my today's list and decide my actions.

'And I should go to school today just to get an idea. ' and I started packing my bag.

'Mom I am going ' I shouted out again.

And I got ready and dashed to the school because I was already late and that pighead will kill me if.... 'Hey he can't, now that I have come at this point of time I can become a perfect student. ' I was happy with every thought coming to my mind.

After several new future plans and some evil giggles I reached school.

It was Six twenty ( approx 20 mins late).

( Yes this is the only school my parents liked.

I mean who in his right mind wll ask the students to come to school at six).

The teacher saw me and didn't gave a reaction.

So I entered the class and I started analysing everything I could and tick the checkboxes.


Class : Eleventh grade ☑ <I just came back a year in my life>

Seat: Middle row third seat ☑


Now third and most important test.

For this test I moved my hands under the desk and it was confirmed that this is my territory.

( Final Test :Chewing gums ☑ )

Ok so everything is as it was. I said to myself and eased my shoulders. Then I opened my bag to get the notes and I saw an envelope in the middle of my books. I stopped, took a breath than took it out. It was a plain white envelope, and then I turned it over and I daw a typical Res Wax Seal with CC083 Imprinted on it.I was stunned for a sec because It was the same as that burnt guy addressed me "Subject 083".And after brief moments of thoughts and long breaths I put it back in my bag. There is so much I can take in at a time.


Time : 11:00 <lunch time>

'ohhhhhh now I can relax. ' man these classes are so hectic and I am taking them twice. If this is what time travel leads to , then it is not cool , this is punishment.

I was lost thinking about how my life sucks again and then I felt a tight slap on my back.

Even before I could react to first another came on my neck and a barrage of them covered me . It was after few seconds I came to my senses. I stood up moved my gaze around and saw everyone at their seats like nothing happened. But these are newbies and I know the human behaviour.

The first person to talk to you after this incident is a major suspect.

'Rishu', Arnab called.

Bingo, now I know the person who did this.

(So what it's not like you can do anything.

Ecen if he says he is the one who was behind this you cannot do anything.

Arnab is 6 feets and for instance he can kill you using his one hand only.)

Yeah that is also correct.

'Yes' I replied .

'So are you in? .' he asked.

That is the only problem with this time travel mumbo jumbo you donot know what mess you are in at the point of time you are being sent to. Man there should be a ministry to form some rules and provide people like me some kind of premise about the life of our previous self.

'For What?. ' I gambled, He is not a short tempered guy but can be lethal if not handled with care.

'Huh?.. what are you dumb or what, you were the one to sell your PC yesterday. ' he replied.

Hush! so I am safe it was just about the pc but which one. I have... Oooo I remember the one with the faulty motherboard.

'Ok.. but for your info its motherboard is faulty. '

'Hey bro are you drunk or what that was the deal , I will pay you 3k less for that.' he said.

So in my previous life I negotiated and I got a thousand more than he offered. And I should do as much things as they were before( in my previous life) because I still don't know the consequences of the change my reality will go through.

'3k is too much to lose so I will talk to a pawn store to just get the idea of the current rates. '

'Ok. ' he said and.. Ooooo now I remember the whole incident. It was to distract me. Man these a$$holes got me.

............What actually happened........

So in my previous life after school Mahesh came to me and told that he was the one to start that barrage of pain to me not because of any grudge or something just because of two reasons-

1 I was the only one not to taste that lovely ritual of friendship.

2 He wanted to see my reaction.

And he told me that it was worth it.

And he was the one to ask Arnab to start the talk.


Man this Mahesh knows me well. Then I sat back at my seat.

Hey wouldn't it be awesome if I go to Mahesh and ask him I know... no I can't I have to stick the old decisions as much as I can. But it would've been fun though.

(Oh by the way

Character : Mahesh

*Okayish looks

* Tall

* Good at planning

* A good friend of Rishab

* Not into gaming

* Speciality : Hooked up with a teacher < means highly talented. >)

So I survived classes after classes and finally.


Symphony of the day was here now I was free and what I know of right now is that I don't have my tuition like my future self and I got my job at the company around September.


Time : 2:30

I reached home.

'Mom', I called out but there was none replied.

So I tossed my bag at the sofa and started hunting something to eat in the kitchen. I explored the fridge and and my supplies,grabbed some snacks and a chilled coke and crashed on the sofa. I scrolled down my bucket list and started listening to a podcast of Because Science. Man his podcasts are the best I've watched I mean listened, all of his theories and explanations are so good and Powers of Dr. Manhattan and Guillotine are the best podcasts. I don't know why he left making more of these stuff.

After an hour of enjoying his theories I dozed off.


Time 4:00

Riiiing... Riiing....

I revived out of my peaceful sleep in a shock reached my phone to cut it's volume.

And placed it on the table. I got to my feet and guided them to the kitchen and poured a glass of water and started sipping on it. Slowly I came to my senses and sat on the sofa and picked up my phone and found eleven missed calls of Rajiv. What does he want and scrolled down my notifications and there was a text message, I opened it and was shooked for a sec than I was normal it is that I have just time travelled and a message that said 'Read the letter you've got.' is pretty normal.

( No it is not, I am fu$ked.)
