Oh YEAH!! This reincarnation thing is lit man. Oh hey I was so busy Admiring the situation that I forgot to Introduce myself. . I am Rishabh . 16 year old highschooler . An average student . But good with girls (Remember this one) So that is all about me. Now I am going to tell you how I got everything the world has to offer. (HAHA.. I AM THE PIRATE KING GOLD.D.ROGER . . . IF YOU DIDN'T UNDERSTAND THE JOKE THEN BETTER COME BACK AFTER U FINALLY DESERVE TO BE SPARED ALIVE!!) Oh by the way- This story is about when video games are booming and a new game called CHEAT CODES announced with an reward of $700000 for the winner. So every year gamers participate in masses to try their luck. And our hero is one of them
It's 2020 Students and even adults are addicted to games it all started three years back when everyone wanted to have a stable income and normal life.. ...
Suddenly an Augmented Reality game comes in the market Named- Cheat Codes. With a claim that the one to complete the game will be rewarded highly. This started a boom in the gaming community around the globe.
So every player in every corner of the world started playing this game to master it. But the dates of the tournament was still to be announced.
And one day all the players got the invitation for the game.
And this is what I was waiting for
I am Rishab a twelfth grade student who loves gaming. Wins or Defeats never mattered to me my whole life I just loved to play games and due to my interest I even got part time job in a gaming company as beta tester.
I was not able to take part due to being an year young but it gave me another full year of prepration. And I started playing the game like a subject of my syllabus.
And First World Competition Of
There were around fifty three million participants and only a thousand of them cleared the first round.
The details of the first round were not disclosed but rumors were that every team was given different tasks in the game and none of them had the same.
And even players said that they were asked for to sign on the contract to alter their memories just to maintain the quality and a spoiler free game.
And this was when things started getting serious. After the First Round The Tournament continued for a month.
Everyone around the world was waiting for the results but this came as a shock to everyone. That year none was able to pass the final level.....
'Wake up My King.'
I stood up half asleep as this a@@hole
pinched my ears.
'Ye.. yes sir'
'So Rishab What were dreaming about. ' sir asked with his brows up.
That's an unexpected question sir. According to me you would have asked something like Are u here for sleeping or would have said something like If u don't want to study then leave. ' I replied and mimicked his voice.
As expected after hearing this his pig face inflated like hell and he yelled 'Get out you brat. '
And as usual he sent me out of the class.
And I moved out. I stood outside of the class and he started his one sided love with history.
'Hey' I heard a familiar sound .
I turned around and see Shweta was standing with her bunny face.
(Character: Shweta
* Hot
* Bold Brown Eyes
* Crush
* Grade 10
Speciality: Hardcore Gamer
Won Rs. 3000 at School gaming champ and literally slaughtered us. Alone)
'So how do I a lowly creature have this wonderful opportunity to meet the queen today. ' I asked with a wink
'Hey are you still in touch with Krish&65?.'
' No you mean I should help you to make a new squad and give you my precious baby like it's nothing. '
'What are you talking about. 'she asked out of confusion.
'O.. kay so why do you need him'I asked
'He asked me for a date!.' She replied
'Oh that brat . He didn't even told me.
Okay so when did he asked you out. '
'Yesterday. And enough of your questions. Tell me about him' She almost yelled and widen her eyes.
( She literally can kill you with just her looks)
'Ok, So his name is Aditya, your classmate 3 time gaming champ at interschool and is now developer at an indie game company whose name I don't know'
'What Aditya?
How dare he ask me out.
Don't he know his place.
trash.' and she spat.
(Oh I forgot man she is quite volatile.
once she kicked the hell out a guy who asked for her notes and his mistake was he did'nt say PLEASE.)
'Hey hold on he is a nice guy,good nature, not the level of yours but better than your exes .'
I don't know how but she listens to me and always consideres my opinions.
'So you mean I should go on the date?. '
she asked with innocence.
'Hey hold on. '
'What is there something you would like to correct ' again with her sharp eyes just ready to shoot.
'No I just want say don't do anything crazy like last time I need him next in next week's TechnoCile ALIVE!.
'YES WHATEVER!'she left
(Hey how big of a pervert you are lusting on your friend. said my mind
'No I am not I am juuust admiring the beauty nothing more nothing less.. ')
Time : 4:00pm
'Oh man these tuitions are gonna kill me'
Yez that's true I give 6 precious hours of my day to a school that literally a dump and 2 hours of that lame tuition.
It's not gonna help
( He is talking about a the world gaming in which he came 18th.
He prepared for this for a whole year and even made his name in the honorable mention just because of his skills. And he was the only person to play alone in that game while everyone had a team of six players each. )
Rinnnng. -the doorbell rang-
'Coming!'.I replied and walked to the door.
I peeked through the hole and saw a delivery man standing. I opened the door.
'Good Evening sir am I talking to Mr. Kaushik? '
'Yes I am Rishab Kaushik'I replied
'This your package and please sign here'
I signed on the receipt.
'Thank You sir'he said and left.
I entered my room and opened the seal on the box and...
'Wake... wake Up'I heard my mom yelling at me. And my alarm clock was ringing like hell.
'Ugh.. mom please turn off that damm alarm .'
' No I won't. '
It was so much irritating,my mom pulling my blankets and that damm alarm. So I gave up,I stood up turned off that alarm.
'W.. What's the time'I asked mom while rubbing my eyes.
'five thirty. ' she said
'Ohhhh man I am late, ok so what's in the breakfast'I asked.
' Oats with some soup. '
'Mom why oats. '
'Do you want to eat or not? ' she asked with her hands crossed.
'Ok give me some oats and bread.' and she left.
As I was going to take shower my feets stopped I was not able to move I tried my hardest but they were like stucked .And my vision started becoming blurry I fell on the floor,like a lifeless pile of meat.I was not able to move,speak and it felt like I was struggling to even breathe. I was on the floor with my head down and the atmosphere around me started changing from my room to an empty void. It was so quiet I was able to hear my my heart beats. And for a second I felt something cold on my feet and it was moving up. Traveling from my feet to my knees I heard 'WELCOME, subject 083.' ans that voice gave me chills. As that person turned me around.
'ahhhhhhhhh.. ' I screamed as I saw it's face it's face it was half burnt with all the flesh hanging from his chin and cheeks and held an Axe in his right and it's only hand. It was definitely not a human.
There was no features to be seen on his face just a big scar on his nose and his jaws peeking out from his mouth. And he started swinging his hand with an Axe .
He sat down on his knees and put down that rusty axe and said as calm as he could be with his evilish voice 'Now it's time for payment. '.
And he picked up his axe as high as he could and cut down my leg in a single chop.
'Ahhhh.. Hh'I scremed in the reaction but I didn't felt anything.
'He... ey what do you want? ' I tried to shout but was not able to and my voice was like on it's smallest decible. I took some airin with all the energy I had and continued 'what is this place and wh.. why.. my leg.? ' In that moment I was more shocked than scared.
He did't reply to my questions and started chopping off my leg into more smaller peices.
'You will be transported to where you were'he said and snapped his fingers.
' Huh'I eoke up on my bed I removed my sheets and saw my leg fully intact.
I touched my leg with my shaking hands and felt warmth.
And Hussh It was there
'Oh god what a dream. ' I said with my hands on my head. And I stood up and it was four in the morning.
'Ohhk I've still got two hours to get ready. '
And I sat on the chair. And grabbed my phone.
And my hands started shaking as I saw the date in my phone. It was 3 May 2019.
coming soon