
Chasing The Odd Dream

Hannah Corey is a teenage girl whose life can be considered as a synonym of the burning abyss. Nothing goes on her way. School life? Bullies made it hell. Home? Financial problem makes her parents always abuse her, even for the simplest reasons. Moreover, she has to work all the time because of which she cannot follow her dreams, do what she likes, enjoy her life like any other teenagers. One night, out of the blue, she found herself in another world through an odd dream which seems weirdly realistic. Everything there is unknown to her, things she had never seen in her life. She begins to travel there through that dream and came to like it more than her own world. Her unbelievable adventure through the dream made her life more and more interesting. Every night, she dreams of her other life and is found to get more addicted to it. At one point she got an offer to finally live in her dream, every memory from her past life will vanish, and she'll be able to live a normal, beautiful life like she sees in her dream... Will she regret chasing after the odd dream?

hannah_axine · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Chapter - 06

"That's weird. I thought you couldn't speak. If you can talk, then what's wrong with talking... Why are you not allowed to?'' - I asked him rather gently.

''We, Aekaruses (Aekarus in singular) are not allowed to talk to humans. It only angers them when we talk, because of the way we sound. That's why King Minech and Lady Eramulah, made this rule so that we don't get killed by the humans any more. You're a human, do you not know this?'' – It said with such a submissive manner that I couldn't help but feel the urge to just give it a warm hug. Well, their voices do sound a bit weird, like unworldly and pitched.

'Aekarus, that's what you call yourself, huh, Interesting.'

''I didn't know. Actually, I'm not from here. I'm from a place where I've never seen your kind.'' – I explained with an awkward smile, inside I was a mess. I was worried about what if it harms me, knowing I'm not from this world. It can seem cute and innocent, but who knows it's not dangerous. Never judge a book by its cover.

''Oh. Are you from Harvey cross or Lazon? I heard there's no Aekaruses there. Only humans and a few mythical animals live and breed there.'' - He said as he came down from the tall branch and floating right in front of me, matching our eye level.

''Y-Yeah. I'm from that place.'' – I lied, trying to remember what the name of that place was.

''I heard Harveycross is a charming place with a few enchanted mountains. I want to go there once in my life to see unicorns and centaurs!! I heard their babies are super cute and polite.'' – It expressed its emotion for the first time. Guess, it also wants to talk to humans, but afraid that it'll take its life. This place is truly dreamy... I wish to see unicorns and centaurs too!

''Of course, you're going to visit there. I'll take you to my place. You're always welcome there.''

'Shut up. That's enough'

''Then I should thank you for inviting me, miss…?''

''Hannah Corey''


''Only Hannah please.'' – I stopped him from calling me miss. It kind of doesn't deserve to be placed before my name, not used to someone calling me in such a polite manner.

''Oh no no. I shall not address my master in such a manner.''

''What manner? What master? Since I'm not from here, you don't need to follow the rules. It may anger the stupid out there, but not me. In fact, your voice is so lovely to hear, your tone is very low and soothing. I'd love it even more if you talk to me in an informal way, like how friends talk to each other.''

''Friends?? We're your devoted servers. We're to serve you. Friends are far fro-''

''So you don't want to be my friend. That's upsetting.'' – I said with a fake-sad voice. It always works on the TV shows.

''No no, that's not what I meant.''

''how about we become friends then?'' – I said with a grin.

''But I'm supposed to be serving humans, as a servant. That's what we are.''

''Well, not to me. I don't want you to be my servant, I want to be your friend. If it's too much for you to be my fri-''

''No no. I want too. I want to be your friend too. I'd be very grateful if I became friends with a human. It has always been my dream.''

''Really!! Then friends?''


Our protagonist finally made a friend... and here I am with zero friends...

Well, ENJOY!

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