
Chaotic Journey.

Oemitsu Gremory, the son of Grayfia and Sirzechs, is neglected by his own family for not being born with the Power of Destruction. A power that is characteristic of those of the Bael Family, however, it was inherited by those of the current Gremory generation. He was not only born without this power, but he was doomed to be a low-class devil. Finding no warmth in his real family he sets out to create his own family. Disclaimer: We do not own any of the original animes used on this fanfic. We only own our current original characters. The mc will be evil. He will regard most human life as grass or as pawns that he will get rid off. The only people worthy of his respect are the ones as strong or stronger than him. He will do anything to protect his new family even if it means comiting crimes, massacres or torture. If that is not your cup of tea, then we suggest you to leave and find a more suitable novel or fanfic for you. Also, our character will not be overpowered we will try to balance him as much as possible. We will decide the pace of the story and will not change it even if the readers ask. This is supposed to be a slow story with character development. If you spot any grammar mistake, then you can write it in the paragraph and we will edit it. If you want to do some review, it must be in english and do not review this novel based on the other novel.

Dereck_Oliveira · Anime & Comics
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134 Chs

Declaring War.

Up on a wall of a city, a soldier was there, standing while looking at the horizon. "It truly is peaceful here in the Lacros Fortress." The soldier commented to himself.

What he didn't know was that there was another soldier climbing the wall's ladder. "It truly is." The new come soldier said as he got up. "Hey, were lucky we got deployed the empty Lacros Fortress. There are rumours that Sachstein is amassing soldiers, and is doing preparations to invade Brune. Huff. It will be another year of war."

"Don't worry about it. We were lucky they got deployed on the empty Lacros Fortress." The soldier that was watching the horizon said.

"Hahahahaha. True, this fortress was built in the beginning of the mountains to stop any raids from those barbarians who live up there. However, they never raid this place. They are too busy fighting amongst themselves. Nowadays, the Duke Ehrlich rarely send soldiers or weapons to this fortress." The newcome said as he shrugged.

"Yeah. This fortress can accommodate more than 20,000 troops, however, it doesn't even have 500 troops right now. Well, it is not like we will need any more." The horizon viewer nodded to himself.

Suddenly, another soldier joined this conversation. "But what if someone actually managed to unite those mountain tribes? They would be able to sweep this fortress easily, and get into the heart of Brune."

All of them stopped to think. If such thing happened, then they would be the ones in the front line of a big battlefield. But after 30 seconds or so after the soldier said that, everyone started laughing.

"There is no way that those barbarians can be united under one flag! Ahahhahahahhaha! What a funny joke!" The horizon lover exclaimed.

"I'm willing to give up all my money if such a thing happens!" The ladder climber commented.

*Thump*. *Thump*. *Thump*.

"Hey, do you hear anything?" The newcomer soldier asked.

"Hmm? It must be your imagination. We are in the middle of nowhe-." The horizon lover couldn't even finish his sentence as an arrow went through the neck of the ladder climber soldier that was right next to him.

This made him open his eyes wide before he turned to look at the field that was in front of the fortress. When he did that, he saw a sight that brought him to complete despair. He saw an army so big that it covered the entire plains, all composed of mountain tribes people. All of them were in a formation while they chanted. "KILL, KILL, KILL, KILL!!!" In a way that froze his very soul.

When he looked upwards, he saw a huge wave of arrows, that seemed to cover the entire sky, were falling on the walls. The barbarian army had at least 5,000 soldiers, while the Lacros Fortress barely had 500. There was no way that they could defend or repel against such a disaster. He knews that they stand no chance.

When he looked around, he saw that most of the soldiers had already given up and were simply dying.

One of the commanders was trying to raise their morale with a speech, however, before he could continue, a barbarian jumped and cut his head off. They have already climbed the wall. Before the barbarian continued, he looked at his companions and lifted his bloodied axe. "KILL THEM ALL!!! LEAVE NO ONE ALIVE!!! FOR OUR KING!!!" And sure enough, the barbarians went berserk, killing anything in their way.

The soldiers stood no chance against them. The horizon lover could see a sword coming to claim his head. This was his end. Even if he manage to dodge it, he will just die to another barbarian. There was no way that he could escape from 5,000 barbarians. He would rather just face a swift death. In his last seconds of life, he looked at the horizon. 'I can only hope that the 5000 troops don't march all the way to Brune.' The horizon lover's last words was. "This truly is beautiful."

(Oemitsu POV)

'It took me an entire year to actually conquer all the tribes and integrate them. To think that it would take double the time I initially thought. But at least, all of the 9 mountains now are under my control. After dominating them, I created a capital city with all of the tribes united in it. The city has over 500,000 of total population. I have an army of 50,000 merciless soldiers from different tribes.

I have united them as their King, with Shiro's help, I managed to create a law document. With the abundant gold and iron mines in the area, I created a currency system on the land, later on, I plan to introduce paper money. But that is for later, for now I have to be happy with the current monetary system. I also created a law enforcement police, and have started the construction of two walls around the city.

The city is still under development, but it is slowly taking shape. With Shiro's administration skills and Pakunoda's economic skills, we are developing quite fast. I brought stability to this land, and I have unified it under one banner. I could say that his current capital might be one of the most stable cities in this world. My infrastructure is planned perfectly and my Four-field crop rotation agricultural system keeps the population and my armies fed. I also implemented one of my most important orders.

Grating shiro the title of royal princess. Which means that no one is allowed to look at her face or even touch her. She is also in charge of a political faction made of women, that she created, so she is always surrounded by women. I always makes sure that I have either Machi or Shizuku with her, for her safety.

Now it is not the time to think about my cute little sister. I'm currently sitting on the throne room with my Generals in front of me, kneeling.' I rested my arm on the throne's arm guard. "My Generals, you know why I have summoned you, don't you?"

Yo Tan Wa came forward. "My King, it is finally time to invade the surface."

Her answer made me smile. 'The 4 Generals of my army are in front of me. I didn't just conquered the tribes, I also made sure to recruit anyone who had an outstanding talent.

Yo Tan Wa, leader of my first army composing of 10,000 troops.' I turned to a muscular man. 'Mo bu, leader of my second army composed of 10,000 troops.

Mo Bu is a tall, muscular man with spiked hair and a short goatee, His court attire is dark jade green robes whereas he wore a golden armor with a green cape in battle. He has the ambition of being the mightiest general on this world. When I first met him, he claimed to be the strongest man in the world. But he got completely destroyed in a fight. His will on not giving up made him a worthy opponent.

I had to beat him to complete submission. Now, he has changed his ambition to being the strongest General on this world.' I turned to my third General. 'Ou Ki, leader of my third army composing of 10,000 troops.

Ou Ki is a massive, muscular man. He has long, dark hair, a three-pronged goatee, and remarkably large red lips. He has tribal tattoos covering his right arm, multiple piercings in his left ear and numerous scars stemming from a lifetime on the battlefield. During battles, Ou Ki wore a blue set of armor distinguished by its massive shoulder guards. He is an easy going and a very talkative person.

He also likes to make jokes with his lieutenant. He adopts a more serious persona on the battlefield, though. It doesn't matter how chaotic the battlefield is, he is always calm and always make decisions based on careful analysis of the battlefield.

I had a lot of trouble in defeating him. I managed to do it thanks to my fighting prowess. I smashed through his army alone and made him surrender. However, in terms of strategy, Ou Ki is on the same level as me or he might be even superior.' I turned to my forth General. 'Koku, the leader of my forth army commanding 10,000 troops.

Koku'ou is a beautiful woman with pink lips and mint eyes. She wore armor and fur as her clothing. She was a previous bandit so she is well versed in guerrila warfare. She is not afraid of killing thousands of innocents if it makes her opponents fear her. Fighting and conquering her tribe was quite problematic since they were always hiding and striking only when they knew they would win. She hates ugly men and only supports pretty men. Apparently, she thinks that I am pretty. Not my face, but the way I cut down my enemies.

My last General is Karin, she is the one leading the current army sent to capture the fortress that those in Brune built in my mountain.

I have only given her 5,000 men to conquer that fortress but considering it is that woman, she could probably conquer 10 fortresses with those men. Each of my Generals have two Vice Generals. I'm also planning on expanding my current Generals to 10. But I lack the soldiers to do that. But at least I already have another 5 particular individuals in mind for the job.' While I wondered, a soldier suddenly bursted through the room. "Reporting! The Lacros Fortress has fallen!" He announced.

"Good." After I said that, a woman appeared at the side of my throne. "My King, the rumour have been spreed. The Duke of Ehrlich is marching with his army believing that your entire army is only compromised of a 1,000 men." She whispered.

"How many soldiers does he have?" I asked.

"5,000." She said.

Smiling, I turned to my Generals. "I, the mountain King Oemitsu the Britannia, hereby declare war on the Kingdom of Brune! They had the audacity of building a fortress in our mountains and now march to destroy our Kingdom! MY GENERALS, GATHER ALL OF YOUR SOLDIERS!!! ALL ARMIES, DEPART TO THE FIELD WITH PREPAREDNESS TO FIGHT TO THE DEATH! OUR GOAL IS THE CAPITAL OF BRUNE!!!" I loudly declared.

"OOOOHHH!!!" All guards screamed.

'I will probably not be able to conquer the entirity of Brune, but I will be happy with taking the northen provinces for myself.

It is time for me to finally taste warfare with more than 50,000 troops. I hopes that Brune does not bore me.'

"It is finally time." Yo Tan Wa said in an dreamy voice.

"The time to spread my name throughout the entire world has arrived!" Mo Bu exclaimed.

"The King's journey to world conquest is just starting." Ou Ki commented.

While they saod that, Koku just had a nose bleed. "It is your duty to rule the world, as your are the most beautiful existence to ever walk on it."

Shiro came close to me. "Nii, fight." And raised her little fist in the air.

I smiled and got up from my throne/couch before I walked down the steps, towards the exit.