
Chaotic Era : Blood Line

This story begin after Galan Adnan Pati passed away at age 95. No one know about his past, people only know him as a Martial Art Teacher. When he is thinking about the peace that he finally get after die, his soul get transfer to another place. God of Life call his soul as a special guest to the god realm and makes him accept God's request. "The request is very difficult and you must have our gift to complete this request... because your enemy has a hero on their side..." Then God of Life used her authority to give Galan 3 blessings. Galan's soul transformed into a new form with enormous power. The finger of the god of life immediately touched Galan's forehead. "Remember, Your mission is to maintain a balance between the races that are on the side of the demon lord. so we gave you immense power to be able to face off against the heroes of the human race.... but you don't need to be in a rush... because the arrival of heroes usually takes tens to hundreds of years.... so enjoy your life before the time when war between human and demon comes..." The finger of the god of life pushed Galan's forehead, causing his soul to be thrown into another world. Then Galan's life changed, because he reincarnated as a vampire.

KannaSayu · Fantasie
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56 Chs

Walking Through Chaos

Weakness & Reality

'All this time I was confident in my abilities… I'm also very proud of the intelligence status that has reached the highest number… I adapted so easily to this world without any trouble… naturally my character even turned into a vampire who feels nothing when killing other races…'

Novar is thinking about his experience in the new world in Flosava's giant ice prison. He remembers his training and experience of living for 5 years as a vampire.

'At first, I felt satisfied… because I could make my enemy fall and lighten the burden of my mother who was protecting the vampire capital… but now I ended up trapped in the ice without being able to move my body… even when I see a mysterious light in the sky and fall into the vampire capital, I still can't move. I hate to say it… but in this world… my power is too weak… If I can escape from this.'

Novar can't escape from the giant ice that imprisoned him because the ice has been strengthened with magic. His body muscles also suffered a lot of damage from the excessive use of body-strengthening magic. But Novar has immortality, so he can certainly recover his body with time. When Novar was lost in his own mind, two green-haired men came over.

"Wow… Was it really a human who had made this strong magic...?"

"I also would not believe this if I didn't see it with my own eyes…"

"This magic… you can feel it… it's from a human… so, they are really using all of their power to destroy a vampire capital…? They just waste all of their force…"

The two green-haired men who came to Novar place were the 4th General demon army, Mammon Brothers. The one with a white sword was the big brother, Bianca De Mammon. Then the one who had a black sword was the young brother, Bianda De Mammon. Novar can hear all of their conversation from within the giant ice.

'Waste their force…? What do they mean about that…!?'

"You right brother… if humans just want to destroy a vampire capital… they just need to use their elite magic knight like 5 years ago… After all, there's only one person they need to fear when attacking the vampire capital."

"The queen…"

"Yups… the only one whose strength is equal to us as demon lord generals are the vampire queen."


When Novar heard Mammon Brothers' conversation about the vampire race, he was really angry. All the remaining magic power in his body overflowed and it shook the giant ice that had imprisoned him. Small cracks appeared as the heat began to overflow from the giant ice.


Mammon Brothers noticed enormous magical energy within the giant ice. They stepped back to avoid an unknown situation.

"What happened…? Why does this giant ice release heat and start cracking…?"

"I don't know… but we'll find out soon…"

The hot air that comes out of the giant ice is getting stronger and making the cracks in the ice bigger.


The giant ice that encircled the Novar exploded and scattered the ice shards. Novar appeared with his small body which looked very weak. His body trembled from the excessive use of magic energy.

'Damn… this is too hard for a little boy like me… using all of my magical energy at the same time is too exhausting.'

"Haaa… haaa… haaa… what are you guys talking about vampire race…? don't dare insult the vampire race more than tha-..."


Novar's young body can't handle his power which makes him lose consciousness before getting an answer. The mammon brothers who had previously been ready to fight were shocked when they saw Novar fainted.

"He fainted…"

"What's wrong with these kids…? even if it was only for a moment, he had emitted an aura that was almost on par with a vampire queen… he can be a demon race asset in the future."

When Bianca checked Novar's body with his own eyes, Bianda began to remember something when he saw the figure of a child near his brother.

"Hmmm… what is this… come on a little bit…!"

He is trying very hard to remember the demon lord's orders. After a few seconds, his brain remembers about the demon lord's order to save Novar Seviyor Agis De Valencia. Demon lord tried to save Novar because he was the key to his plan.

"ah…! I remember… These kids were the reason why the demon lord sent us to this place…!"

"What…!? Why don't you tell me early…!?"

"Sorry I forgot about that… tehe~"

"Don't use that word to me…! This is serious dude…! because these kids almost died…!"

"What…!? that would be a big problem...! we must recover his body immediately…"

When Mammon's brother tried to use a healing spell on Novar's body, the demon lord was already at Sonya's place. He stopped a holy sword that almost cut Sonya's neck with two fingers.

"W-why did you come here, demon lord…!?"

"Shouldn't I come to help my people who were almost killed...?"

"Don't tell me the real reason you came is only for the vampire queen...!?"

"For that, you don't need to know...know your place human…"

The demon lord suddenly turned extremely sinister and he also gave off an extremely powerful magical energy pressure. His eyes turned golden and his horn grew, he also spread his 4 black wings. There is no one except the heroes who could stand firm before the demon lord when he was angry. No exception for victoria, she can't move in the face of the demon lord's power.

"If you understand your place… then you can leave this place… human…"



Victoria pushes her power to increase her flight speed and escape from death. Victoria continued trembling as her body still remembered how terrifying the demon king's dark aura was.

"That man… He made a mistake again…! how can the demon lord come just to save the vampire race…!? When I get home, I'll ask the noble that was planning this attack to take responsibility… then… I hope the other side "

When Victoria continues to complain about her failure, Sonya is taken by the Demon Lord to the vampire castle which is still intact even after being hit by a huge explosion. Sonya could only see how devastated the vampire capital was when she was carried by the demon lord. It was Sonya's first defeat in her life, it all happened because she was careless. Sonya never expected humans to have magic weapons that could blow up the entire area of ​​the vampire capital. The demon lord who brought Sonya to the castle was stopped. He is surprised when he sees the condition of the vampire castle.

"Hahaha… you really do this for your people…? I didn't think you would actually do this."

The demon lord didn't expect the vampire castle that was still intact to be protected by Sonya's barrier. Sonya prefers to focus her magic power on strengthening the second layer barrier that protects her castle. She casts a two-layer barrier just in case something unexpected happens. When the first layer that protects the entire capital is destroyed, the second layer will automatically activate and absorb half of Sonya's magic energy. That's the reason why Sonya couldn't protect herself from the explosion of a human's magic weapon.

"Your majesty… although to you weak races like lesser vampires are worthless... but to me they are everything… they are my people… and the reason why I can be a queen."

"Hahaha… that's great… I never thought that the figure of the vampire queen who was famous for being cruel and cold turned out to think about her people too."

"Maybe for you, my character looks funny because it doesn't reflect the quality of a devil… but I still can't ignore my people… even if I have to risk my life to protect my people."

"Nope… I never think your character looks funny… you have great potential as a leader more than me… and I don't hate people like you."

Demon Lord makes a hole with his power in Sonya's barrier. So he can take Sonya to a better place and give her treatment.

"Im- impossible… that…"

"Demon Lord…!"

"He came with our queen…!"

At first, the vampires were surprised to see the arrival of the demon lord who entered the barrier with Sonya. But after a few seconds, they were greeted by many people when they entered the barrier. All the vampires knelt down while making way for the demon lord to take Sonya to the throne room. Before entering the throne room, the demon lord turned toward the vampires while emitting his aura.

"From now on... until the entire vampire capital is chosen... I as the demon lord will give full protection to the vampire race... I swear on the name of Abaddon Re Avia to protect the vampire race until the appointed time...."

"Long life Demon Lord Abaddon Re Avia…!"

After hearing the answer from the vampire race, the demon lord entered the throne room. Meanwhile, in the beast race territory full of grasslands, a huge fire broke out. but the flames only burned the humans who were invading the beast race's outskirts, then the leader of the human army died.

"The demon lord is really something… he already knew about human invasion before humans could reach the beast capital. He even ordered us to take care of this trash… right Ifrit…?"

"Shut up Belphegor… just do what you must do…"

"Ok ok… relax my friend…"

The failure of human invasion of the beast race lands had failed miserably. Then the marker of that failure was the head of the human army General that was stuck on a pillar.

To be Continue~