
Chaotic Era : Blood Line

This story begin after Galan Adnan Pati passed away at age 95. No one know about his past, people only know him as a Martial Art Teacher. When he is thinking about the peace that he finally get after die, his soul get transfer to another place. God of Life call his soul as a special guest to the god realm and makes him accept God's request. "The request is very difficult and you must have our gift to complete this request... because your enemy has a hero on their side..." Then God of Life used her authority to give Galan 3 blessings. Galan's soul transformed into a new form with enormous power. The finger of the god of life immediately touched Galan's forehead. "Remember, Your mission is to maintain a balance between the races that are on the side of the demon lord. so we gave you immense power to be able to face off against the heroes of the human race.... but you don't need to be in a rush... because the arrival of heroes usually takes tens to hundreds of years.... so enjoy your life before the time when war between human and demon comes..." The finger of the god of life pushed Galan's forehead, causing his soul to be thrown into another world. Then Galan's life changed, because he reincarnated as a vampire.

KannaSayu · Fantasie
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56 Chs

The Prince Blessing

Operation Failure

In the god's realm, 3 gods who give blessing to Galan watch what he is doing after getting reincarnated. They were impressed when they saw a big red sword made from blood, killing the human army who tried to kill him.

"After being born in that world, this boy is already killing a hundred of life without hesitation…"

"He has no other choice but to kill. we made him born like that, so I won't be surprised if he becomes a killing machine in the future..."

"Suina right, we have already decided this path for him… now we just need to believe him…"

After they had expressed their opinions, even a god who was a little worried about Galan's reincarnation could only agree with Suina and the God of Creation. Even though the hundreds of human soldiers that attacked the vampire castle had already died, there were still dozens of soldiers left. When they came into the upper area to kill a newborn pure-blood vampire, a mysterious smoke blocked their way.


A puff of red smoke surrounds the upper area of ​​the vampire castle. That smoke makes humans who come into the castle can't get close to the upper area. Every human that comes inside the red smoke will be poisoned and their bodies will dry up. The source of the red smoke was none other than the newborn prince.

'I must protect my mother this time…! Whatever it cost…! I will protect her not as Galan Adnan Pati… but as Novar Seviyor Agis De Valencia…!'

Sonya saw her newborn child trying so hard to maintain miasma. it's not uncommon for a vampire child to immediately use his power. But Sonya's child's strength is too powerful for the size of a newborn vampire.

"This miasma is a little different from normal miasma. Only a few strong vampires that can use this kind of miasma in the last few hundred years, and my son is one of them…?"

Sonya got worried and happy at the same time when she saw the miasma that came from her son's body. The reason is the amount of miasma mist his son expelled.

"I have never seen this thick miasma before, is this a blessing from god… or… a curse…"

Normally the miasma produced by vampires can only cover one room. But Sonya can see with her eyes, that her son's miasma was covering the whole upper area of that castle. But the one who was most surprised by the vampire prince's power was the captain of the human army. Her name was Natalia Vorhemis, a magic knight in second class. She uses full plate armor, even a helmet that covers her head and face.

"This is impossible, What a nightmare…!? Why can a newborn vampire be this powerful and use some unique ability…!?"

Even for a magic knight like Natalia, breaking through the vampire's miasma will make her become weak. Because the vampire miasma will absorb magic energy from her body until it runs out.

"Captain…! We can't go any further than this…!"

"This miasma is too dangerous…! Even for me a second-class magic knight."

"Captain…! We have a problem, Our General has been killed by the king of vampires…!"

Natalia's face grew paler when she heard about the general's death. In the end, she took a very risky decision, because it was impossible for her troops to retreat after entering the vampire king's castle.

"We don't have any other choice. The only way right now was to go to the upper area and kill the newborn vampire… Whatever the risk, we must be able to destroy the potential disaster that has been predicted by Miss Selen. Are you guys with me…!?"


When she heard her soldier spirit, Natalia took out a crystal ball from the small pocket on her waist. Then she broke the crystal ball, and the small fragments of the crystal ball turned into a protective layer for her troops.

"This magic item can only protect us for 15 minutes from vampire miasma. This item is also very expensive, so at least we should be able to behead the vampire in the upper area…"

Natalia and her soldiers began to move into the upper area of ​​the vampire castle. As she said, vampire miasma can't touch them. But the owner of the miasma was surprised because he felt a foreign presence enter the surroundings of his miasma.

'There is someone or something that managed to break into my miasma. I couldn't detect who had barged in, but there were quite a number of them. This is bad, my mother still recovered her power after giving birth. I must do something…'

Novar's hands touch his mother's hand and he starts to close his eyes. Novar tries to focus and concentrate to transfer his energy to his mother. how shocked Sonya was when she felt the enormous energy enter her body. She never expected his son to even be able to transfer his magical energy without special training.

"How can it be…?"

When Sonya kept asking questions about her son's quirks, the door to her room suddenly shattered into small pieces of debris due to an explosion. Human soldiers with full weapons already came to Sonya's room. There are four soldiers with swords who came after Sonya to kill her and her son.

"So you're the seed of chaos… DIE…!!!"

When the soldier's sword almost touches Sonya's head, some red barrier appears and blocks their sword. The barrier comes from Novar who continues to channel his energy to Sonya.

"Ba-barrier…! Why can a newborn vampire use some powerful barrier…!?"

Human soldiers keep pushing their swords as hard as they can. But their sword can't scratch Novar barrier. Novar almost ran out of magic energy, his face looked paler and his breathing started to become erratic. Then the barrier didn't last long because Novar used too much magic energy to recover Sonya, and he also kept the barrier at the same time.

"The barrier… gone…!"

The soldiers were very happy when they saw Novar's artificial barrier disappear. On the other hand, Novar's vision began to fade and he realized the limitations of his small body.

'Ah… this is my limit, sorry mother… I can't protect you again… even in this life, I fail again.'


An explosion appears and destroys the entire upper area of ​​the vampire castle as Novar faints. Natalia and his soldier saw a big red eye from the sky, they never knew the reason why humans never want to attack a vampire castle before the day of the birth of a pureblood. The reason was simple, there was a female vampire who was very vicious and was known to be the cause of the disaster.

"I'm Sonya Rivigus Agis De Valencia… Queen of Vampire or do you know me better as one of the creatures of disaster… will make you regret because you dare to come to this place."

Natalia's soldiers try to act tough and start using some spells, they want to attack Sonya. But when a big eye in the sky glanced at them, all of their bodies shattered into blood clots. Instantly Natalia's mind was filled with fear of terror from Sonya's power. She never knew about the true power of the vampire queen when she join the expedition.

"Hmmm… so the queen recovered her magic… This was truly an unexpected situation, she recovered much faster than expected. We must take the reinforcements back from the border."

A handsome guy with long white hair looking at a crystal ball with a flat face, he takes a breath before making some orders.

"You know what you must do…"

"Yes sir, we will take the reinforcement back immediately…!"

The soldiers who were in the room rushed off to carry out the white-haired man's orders. Meanwhile, in the countryside, their army was already prepared to go to the vampire castle. The army filled with the strongest magic knights of The Revilion Kingdom had already started waving the royal flag.

"Hmmm… interesting information… The queen has already recovered her body and magic. Then the queen also destroyed all the front row soldiers... in other words, he sacrifice 10,000 troops in the front line… so he is not going to lose the kingdom's main protective force, what a wise man."

A red-haired woman smiled when reading the kingdom order, she was greatly amazed by the royal decree ordering the main army to retreat.

"Prepare to retreat… we will go back to the capital…!"

"Yes ma'am…!"

Meanwhile, at the Vampire Kingdom's castle, Natalia witnesses the massacre of human soldiers who invaded the Vampire Kingdom's capital.

"You must live… to be a living witness and bear all the sins your comrades have committed... "

Sonya whispers to Natalia's ears when she holds her body with blood ability. Natalia can't close her eyes because of magic implanted into her head by Sonya. In the end, Natalia can only see how terrible the suffering of her comrades who were killed and became the food of the vampires.

"Seeing that their suffering is still too light for a stupid woman like you... so I will prepare a special punishment for you. Na.. ta.. lia…♪"

To be continue ~