
Chaotic Era : Blood Line

This story begin after Galan Adnan Pati passed away at age 95. No one know about his past, people only know him as a Martial Art Teacher. When he is thinking about the peace that he finally get after die, his soul get transfer to another place. God of Life call his soul as a special guest to the god realm and makes him accept God's request. "The request is very difficult and you must have our gift to complete this request... because your enemy has a hero on their side..." Then God of Life used her authority to give Galan 3 blessings. Galan's soul transformed into a new form with enormous power. The finger of the god of life immediately touched Galan's forehead. "Remember, Your mission is to maintain a balance between the races that are on the side of the demon lord. so we gave you immense power to be able to face off against the heroes of the human race.... but you don't need to be in a rush... because the arrival of heroes usually takes tens to hundreds of years.... so enjoy your life before the time when war between human and demon comes..." The finger of the god of life pushed Galan's forehead, causing his soul to be thrown into another world. Then Galan's life changed, because he reincarnated as a vampire.

KannaSayu · Fantasie
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56 Chs

Hero Ability

Holy Palace

Everything that is seen behind the large door opened by the knight looks very beautiful. A fountain with sparkling blue crystals and vines around it gives a natural and sacred impression. The sparkling light that came from the crystal on the wall of the room illuminates the entire room.

"the water in the pool is holy water... you just drink the water and sleep for a few minutes... after that, you will be able to use your abilities easily… you can take turns or at the same time when you drink it... I'll be on guard at the door so no one disturbs…"

After giving a final explanation, the knight who escorted the five heroes left the room and closed the entrance.

"Did he say we should drink this water...?"

"yep... you heard right... we have to drink this water... and based on the explanation... it's likely that we'll fall asleep right away after drinking this water... so it's better for us to quickly determine our turn…"

Genisa tries to answer Amuran's question quickly. She also explained the results of the analysis obtained from all the explanations the knight had before leaving them.

"If so, I'd like to try it first…"

"Me too... I want to make sure it's safe before the ladies try the water…"

Unexpectedly Amuran and Rian volunteered first to drink the holy water. Genisa thought for a moment, but she quickly came to a conclusion.

"Ok… no problem... you can try it first... we women will guard this place…"

Amuran and Rian nodded before turning towards the holy water pond. They took holy water with both hands and drank it. The two of them felt a strange sensation when they swallowed the water. Their consciousness immediately disappeared in that second and both of them fell asleep.

"I didn't expect the effect to be that fast… don't even need to wait a few moments... when you swallow the water... in that instant, your consciousness will disappear... that's how this holy water works…"

In Rian's subconscious, he felt he was in a very wide white room. Rian confirmed every shape of his body and all of his senses. According to him, everything was running normally, then the figure of a woman dressed all in white came.

"Who are you...?"

"I am the embodiment of your ability... you can call me Depa... I will teach you how to use the power of light…"

"the power of light...? is that my ability...?"

"No… your ability is Light… basically your ability would be considered as a weak ability... but in reality... this ability is stronger than other abilities and the most suitable ability when dealing with darkness…"

"Then… please help... Depa... teach everything you know about this ability…"

"Sure… that's my purpose…"

Depa smiled when he saw Rian who was so enthusiastic about learning his own ability.

"First, you have to imagine the light being formed into particles then slowly gathering and forming a small ball of light… stretch out your hand as you imagine the light particles converging… feel it with your body"

Rian stretched out his hand and felt all the light flow around him. Even tiny light particle dots began to be seen by him who was closing his eyes.

'How can I see all the dots of light particles without using my eyes...? this strange feeling doesn't bother me… instead, I feel comfortable when surrounded by light particles like this…'

Rian also tried to imagine all the light particles around him moving and becoming one. All the small light particles around it moved quickly and merged to form a ball of light.

"Congratulations… you managed to control the light for the first time... now let's practice making the ball of light turn into a light sword…"

"Eh…? wouldn't that be very difficult and time-consuming...?"

"Relax... the time in this place is different from the time out there... 1 hour in this place... only 1 minute out there… at least it takes 2 days to be able to master all the basics of your ability..."

"If you say so... looks like I really have no choice but to train…"

In the subconscious, Rian continues to practice to master his abilities based on Depa's instructions. 2 hours in the outside world passed just like that, and Rian woke up from his sleep. When he opened his eyes, Rian saw Amuran facing Genisa.

"What happened...?"

"Ah, Rian… welcome back… about all this... Genisa wants to try Amuran's new ability which he says is very strong…"


Rian was of course surprised when he heard all that because the ability Amuran said was strong was definitely his special ability.

"Don't blame me if you get hurt badly... miss geek…"

"Go ahead with your best strength you low-class thugs…"

"💢… This geek needs to be taught a lesson…"

Amuran started emitting magic energy from both of his hands. then he formed his magical energy into a sword.

"You are looking to die... geek woman…"

"Go ahead… prove your power…"

Amuran moved so quickly that it surprised Genisa. Genisa's eyes can't follow Amuran's movements which are using magic energy.

'Die you, woman…!'

'Damn… I can't see his movement…!'

But before Amuran's magic sword managed to hit Genisa's shoulder, Rian's light sword parried his attack. It certainly made Amuran very surprised. not only did he block the attack of the magic sword, but Rian also pushed Amuran back a few steps.

"How could that be…!?"

"Please calm down... this power is not meant to kill each other…"

"Tch… I also don't intend to kill... I just want to hurt her shoulder a little…"

"Still… against someone who had no experience in controlling abilities... that was too much…"

"Yea yea… for now I forgive her because at least I can see the look on her disappointed face which is quite satisfying…"

Genisa was still in shock because she couldn't move against Amuran. She had never thought that the ability referred to as a knight before could make people so strong. Genisa touched the right shoulder that was the target of Amuran's magic sword earlier.

'If Rian didn't stop him... my shoulder would've been hurt quite badly... the see-through blue sword he made could even scratch stone floors with ease… but of all that... Rian can even move faster and stop his attacks...'

"Sorry… I was wrong and too arrogant…"

Amuran and Rian were very surprised to hear Genisa's apology. They couldn't believe that a woman who had previously been so confident could apologize.

"Oi oi… if you apologize like that... I'll feel guilty... so stop… I'm also wrong because I get angry easily..."

Once conditions are conducive again, the women take turns drinking the holy water. It took the women 3 hours before they finally woke up. While the heroes are learning about their abilities, the knights return to the ritual room.

"How is the result...?"

"There's no mistake... your guess was correct... there are traces of the sixth hero in this place…"

"So that weird feeling when the quietest woman keeps staring at me isn't wrong… quickly find that person... I'm sure he's not far away... make sure you tie him up properly if you manage to catch him... if my prediction isn't wrong... he can already use magic..."

"Yes sir…!"

All the soldiers were deployed to find the figure they called the sixth hero. On the other side of the city's Neutral Zone, a thin man in a black shirt was running like a frightened man.

"Haaa… haaa… I didn't expect... it all worked out... I was successfully summoned to another world and escaped...! all thanks to this knife..."

The thin man who was running away looked at his knife. The knife that comes from the earth turns into a magic knife and has a special ability. The ability to hide the whereabouts of its user.


The thin man staring at the knife used a magic ability to appraise the equipment. he managed to use unusual magic because he imitated the game he had played.

[A curse knife from another world]

A cursed knife passed down from generation to generation and has taken more than 1000 lives. this curse knife could only be used by the descendants of its first wielder.

Utility : This knife can absorb the mana around it and hide the user's presence perfectly. This knife can also control the mind of the target that was successfully injured. limitations of use depend on the number of intelligent statuses. Not effective against people whose intelligence status is above 49 points.

"A very useful ability for a knife to make me run away from that place... fortunately the office girl was very obedient and didn't tell my whereabouts to the knight... otherwise... all my plans would have been ruined..."

The thin man who kept talking to himself was Iwan Gunawan Ravianas. He is an introvert who likes games, anime, comics, and novels. He ran away because he did not want to get involved with otherworldly matters. He just wanted to enjoy the other world life like in the novel about the other world.

"first... it's not safe in this town... I have to find a way to get out of here safely... but this is another world... so... there are lots of dangers and monsters if I walk alone out of this place. .. the best option right now is…"

The thin man hid in the pile of goods going out of the Neutral Zone town. he uses his knife ability to hide when passing by the guards.

"Haha… eat that…! with this I will surely enjoy all otherworldly life as I wish...!"

To be continue~