
Changing the world to suit me

"A second chance" `He who gets a second chance at life will live life to the fullest.` Follow Parth as he makes the best of his second chance at life. Given the opportunity to redo his life, Parth traverses an unknown path to reach a greater power. Wealth, fame and women, will he have it all as he takes the world by storm. This is the start of a mortal who yearns for power. Be it through pain or suffering Parth will never his stop his pursuit for power as it is power that drives him. *cover is not mine, if you are the creator/owner do contact me if you wish for me to credit you or to take it down

Halo_x · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Chapter 6: A threat?

Wanting to cry and scream out in agony, Parth clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth as he felt his non-existent leg scream in pain.

He absolutely refused to let out even a winch of pain, not wanting to give that satisfaction to his enemy.

'Damn it, it hurts, it hurts like hell, it's not there anymore but the pain is, what should I do? With my current situation, even my trump card would prove to be absolutely useless. Am I really going to die...again. '

Parth gulped and crossed his arms in an x position as the ant came charging at him like a bull. Just 1 meter away from him, Parth threw his detached leg straight into the mouth of the ant, hinging it's jaws for a few seconds.

Although his right leg had only grown around 20 centimeters, he knew he could not let this opportunity that he just created slip away.

While sitting on his buttox, he picked up one of the branches he dropped earlier and impaled it's throat right through it's mouth.

He then skewered 3 more branches that he found lying right beside him with bloodshot eyes.

"Lightning whip"

Parth called out the name of his tier 2 lightning magic as neon blue electricity zapped at the palm of his right hand forming the shape of a 3m long whip.

He clenched tightly on to the elemental whip which sent wisps of electricity across his body.

With all the strength he could master, Parth grazed the edges of the 'meat-skewers' causing a small yet damaging explosion within the beast's mouth.

"Eat electrons bit*h...ha-ha-ha" Spoke Parth like a deranged man who belonged in a mental institute.

Unfortunately this did not kill the insect as it slowly got back up on all 6 of it's hairy legs as hostility became evident in what remained of it's partially destroyed eyes.

For the first time since their eyes first met, the ant now clearly regarded this human as a threat. A threat that it needed to destroy.

With the monster now up standing up again, Parth's instincts told him to turn and run away immediately but to his surprise he found that he could not move even an inch from where he stood.

Was it fear?

No, looking downwards, Parth saw that both of his feet had been entrapped by a block of greyish stone that appeared out of nowhere.

"Shit!...i'm Stuck! "

'How the hell did it do that, could it have been some type of skill or something? So you telling me that even monsters with almost no intelligence can use skills as well...Fu*k! '

The ant furiously shook it's head as it's beak emitted a forest-green glow which sent slashes into the air which all struck him down painfully, as the stone that entrapped his feet restricted his movements.

Now absolutely certain of it's glorious victory, the injured beast made it's way towards it's unlucky prey, ready to deliver the killing blow.

Seeing the unconscious brat, the ant went for Parth's throat with it's massive jaws.

Displaying a devious smirk, Parth thrusted his fore-arm into the wide open jaws of his enemy.

"Lightning whip" He said while spouting blood from the corner of his lips that was now painted with deep red lipstick.

After pulling of a suicidal stunt, he immediately activated his lightning magic which formed a blue whip in the beast's throat which placed a hell of a lot of tension on the ant as it felt something wrap tightly on it's heart.

With a final tug, blood profusely gushed out of the ant's mouth as it suffered numerous internal injuries marking the end of the unlucky predator turned prey as it died at the hands of a level 1 human.

As much as Parth wanted to jump and yell out in victory, his body was clearly in no shape for it.

His small built body was in a terrible condition and although he was slowly recuperating from his fatal wounds, he was still feeling a hellish pain all over.

Not to mention he was totally exhausted as both his health and mana was dangerously low after his tenacious battle.

Just as he was about to pass out from exhaustion, he heard a number of monatomic voices in his head.


"You have leveled up. "

"You have leveled up. "

"You have leveled up. "

"You have leveled up. "

"You have leveled up. "

"You have leveled up. "

"You have leveled up. "

"You have leveled up. "


Parth really wanted to find out more about his continuous chain of leveling up notifications but his exhaustion had caught up to him and he soon fell flat on the ground, falling unconscious in a random bush.


Parth let out a loud and long yawn expecting to wake up on his small yet comfy bed back on Earth. Unfortunately when he woke up there was no roof above his head as he was still lying in a huge pile of huge leaves and dirt in Mirron.

Soon the memories of his fight with the ant came flooding through his mind and he realized where he was.

After remembering the voices in his head that he heard before he passed out earlier, Parth checked to see just what had happened to him earlier.