
Changing the world to suit me

"A second chance" `He who gets a second chance at life will live life to the fullest.` Follow Parth as he makes the best of his second chance at life. Given the opportunity to redo his life, Parth traverses an unknown path to reach a greater power. Wealth, fame and women, will he have it all as he takes the world by storm. This is the start of a mortal who yearns for power. Be it through pain or suffering Parth will never his stop his pursuit for power as it is power that drives him. *cover is not mine, if you are the creator/owner do contact me if you wish for me to credit you or to take it down

Halo_x · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 7: New stats!

"Status, log "


"Congratulations on defeating an opponent 10 levels higher than yourself. You have leveled up. "

"Congratulations on defeating an opponent 20 levels higher than yourself. You have leveled up. "

"Congratulations on defeating an opponent 30 levels higher than yourself. You have leveled up. "

"You have leveled up. "

"You have leveled up. "

"You have leveled up. "

"You have leveled up. "

"You have leveled up."


Parth was astonished by the feat he had miraculously managed to pull off. Even though he pushed himself to the brink of death, he still remained victorious in the end.

'Damn...you telling me that thing was at least 30 levels higher than me...talk about a flook. But at least I came out on top and gained a total of 8 levels. ' Parth grinned realizing this.



Name: Parth Rindel

Age: 18

Race: Human

Level: 9

Title: None

HP: 643

MP: 892

Stat points: 40

skill points: 48

STR: 70

AGL: 40

VIT: 90

SPT: 100

INT: 1600

Blessings: Blessing of Nature, Diana's Blessing.

Personal skills: Personal status, Languistics

Skills: Minor Regeneration LV1, Lightning Magic LV2, *************, Item-box LV1, Physical Endurance LV1, Adrenaline boost LV1


'Well just like I thought, I am officially level 9, which is a grand upliftment from being a level 1 noob. It also seems like my basic stats have incremented on their own uh, maybe from leveling up or fighting...how marvelous. '

'Then I guess this means that I am a whole lot stronger now, still that ant was around level 30 or so at the very least so I shouldn't get cocky...i'm still way too weak. '

Parth clearly knew that that he had only won mostly due to numerous suicidal stunts, his insanely high intelligence and the fact that he was being overly underestimated.

If it was a battle of power and skill, pound for pound, he would have been crushed like an ant...by an ant. That was the difference in their overall ability.

"Guess I really am weaker than an ant on this planet. " he said dejectedly.

Even though he tried to be as serious as possible, the wide smile on his face had betrayed his thoughts quicker than any woman could. It was just too hard for him to contain his excitement.

'Seems like I got a new skill after leveling up...Adrenaline Boost. '

After about 4 seconds, he taps on the skill listed on his status panel.


Adrenaline Boost

--> Reduces the user's hesitation to a certain degree.

--> Increases the user's thought process slightly (intelligent stat x 5%).

--> Grants a 5% increase to all of the user's Physical stats (Strength, Agility, Vitality).


Parth's grin grew wider than ever as he looked at his slightly larger arsenal of skills that was at his disposal but what hyped him up more was the points that he had gained from his continuous level-ups.

Since this was technically the first time ever that he had leveled up on Mirron, he decided to play it safe.

"There...this should do it. " Parth mumbled while evenly distributing 8 points to each of his stats.

"Now then. " He said with excitement gleaming in his emerald-green eyes.

"Status, skill-store"

Parth then took a moment to browse through the system's collection of skills, searching for any affordable skills that he wan...that he needed.

'Lets see...the tier-1 Flame Magic is only 3 points while the tier-1 Ground Magic is 5 points. '

'They also have some strange types of magic, such as Slime Magic and Acid Magic which are relatively cheap actually. '

'The most expensive one being the tier-1 space magic which costs 40 point entirely. Shit...that is almost all the point I currently have right now. '

After some extended time, Parth decided on the skills that he wanted to have. He spent a miniscule of 3 points to acquire Flame Magic, 8 points on the mana regeneration skill, 6 points on the mana barrier skill and another 7 point to obtain Iron Magic.

He used some of the remaining points to enhance a few of his skills.

He upgraded the skill 'Adrenaline boost' to level 2 for 9 points, he also upgraded his newly acquired 'Flame Magic' to level 2 as well for a cost of 6 points, saving whatever remainder points he had left.

'Whoo...I kinda feel stronger already. ' He said as a dim white glow shined over his body for a fraction of a moment.



Name: Parth Rindel

Age: 18

Race: Human

Level: 9

Title: None

HP: 668

MP: 907

Stat points: 0

skill points: 9

STR: 78

AGL: 48

VIT: 98

SPT: 108

INT: 1608

Blessings: Blessing of Nature, Diana's Blessing.

Personal skills: Personal status, Languistics

Skills: Minor Regeneration LV1, Lightning Magic LV2, *************, Item-box LV1, Physical Endurance LV1, Adrenaline boost LV2, Taunt LV1, Flame Magic LV2, Mana Regeneration LV1, Iron Magic LV1
