
Changing the world to suit me

"A second chance" `He who gets a second chance at life will live life to the fullest.` Follow Parth as he makes the best of his second chance at life. Given the opportunity to redo his life, Parth traverses an unknown path to reach a greater power. Wealth, fame and women, will he have it all as he takes the world by storm. This is the start of a mortal who yearns for power. Be it through pain or suffering Parth will never his stop his pursuit for power as it is power that drives him. *cover is not mine, if you are the creator/owner do contact me if you wish for me to credit you or to take it down

Halo_x · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Chapter 1: Second chance


The blonde haired man was left speechless by the heavenly sight in front of him. Although his surroundings were as dark as the abyss, Parth could clearly see what was directly in front of him. He blinked his eyes furiously as he felt every fiber of his being telling him that this was nothing more than an illusion. Honestly speaking, you could not blame the guy for not accepting what was literally staring him straight in the face. And why not, do you ask? Well because in front of him stood the most eye catching image he had ever seen. And no, it was not the ramblings of a deprived virgin.

'How could such an entity even be allowed to exist! No matter from which point I look at it...no her from, it is perpetually clear that this woman, is the very manifestation of perfection. Absolutely breathtaking! Her arctic blue eyes that seems to encapsulate the very rule of ice within, her peachy painted lips that every virgin guy alive would happily kill for, not to mention her hazel tinted hair which gently sways down her shoulders reaching her knees seems to embrace her alluring hour-glass figure.'

"Parth" A humble and harmonic voice awakened him from his deep meditation. Her voice was both soft and gentle and seemed to have some sort of relaxing effect on him as he soon found himself enchanted and obsessed with her toon of voice. It was as if she were born to be a succubus, he thought. The enticing voice had came from none other than the 'target' of parth's delusions, although now she seemed to have a soft blush on her face which only emphasized the color of her eyes even more and painting her in a shy or rather cute spotlight, compared to her earlier seductive milf like appearance.

With his thoughts now less chaotic than it was just a few moments ago, a sudden realization hit him straight in the head like a concussion. Being blinded by beauty he had failed to realize it sooner but now that he had been dragged back down to earth...or wherever the heck he was, he had begun to panic like no man's business as he became frantic, mindlessly looking in every direction imaginable.

"The f*ck!!" Parth could not help but curse out aloud in distress.

'Wait-wait-wait-wait-wait-wait, what the hell is going on here? And Where the hell am I? I am 100% sure that I was sitting on my room floor a minute ago...Right? So where in the seven hells did all this darkness suddenly appear from? Like Poof out of nowhere! And who in the heavens is this stunning beauty? No-no-no-no, more importantly how does she even know my name?'

Parth's brain had the max limit now. He just stood there in a daze as numerous questions had arisen in his mind. However it seemed as if life was not done giving his brain countless blows, as before he knew what happened, the pristine young woman began her approach to him ever so slowly. In his eyes, it could even put sloths to shame.

"W...who are you?" He somehow managed to ask her.

The lovely looking woman had come to a halt when she heard the question that the man in front of her had raised.

"Huff" the woman in question dressed in a sky-blue dress (oddly enough resembling that worn by supermodels) let out a rather discrete sigh as if she suddenly remembered something important. Although this act was very discrete, it could not escape the attention of Parth ( who had been ogling her body very closely)who thought that it was rather cute.

"I am the second generation goddess of reincarnation, Diana. You seem to be a bit confused, so allow me to explain the current predicament you find yourself in."

"First and foremost, let me inform you that you are currently no longer alive. I however have not reincarnated you as of yet and have only summoned your pitiful excus... I mean your average soul here. Right after summoning your soul I had placed a barrier around us so that your soul does not go directly to hell...for now."

Gobsmacked!! Parth was left even more confused and not to mention offended at the words spoken from this goddess. He could clearly hear the sarcasm in her words which she did not even bother to disguise. It was as if all his pride, respect and honor was ruthlessly trampled and spat on, if he had any. Leaving her sarcastic and narcissistic attitude aside, our semi-dead friend tried to process all the information he had just been told but it was simply too much for his 'pitiful' soul to handle.

"Wait...hold on just a minute, what do you mean that I'm dead, the last time I checked I was still pretty much alive and illness free, so how could I have just spontaneously died. Your logic is worse than Raul's for crying out aloud."

After hearing Parth's statement, Diana brought out a thin screen out of thin air which took him by surprise, he glared at it like a country bumkin glaring at urban civilization. And on the glass-like screen, there was a video depicting the way in which his half-lived life had come to a disappointing end.

"As you may observe from my memory panel, on the 13th of May 2022, a Friday at 12h00 your heartbeat had ceased. As you were shifting your body on your room floor, you had accidentally sat on top of a highly venomous scorpion that had made its way into your room. Although the impact of your 'behind' landing on the venomous arachnid had ended it's life, the same impact also sent it's venom out of it's stinger directly into your body via your rectum like an anal plug. And after a few very long seconds the venom had entered your nervous system and ended your life before you even knew what had happened."

At that very moment, Parth's eyes had fallen to the ground like a dog who bit it's owner. He clearly had blood in his body...soul as his face now had a hint of red as he watched his prior self die so pathetically. Even shame could not vividly describe his emotions. After a brief moment of processing his Ludacris death, Parth finally found the courage to speak up. As for where he found the courage from...well...it will remain one of the 10 great mysteries of the divine realm.

"I see...s...so I'm dead uh. This is quite a lot to take in. Honestly I'm not even sure how I should be feeling right now, I don't know whether I should laugh or cry." So said the man who had an obviously noticeable fake smile plastered on his face.

Once more there was a brief silence in the air as both man and god had a face-off.

HaIo_x here guys

I decided it was time for an update since i was not satisfied by my work. I would greatly appriciate any advice, critics and questions on the chapter.

Also I left a sneak peek of whats to come somewhere in this chapter...comment if you find it... >__<

Halo_xcreators' thoughts