
Changing the world to suit me

"A second chance" `He who gets a second chance at life will live life to the fullest.` Follow Parth as he makes the best of his second chance at life. Given the opportunity to redo his life, Parth traverses an unknown path to reach a greater power. Wealth, fame and women, will he have it all as he takes the world by storm. This is the start of a mortal who yearns for power. Be it through pain or suffering Parth will never his stop his pursuit for power as it is power that drives him. *cover is not mine, if you are the creator/owner do contact me if you wish for me to credit you or to take it down

Halo_x · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 2: Second chance (2)

'Something does not add up here, why did she 'trap' my soul here out of all people. I may be devilishly handsome yes, but in no way am I special…just average, so why me. I wonder if she want me to fulfil some kind of impossible yet completely doable objective or does she want me to become her own personal boy-toy…Not that I mind…unless she's planning to rape me then sorry but no thanks mamacita, I would rather die a thousand a times by scorpion penetration, thank you very much.'

"Before summoning your soul here, I had planned on just randomly picking a soul from those that had just past on…I believe you humans call its 'gacha', well that was the plan at least. When I came across your soul…well…I did a memory scan just like with all the other souls and I learnt of everything that makes you… well...you, no matter how much of a pervert you are. I had seen all your memories from birth to death, how unfortunate to be cursed by the goddess of fate…Hence I decided to give you a second chance. "

'A second chance?! ' Parth thinks while nonchalantly ignoring the nonsense spoken by this obviously deranged goddess.

'And wait did she just read my mind?! '

"Yes, I will place your soul in another universe in a world know as Mirron. Along with your soul, you will also retain your previous body structure and memories. "

'Another world…uh…so I am basically getting isekaied huh. '

Parth gave it a quick thought before deciding to accept her offer. And since he basically had zero choice not wanting to know what hell looks like, it was a rather fast decision. Yes even Parth himself had to admit there was absolutely no chance of him ever going to heaven.

"This world Mirron…what can you tell me about it so like I have the general idea of what it is like before you send me there? " Parth questioned curiously.

"To put it in layman's terms, Mirron is a world of pure fantasy like those described in your planet's fictional books, however this is reality! And unlike on Earth…humans are not the only intelligent species on Mirron. "

"There are also plenty of monster-like beasts, demons and other strange beings that co-exist along with humans. That being said, I am sure you will find the world to your liking as it is very game-like with people and monster's strengths being determined by their level, stats and skills. "

'Hmm…From what she has said so far it seems this world really is almost like a fantasy novel or RPG. I'm guessing by the 'intelligent species' she referred to a moment ago, she was talking about the infamous elves and dwarves…probably. '

'She also mentioned demons and according to my otaku knowledge, if there are demons in that world then I would be willing to bet my lif...soul that it is anything but peaceful. Co-existing, my venom filled ass! With that been said, this world does seem very game like and if I'm not wrong then there should also be the legendary 'MAGIC'…Right? '

"All right I get the basic idea of what Mirron is like now, although it's just the basics it seems good enough for now. " So he says while stretching his ethereal limbs as if they were made of rubber.

"Hmmm" Replies the goddess.

"Hmmm" Repeats Parth.

For a few seconds there is a slight awkwardness in the air between them. Diana, who's cheeks adopted a pinkish red color ultimately decided to be the first one to speak up this time around.

"Do you have any other questions about Mirron that you would like to ask? " She asks confidently with her chest held high and arms crossed below them, giving a bounce to her massive blossom.

"Uhmm…no…I guess…"

"…I…understand…Then before I move your soul over, you may ask for any 3 skills that you want and I shall bestow them on to you. "

'Skills uh…I guess this could be one of the most epic moments of my life so far. Hmmm…what to choose, what to choose. Being able to fly would be nice especially to escape from a dangerous situation, also having a fire ability would also have it's uses too considering how OP fire type magic is in anime. Necromancy is also not a bad idea, I could just become the next 'Ainz Ooal Gown' . So many options to decide from. '

Taking his sweet time, Parth had thought of every and any anime he could think of trying to remember any broken or over-powered skills. He even went as far as to quickly browse through all the manga and light novels he had ever read just to be extra sure he didn't miss any epic skill that he would regret not choosing later on when he so desperately needs it.

After what felt like an eternity to Diana, Parth had finally decided on which 3 skills he had wanted.

Firstly he asked for a regeneration skill that acted without him needing to activate it, a lightning attribute attack skill and 1 more skill. He had chosen regeneration to help him whenever he was injured and could not heal himself in time, and also it would be the deciding factor if he were to go up against someone of equal strength or even someone much stronger. As for why he had chosen a lightning skill, he just felt that it would have endless possibilities.

"If these are your choices then I shall grant them. "

Diana closed her eyes for just over a second as a warm yellowish glow covered Parth's body for just a brief moment of time before returning to normal.

"I have also gave you a language skill, a personal status and an item-box. In your item-box I have placed some items which you may find of use when you arrive on Mirron. Now then, Brace yourself as I will begin your transmigration to a random place on Mirron. " She said while giving him a sly wink.

Before Parth could even react, his surroundings had already changed from complete and utter darkness to a now vast open ocean blue sky that stretched on for eons. Unfortunately Parth had no time to take in the scenery as he now found himself plummeting to the ground at an alarming rate.

His descent to the ground kept increasing at an astonishing speed to the point where his face began feeling like elastic. The free falling man had tried all manners of stopping his descent, from flapping his arms like a deranged bird without feathers to even praying to that 'so called goddess' but all to no avail.

Halo_x here -

So...A mystery third skill...

I wonder what it could be...any guesses

Halo_xcreators' thoughts