
Chained Author's Transmigration

'I've always felt alone my whole life. I don't know if I like or if its because I’m used to it, but I know this' Being alone your whole life, changes you. Larian never had life an easy. Rejected by the people around him, he had legs crushed in an accident and lives in his Dad's place in his late 20s. He only had had one thing going for him. A novel that started as a diary for therapy, he pours his emotions into a fantasy world where Larian throws shit at his Main character. Transmigrated into his novel how is he going to survive all the odds he placed against himself? Author's note: Chain here has nothing to do with getting chained up(No BDSM). MC is not really an renowned author, but a person who was encouraged to write his feelings out like a patient dairy. The world he has written is a reflection of his own turmoil, so there is a lot of uncertainty in the area's MC has not written about.

WrittingCabbage · Fantasie
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45 Chs


Walking past the red bridge to cross the moat, Larian stood in front of the gate of the Castle

'Master Shiro, the grace you showed to me when I was in my darkest times. I respect your choice in not involving me with your past, but as your sole student who will always look up to you. I will never forgive the disrespect your people have done to you.'

A warrior that wore black armor over a white linen shirt held his blade with one arm and pushed Larian with his other. His clothes had a pale blue flower stitched on its sides

"Halt! This is the Shinon Castle, state your business or get out, wanderer!"

Larian, whose heart was about to burst from anger, pulled out his blade still in its scabbard.

'Since they are all people of your hometown I won't kill them. But that doesn't mean I won't break a few bones.'

Swinging at a speed that his opponent couldn't react to, Larian smashed the scabbard onto the neck of the warrior.


The warrior's bones produced a crisp crack which almost frightened his companion.

"Stop! Put your weapons down. Help! There's an intruder by the gates!"

The warrior understood the most important aspect when getting attacked, he didn't counterattack Larian recklessly but immediately called for help.

Larian slashed down on the fellow, but he had drawn his blade and twisted his blade so Larian's blade would slide to the side.

This was obviously Shinki Style. But the samurai's blade which was supposed to counterattack Larian didn't come.

The warrior's arm was shaking from the impact even though he had successfully deflected Larian's strike.

Larian only used the original strength of his human body.

Considering Larian had trained through 9 cycles, he has gained 10 man's worth of strength in his time travelling.

Of course, Larian had pushed himself past many boundaries while he was suppressed in Selarian Academy, so his base strength was much higher than he thought.

But the warrior of a renowned sect of the Snow Flower wasn't weak either. He quickly executed Shinki Style and his blade radiated a light blue color like Snow Flowers.

Facing the blade Larian ducked under the arc of the swing. But the blade twisted and came slicing downwards unto his head.

The clean strike hit nothing as Larian's figure burst into a pale luminescent mirage that faded quickly.

'Illusory steps are working fine against human eyes.'

Putting strength into his steps, Larian dashed right into the warrior and bashed him into the gates, directly knocking him out. The warrior's blade had neatly stabbed into Larian's armpit but didn't pierce his armor.

Larian was surprised by the quick reactions of the samurai who would sacrifice his defenses to try and land a lethal hit on his enemy.

The two guards by the gates were subdued but there was more to come as the noise had attracted the attention of the entire castle.

Peeling the blade off his armour Larian stood in front of the gate. There were twin wooden doors that were locked by a plank on the other side, it reached around 3 stories high.

Larian grabbed one of the soldier's katanas and stabbed it deep into the gate. Holding the blade as leverage, Larian swung over the gate like an acrobat. Except his form was not as elegant or graceful.

Standing in the castle grounds Larian saw the banners which were hung on the walls. There were flags of multiple flowers.

There were the Pale Blue Snow Flowers, Pink Sakura Flowers, White Yuki Flowers and the Orange Rowan Flowers.

These were the four clans that have lived in the Forgotten Isles for the past decade. Among them, the Snow Flower banner stood the highest to symbolise their divine right to the throne.

From afar, bells could be heard being rung.

'That must be the alarm, I have to hurry.'

Larian dashed through the courtyard and into the castle's entrance.

"The intruder is here! Get him!"

Warriors were gathering by the base of the castle. Before they formed up and started to rush to Larian, Larian shot his rope up into the tiled roofs of the balconies of the castle..

He pulled the rope and rappelled himself up several floors. The guards from the ground floor looked in bewilderment as Larian kept going up.

"Quick! Inform the Elders, the clan council will be interrupted by that man!"

Reaching the different floors Larian could see stores of food and weapons in them.

'The castle is so tall. I'm already at the 10th floor, and i'm only halfway to the top. There is where I can find the biggest person in the castle. I can feel it.'

Larian felt a strong mix of energies surging in the top of the castle. The magic that was radiating out was something Larian only felt from his master.

'Shinon, it's her.'

When Larian reached the top floor he didn't directly enter. Hanging by the balcony, he peeked into the room. The room was open on 3 sides. It was like there were 3 balconies all around and Larian was just hanging from one of them.

The wood floors were covered with straw mats that had been woven beautifully and there was a low fence on the ledge.

The only thing holding the roof was the four corners where numerous decorations were being hung.

This room gave a beautiful view of the mountains that stretch across the Isles

Pulling himself slightly higher, Larian managed to eavesdrop on the people that had gathered.

"Your Grace. Selarian is indebted to us, this is the greatest time for your Divine Kingdom to expand and migrate back into the mainland!"

An elderly man who wore a white robe and tied his grey hair into a bun was prostrating on the ground in front of a woman.

The woman Larian recognized as Shinon, the current Queen of the Isles who was also known as Heroine of the Blade to the people of Trier.

She wore a purple robe etched in gold. To her sides were two much younger men who were considered very handsome by Larian's standards.

One was fanning the Queen with a large golden leaf, while the other poured a silky red liquid into the golden chalice of the Queen.

Everything gold around the Queen were engraved with gems and crystals.

Shinon, who was drinking from the cup, had a lackluster expression on her face. Her hair was black despite her old age

'She must be concerned for appearances despite her age. I can see the heavy makeup she puts on to cover the wrinkles that showed her age.'

Slouched on the cushioned throne, she waved away the elder.

"I tire of your talk about conquest. Your trip has been meaningless, send yourselves off."

In the corner of the room a man wearing a beret was painting the queen on a wipe canvas. He moved in an exaggerated manner.

Behind the elder, young man and woman were wearing robes with different symbols, each representing the different clans. There were at least 20 people prostrating behind the elder.

Larian could infer that today might have been a special day for the people of the Isle's.

'It might be an important day for you guys, but It's an even greater day for me.'

Larian pulled himself up from the balcony and leaped into the room.