
Celestial Threads: Reborn Alchemist

In a world where cultivation reigns and celestial energies intertwine, Dr. Adrian Chen, a brilliant scientist, meets an untimely end during a groundbreaking experiment. Unexpectedly, he awakens in the frail body of a 15-year-old orphan named Liang Fei, armed with a mysterious space manipulation system. As Liang Fei navigates the treacherous path of cultivation, he discovers the secrets of his celestial origins and the dormant power within. Fueled by the desire to unravel the mysteries of his past, he embarks on a journey to ascend the celestial ranks. With each chapter, *Celestial Threads: Reborn Alchemist* weaves a tale of love, sacrifice, and celestial wonders, unraveling the profound connections between science and magic. The protagonist's journey transcends realms, exploring the boundaries of space manipulation, all while concealing the true origins of his reincarnation. Will Liang Fei conquer the celestial realms and unlock the ultimate power, or will the threads of destiny lead him astray?

Ay_Rotimi_6848 · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: *The Fragile Threads of Destiny*

The scent of charred metal lingered in the air as I slowly opened my eyes to an unfamiliar sight. A dilapidated room, dimly lit by the flickering flames of a candle, greeted me. My surroundings were foreign, as if plucked from the depths of a forgotten dream.

I tried to sit up, only to feel the weakness in my limbs. Panic gripped me as I surveyed my own hands, now small and fragile. A wave of confusion washed over me, realizing I was no longer in my own body.

A creaking sound drew my attention to the wooden door, which swung open slowly. A middle-aged woman with kind eyes entered, her worn clothes hinting at a life of hardship. "Liang Fei, you're awake," she said, relief washing over her face. "How are you feeling?"

My tongue felt heavy as I struggled to form words. "Where am I? Who am I?" The questions tumbled out, echoing my disorientation.

The woman sighed, a mixture of pity and understanding in her gaze. "You're in the orphanage, child. You don't remember, do you? You've been here since you were a baby."

Orphanage? Memories of a lab, a daring experiment, and an explosion flooded my mind. Dr. Adrian Chen – that was who I used to be. But now, I was Liang Fei, a 15-year-old orphan with no recollection of my past.

Days turned into nights, each one bringing new discoveries about my newfound life. I learned to navigate the dynamics of the orphanage, forming tentative bonds with other children who shared my fate. The creaky wooden floor and the distant sounds of the bustling city outside became the backdrop of my existence.

The woman who first greeted me, Mrs. Zhou, became my surrogate mother. She guided me through the routines of the orphanage, teaching me to mend my own clothes and scold me gently when I tried to sneak extra portions of food. It was a life vastly different from the sterile labs I once called home.

As I adjusted to this simpler existence, a sense of gratitude and belonging blossomed within me. The fragility of life and the uncertainty of my past lingered, but the camaraderie of the orphanage offered solace. Little did I know that this seemingly ordinary beginning was just the first thread in a tapestry woven with celestial mysteries and the secrets of a world waiting to be unveiled.