
Catastrophic Cultivation!

Clint, a man who chose a heroic sacrifice, came to a Cultivation world only to find out... He wasn't alone! Not only that but he has a massive golden thigh to hug right there! Not a FF... But they get powers from anime and comics so I wasn't too sure about that. Anyway, nothing too serious, just enjoy it.

AgentMonke · Bücher und Literatur
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71 Chs

A Role Model for Generations to come

Mu Yu squatted over him, pinching his nose and covering his mouth as she said, "The cultivation world sure is magical." she sighed in wonder as Jin Wu struggled on the ground, not able to breathe.

He wrestled himself free and sat up, hissing, "Are you trying to kill me, bitch!" Mu Yu sneered and opened her mouth, but Jin Wu tackled her and they rolled around on the roof, falling off and hitting the ground at the bottom.

Jin Wei turned to Liu Ying and asked with doubt, "But Mother, the Cultivation Technique that little Wu gave us has more Stages than what you said." Liu Ying sighed and smiled proudly, "That's because your brother is a super genius in Cultivation Techniques. Any of these techniques or anything in the library would set off a blood storm across the entire Upper World! Everything focuses on laying more and more foundation one after the other."

She waved her finger, smiling sweetly, "This way, you'll be much stronger than anyone else at the same realm! Compared to those so-called Geniuses in the Upper World, your brother is the best I've ever seen. Just from the technique alone, I can tell that there's more to the technique after the Sage Realm…"

She touched her lips and smiled slightly, "Judging from the Upper World and Lower World… Who's to say that there isn't a World above that?" Jin Wei's eyes lit up brightly and continued to ask Liu Ying dozens of questions.

This was crucial to her future empire!


Jin Wu and Mu Yu got up from the ground.

Jin Wu dusted himself off as Mu Yu got serious, asking "Is he really going to be alright?" Jin Wu raised his brows and looked at her, asking, "Are you really concerned?" Mu Yu hesitated slightly, Jin Wu grabbed her hand, pulling her to the sidewalk.

He held her hand tightly, sighing, "I didn't think… Um… I'm sorry." Mu Yu looked at him in confusion, "You're going to flip flop between crazy and serious just like this?" Jin Wu sighed to himself.

He looked up at the Annihilator before shaking his head, turning back as he replied, "It's not a sudden change… I can only cope with this new world like this. Everything is fun and games but there's still real people and real events that could kill both of us just like that. My carelessness is me coping with this whole situation and world…"

He squeezed her hand tightly as he frowned, "Really… I don't want to die." Mu Yu pulled his hand and he looked at her as she smiled, "Me neither." Jin Wu smiled slightly as she continued, sighing as she looked at the sky, "Not even about a family that I don't have back on Earth…"

She fell silent for a moment before smiling miserably, "What is there to go back to? I was just a bartender going through the motions. I gave up on my dreams a long time ago, there's nothing left for me back there…" she waved her free hand in the air, "Here, I can have anything I want! Yeah, it's dangerous, but at least I can do what I want and have fun on the way."

She turned to him, smiling freely, "Isn't that better than wading through life aimlessly?" Jin Wu looked at her free and easy expression, feeling his heart beating loudly. He blushed and turned away, smiling to himself, "Yeah…"

Mu Yu pursed her lips and leaned on him, whispering "Plus… I have so much more in this life." they looked at each other and smiled, Jin Wu coughed and said seriously, "You have something on…" he tapped his face and she blushed, rolling her eyes, "If you want to do it, just do it! You're using these shitty pick up lines on me?"

Jin Wu grit his teeth, "I hate you!" before pulling her in and kissing her lips, Mu Yu closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck, slipping her tongue into his mouth.

Jin Wu was startled but he wasn't a virgin, how could he be stunned like a Chinese MC? He immediately fought back intensely.

After a minute, they separated, breathing heavily.

Mu Yu smiled happily and Jin Wu laughed, pulling her waist, completely changing from the shyness before, "Now you're mine." Mu Yu snorted and glared at him, "Who's yours?! Do you think that this is really a Chinese novel???"

Jin Wu frowned and shouted loudly, "Nonsense! My woman is my woman! Anyone who looks at my woman will have their 18 generations eradicated!" Mu Yu burst out laughing as Jin Wu smiled, pinching her nose.

Suddenly, Jin Wu said "Let's get married." Mu Yu froze and sneered at him, "Relax, cowboy. Did you even propose? Where's my ring? Do you have the finances? A stable job? Plus, we only started dating now. From start to finish, we've known each other for a year at most."

Jin Wu looked at her and sneered, "Oh? Are you going to break up with me? Who else are you going to find? Who is better than me? I might be coping but finding someone better than me is impossible. In this life, you can only be with me!" Mu Yu paused and looked at his arrogant face, her lips twitched.

But she didn't deny what he said!

It was true.

Mu Yu rubbed her chin and they walked around the city. She didn't speak and Jin Wu looked at the roads, seeing carriages go by.

He frowned slightly as the horse drawn carriages passed by. People walked on the roads, sweeping up the shit from the horses, keeping the roads clean, but Jin Wu wasn't satisfied with this…

Golden Willow City wasn't big enough to be called a 'City' in Jin Wu's point of view. It was more like a Town.

Not to mention, in the Cultivation world, there were clans.

How can you have a City with Clans.

Jin Wu had never been to China, maybe this was normal there, but in the real world there were no clans. The closest thing was a Kingdom with Generals that rules over lands, but what sort of idiotic King kept his generals so close to him?

If they rebelled, he was finished.

No, this needed to be changed.

The majority of the wealth can't be spread among a few clans.

Jin Wu turned around and walked through the alleys, pulling Mu Yu along with him. She was still lost in her thoughts as Jin Wu traveled into the slums.

Why is there slums?

What a stupid question!

There will always be a wealth gap between people. While Jin Wu wasn't a master of finance, he could understand this truth. It was impossible for everyone to be equal, life wasn't fair. Making everyone equal would be punishing the people who worked hard to benefit those who did nothing.

The only people who shout for equality and fairness are the people who refuse to work hard. Like those damn immigrants.

Jin Wu's face was gloomy thinking about this, if they didn't want to work, then get the hell out of Golden Willow City!

You don't make me money, why are you here?

Jin Wu entered the slums and saw all sorts of scenes. People robbing people who had nothing, brothels and prostitutes everywhere, children begging for money, murder in the streets…

Jin Wu rubbed his forehead as he took all of this in. He didn't consider himself a saint, but he definitely wasn't a bad person! He considered himself to be a model citizen that everyone strived to be like!

That's why…

Jin Wu clapped his hands and made a loud sound, attracting the attention of everyone.

They all looked at him as Jin Wu smiled gently, "Hello everyone! I'm the Young City Lord, Jin Wu. Yes, yes. How amazing. Etcetera. I have good news! If you can't contribute to Golden Willow City, you can try your luck at surviving outside the city walls! Isn't that amazing?"

The slum people paled and pleaded, "Lord! But… we can't-" Jin Wu roared, "Enough!" They all shivered as he smiled, "Can't. Words have power. All you people do is complain about how sad your life is, cursing at the clouds because you're unlucky. I can't. It's impossible. It'll never happen."

He clicked his tongue, "Tsk~ Tsk~ Negative, negative. You all live in negativity all day long, of course you can't do anything useful. You've already given up hope. Think about this; Everyday you wake up, say that today is a new day. Today you'll get off your lazy ass and do something to contribute to society. Look at the children that you keep having despite having no ability to take care of them and say I want to give this little bastard a better life."

Jin Wu smiled and clapped his hands, looking at all the gutter rats, "I'm not going to lie to you. You have two choices now. Option 1; You stop leeching and do something with your lives. Option 2; you get out of the city and find a nice wolf to deliver a free meal."

He smiled happily, "The free ride ends today. Golden Willow City no longer requires your imaginary patronage. Of course, the children are innocent. Because you're all scum and I'm a good person, I will buy your children off you."

The adults in the slums had their eyes light up, anything to avoid working!

Jin Wu sneered at them as Mu Yu sighed lightly.

Jin Wu pinched the air and 5 Gold Coins appeared, "5 Gold Coins for 1 Child. 15 and Under only, babies are acceptable as well. After selling your child like a good degenerate, get the fuck out of my city."

The People in the Slums rushed over like Hyenas, dragging along all their children, even snatching children from other people.

Jin Wu watched all this with a ferocious grin, care for these people? He wasn't the virgin mary. He was a cold blooded capitalist. He was a mechanic before, how many people had been scammed from top to bottom?

He lost count.

This wasn't San Francisco. Nobody's fighting for homeless garbage.

Plus… Hehe~ Nobody in the Cultivation World had ever heard of Pyrite…

A.K.A: Fool's Gold.

5 Gold Coins for a Child?

What a joke!

The only regret was that he couldn't see the despair on these degenerates' faces when they realize they compromised on Human ethics for nothing.
