
Catastrophic Cultivation!

Clint, a man who chose a heroic sacrifice, came to a Cultivation world only to find out... He wasn't alone! Not only that but he has a massive golden thigh to hug right there! Not a FF... But they get powers from anime and comics so I wasn't too sure about that. Anyway, nothing too serious, just enjoy it.

AgentMonke · Book&Literature
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71 Chs

Blood Star Army

A while later

Jin Wu led a large group of over 200 Children ranging from 15 to Babies back to the City Lord's Mansion.

He and Mu Yu had visited all the Slum areas and evicted them all after buying their children. There was not a since one that refused to sell their child for money, no matter how much the child begged.

To make matters worse, there were children who were already alone and even came to sell themselves.

Jin Wu had nothing to say about this. This world was cruel. You didn't get to complain online about unfairness if you were weak. Nobody would care about you even if there were hundreds of millions of people complaining with you.

The only reason Jin Wu took in these children was to inject fresh blood into the City Guard's Squad as well as evacuate all the leeches.

The slums took up some room in the city… Space that could be making money!

Can't have that!

Goodbye slums!

Mu Yu sighed as she looked at the children. Not all of them were happy, many were crying and angry. However some of them were ecstatic, cheering and crying tears of joy.

This is the harsh reality.

In the eyes of some of these children… Their parents were worthless, they couldn't even afford to have a piece of bread once a week. They were starving and lifeless.

In some of their eyes, Jin Wu was a devil. In others, he was a savior.

The attitude of the children was mixed.

The people on the street looked at the children with bewildered expressions, muttering amongst themselves.

They were confused, what was the Young City Lord doing with all these children?

Jin Wu brought all the children to the City Lord Mansion, taking them to his residence.

He pointed at the grass, saying "Sit." the children sat down, some of them holding babies. Hundreds of pairs of eyes looked at Jin Wu, all shapes and sizes, boys, girls, babies…

He smiled and clapped his hands, "This is the start of your new life. Congratulations, you were sold by your parents for fake money. They will all die eventually, however you lived." The children had various responses to this, but Jin Wu didn't care.

Mu Yu sighed and rubbed her forehead, walking away, saying "I'll get someone to clean them up." Jin Wu nodded and looked at them, smiling "Now, down to business. If you don't want the opportunity to change your entire life for the better, no problem! I will personally send you out of the city and leave you there."

He nodded and clapped, "You'll get nothing and have to survive on your own. As for whether you hate me, love me, etc. I actually don't care! The only way to change your fate is through me, right here, right now. If you want to take revenge in the future, by all means! God bless your journey."

He waved his finger and looked at the children, "As for those of you who want to grasp this opportunity… You will be clothed, fed, and trained. In exchange for me keeping you alive, you'll serve as the City Guard and future army of Golden Willow City."

He walked around the children, "Your qualifications, spirit roots, intelligence… None of that matters at all. Talent can be changed, Spirit roots can be grown, intelligence is not needed. All you need is will and determination. Do you want to beg at the bottom of society for the rest of your lives? Do you want to crawl on the ground and lick the boot of any passerby? Do you want to be worthless garbage for the rest of your lives?"

The children all looked at him with wide eyes, Jin Wu looked down at them all, smiling widely, "You have no worth other than what I give you. You can climb to the sky or stay where you are, eating shit and smiling gratefully. The city will be ushering in changes for its entire existence until it either becomes a World Shaking Empire or gets destroyed to dust without a single living soul in it."

He held his hands behind his back, "So what's it gonna be? Are you satisfied with starving? Or do you want to change your life?" he sneered sarcastically, "Do you want to end up like your worthless parents, or make your lives meaningful. Instead of throwing away your dignity, you can grab it tightly and smash everything in front of you to pieces. Instead of selling your body to every scumbag that asks, you can become a warrior that cuts down everything in your path."

He nodded at their wide eyes and said finally, "Those who want to be someone, stand up tall with a straight back. Those who want to continue being garbage, stay seated and wallow in your self-pity like the garbage you are!"

All the children stood up, glaring at Jin Wu with fierce eyes, their fists tightly clenched and their spirits flaring wildly like a raging flame.

Jin Wu's eyes lit up, and he clapped, "Good! I didn't see you all wrongly! If you can't handle harsh truths, what the fuck are you doing becoming an iron-blooded warrior? Who are the 5 oldest? Step forward."

The children looked at each other before 5 children stepped forward.

3 boys and 2 girls.

The 2 girls were even holding babies that had been sold.

Jin Wu looked at them and said, "You 5 will be the leaders of the rest of the children." he scanned them and waved, "Whatever names you had before, forget them. Your former degenerate companions aren't worthy to name my Generals!"

He pointed at them, "From now on, you'll be named; Bear, Bull, Tiger, Crane, and Ferret." the children nodded, "Yes." Jin Wu clapped and smiled, "Good. Don't ever forget who changed your life. Without me, you'd all have been nothing. From today on, your names will make all enemies tremble!"

He held his finger up, his eyes deepening as he formulated the best Regulated Army Techniques.

His finger burst into a blindingly bright white light as he grinned, "Welcome to the Blood Star Army." before pointing out.

The white light burst into countless tendrils, drilling into all the children and babies' foreheads.

They all had one new thing in their minds.

[Bloody Star Killing Art]

Jin Wu looked at all the children and nodded to himself, there should be standard fighting techniques for the army too, right? He rubbed his chin, thinking about it.

First of all, 6 Powers are a must.

They're too OP.

Jin Wu thought hard and created a new technique, pointing out at the children again. This way they can stabilize their foundations and train their fighting skills. He even added the 8 Gates into the technique, as well as all sorts of fighting techniques relating to the body.

There were movement techniques, fist techniques, palm techniques, finger techniques, leg techniques, etc.

In the end, it all came into one technique.

[Starry Killer Technique]