
Cat Got Your Tongue?

Catherine is an everyday teenager with an everyday teenage life. But there's two problems; 1. She has Selective Mutism 2. She's an orphan that lives with her alcoholic aunt. Unexpectedly, her aunt can't afford the school Catherine is in so she moves her to a different school. Guy, the school heartbreaker notices her silence and tries to make her speak. He doesn't listen when she tries to explain her anxiety disorder and continues to pick on her. Making her even more uncomfortable around him. Will Guy figure out about her anxiety disorder or will he continue to annoy her in hopes to make her speak?

FeLiCiA · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
3 Chs

An Angel

'Cat,' My best friend Alexa said over the phone, 'Where are you? I've been waiting outside for 30 min!'

'Geez, I'm coming.' I ended the call and put my phone inside my bag.

Alexa can be overdramatic sometimes. I usually make her wait for me for one hour., thirty minutes is nothing. I grabbed my notebook and ripped a page out then quickly scribbled a goodbye to my aunt, Lizzie.

I ran downstairs, place the note on the table and step out of the house. Sighing, I ignored Alexa's glare and sat down in the passenger seat.

'You can be angry at me later, I don't want to be late so drive, please.'

She looked at me for one-second longer before she began to drive. After a few minutes of silence, we arrived. The school looked big from afar but as we got closer it looked decent sized.

'This is where we awkwardly hug and I hope you're not mad at me anymore.' I smiled.

She tried to keep a straight face but eventually burst out laughing. Works every time.

'You should be glad that I love you. My younger brother would not get the same reaction.' She hugged me tightly.

'Don't mention Matt,' I groaned as I remembered the day when he tried to kiss me.

'He's young and in love.' Alexa chuckled.

'He's eight. EIGHT.' With one last hug, I walked into the building, gripping my notebook as though my life depended on it.

It kind of did, without that notebook, no one would be able to communicate with me.

Unless Alexa would love to be my translator.

I giggled absent-mindedly, not paying attention to where I was going. Till I hit someone and fell backward. A hand helped me up and I found myself looking at an Angel.

An Angel named Guy.