
New Girl.

'You alright?' Guy asked.

I nodded.

'You're the new Girl right? Your name is..?'

I found a pen in my pocket and scribbled my name on a page of my notebook.

'Catherine. I'll call you Cat. Nice to meet you I'm-'

I wrote his name and showed him.

'Wow, how'd you know? I am pretty popular so I guess you would kno-'

I pointed to his forehead and wrote "There's also a peni-" but he was gone before I could finish.

As he walked away, I saw a "Kick Me" sign on his back. I laughed and started walking towards a group of people, hoping they could tell me where the principal's office is.

Unfortunately, everyone looked at me like I was a weirdo when I started writing down a question and walked away. Soon enough, the hallway became deserted and I was still lost.

I took a deep breath and knocked on every door in the hallway until I finally found the right one.

The embarrassment.

An elderly man smiled when he saw me and stood up from his seat to shake my hand.

'Miss Catherine, what a pleasure to meet you at last.'

I was about to write a response when he continued.

'I hope everyone has been treating you well.'

I thought about this morning's event but nodded anyway.

'Good good, here is your timetable,' he passed me a piece of paper, 'and your locker combination.'

I smiled in thanks and was about to leave when he spoke.

'And don't worry about being absent for your first class. I'll make sure to explain what happened to your teacher.'

I nodded and left with a smile on my face. There was a few minutes until my next class so I gave myself a tour of the school and found my locker.

The principal was really kind, I thought, hopefully everyone is like that and this morning was just a misunderstanding.