Daniel Belvedere sits on the balcony of his luxurious Penthouse, fiddling with the cell phone in his hand. The cold wind of early winter caressed his cheeks. He looked up at the more transparent sky tonight. Although there are not many stars, Delilah's voice and the night's view can make him raise his sincere smile for more.
The joy of falling in love, which he had not felt for a long time, is now back in his heart. Moreover, he will turn 34 years and two months away, and finding love might be one of his goals now.
Suddenly, there was a crack sound at the bedroom door. Daniel tilted his head slightly to see who was coming. He took a deep breath before getting up from his couch. He was getting tired of his secret relationship with Nicole Schurman.
Nicole came inside with a sexy dinner dress. She took off her coat and threw it on the couch of Daniel's room. Daniel closed the balcony door and walked over to Nicole, smirking seductively.