
Heart's Missing Parts

"Thanks I'd love the company" She said I as I proposed to come along, and so I grabbed one of the baskets and I walked with cherry to the outside of the gates, I cover my eyes at the brightness that the sun gave, the skies were clear but the cold breeze made the area warm, As I look down I see Cherry already ahead of me holding her hand out, this day seems perfect for a date but thats not why we're out the cave, I caught up with her hand and as soon as I walked beside her we immediately let go of each other's hand and we chatted until we arrived to the village.

She seemed aware of the right people to barter with, they consisted of people from all ages, even when the prices seemed to high she bought because those specific merchants weren't scamming rather they depended on people like her, though there is one merchant that she treated like a parently figure:

we approach a stand that seemed plentiful in ingredients that cherry used, I expected for us to buy them but I see cherry rush to the merchant's house knocking on it, "Grandma Luculia!" cherry yelled as I watched from behind her, there were no answer for a while so I open my mouth wanting to say that there were no answer but was corrected the moment I heard the door creak open, "Oh! Cherry, come on in" The old lady spoke slowly and were easily out of breath, I easily notice that there were no other person inside, the more I stared at the old lady the more my heart felt pained, the old lady greeted me as well "Oh are you with her?" I snap back to reality and I give a nod, "Come in as well, I've got bread for everybody" and I did, I went inside to see time freeze before me, as I seemingly teleport back in time to see two figures in golden dust playing around me, Looking at you two I can't help but laugh and smile, Time resumes and I find myself sitting down beside cherry,I stand up and help the old lady carry the plates to the table, "Thank you child" she said in response eventually sitting down in a rocking chair, as cherry and I ate and chatted with each other the old lady then weakly chuckles, "Looking at you two I can't help but laugh and smile" I paused as those were my exact thoughts from earlier, "What do you mean?" I hear it coming from cherry, the old lady responds very weakly "You remind me of two of my grand kids that always wanted to visit" My god no wonder its so painful to be here, the joy that covered these walls that turned to an emptiness that permeated the room, I wanted to respond but she had already fallen asleep in her rocking chair, I then hear a heart crumbling sigh from cherry as she walked over to her and wrapped the old lady in a cloth, "Its sad isn't it?" Cherry asked me, I wanted to confirm so I asked "What is?" Cherry walked over to sit beside me while looking over luculia, "Her grand children don't visit anymore, she's almost blind and has memory loss, once she thought I were one of her grand kids and it opened my eye to her loneliness" I empathize with cherry, she pulls on my arm saying: "Time to go" I look back at luculia, it felt difficult to let her go now given the small amount of time she had left, I want to fill the gap in her heart, its an unknown sense of duty that I have to fulfill one day, we left the house after that returning to the guild.