
Can A Background Character Like Me Really Be Of THAT MUCH WORTH?!!!

Look at yourself first. Think about that time, that part of your life where it feels like nothing is going according to your way, nothing is moving according how you want to and everything is just...stagnant. We're the same in that aspect. With the only difference between us being that for you, its just a past, it's a memory and for me, it's not just my past but also my present and also my future. No matter how hard I try to break the chains that bind me, the same reality keeps playing back and forth in front of my eyes. With the only noticable changes about me being my age. People say the world holds the answers to all our mysteries and questions. But I just want to ask only this single question? "Can A Background Character Like Me Really Be Of That Much?" No matter what I do, I always find myself in the position of a background character, which made me to start acting that way. Will my life really ever change? NB: The cover doesn't belong to me and all copyrights reserved for the respective owners. -No NTR! -No Yuri!

Lyriryl · Urban
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42 Chs


As promised to absolutely no one in particular, starting from now, I'll be an early bird.

Not because I want to, but it's the first step of getting better.



Punctuality is the basis of success.

Failure of punctuality will always lead to a loss of something, no matter how minor it is.

Hopefully, by doing so will I be able to find out about where I can shine the brightest.

I just do not want to remain talentless forever.

There has to be at least something I am good at.

I need to find my purpose in which I was created to exist.

And I can't decide to change all that if I come late to school just because of some girl.

Its just too immature and childish.

I have to start by being diligent.

Also, I promised Momorioka-sensei to do better and handle myself well. I cannot afford to disappoint her any more than I already have.

I opened the door to my class and I made sure to check whether there were some people or maybe a particular person in question.

The moment I realized I was alone, I felt relieved to be honest.

Like another burden had been removed off my chest.

As for today I want to do something I never thought I would do seriously.

I am going to study!





Its not like I don't but I haven't taken it seriously.

Due to my prior limerence where I could no longer function normally, my academic records have plummeted the furthest, I need to catch up as soon as possible.

Plus, if my father heard of this, he will outright kill me!

"Weird. You are early today as well." She said as she approached me.

Just my luck.

If I have to choose between what I'm holding right now and a girl to give attention to, it would definitely be what I am holding.


"What are you doing?"


"Are you sure you should be ignoring me?"

"Shut up. You are breaking my focus. I need to study. Find something else to do."

"Oh my god! You are really studying? Is this for real?"

Nah, never mind.


Then she…

"If you sit on my desk, I swear I'll stab you." I told her with my menacing clutch pencil in hand its end shining menacingly bright and I don't know where the light for that reflection came from.

"You sure you up for that?"

"Just go ahead and try."


She thinks I'm not going to do it.

Today is different from yesterday.

No more funny tricks.

Does she think she can bully me because I cannot raise my hand against a girl?

Well, she is in for a lot of surprise.

Hands off to her upcoming despair!

Then she did it.

She sat on my books!

Sakurai Arts: First Form:

You know what, this is stupid.


Since my clutch was already in anticipation of its other use, I wasted no time as I directed it towards her ass.

But little did I know I was in a hell of a surprise.

She suddenly rotated on my desk without notice, the momentum of her leg colliding with my hand which was in the middle of trying to give her the pain she deserves. But alas, due to the collision, I was off course as my right hand shifted its trajectory, losing the pencil I had in hand as it flew away to my left.

Luckily enough, it missed the window.

Since my momentum was shifted sideways, I started to fall over from my desk on my left.

Without giving me any time to react properly, using her other leg which had hit my pencil away, she used it to stop me from falling over as she put me back in place and encircling her other leg around me, resulting in trapping me between her legs.


This is the worst kind of situation that can happen to me right now!

I have to get out of her legs fast!

With my heart rate starting to increase its pace, I knew that if this lasted long, my emophilia was going to get triggered.

I tried to free my arms which were trapped between her legs before something else happened, and like a devil, she made her grip on me tighter, pulling me closer to her as I hit face first onto her stomach which was like a cushion to the impact!

I was fucked!

As a result, her female body fragrance attacked my nostrils, making me numb and unable to move as I started to suffer from agoraphobia due to being trapped between a girl's legs.

I could not help but feel the softness and warmth of her inner thighs as they hugged me on either sides.


"What are you doing?! Have you no shame doing things like this with a random guy! Let me go!"

"But you're not just any random guy to me."



Why does she have to torture me like this?!

I can't let something like this happen!

So I started struggling as I wanted to wiggle out of her legs as much as possible.




"Stop~! That tickles. You making me feel weird down… there."


She said as she pressed her hands onto my head in order to stop me from wiggling but she didn't realize that she was pressing me onto her more!




"Pweash Ig wegh orgh wou. (Please I beg of you.) Wewigh mmm mow. (Release me now.)"

"Haha. Mmmmh~! Come~. Calm down first. Hahaha. You are tickling my stomach. Ahh~."




Does she have severe brain damage?!

What about this is funny?!

She's moaning whilst pressing my face against her!

No straight guy would be immune to this!


Calm down, me!

What is pi?!

Pi is 3.14159265…

I can't focus at ALL!

I stopped wiggling as it was pointless but instead, fueled this drama which was unfolding right at this very moment.

Just how did this predicament turn out like this?

I was supposed to stab her and hopefully by that, she would stop nagging me since mere words aren't enough for her to understand.

After noticing that I had calmed down and stopped resisting, I raised my head up and stared at her only to be greeted by the two bulges on her chest demarcating her steady development as it heaved up and down.

Her face was a tinge of red and her black shiny hair which was illuminated by the light of dawn, slightly disheveled as those silver eyes stared back at me and the sight was simply too erotic which further instigated my constitution.



The more I stayed in this situation, the less I could control my heart.


If she's really embarrassed, then why did she decide to do this?

In order to save face from me, she started caressing my hair gently in order to hide her shame from me.

"There. There. That's a good boy. At least you finally listened to me for once. If only you aren't so cold to me. I wouldn't have thought of doing something like this."

Despite me knowing what she was attempting to do, those caresses had a huge effect on my body.

The only people I remember ever touching my head were my father and my dear teacher, Momorioka.


This is nice.

I think I'm falling for her again.


I shouldn't think like that!

"Ncaaaw. You look so cute right now I don't want to let you go."

Those last words finally broke my defense for a little bit.


But I managed to revive them again.

No way am I letting myself fall for someone again.

After she was finished relishing her victory over me, she finally let me go.



The situation between us two was so awkward I could die.

After what happened, I could tell my likability towards her spiked uncontrollably.

Which is the reason why I had to get out and calm myself down.

This heat emanating from my body is a bad sign on its own.

Not to mention, this is the girl Mitsuki is head over heels for.

If he asks me that question again, I don't think I would be able to evade it like I did last time.

Why do I have to be so unlucky?

Why is she attacking me like this?

As I was about to head out of the class, she blocked my path as she made the shape of a star with her body glued to the door to prevent me from leaving.

"Where are you going?"

The nerve?!

Can't she have any form of awkwardness toward me.

"Since you stopped me from studying in class, I'm going to study in the library."

"Liar. You are not carrying a single book on you."

Can't believe I failed to notice that.

"Who ever said I am going to read my own books? I am looking for some specific textbooks in there."

"What subject?"

"I don't need to tell you that."

"And I am not going to let you leave."

We'll see about that.

I approached her and then…

"What are you scheming? Hey-."

Before she could do anything, I hugged her in that defenseless state that she was in.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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